THWHIMV, M-(I-htMiii rxam two THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 1 J i Lee Tires Give Exceptional Service Any Defective Tirei can be Adjusted on n 6,000 or 8,0 Mile basis in Klamath Falls. Howie Garage 12th and Mali EPS j - iCm In When you 're hot and thirsty say SJ 1 Hires ' 1 Wjl IJOOT E3HSFJ Pr" KIT At an; pUr where oft beTeragv are Mid. 3vJ l2be& Bottled In 3 tlie vHB DQ) THE HENRY WEINHARD PLANT QtJ 5 - B.nltrt and Distributors. PORTLAND, OREGON Dfl Ki pa !..... ...- r-r ' praist YANKEE TRDDPS I where 1 lmvo used them, tho Amor I Iran troops 'delivered tho goods.' "Vou may well believe Hint this close association In war of such largo bodies of Australians mill Americans litis erected u very real (iml lasting t friendship between (Hit; two democ racies. Tlio foiuuliitlons (if tluit friendship litul ahi'iiily lioon lulil many enrs beforo liy tlio VIbII of thu Australian CoiivtuniHler-ln-Clilcf Ilur. Amnrlcnn battlo Heel to Australia. Ini War Sjixs Tlint tlio AinorlciiiiN "I can assure you tluit Australia Xoer Fulled to Deliver tlio Goods When Culled ln. EXPDBTEflS ME HE TD DDE by more careful packing and by re fraining from hurrying tlio South American merchants to pay their bills. Lessons derived from the expert- here. LONDON, Auk. 4. Australian and American soldiers nro "full blood brothers," In tho opinion of Lieutenant General Sir John Monnsh, commander-in-chief of tho Australian forces in tho war, because the Amor Icnns'woro nuwr placed In any posi tion, nor called upon to perform any duty, when, as the general expressed It, In an Independence Day speech they did not "deliver tho attaches much Impel tunrc to secur ing and maintaining the friendship 'of America. AVn look upon tho Unlt ' ed States ns our big brother In tho 1'aclllc, and if any one of you lias rw lletted on tho problems of Hie Pacific which aro going to aiiso in thu fu tuio, he will know what I muan by 'that observation." itn.x.M c.xMi: im;i:si:i:'i: , IN IiACILNA .tim'.NTAI.VS. SAN DIKCO, Oil.. Aug. :.- A band ' of twelve elk, Including three bucks and nine doe, Is raomiug the gamo preserve In tho Laguua Mountains and aro an nttrartiou to cumpcis who chimco upon (In! in from time to time Originally the iiulmnls woic in llnlho.i park here. Tho'olk were turned loose at an altitude of 0000 feet where the ell- ' acidizing that much of their mer- allied arms the first success they had "1U,1 nlMl "'""'?- '' '-,l for , "Maybe nobody has told yo says the lood Judge Why this good tobac co costs less to chew. You get real tobacco satisfaction with a .small chew, h tfives you the good tobacco taste. It lasts and lasts. You don't need a fresh chew so often. It saves you money. ; THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW j put up in two styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco , W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco" ences of Denver manufacturers may goods." be a benefit to those of any section General Monash said ho first of the country. I)uslnes-s circulars reached this conclusion In the early are being issued in Spanish and cor- dawn 6f the 4th of July, 1918, when respondents familiar with that lang- for tho first time, Australian troops, AVIth nnge are being employed so as to np- lighting side by side with the Ainer- Demcr Meicliants Win Vinor South American Flrttrs by Priic- proach the customer In his own Ian- leans in tho Somme sector, won tho liclne Courtesy and Efficient Gnge. . battlo of Hamel, and gave to tho Methods With Them. OLCOTT ISSUES DENVER, Aug. 5. Denver export ers are rapidly pushing open the gates of commercial South America by giving greater attention to the needs of Latin American countries. chandlse must be transported by nchloved since tho Germans began mules' over the Andean passes, the their memorable advance on March Denver men aro limiting the weight 21st. Mint Jell Try Mint Jiffy. Jell with roast lamb or cold meats. It is vastly better than mint sauce. Try Jiffy-Jell desserts with their real fruit flavors in essence form, in vials. Each is so rich in condensed fruit juice that it makes a real fruit dainty. Yet they cost no more than old-style gelatine desserts. JffitfeU. of packages of machinery to about 250 pounds and aro packing them In cases composed of heavy planks re inforced with steel bands. Extension of credit is being arrang ed through the assistance of certain New York banks. Denver exporters .find thnt it is best not to introduce lnovatious with painful suddeness. There Is scarcely a South American ' coin-try with which some !vw manufacturer has not established commercial relations. The Andean mines of the west are reached by way of the west coast of Souh ..