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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1919)
.l!Li- AiMEOniriUTHEAD'S THE' EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE HKVHft ' for, find by ordinance il-c1nro such proportionate HlinrcH or Mild ront In In) specific IIciih iignlniit tliii respect Ivn loin. plirlM llf loin, blocks llfl'l ucieiign properties mi determined to tin liable therefor 'I'liii owih'In or owner of pioperty llnliln tor i. ii' i, ii.ii. iii.iiiiii' i., hi in Hiirli liupiowiiiciit lire liiii'liy rcfer iiil lo Hiirli a hi- mil i.t mil on file with tint I'ollci. ludgi. for il-( it II.mI Itiliiiiiiutlii'i mi lo mi' ii iihii'KHini-tii 'I III! Illllll'lll"'-ll Wll'lltl llllll lint propotly lien Hint has been determin ed to lie In in tlli'il inn) o ii ,. ,, tor mull i , m , nil ii,,, jiropi'itv 1 vim: ii'Miii itit in lli.- m i MrrptH hi fur in- III" prop I improvement ext'-nd- llit-rone, iiml i.- ii ii'llut' Inn 1. frniii I'll llll' Mm H of mill i I r i ,i IV. renter mi tin, nitpi'i t,i hloi k no lying ml Jii-' "1 Witness my tin ml anil seal of said liy tlilh noih iiuy of July. 111. A I. LKAVITT. I'ollci- .lllllfo Burs MnEiiow FOR SALE MONEY TO LOAN ..-.-uTi'ltV KIIV AMI Itl'll-I' ,xWIi'i., Author!,,. ? ,'ill ln you n..m,y .... m;r Stntit fco meat for purlieu- lin. mm urn A,,,: ' !mv': " nmlr of food hnuM for sale New ?o!d, from 11.000 In IT.Oti.i Cnn tnm Urine prncllrally lo u" Joj ii win m ou ,0 "p" ""' ,"""ro Firm Preperties: A good 12" ' Ac ilfilfi ranch. 9 mllM out. on Merrill mi. a rood buy at t0 pi-r nrrn. Also a .number of otl.i-r ranches iron 10'acrn up. Hncj for the oldest nml tron.-nl ftn ui Utr Inmtrnnri' romminU'ii b Awrlca The New York l.lfo. JAMK3M. WATKINH, JII.. 120 Main Ht. with Hodge. llll The Tailor. Itui. I'hont) 32011. LOST AND FOUND LOST A small red eiish hoolt tltli'il " i nipluliit Hook. ' Kinder I ii)-iixn li'iivo til lli-ralil Office Ho ward. 1 3t LOST lluiirh of Keys, fliuli-r ili aHi. return to thin offlr.-. 1 4t fOR 8ALK 8tock ranch of 120 UN. 106 acre under Irrigation, noitly tlfilft, 240 acre cnn ho Irrl tiled by eaiy pumping unit, rent flat inln lind. Protected On Mate lltkvarand power linn near rallwiy ititloa and nc.tofftr, Iikii front lit. 5 food welle and rood Improvn mnU. Beit bur n vnltcv lit $34 inn Hilt tanh. b'faneo ft venr ,t f Ctig ira 517 Main Ht. Klomuth Knlls. 10-M KIR SALF IllnM fbln. chnlrs. rocker, pWVifrd, fhtn cMnet tottruM, ranee, bed springs, tireless tookerio-l olhr amnll nrtlcls Anv cm tan we i"tj at 74 J I'nclf- -r-tut. Phone 36 J. l-3t FOR 8AI.K i liroko, Rnntlo worV nirei In fine ahntif, I'rlm 1100 Mlin. Plfwe wrltn Unv Frniipr, Boninta Orr. or rail Sovrn ""''"c "net. Poe Valloy, ll-Jt TIHRE1 FOn SAT.K 20 nnn nnn M Pine near unnor Klnmnth "' AddfPM I', O. Ilox 301, Klnni. tttFalla, Orenon. 