The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 05, 1919, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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rAam root
J'l P J-. J I Question, nnd often peomlngly with
aiibivviiiu a aw &
K. J.
tho approval of the government.
"We nre nearer war in this world
today, I bolleve, than , when the k'ils-(
or threw out tho gountlet. Our law-1
I makers aro to blame. In my oplnlcn, '
because thi masses of tho people
City Kditor
j would, be behind them If they would i
Published dally except Sunday by attempt to correct It and surely
.WANTRt) To buy building lot..
Price mint bo right N. II. lrow.
'corner 6th & Main. B-lt
n Herald Publishing Cntnpauy of
Klamath Kails, at IIS Fourth street
there Is power to correct It but In
stead they nre phiylng politics, nnd Spokane Man CVmtlnien Hunting
entered at the postofflce at Klam-'. some of tlieso labor oraikutlnns
t Falls. Ore . tor transmission thru tare playing politics, nnd it is tho
.!)! milla ah Mnrnnil-laHri matter . -..... n .!..... .i.n finn i
I Ho covered tho gorund full We
J -"Ml? .ni ?,.?. ny ''ve all been out for outsell nnd
nddresa In the 1'nited states: .... . .. .
loe year 5.00 ihe Oavil lor tho hindmost oiil that
One month - .60 'ho devil bes been .a tine ,KMs-e,ssi n
Itlch Roltl Mlno After .Search of
Twenty Years Soarrh .ho Far Ha
ltecn In Vnln.
KOIt SAI.K 1'nftl phimoKrnpliH and
organs at almost your own price
before moving Into our new storo.
, Karl Shepherd. Next door P 0. 5-tlt
LOST lletween Klunmth Kails and
Olene. u roll of roofing pupxr.
Kinder please leave at ll.ililwln Hard
ware Storo. Snyder & Kltts. fi-2t ,
FOR SALE or Trade--fi year, old re
gistered Perchoon stallion, wt 2100,
I Stood at Mullii and Merrill for two '
j seasons. 1.. II. Holbrook, Malln, Ore-
Ron. 5-Ot
.SPOKANE, Wash., Aug. 5. Con
. - .!. ,...i ... .I.-. ., Uniting a 20-year search for a rich FOR SAI.K Ono thorobred Komi
' ... ... , 1 J "T" I ;; gold ralno C II lloff recently loft Jurhom bull. IS montliH old; 1 well '
Member of the WWatod Pre. number 1ms Brown to bo a men ice to K no, t. it. Hon recently ictl brcd sh()rt hM ) ,, ,,,. ,
The AssoclMert Press Is exclusively us nil. The time Is at hand when wo tnls clty ror ,n0 upper roaches or ml (arco ,,0nn, cbltia mock-boars
wtltled to tho use lor republication must mv st"0,, nmi consider tho cost Salmon River, in North Idaho. For pedigreed. J. 1). Hooper Hnticli.
3t all news dispatches credited to It of contnng on our present course. two decades, ever since ho received Miller lslnnd. "fit
r not otherwise credited tc this pa- ...mi.. . . n frnm the death bed of onn of tho ills.
Xr. and also local news published or whether we shall be willing to live from tno Heath of ono or tho dls- what wl ,ho m) (,our ,,,, wlm
Kreln.. and let live before wo are all but coverers of tho mlno, direction for ,ne Ekfl crJW(, (hn rnugu,
. All rlphts of republication of spe-' destroyed worklngman and employ- Its location, Rolf hns been spending
lal dispatches herein nre also re-'Pr , ., , cataclysm occur that the greater part of his Bummers in ntr MflWCV
s ems to threaten unless tome chmge the wilda of tho Salmon River coun- jl)K m(m,)y nm -H, llllli0 n Klnm-
takes place, we shall suffer, working- try. In a search, thus far In vain, for nth KuIIn during the next few jenr, ;
man. bourgolse, capitalists nil. Ench the treasure. I "wt f l l" tnmle on Imxl-'
must consider the relative rights of For many years James Hughes 'l iTHl .A,,! ."'
. t . , ..r'V... ... ..., ,..-. ...r
Wlien joti hoiiKl)t our wnfrh you took lite nialtoprlng for urtnti
of i-ourxo It workN. It otiglit to 1k kinmI for it )car, llr (Wu
Mnjbe inure. So Iiiiik ' H funi'tloiit jou forget It.