---are the best customers for the class of machinery which Denver has to of fer. One local exporter of mining mach inery reports that he has received more Inquiries from Latin America in the past six months than even be fore during corresponding period. their. successful propagation. It Is ex pected that their numbers will In-! ciease as they aro protected against I molestation from hunters. ! pnui that n ro tiEKfti t i.i I ondouvor. In Testimony li r unto Htilipcnii caused to l f Real of tile siai twoiity-thhd il HEN w oilier llottg ' I Live net iy winse "' the pa 1 OrtKoam ' J'Hy, 1911 '".COIT. Coil "This battlo wns tho turning point, of 'the war," said General Monnsh. j "It was a brilliant nnd unqualified j success, audits effect upon the mor ale, both of tho enemy and of our own men, was electric and startling. It became tho modol of all subse- , ' .... . duent achievements In France, and of Uuru,M "" "f ,ho Al,!,lral Krm" I It paved the way for tho great coun ter offensive In August." f The American troops engaged, the' general said, wero 1.Q0O men from the 33d division, commanded bv General John Dell. Tho 33d dlvl- slon was then undergoing training."' General .Monnsh said ho had asked and obtained permission to employ 1,000 of the Americans in the battlo of Hamel, but on the eve of tho bat tle tho permission was withdrawn. "Those 1,000 Americans covered ruvriNi'M DKt'osris rnr.w). i 1 PAPEETE, Society Islands, Aug. j 5. I'lntlnum deposltB are reported to have been discovered on the Island , approx'inately 201) mil.-.-t couth of T- . hltl. A mining engineer from the I'nlted Etntes Is investigating thu reported discovery for tho holders of mining rights here. SAYS LKACfE IS IHtKA.M. MEXICO CITY, Aug 3 -Luis Cab-! rem, seflretnry of the treasury, Is quoted El Demacratu as saying In ' en address boforo tho Chamber of De puties. "Tho league of nations contin ues to be a dream for there Is not ono Sound u Heeded Warning That Mut 1m by Tbo-e Vl-dtlng tlio (Jr. -ill I'.pieslN of the State During the l)r) Sciimiii. tO Flavor, at Your Grocer' 2 PaekagtM for 25 Cent I Australian veterans took them to their hearts as. full blood brothers."! I "I have been asked over and over again to express my opinion of tho American troops," General Monash' continued. "I am not going to be bo Just Hemember this. The dates for foolish an to nttnmnt to iln n h me cms v-unveniion are August i, 15 and 16 Get ready ndtlnn tltnt pamo tfi rnnntitinn n nti.l themselves with glory and I can pay of , govere,Kty ll8 blicrlflcc t0 lho , uo Breaier compliment man Dy ood of ,ho rest .. saying that from that day on our, - Confronted with the great danger that threatens lho great forostH of this state, Governor Olcott has Issued a proolamntloii warning tho public to ho careful in the uro of fires dur ing the dry season now prevailing. It reads no follows- With tlio State of Orngon confront ed by n .condition which threatens . destruction of forests, grass and grain fields bernusu of lack of rain, I fee Justified in ordering all Stato Fire Wardens to exorcise tho greatest caution In Issuing permits to bunt. I further proclaim tluit no camp TBI FOLKS I GRAY HAIR iiitti(iisr sis I' iti:ii'i ami sn.i'imt i mi:s AM or s(!K Mnlr that loses li lor nnd hit ir nlieu It fades, i ii i r h Kr.i. (lulli lllelcHs, In canned It n lurkotiil iiliur In the hair inir KrnnilnoUv 'innle up a mixture f S.-iReTrlU iilpbur to keep lier lucks dark I bountiful, mill t li ii h:i ii iIh of iod and men who valm ihm ett torn t fires shall ho started In or near forust lmt beautiful dark shade of ti ........-.. '....!... I. ... -.. .! II The time Is getting shorter every day for you to do what should be done before the Elks get here on August 14, 15 and 16. What are you doing? Are you ready for the Convention? and now, I am only going to say that in your own expressive vernacular, that at all ttmes and In every place Jump from Bed in Morning and Drink Hot Water m H j0 -ta m Notice to Subscribers Under authority of the Postmaster General, on account of recent increases in wages to employes, totaling for the State of Oregon upwards of $z25,000.0U, certain changes in exchange rates have been approved and made effective July 29, 1919, for the State of Oregon. The changes in rates apply particularly to residence service, changes having been made in the principal business rates May 1, 1919. v All new business taken on and after July 29th will be at the new rates, and bills to present subscribers for the month of August will be rendered at the new rates . The increased rates will yield an annual revenue upwards of $250,000.00, but as the increase in wages is upwards of $225,000, the net return to the company under the