The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 05, 1919, Image 1

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    t fcugumg Herald
Price, Five Centa
Russian Admiral, Who Had
to Get Shipbuilding Job
Here, Again an Admiral
Captain Who Captured
I Three German Machine
1 Gun Nests Single-Handed
iiir bred
i annr
tmment Workin? Hard
, Kene""
Hudrrf ThouM.i.1 Sliopmrn
" itodur WhHIin- i.r Not
, mil Call Wrik" '"r """'
Market . I ; -
WA fKlttrtln M -!-
iii" i rrffiiW 1 aw-rtfiin - i 'i
U.1i.v(lTOX,AttR 5- Aimrmir
IB('l Ifltner eipwlwl lo i-rcent
,... r.nnrl to t'ic rrvm
iip'""'"" ;::,... ., .,,,
l tcxl.r concenuni; .-
. . h. takn by Mi" '
Lb to reduce lllnB"- I'"'
tVl'I!UB Will riiCU9 Willi Jliuim
ftd. pmWni Of the Kf' r,,r H,,,,,,, oilion clc Rlrlitcr
on, proposal to rninr.. hhcu ifl,for(. the h,.Uh seized tlic Hun-
.ik. Irwmtricci ' """ Hiuii Ltovernmcnt. Huron (Hliuii de
test bUIe rood ht Olfr.Titi t- uU.(.r Wlt(l ,, ,tinlrul In tbo Rtm-
kKO thwrkfl nnd Up Kiniram. , mvy ii WIIM ,.,,, to America
siililriilon official iciiec. in- m.rlnl mission, ami whllo still
LurMtlonloni' uy in it..- ,.,.,,,. tl rk !,,. ,i
ue the llTlnjt cost The 1 redden' Tr.,i.y hernmct dictators. I In found
I!itlutJtrlkiorll)iirttof utrlL.M i,ilnit,,i.- without it Jiili, lint a "Help
; rill Interfere rnatrrlallv with Un Wittitt-.l" ml got lilm a Job a it tiltlp
olitlot. Wilson may no I'cfnr.- ( on- rigger with ,, nmurKcney Fleet
Hidrfforamndlp for relief corporation tit 7 centre nn hour. Ho
luerltu.llon, worked In iho Mhlpyardit until ru-
Wrrtur Cfrl HIiip J ' l'"r- ntly. ami tlnm luul un opportunity
(iter, President of the llrotli-rlioo.l 1(, i0 ,,,,, , ,,r Admiral Kolctnl;
M.;Clerlc,Kref:hi handlers. e r,iv HerVr ncnlnKt iho Red
t and Slalluii mplo.-ii. ron t, rcwi )( h,,,,,,,,,, A.,.,ln i, i. ,,.
(hody on the ilQMitnil f"r wage ,uril.
rtttnii!,,M loir.elhitiR wi ilopi . .
0 nitrrUlly reduce the llutf r. i
ullir demand from llrnirier' nod
of LocomctlTO cnclnrcrR. and rnllu i
OTiaen r miw before l',n.
Fli hwlrcil thoimnii'l net
IcriUf cointfj-nrioiiiir ' wh"''
Ho rati a ftrlko to enforce iho
ItmiT-flre rrrrrnt larrens.- !' n'Mnr
pU oirair, thopinen lli.u rf now
i:r.kljf tn txpectnl t-i r -11111 to
roik la wont pri siinuinn
thj Cbtcaco district rcfinnMl to 1 -
ilw,iti!n (lifjr would p.v mi n
ita to Ihf Orand I.ikIci. ti-m- In-
Itndii) trtat with tho Rot.Tiiinriii
trnnlzed Iilmr ,..- i...r . .
htr Mar with ibn ,in..,,u.i that T .'.',"" T 1n,,,,0",,!B "",rl; "'
imtiie umal Ife n-ilre.l from tall- '
tti,n ,11,0 ui-vil (llllllllh fill turn.
ninouut of work hIuco IiIh return
frnin thn army thu uarly part of ih
your. Ills HtorlcH are appearing rci;
ulnrly In tho bent iiiiikuzIiioh Id tho
country. Thruo yearn ago hln htory,
"Tho MIhmIiik Hiivi'itloiSii,' appoaroil
In tint Saturday KvonliiK I'oHt, and
wax placed aiuoiiK tho 100 hcut ntor
Ioh that woru written iluiliw; tin i,,ir
MarHhiill wiih city editor nf The
Herald a few year ako. Ho xpout
two yearn nt tho Unlvunilty of Ore
Hon. IIIh homo Ih In Medford.