You ought to bo able to foret the tube In tour atitonmhllv fiuB
In Jift tlio wimi' manner. Of ioui-mo, any tube will lst fr , ,
tiMiutlii, but the tube that goes, anil kcn, anil gmw, j.-ar In Mi1ttl
mil il.o tube that outwent-M Unit' or four iHNlugs Tlicrc'g A,
tulio IIiiM'n a real MitlifiU'tl
We i'iiii'I point to an) onn thing In a IHatimml dray Tuhr tlmtnuki,
It so niiiili belter. M'o nlniily know that it Is drliwiiug the ja
In unexampled fashion. Try 'cut ami noo.
picion that havo keen threatening
the stability of tho nation.
the other nnd each must reach out and a partner, whoso nnmo now la buyer. P'cjm nolo the follewing:
the hand of cooperation and not the unknown, loft this city each spring Slulti Street
fist of compulsion. Tho safety valve by devious trails. Each fall they re- uJ.,,"e,,,J "iH fj" jj'alii Wliit lm
has given us some relief and now la turned with a goodly quantity of prUvliliVnc liiilidhig. isUIiik "m
the time to cool down the fires of sus- goij ,iU8t nn,j nuggets. So carofuUy excellent Income. lt' In the heart of
did they guard the secret of the ' ?' wctlun imd xlll n
A, , ... .. . .. ., fine Investment. Ask for price nod
source of their wealth that It never Jornlt
wns discovered. Another fine Main St. lot on corn-
In the late nineties Hughes be- Improved with modern two htnrv
camo so wenken'ed from -letl. S-feS?1. ,i;iCSJ?.'.r,.,S?
Incident to his advanced age that ho ,.),., is rK,t: Details and tvms
was unable to make the annual pll- gladly furnished.
grlmnge. and for two years his part- uj "c I" ,"" -- " " Main
, ,. St. Inipnivcs) with one Mnry frame'
ner went alone to the mine. Upon fUn,iM(C bringing n good Imeome.
his return from the second visit he Prim l only MMNNI.OH on tern
xvas set upon, robbed and murdered . Anil then wo have a :w ft. corner
mat Truni iiint( iiii mii iiir (in.i '
n KvninK iH'ltcr all (hi
Every ram who has paid any atten
tion to existing conditions has asked
himself' over and over again "Where
will it end?" Thoughtful men have
studied tho situation and have been .
unable to reach a solution. Statesmen i
have viewed It almost with consterna
tion, for they could see that the
whole world was atop a seething cal
dron of discontent. They could see
that the whole human race Is labor- Margarita Fisher has added to a
Ing under some indefinable, fear-, iong jst 0f successful characteriza
breeding. doubt-creating strnin. That tions the portrayal of Ollvo Barton,
there are crowing up divisions with-' in "Put lTn Ymir HnnHn." which Is
" - "- . - " ' " - . . . . IIIJ1I. W.tlllll
out any apparent reason and that a I produced by tho American Film Com- on tho Lower Salmon river, anu nts (U!ll,ncsH )(
I'M S. Sixth St.
MAHPl.i: .Si SMITH, Proprlctoi-N
'hone 167 1
diamond Inner Tube
At the Theatres
condition of suppressed excitement pany as a three-fold triumph in nc- 8'' stolen
seems to have taken possession of the tion, photography and directorship,
whole world. Daily the strain has it i considered by pre-viewers as tha
been getting greater until it seems strongest subject In which Miss Fish
it requires but a slight Jar to bring Cr ex-er appeared,
things tumbling down upon us. Then There Is a strong dramatic appeal,
ill IiK"' fT''SSSh'.
- iiKpplii
suddenly the relief came and all of which balances the love interest and
Ask us.
That tho secret of the mine's loca- Sixth Street
tion might not he lost and the v? ?
source of his wealth be stopped, nn(I 0o tt ,, SKUl .rlrc 9o,ot)()
Hughes then sought to describe to on eaay ternis.
his friends, among them Roff. the . At corner of Walnut uul tli we.
