p jjjIii ERSONAL... smnrss Mr, Mild Mm. (J. M. Kmiinliy with ' their diiiiKlil'ir KIIziiImiIIi, iiihI Helen Wirt urn nienilliiK tint week m Itftrky Point. II, (J, lllllll.iey, Wild llll lieeil III . it., friiin iimrKU ' i""ii"i i minimi hum in u.rrr l'"1'" '" '"' Kliiiimtli County iiiIIIh, fin Hut C 0fTiPl',.nl.hernfn.',-1" TOiii ,,., ,,,,, 1 t (initially, rcuiiiieu .vinieniiiy eveinni: from MMfonl wlinm lliey have lieeti on comimiiy liiiNliKviN, K. II l.iuvrdiire mill fiimlly of Hint JofO liru illiflllliolille Idlli ImIm Bl(iipliu: fin ii few Imiim In tlni city Mr l.aw ri'MCl) lit III OltlMliHthlle denier In the California rlly llo inailu the trip up thru tlm Hiirriunimlo viillny ami will i;o to C'rnl.'r l.ukn flout here, mill In THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON L I!ciHii rnnipiOiy, Iiiim koiki In Hin Kriinrliirii for a viicallnn (JuorKO Wiillmi uml (' lloyli. of, (hi) California mill Ori'Kon Power MOCK 1L DC UrLNLU WW I PAOK KIVB . i.. i f. a"".";. u In II'" Uirt n "u" II MUII1II" ' ' ' ... WAHIMNHTON. I) (' , Aur I hi' olllrlnl opi'iilni; of the navy ilry link m Pearl llnrhnr, near Hono lulu, llnwiill, Inio thin month, will PIONEER RESIDENT lYork way of thn Ialhmua of Pan- LEAVES RECORD OF ,urnn' ,,ut ln 18C0 lhejr naln ,,ofl,I'',, riAVC IM Mfccnitl A vvcwtwunl, anil crowed the plain, In UA" 'w.mismjula n cnv,t,rnl0 ,lt 7B ngonS( hcr fnthpr HorvlriK n Captain of the train. There MIHHOCI.A, Mont., Aiu; fi. -Hhort- wero hut five women. Of thin trip, ly before her ilcith, here, Mm. Kllwi- Mm. Woody wrete: hnth Countrymiin Woody, who wan "It waa thru the merry of Ood, and .in.! ui inn ix pioneer wiiitu women my Uthor'a bravery. coolncaH and from n Adall Wllfornl.. h linn a' xurtaM "I""1" w . ...... I'nrthiinl C Vww 'mn ""r" fr,,m . .jinn few ,IllH 'I I . nil". I "" t",,, r - - ROUMANIAN TROOPS PLUNDER IN SUBURBS PAHJ8, Auk. fi Ti Ingrains from American offlcere nt Iluilapeist stato that tho Itutnanlan troops upon en tering lludape.st Htartcd plunilei'i.K In suhurhs Fifteen or twen. civil- . HvIiik In MlKHOula. Juno m;n, Jotted Bod ju,lB,nent. that'wo reached our-,1,'n" W0.? "J"" J? V.'" ,loa """V" own ror tiio memhom of her family domination In safety. Tho Indians i "ur,15, "'" " V, -"-M.moof her remlnlArenu-a of the ear-, were had and tho train paed thru ! a f i "." lhrH,,lM,nB ,0 '" 1 day Thene note. have timt lu.ert ' , r. , " hontaH for earn Houmanlan ' '" iiiuiij Minion rii UU'-n. rifimi-iiiiy wif mark tho Hiirremifiil rompletlon of """"' Fu""r- u"' paragrapn reaiin: ' aw nmoulderlnj? heaps of what hart one or thn mirnt dllllrult niiKliieerrhB "My f,,tl'r' "oraco Countryman, hoen lem frrtunato trains than ourn." proJectH ever undertaken hy tho c"r,,'l, "" "wm of runtcr'H mamia-i m fulled Hluti'H Kovernment. Tho lm- "" rl,,lnB day nnil nlisht from Colurn- mm nek rnpn-HCtilH n total Invent- '" "'""'". then Btlllwiiter, to t'OL'.NTKIC 1'KOI'OSALS OIVK.V. mint f morn thin U.000,000, anil """'n". ' "" Ih how It wbh given PARIS, Aur. 5. I)r Karl Rcnner, Boltller that waa killed in Iludapeflt. Home of tho new Hungarian in In Inters were arrested by the local police. Mounted machine guns were demobl-lizctl. Iiiim Ihm'ii under construction for ton '" "'" ttnrld. the wires holiiR down" Austrian Chancellor, announced that cars Becrelnry of the Navy Dan- 'rH '"0,ly was horn In Yuha the Austrian counter proposals to the1 NOT1CK OK MKKTINd. All Itohckahs reipieted to he pre- ll .... .l..i'J lloll'forn,m , , mini IMh. I'ortlnml nml from there I arty fT ... . "'"7 """ UIIIII.V rmif, rn. in ivr , a - .. 