KiUmihi Mnrnliiill. well known nliort
story writer, una n Klamnilt TnllH
vIbIioi- liixt nlclii. In fiirainii)' with
hlh xlBtor, I.iiello. niul Clmn Castle
They ift htHt iiIrIii for lttiiky I'olnt
for 11 few iIh.vb' oiuIiik. following
which they will i;o to the Ice caves
ami lavu li.-ilii.
Mr. .Mamhall In tourliiK the comity
primarily for (he purpoxo of kuIuIhk
new mutcirliil for the norleit of mtl-
I operation, nubMllut'ne irl-inn
K"ol of railroad uroniirii.o i- !.-
J. It IU be hil.l b-for,, ,.
Intcrbtate Commerce Ciiunit
fill UtltfA c .
tiuM opcnuiiiK lit
rWteh lerrlce in v,.,n ........
1Hm "" iiuitNiiin
J,He Doat vn. 1 . . .. .
1ml.. - ""CI I. Mill
mTrfijr'" Arc"-
Hdr om .. r,IM '"'"or
B4 .:;" ,r,m l"H At,"" ii 01
Crt.i.L.. " """'" kocim.
hrii.. 1 . . 'rger "aval vosro
vosnelii nro
'Wo Imvo had a heautlful trip, and
found tho roadH gnoclii' bald Or. Sea-
f HualRhurc, Calif., who In
tho country with his wife.
Wo hnvun't had any thrlllluK d-
venturcB. but wo havo hchiii minio
: r.butthonffu", :l
.WeSetr th,r m
uZr ? "? sr!i-
", mrf 1. :.: ' "' l,ll) ""'o
(,. ' "" IC-h
.MniniKer nl Pacific Inlernntloniil IINitlilcol Kolillem Under Federal Vo
cational II111111I Are Kecking Varied
Kiiiplo)iueiit Many Iejirn to lt5
plr Shoes.
,lLetii(li Hhow hpeukx lo lillslnesH
men in liiti-retH of I'oiiland ex
hibition. I
'I iilemc I HioroiiKlily believed that WAHIIINtlTON. Auk. ". Dlflablcd
tho Pacific International Mvomork oldleric. Hiillonc and marlnoM, and tho
Hhow wan of vital Importance and Federal Hoard for Vocational Kduca
moment In developlni; thn puni-brril tloii are looking for the Job that Hat
mock Inclitntry of thn iiortlii-niit and WflcH not only becaiiHo of tho nuffl
I'arlflc fount I would not be talkliiK dent wiiKt but becuuso tho natciro
lo you Kcnilcuian toduy.' ,ot the worK bt Hultable to the worker.
Huch w-m one of the many dtrlk- That there are a wide variety of tal-'
liiK ntateiuenlfi made by (). M I'lum- cntH amoiiK Iho men who apply for '
iner, of tb Portland live-1 trulniiiK Ik Indicated by tho more
Mock Hhow. In hl Informal talk be- than 200 dllferent occupations cIiok 1 .1 or 20 of the buMiieKH men or m ,y n,,.,,,, iu,c speaklni; and
Klanuith IiiIIn yeMerdny aflei noon road repalrliiK. detectlvo work, and
rollewlm: 11 luncheon at the, White i window tilmmliiK. flMi. culture and
lellcaii II. le The Pacific Interna-' theology appeal to different typi-H. '
lloiial U clock Show will be h'eld III hm tipsy are all among the
Portland fiom November 17 to 22 iboaen. I
Mr Pluminer Ih lourlnt; the Mate In one of the most popular of the
the InlerehlK of He mIiow for the pur- moiiocr' nhh nreiiared by the Federal
pom of rnlfclni; I12.,0I which Iiir
been eel un 1'ie ntni. quota oiilHlde of
Porlliin! Vbe hitler city will ralce
H2."i.iiuo. or half of the amount ne-
MHRiiry for flnniicliiK lb" bl inii'r
lukluK Quota for Klnniath Ki'iIIh Inn
been .et at $2500
' (ilvo the boy on the fnrm piite.