2r,tf rOR 8AI.B ftnod rvn hnv nlno n. tlf bar nd pnliiro Call a"1 -. "in St. or Phone 247 M. 12-tf fOR SALE niiNnioblln R-In nr trtlent condition. Iiuiulr- 1HC wnth and Ornnt. 30-fit BTlDEnAKKU Ill'O for bhIe: Klmt ow condition. Judil l,ow, 23 MnMi !!!!!!: 3- F0RgAU)lnrilo imv,,,,,) nrn. ii :Be6Dennl I'rnvoit, .Mills Ail- rii5AlI''Kor'1 romlMcr mitnm-il Brld.V! Bf.0mmoor(,ll l"!y. li...ulr jM'q Shoe Rtoro. ST,,,o. J17 Alam- " - 28'tf 5fjrorWoml-118n "lnASt?A X TyPnwrlter. JoTr roHRin, . i a5BiK!LS2jP08 Main. ' h".sV r-SSwANTED J HlOrcKon. 2o.ct. 21 Main B,odcl")1,lor- Brohorii Srr L zo-ot a BoxT0or nR- Ohotactt hum. 2-flt i I ' ll ' ' l! '0rkVr?.'r! 'or Knnnrnl l... B'roZ'nB-M"'O.G.i;. 1-tf MISCELLANEOUS WANTliD A Hinnll fnriililii-il Iioukc ' or npnrliiii'iil by youiiK inupli- Nr dillilri'ii .'ililn-KH Huralil Offlco i2 tf i LEGAL NOTICES Nollri' of Kllln of I'ronoM-il .-r.-mriit Holl for llio linirmriiiriit or KIkIiHi Strict from HIkIi htnx-t Nortlitrl to I'roMMVt Kln-rli l.ln 1 coin Knn1 from l-'lttli Slnvt Knotcrl)' l Ninth Hirer!: unit Jrf frrwin Hlrwt Troui I-'IkIiUi Slri-rt Knftfrrlv t Xlnlli Htrrot, IiuIuiIIiib litlcnw'cllorm. Thi Common Council of thu City , of Klnmnth KnlU, OroKon, hnvltiK n curtnlnuil nnil (Intnrmliifcl the propor tlonntn nhuro for which imrh lot. uirt of lot. block nml nen'men property nhnll tin llnhlo for tho com of Improv ing KlRhth Htroct from IllKh Street northerly In I'roepect Street: Mncoln fitroot from Klfihth Rtreet enntnrly to Ninth Hired: nnd Jrfferion qtiect from Kljthth Blrcct oimti rly t Ninth f'treet, Includlnic Interaction nnd bavliiR on tho 28th day of July 1 1 9 . filed In thr offlct! of th Police JndKe of unld city eutomont theruof, n-hlch mid Utcmont In known nnd ipiilsnntM thn 'lni'OHK A8 BKHSMKN'i ROLL" for aueli Improvo mmt. Notlco la horoby Klvnn. Thnt mid C.-inmon Council -I'd br rosolut! n fix Monday, tho 11th ilnv of Anrmt. nt the hour of 8 o'locV n. in. 1 ilin Council Chamber In r-ld city- wild ditto bulnar a dato upon which a n-icu-lur mooilnir, of nld council will bn held- nn tho tlmo nnd olncn for henr Inr nnd dftormlnlnn nil objoctlona to auch uMMMmonl. and thorenftor, hav liift heard and determined nuch ob Jcctlonn. If any thorn b. wild Com mon Council will proceed to arnica tho proportlonnto nhnro nnd part of the coat of making uch Improvement In nccordnnco with tho lieneflt ne crnlrnx to oach lot, pnrt of lot. block nnd ncrctirn property ho detiirmlned to bn llnhlo thernfor, nnd by ordi nance, declare nuch pronorllotinlo Hhnnw of n'd cont t" be wclflc llenn iiKnlnM tho respective IoIk. partH of lot-s, blockH nnil ncreiu! prnpiTtloa no determined to be liable therefor Tho owners or owner of property llnhlo for tho proportlonnto cost of Mich Improvement nro hereby refer red to Bitch nHRCBnmont roll on llio with tho Police JiiiIro for detailed In tormntlon an to audi nHsesument. The honndnrles within which tho property Hen that hnti been deter mined lo bo benutltcd nnd to ho as pesHod for nuch