1.. -... t h nehekah Hall. Thursday .rlh.C.MoornarrlM'l from I hh ,.m win olllclate at the christening ""ty. California In 18T.J. As an In- peace terms would he handed over to- nlght for nUatn at 8 o'clock, n the trftl" ,'"' "'" m "f ,,ln ,l,,p, H,"M,t AuKUHt 2ntli Tnnt, her parents reluined to New morrow, within the prescribed time. BTEU..A MANC, Noble Grand. ":" nifhij.ii' """' nm hoiii" .m Zonlrh U " " , , in. lun iliijs, en misin"Vi Jiui. tor Crnu.rl.al 'HI -"- M. ,,A Mr. Morllii '- l,r" , , iron. Hound Lake to.t.i) W,.. xiltclipll. f Wllll.uiiH. Cull. " " .llr .. few daH III foroi. ' " I'""' .. .. ...l ..If., urn III m.ixv i:n.iov iiosi'iTAi.riv. Mrs. (1 W Whlli. utilurtalnril d. IlKlitfully jentnnliiy nftnriioiMi at In" hoini) oil Nth Klreet, In honor of Mrs P M WhK. of Marshfleld ipd Mm W. 13. I'atiglit of Modi'sto, Cal Tliim. who 1111 Jo) tut Mm White's htLipllnlltv were, Mm W i: I'auitht. Mrs r M rhltii Mr-. It II Dunbar, Mm C C I Hogiii), Mrs J II. Ilriiltoii, Mm I I' U.inller .Mr. A W. 1'nll Mr. VV A .. .-.. nml wife are III .,. II, ' . iiiiirnll. Mm. lliillllii-er in II I' KUmalh llttnK froui Yrekn, Call- Wll((1IimrKi M H ,; MrirM Mr tonH. .Win. Imninl, .Mm (I A Wlrtr Mn- f . Snow n I" ",tt ,hlH W,,"K (let. CluiMnlli. Mm H T. HuniiiK.r.. .......... .... his iiitich In Hi" 1 ..... ,. on DUivB" ." 111111 .ir ..viiine iiiirn "E'wdMn C W I'ami; ;"; .,, ok'thav, ...nnlnt In (he fit) froi.s ( allfornla Mr ,, MrM MU,U SI,,IH.,, k u)h ,.,wwk, 1'" tltwiiU tliIr khiil friends for serv- , Man(, .i,,,.ly ),y UIII watch the . . i.. i'..iir.. II Kliuity r'" roiidered nt tl'e funeral of our ... . , , , ,,,, Mr.W-l Mm. 'K" ' w"u;,, ,iBhior. June w'k of hi urn of labor and mllllrjns comelnlaa nlitht from llnlr limiiu 111 of llnllHrl, of m,.y crushed Into 11 ( 8uFrncIco. ,rO HAI.I, Ull TKAIir inn 1 ...1,1 hapolcss mass of debris tE.DolM I a city wnnor in.iu The iloik Is lompluleil Just In tlno in mid a iiiiich needed facility for care of the ships of the Pacific llcol Th llrst vuisel to enter the dock will probably he one of the dreadnoughts of Admiral ltmlnuiu's fore, possibly I lm New Mexico The dock Is 1,001 fii'l In length, 12 'i, feet deep, 111 fuet wide at the bottom and HI feet wide at the top It will dock tho largest ship of wir now afloat or con templated Alter the sections of the dock had been finished and were being anchor ed In their places In 19 11. the water ny pumped out, whereupon the hot totn of (tin deck was forced upward by prvMiuro from the sides, and tho engineers aiiil workmen were forced ion aged ewits (iood condition . ..1... ..in 1... I.r.. fur,""'" "r irain- mr cnuie mix 1,11 W macaw". -.." jrlll. Or i riort II- Hf.M'l Mrs. V w I'linnry iroin fblciio ars upending a rt vaca Oon In th county C. P. Stone ban K"!i l Portland lor few ily, to look after seeral boilnws mutters. Jiidie Conn of l.nkevlcw Is holil'iir fcart Jbli wi'k In (lie almoncn or Jcdte I). V Kuykeiiilnll Luther llolbrook was In town yes tnly from Hi much near Mull 11 looklnf after hiinliicss mutters MI11 Kthel Sly. who has ben hero Tfilllnj her nUtcr. Mm W I) Miller. ltd for her home this iiiornln, T. .V. Cunningham