rates now made effective is approximatly 2V per cent on the valuation of its property at $13,464,000.00, as found by the Public Service Commission. The new schedule of rates is identical with the one annroved by tho Postmaster General for tho State of Washington, which ha"? been in effect since March 1, 1919. The rates are the same in both stat"" for oxchanores that are cojnpnrabK We bpli'p that no proof ns to th fldvanc-il cost of liyinc and the p-piipvnl hih cosf pvovailino- for labor nnd materials is nces "irv. and thit thp telephone noino- miblif will arrnrif this in'yois'1 ii vnrr.5 in thp cqmn gnivitof fairnrs and consideration as it hnC! i'p ndvanoes in almost eveiy other necessity in these unusual time5. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. or brush covered lnnds within twenty (20) feet of any standing or down trees, brush piles, or other litter that may cause the spread of fire, and un der no condition Is a fire, to be built until the ground Is cleared to mineral soil for a distance of six (ft) Toot In every direction and no surh fire shall be left even tiimporailly until It hiiH been completely extinguished with witer. Inasmuch as the forests aro ono of tho stato's chlof material resources I strotll!lv urcn nvitrv nerunn pnttn Why Is man and woman, half the ,lU) the woods during the current drv hiiiu, ..-.. us uu. uu. tit:-juuuuiii, .,.,.,. , rHfr..l Telia why everyone should drink hot water each morning before breakfast. worried; some days headachy, dull and unstrung; somo days really Inca pacitated by lllne.-iH. If we would nil practice Insldo-batli-Ing, what a gr:itlflng change uutilil take place. Instead of thousands of half-slek, nnaemlc-looklng i-ouls with nafcty, muddy complexions wo should see crowds of happy, healthy, rosy eheokod people everywhere. The rea son Is that the human system does not rid Itself each day of all tho waste which It accumulates under our pres ent mode of living. For every ounce of fod and drink taken Into tho sys tem nearly an ounce of waste material must be carried out, oIpo II fermonts and forms ptomnlno-llko poisons which aro absorbed Into the blood. Just as ncce&kiiry as It Is to clean tho ashes from the ftirnaco each day before the lire will bum bright and lint, so wo must each morning clear tho Inside organs of tho previous day's accumulation of lndlgcstlblo wusto nnd body toxins. Men nnd women, whether sick or woll, mo advised to drink each morning, beforo breakfast a glass of real hot water with a tea-i .., . II ... In U ' from smoking, ns nny fire nllowcd to get beyond con trol Is not onlv extremely dnngnroim to all of property hut necessi tates tho uso of labor and supplies which Is so nttractlui, ub only t ilil-llme recipe. NouiuI.ij'h wo get I tils fnmoulBB iite. Iiiiiiroxed by the mlilltlonofoli er Ingredients by miking at anr.n nnre for it fiO-cent buttle of "'.Vyeul iiig nnd Sulphur (' iiiimiinil," wbla laikens the hair b- iiatuTally, 'iveuly, that nobodi mi iiomlblf tl t luiH been implied on Jut dlB mi n sponge or soft Lniili MtbtU1! Irnw this through V "r hair, tsatt urn; small strand at a time Hr mort Ini! tl. crav hair d' iaiwari; bl vlmt dellalits tho hid ' with Wyetbl Sijrh and Sulphur (' mioiiml lil'ji liesldes beniitlfillh I 'rkcnlDJ 11 inlr nfier a fe tip' hi Mnn8 It ' brings buck the kI ml lutr ul vet It an n nnea rim . if nbundsnci Pioneer Garage LAKEVIEW, OREGON Under New'' Management Specialists in Rebuilding and Recharging Storage Batteries; also Repairing all Electrical Appliances. I Vulcanizing, Automobile Overhauling and Kcpairuns Machine Work. Tires and Accessories PIONEER GARAGE LAKEVIEW, OREGON lipoonful of limestone phosphate In It, as n hnrmlohs mennrt of washing out of tie stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels tlio Indigestible matorlal, 'wusto, sour bile nnd toxins; thus cleaning, sweetening and purifying tho entire alimentary cannl beforo putting. morn food Into tho stomach. Millions of peoplo who hod their turn at constipation, bilious attacks, acid stomach, nervous. days and sleep less nights havo hecomo real crouks I about the morning lnsldo bath. A T quarter pound of llmcstono phosphate 4 will not cost mucn ni uio urug store, t J-' ;..fTTf 1 -Get Your Winter Wood Now For a limited time I will sell you your winter wood at the following amazing prices : DOUBLE LOAD BLOCKS $4.50 GREEN SLABS $3-50 W. E. SEEHORN CO. 622 Main. Phone, 72 but U sufficient to demonstrate to nny ' :'"I":-:":J'-:'J'! lono its cleansing, sweetening nndl Tl u,.. j fii. v .nJ.v', n w- todavnot torflO-1 'ifroshgnlng effect upon tho system.-Ad Let us make up your pool car Murphey's Feed & Seed Sto SULPHUR The price is right Phoi 126 South Sixth St