.. i Ai.t.n..i. have a 70 x IOI ft. co:mcr nt a price
route to tho mlno. Although , --- ,, ,. , ' ,.,.
" -'.--"".".- .... ..., .... -.... .... .
ninny other
Is ,12 ft.
on th. Irlj Is
rich In gold.
according to
Hughes,, who never regained sufli- urocory. gnrnge, anil
cient strength to revlsU tho source lines.
r hiu -ntih Lofnm ha rtinrt ho Another corner on (lib St
...... wide nnd low 100 ft
drew a rough map of tho location, $(inoo.OO. Terms.
it never has been located. Still another 6th St. let Is .10 x tin
The vein, while narrow, was so ' ,'"l Improved wKh wl frame
nuiimng, iTire is Kii.itio.oti, (Inly
81IMM) cash and balance enxy,
I'lno Street.
Vc would like to 'show- rim a l'2"
much she shocks the poor minister with a pestle In a little Iron mortar. J. V ' .VnT, VTl ' " '' ".'".r.
Viewing with dismay the mounting and family friends. Her ring partner an(1 then w-ashed, p3nned and sacked mcnt ji,..
ecst of living, the representatives of is ever popular 'Bull Montana,' wide- it. If Hoff can locate it, he believes Another excellent comer on Pine
the railroad workingmen nresented lv known as "the homeliest man on he will be well repaid for his twen- Sf 'r M"'" l H v " ft. and Is
-. . . TJ 1.1 . I1T.1 .!.. ... .. ... ..... . . ... . ... .. .... -., ...... ..........-,. .. ....I ,.1,IK.., .-
DtQiciiKm . .Koiuci n iwuu nidi iiie screfu. .iigs r isuer senus iiiui 10 ij .io 0.u....
one of two things muit be done, ei-n- the mat with a couple of short-arm
T thp enst nf llvlnir must rnrna ,lnu-n lV O. K. UeillOresl IVUllRl tith dnd
William Mong. as "Old High-ball
Hnzelitt" und Kate Price as Bridget ,
have some brand new laugh-making
stunts and who woundn't laugh at ,
Kate Price and her clever wholesome
us settled back with a feeling that the puzzling situations, and holds
we have awakened from a terrible one's Interest until the very last mo
nightmare. Help came from an uneT- ment. Ono of the most humorous
pected source and we at last realized scenes is where the heroine throws
that while such men as W. G, Lee, conventions to the winds and turns
president of the trainmen's union, one of her aunt's afternoon tea part
are at the helm the United States has les Into a sparring exhibition. She Is
nothing to fear from the radicalism -very captivating in regulation athletic story, that he and his partner aim
that is taking possession of the coun- togs and she Jnst doesn't care how P'y pounded out the precious metal
tries of Europe.
or the wages of the railroad men
must go up It was this seml-ultimn-tum
that stirred into activity the ad
ministration forces and It was at ono
of the conferences that Mr. Lee made
one of the frankest statements beard
Main, oxer Sugarman's store
client for Apartments.
Vim know- the old saving tint,
"Thero Is n tide In tl" ifr-'r- of evi-n
man's life which. If Hicn ti
flood, leads rn m fortune." This Is
the time In KlnmntJ.
rillT.rO'xH .V- SMITH.
03.1 Main St. I'honri OH. 07-1 A- II"1
comedy? George Perlolat, as Peter
he said:
"I will admit to yo't, gemlpincn.
that we are going the wrong vax I
admit to you that it Is time 1 1 tall a
halt, and I admit to you tha' until
A man is as old as his organs ; he
can be as vigorous and healthy at
70 as at 35 if he aids hisorgans in
performing their functions. Keep
from either side. Among other things, Barton, the capitalist, has a partic
ularly strong role, appears at his very
"Put Up Your Hands" Is a zlnpy.
clever comedy-drama in which Mar
garita Fisher will make more friends
we get together, until we co'inu-nre than ever. It was wrjtten by L. V. Jef- your vital organs healthy with
together to stop this, thsre y'll be ferson. author of several other Fisher ! W limi f
hell in this country and it Ii nea.-- stories. At the Liberty tonight. wUImI MbQAJL
er today than I ever knew It in my, -
years of experience. r;o TO tIAItltlMA.V 1.0DGK.