bred Mock lo handle mid you ivrl't
pry him loie f rum IiIh acieH. yald .Mr
Pluminer. "Wo have been talking
Hoard for Vocational Kducatlon for
the preHeuuit,loii of trade and occu
patloiiH Hiiltablu for dlHablcd Holdlers
Ih the one recently IhhuucI on the
practice of optometry. Tho brief pe-
f I
, I
'3 I
Four Building Permits Are
Granted at Meeting
Klamath HeatlnK Company Gtwim.UA
Franchise to Operate I'lant May
or Strublc Appoints Cbmmitte t
Four to Attend Hoxlng Boats !b
Interest of City, as Provided for
by IjCRisIature.
xts. . jpu : wusMcai
Four peimlts for new buildings,
one for the repair of a damaged
building and authority to erect a
dancing pavilion were among the
.nn.. tl.ft.c-a vara Hof-trlori lAt.
night at the regular meeting of the
' city council,
j Permit was granted to allow J. H.
Garrett to erect a frame garage ana
bark to Ih- farm' for many years and requre,i for tho course.
Cnptaln Samuel Woodflll
Wearing the Congressional Medal sjrvce station In Klamath Addition
rlod of training, as compared to that of Honor .the Croix de Guerre and a p jj oaricn w-as given permission
recpilred in other professions, the de- Legion of Honor decoration, Captain t0 m a modern bungalow In Nlch
mad for optnmutrlsts and tro pleas- Kamucl Woodhlll, of the 60th In- 0i3 nj,jnion at a cost of 14500', and
out und helpful nuture of the work fantry, 8th dlvlslcn, has returned to wuiiam Kinley was granted a permit
commend It to dliahled soldiers who America. This regular army officer, to erect a private garage in liuena
posHesK the educational background singe-handed, captured two German vista addition. Permission to C. D.
yet Ai haven't taken the right course
to Insure the Maying of those who
return 10 tin farm. You can't keep a '
boy on lb-' fnrm by glvlng-iilm (scrub
rattle to attend to he will leave for
the city for he has nothing worth
whllo to keep him 011 the farm Send
thu hoy to n worthwhile Initltutlou In
tho state give him pure bred stock
and ho will newr leave the farm."
Mr Pllluilner left no doubt In the
mind of his listeners esinrdny of
ll.e linportaiico of thn show and the
exact moaning It had for the entire'
northwest In that he lias been con
ncrlod with the livestock Industry for
many year unci has ntiinageil the
Portland show for the psl ton eai,
hl'H carried conviction
I'!.uiitiiilly he Is a booster "We
jir.j hi far ahead of f .illfoi n'11 rnd
Idaho In puro bred stock raising that
I he aie m:ikliigeLer effort to catch
up with us said the Portland man.
'7eiu..tlej nl! oer tie state are lealll
Ing the bei.efits of such a show a:t we
ar vo ng lo stage I know tin joti
biu.lnr. men of Klanuith Pi'ii wl'l
respond Willi the Mime eagerness i!::ct
your nelrhl.ors about the tnl Iiii'-m
It will h" 1111 Investment thai will re
turn to vein a hundred fold In build
ing up thu iiiminunlty and bringing
new capital to your doors.
machine gun nests, and when his Wlson wa, given to repair his build-
Many industries depend to a cer- supply or revolver ammunition gavetfn3 tnat ware recently destroyed by
tain extent upon metal working clth- out captured a third nest with only fre j r. Monroe was given author
er direct.) or Indirectly. Disabled a pickaxe as a weapon. The 60th in- itJ. t0 construct a dancing pavllioa
soldiers realizing this havo chosen fantry has been ordered to Atlanta, j which will be In operation from Aug
this rourso and 318 are preparing Ga., where It will bo held In read!- ugt jg to November 1. The building
for some 0110 of the metal trades. ncss for further trouble on the Mex- wij i,e jjUnt at the corner of Eighth.
The high cost of shoes persuades lean border. fand Main Streets.
Present state of progressiveness In
Klamath Kails Is causing mi'ch worry
among the council. The members last
night were uncertain as to whetner
or not the six-percent limitation
would permit tho into raise the tax
budget sufficiently this fall to meet
tho growing demands on the local
Favorable action was taken on the
franchise of tho Klamath Heating
Company after it was demonstrated
that the company had complied with
many people to repair the o.d ones
and ?! are preparing for sh.umflkers
and repaliers: Si ic-educated sol
'Hers will soon be ready to do their
part on the new houses to be erected
In response to tho "Own your own
hoiiie" campaign, and 2 Ml disabled
mi will soon be fiycd to tinker with
the .intoincblles of their towns.