spent )i'stenlny In the city purclnslng supplies f" tlinachlr. tho Pine (!roe district Mn. Ktta Kllcnre ami children hn returnril to llniiiinxii after a TMiivlilt lth frli'iiild uml relatives here. , Hirrlion Allen, one ift I'nrtlanilV moif pronilnent luw)un. was In Kbwth Ftllii for tliri-e das 011 legal hllDM!. llr. and Mrs I.lojil Del. up nrcom PW by Mrs IKiUp's brother. K W, Dloomqul't left for Cmier I.trh inlj laornlns for a brief outing ' A. K, KliiR, who Ins been living tl Wflnul aveii'ii. s mi)lng his lamlly to I'ortlnml where they will male their home In tho future. Aiulthaf been brought In tho fir mil court byA(M nden against ( L llcWIIIljms fur thu recovery or J128 with Intcn-at at t'ii rent from ' 18, 1S1K Mn Ojcar Peyton wt. her sister. " Noah IMvn., left y,.st(.r(ny for '"I nwch. Mrs Pejto,, w, ,, tweabout three ,.ekn and her sls " "" rc(url ' It lion.., in mi,,. , I "inl Kor Mer j'riupiiiiii khij tup ifflixtn 7U ms Do your trading this week where possible. Next week is the long looked for celebration. So get togged out now at N. B. DREW'S Men's Togs, Corner 6th and Main The classiest line of hats, caps and shirts in town. All new and snappy at LESS THAN CITY PRICES M Tlie motorltt vlio knows good gasoline demand "Kcd Crown" for full power and lone mileage. "Red Crown" Is tnc,ht dUtlllcd, all-refinery gaiollnc with the full and continuous chain of boiling points nccrb ary for eaiy startinc, tuick and smooth acceleration, de pendable power and long mileage. Look for the Red Crown sign before you fill. STANDARD Oil. COMPANY (Cillljint.) Gasoline ofOuahPi i R. A. WINZLER, Special Acrent Standard Oil Co., Klamath Falls, Oregon. Houston Hetmpnin,,,, rtiiiiiein,.,,i. HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE lA(M.N(l W'eiluch,, K Siitunb.y Mghts. JVuhrJ,t, tir.i,sirn STAR THEATER ' ftalrBR ,,,, M(wc ltl Iho I'lcluroH. 1 n Strati,,,,, .hllst. 'lOD.W M-iv PicKioiio TEMPLETHEATER TOI) W Vllngraph I'lraenu A'K'i:.iovnj 'T"K(MPm'inS(U.TAix.. AIm.- ASI'i"yi),erollll,,y --"uminn to w tn, "0pSAHOlSi wrlil, OreBon Superior Prescription Service Our prescription department is modern in every way. There is no worthy device or apparatus for perfecting and facilitating the work that is not here. Compounding is done in accordance with tho latest scientific methods, and accuracy is insured by our double check system. Prices are always fair. Let Us Fill Your Next Prescription i I tauwTxV I KLAMATH FALLS OREGON lACCUWACvl WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY THEIR DRUGS I : fpo piiar y I PaaV H iAft, YMI 2 If J III w ? f T t J t t T f r r T T T t t T T T t t t t t T t f t it Y t T T I M44 D Hf SINFEC DEODORIZE Your sinks and drains, with the greatest deodorizer known y Dislnfec & The Ever Read . lanf Harmless in its use, it instantly kills all odor, not obnoxious like chloride of lime. Simply mix a teaspoonful in a gallon of water and pour into the sink or drain, and the job is done. It is the best and cheapest deodorizer known. (The Southern Pacific Railroad Co., uses it by the barrel.) Next week will see the opening of the Pear Canning season; we will have Choice Bartlett Pears for canning; all choice wrapped stock, priced at $2.95 the box. Place your orders early. THE WINN Lll t T t t t t t t t t t t t t t t T t t t t t t t t t 8mmjm5m5jm5m5m5 t::: mQmmhqIhM . Iff