"Just let somebody drop . mtrli !
in this country of ours, and it u ill Ue Herbert Flelshhacker, who is head
a sorry day for all of us. of the large Fleisbhaeker Interests,
"Unless my vision Is most tir1 jlv arrived In Klamr.jh Falls Sunday
obscured there Is something co.ning evening and left immediately for
BEST AGE Exhibition
Boxing Contest
to us pretty soon In this coun.'rv that Harriman Lodge, where bis family U
v.x had better take notice of. V.V. "i n rf" spending the bummer months,
something of peace In thi3' n mitry Included in Mr. Floishhackor's
prior to the war conditions. W v.i-ro party were W. S. Humphries, Dr.
getting along fairly well until jirot It- rrankenhelmer, and Weellngton
eering bpcame so noticeable iv-y- regg. They will spendthe next two
-where and until the commedities: tint or three weeks at Harriinan Lodge.
nuiiwug people are compelled to r:iv
for were permitted to be Increased.'
doubled and trebled wlthoi" nv
Th world's standard remedy for kidney, i
liver, bladder and uric arid Uoubles JSjoxt Saturday Night, at Dll-!
vall's Hall; between Bob'
i Allen of Klamath Falls and
Billy HufF of Tacoma.
since 1696; corrects disorders; stimulates
vital organs. Ait druggists, three sizes.
Look for Ilia name Gold Mdl on vmrj bos
and accept lo Uiiuiioo
Just rtemember this. The dates for
tho Kilts' Convention are August 14,
' and 1 f! rjpt radv
H. W. Poole, Owner
Matinee Every Day
L-Ko Comedy
Stuart Holmes in
Far a limited time we
will make the follow
ing prices on
delivered to your
Cord, or single load
Double load $4.50
O. Peyton
501 Main. Phone 187
War Taught Public
Lessons In Values
"Tito war has boon responsible for great chnngi's In
the viewpoint of tho American people.
"For one thing, It has made them uho greater rnru in
their purchiiHca. Not that people aro buying h-sn, but
(hey are studying the relative quality und price v.iluia ,
in everything they uho.
"Take llreH, for Instance. Tho man who could tell -you
ail about his car, tho number of mllos he got from
gallon of gasoline und how much lubricating oil bn con
sumed, used less thought In buying tires than lie did hi
the selection of chocolate drop.t,
"Ho only knew that some tires wore out In an In
credibly short space of time, but had no Idea of how
many tiro miles hu got to tho dollar, or what brand ot
tlrt'H he got tho most mlleago from, or why. Now the
tendency Is to study tho construction of t!ron and to
them fur service.
"Of course tills growjtig analysis of valtteH and study
of tiro construction Is a great source of sutlHfaitlon to us,
for we havo been working for yearn wlth.a view to glv-
Ing extra service on tires. Wo aro quite Btin- tint tho'
more motorists study the downright value, superior con
struction and low cost per tiro mile, tho morw certain wo
ate to. hold their trade."
There will be preliminary 4
round bouts.
of the HOT POINT Range
used at the Golden Rod Pro-
j ducts Demonstration at the
,' various groceries this week.
j Cooking is turned froni
drudgery into pleasure when
you cook the "HOT POINT!
All styles for sale, by
link River Electric Co.
1 0S
f JRfl II II II bJspSSf I I II 3
Ek te f la IS iillilMM wl
'I "" fj I
i jj
I i
I u
a i
"Helpful Hints"
A chock may bo mado payablo to "order" or to
"bearer." In tho former case, tho Pnyco (pormm '"
whom chock Ih drawn) Hiunt bo known to our Tellers,
nnd must indorao tho chock hoforo tho money in l''ll1.
If a check is mado payublo to "benror" or to "cusli".
ANV person can colloct tho amount stipulated.
Yoti will find tho First National Hunk tt CAUI.'FUI
CUSTODIAN of your funds.
i:. It, IteiiincM, I'losldoiit.
I). I. W.llletN, Vlre-l'i-eslilent.
I.enllo llt'Koi'N, Cnshler.
A, M, Collier, AnnI, CitHliier.
John M, Moore, AtMt. Ciwliler.
ie First National Bank
l KLAKfATH ' FAr.TA nDer.nM -