Theun.'iiids of these returning sol
diers nro riualifylng for employment
some in your lines of work watch
for Miur or.poitunlty to help v.ii.' git
n Job A recent magazine offen. this
ni.vlce to the would-be empleyer: "H
) mi haven't a Job for he applying
returred soldier, give him a minute;
or i.o of your time tt encourage him. Plans submitted by A. F. Heidc,
He kiivo you months of his time to iocaj architect, for the completion of
make your Job safe." ,ho oI(I Hot SprnBS court house,
' were approved yesterday afternoo'i
ANOTHER PROPHET 1)V ,hGjCounty Court.
1 FOR OUR GREATNESS Exactly when construction will bo
resumed en tno old court" house,
j No wonder California, and ospeel- which was first started nearly ten
A committee composed of Cuptilu ally San Fianclsco, Is at tho top of years ago. is uncertain at this time.
J W Siemens, chaliman, I.esllu Hog- t. i8t. Klamath Falls has a sample Advertisements have not been given
County Court Approic.s Plans of
I.OCHI Architect for the Comple
tion of the Court House in Hot all the preliminary requirements. The
Springs Addition.
ers, and O. M. Pluminer will work out
the details of the raising of the local
quota of $2fi0fi of stock In the show
Indications are that It will ho raised
without much difficulty.
of one of the reasons for it In the per
son of B. K. Howies, secretary of San
out for bids, and there Is no intima
tion when the work wilt be under
noil 1. .. ..
''s ig cnarr u. ,.. . .. --- - "- -
Ult till the.. .,.. nf","n' scenery in Oregon which 1 Unci be-
"tbenaw K..V, ."" ,',"lp"" yoni! description"
(leorgo Sheriff unci his wlfo nro
traveling In their Packard with tho
SeawolU. Mr. Sheriff Is 11 prune)
growor, and Is woll known In Klam
ath Falls. 1
Francisco Chamber of Commorce. He According to Mr. Helde. his plcr.s
. Is hero on n scouting trip, "Just look- jn a general way call for the re
I Ing around," ns ho puts IfT and in- modeling and decorating of tho in
, cldentally going to Crater Lake. Hut torlor of the old court house. No
,,..,,,, change Is planned In tho exterior
I he Is n hummer from the h to the, r. strumir0 of thQ bnI(,ln(ff thnt a3
' And if this city does not benefit from gtot)(l ,n ,(8 present condition for the
his visit, then It will be a wonder, for ,,ast three or four years. All tho
he has already grasped some of the windows will ho removed and heavy
groat possibilities; ho knows of some plate glass will be Installed.
,'t .i, ,nc .lnnlniiinents' Absolute assurance that tho work
coming and ho sees that hero on tho on tho old court house will bo car-
TOKIO. Aug. n Viscount I'chltla. shores of tho lake. Is to to bo 0110 rled through to completion with the
11 " . . ..... .1 n,,rvnl hr Mr TTolitn's nlnns Is not
Japanese foreign minister. In a slate- f the great uovo.opmen .. t u -..-; -;; ; " V" -..
Hvealh.. "0llr nm- '"
J.1P 01,Prtunlly to show
t . -nuini
T- 1
I "Attkl
Mrs. Kllzii Wirt's proved up on her over,
lionioHtond yofltorday lu Iho o'lfce f'
tho county dork. Tho land Is near
Malln nnd Ih boiiio of the reclaimed eso settlement
Tulo land, Mra. Wires was only 111-(
cnn olllcorR, riulrod to show olghteon moiiths re-
ment Issued today declared that .Ian- Coast. Mr. Howies Is an old newspap- to be had. Ac cor 1 Ins to Circuit
,' does not Intond .0 claim any er man. having climbed all of the Court Clerk DoLnp, tho funds In the
rights affecting territorial sovereign- rungs in tho ladder of tho game while county treasury are nsumcient for
yd China In Shantung. employed on tho San Francisco the completion of the now court
!!n likewise promises that Japan- Chronicle, and when tho Chamber of house on Main street, which would
eso troops will bo withdrawn limne- of that city was casting In a measure prevent tho completion
dlntely after ...1 agreement Is con- around fm a real II vo wire to net as of the old Hot Springs court house,
eluded with China. Japan, mora- secretary ot that organization the An injunction Is likewise pending In
Ih considering tho establish- rholco foil to liciwios. mo v,iiummi cue u. .l... ........o i-u .-....
VKL'1 "'
"l u. ir l"'('" "'most
vi.t'. sa ,ne American nin..
"l CIMchwl a "'"""p uuiruu IQ hiiuw uiBiiceun iiiiiiilm" i-
trllM ... " lea t( and tho Arelle ul, !...,. .i, ,.,r.riif (...emiHii lior
" ol Jonn . Ilnl (,n'"Blit docensod husband was u Civil War
mu, , were conrrn.,n.i .....
", wth . "i i-.veiornn
ri,,h'tBT,1,'?!" a'l Bun-
."" ,,.: """ UK the pro.
...en ot tho general settlement nt got what It was after. . ty from undertaking any work at
'rslntuo Instead of a purely Japan- "My. hut you havo a great little court houses until the matter Is dell
1. .i'i,nt city hore. You can feel it In tho air. nltoly settled.
A man can't walk the streets ot yourl
city without feollng that thoro Is In
""fl Dieoo n '""""'tow,
.' fwftl iii - ,,M n"iw iiiiiu mint ruiuiiTvo
'"wr here ni 0,lUll, ' Fall". Tho MIbsos Tompler
toi, dnybreak tomof. tera of Wolllngton and Earl
Among tho arrivals on last night's
train were the MIbrob Hess and Anna
Tomplor of Antloch, Cnllf., to spond
'some tlmo with relatives In Klamath
are sls-
of this city.
MAXV VKSSKUS FOR TR.WK tho making hero a city of groat pos-1 ,,.,, . ,
I nn.l If the nresBiit residents MARSHFIhLU. Aug. o
am piiakcibco. Aug. 4.-San' know what was coming you . Howell Is held for 'the grand Jury on
.. .....,... ;, , i.nnrd wnni.i Ken ennmrh doing here within charge or muruenng W.lian iveu
rroncisco envision "i i"" . . v., .
nBked for tho allocation of olghty or a short time to satisfy any sebker nt
more vcsboIb for tho foreign trado tor excitement. It is my first visit to
from this coast. Of tho fortyolght Klamath Falls, hut It is not going to
nlroady assigned, which will bo fin- bo my last nnd I am sorry J did not
(shed during August and Septombor. come long ago."
twenty have boon assigned to Son! Mr. Howies left today for Crater
Francisco, sixteen to Scattlo ana i.aKe nnu win cuu...iub un 4
twelvo to Portland. o via Medford.and Ashland. ,
company 'gave the coupefi the assur
ance that -all applicants for heat
would receive Impartial treatment.
Mayor Struble appointed A. Bainter
m pUimbins inspector and re-ap-polnted
M. A. Mann electrical inspec
tor. Both appolnments were confirm
ed by the council.
O. W. Robertson. N. J. Chapman.
Councilman Lavenick and Dr. Soulo
were appointed as a committee to at
tond the coming boxing bouts, which
will be held during the Elks Conven
tion, to safeguard tin Interests ot
the city nnd the patrons of good
sports. This Is required In Oregon,
owing to the recent act of the last
A. F. Sims, one of the leading at
torneys ot Howard, Kansas, and -Dr.
C T. Owings, a well known physician
of Gordon, Nebraskn, are in the city
visiting with their friends Sid and
Percy Evans. Both men are very
much taken with Klamath Falls and
Klamath county and will take back
to their friends reports about this
part ot Oregon that are going to be
productive of good results. Mr. Sims
comes from the oil belt of Kansas,
nnd he tells stories of tho excitement
pt evading thoro that are very Inter
esting. "In one section of tho state the oil
derricks stand like a forest as far
as the eye cnn see, and tho excitement
Is as great as the number of derricks.
Millionaires are njade over night, nnd
If Klamath' county is lucky enough ttv.
strike oil. there will bo something
Harold jojug nore evCp. minute."
Carrol Warden was roleased.
. 1
WASHINGTON,' Aug. 5. Senator
Walthan of Indiana. Republican, de
clared the history ot tho German
.Tapojiese acquisitions in Shantung
MT. CLEMENS, Aug. B. Testl- hud been one wrong heaped on anT
mony in the Ford libel suit ended to- other. He asked the Senate to reject
day, and the cbbo will probably go the treaty provision wh.lcl gave Jap-
to the Jury by next Tuesday.
an control,