com Is nil tho prop erty lyli.R ndjncent lo tho snld streets nn fnr ns tho proponed Improvement extends thereon, nnd extending bnck from thu slde-llncs of Hald HtreotB to tho center of tho respective blocks so lyliUT ndjncent. WltncHR my hand nnd scnl of said city this 30th day of July, 1919. A. L. LBAVITT. I'ollco Judce. Notice of I-'IIIiir of lropoNl Aw-c-mem U for tho Iniprowinciit of Tenth HlriM't From .Main Strict to 1-lucoln Ntrci-t anil IIIrIi Stn-4-t. From Ninth Street lo Kleieiith Htrt-ot, lucluiliiiK liitei-MM'tioiii Tho Common Council of tho City of Klnmnth Fulls, Oregon, having iih cortnlned nnd determined tho propor tionate share for which each lot, pnrt of lot, block nnd ncreiiRo proporty nhnll bo llnhlo for tho cost of Improv ing Tenth Street from Main Street tiorthorly to Lincoln Street nnd IUrIi Street from Ninth Street lo Kleventh Stroot InrltidliiR Intersectiens: and hnvlngon the 2Rth day of July, 1!U!. tiled In tho office of the I'ollco Judgo of snld city a stiitoinent thereof which snld statement Is known and designated as tho "I'HOI'OSKD AS 8B88MHNT ROM' for such Im provement. Notice Is hereby given, Hint Com mon Council did bv resolution fix Monday, the 11th ilnv of August, 1019, nt tho hour of 8 o'clock p. m., nt tho Council Chnmbor in said city Bald dato bolng a date upon wjilcii a regular meeting of said council will bo held as tho tlmo and plnco for hearing nnd determining all objec tions to such nsBessmont; and there after, ufter having hoard and detor tnlnod such objoctlons, if any such thero be, suld Common Council will proceed to assess tho proportlonnto Hharo and part ot tho cost of making nuch Improvement in accordanco with tho benefit accruing to ouch Jot, part ofilot, block and acreage prop erty bo determined to bo liable thero- .Notlre of I'llliii; of I'roposril An-tei--limiil Hull for the linprinriiiciit nf .MniUi-l siieet l-'iniii the North-i-ily Line i.r Sixth Slreet to the S-inthi-il) Mm- of Iil III, in llloik 17, nml tin- Soutlii-rl. l.ln'' or Lot an. Ill lll'iilc IH, of H( uiiil Itiillmiiil Addition to City of Kliiinatli I'uIN, liirliidlng Inter kertlotiN. Thu Coiniiioii Council of the City of K I ii in ii 1 ti I'. i 11m Ori-Kou. having hh-fi-rl ulni'il nml ili-n-riiilio-il the propor tlonnti! Hluiri lor which each lot, part of lot. block ami acreage propvrty shall bu lliibli- for the cnxl of Im proving Market street from the northerly Dm- of Sixth street to the southerly line of lot 10, In block 17, mid the southerly line of lot 30, In block IS, of Second Itallroad Addi tion to City of Klnmnth KiiIIh, Includ ing Intersections; and having on the 2Sth day of July, 1919, tiled in the iilllri! of the police Judge of said city a stntement thereof, which snld stutement Is known and designated ns the "I'ROPOKKD A88KSSMKNT ItOl.l," for such improvement. Notice Ih hereby given that suld Common Council did by resolution fix Monday the 11 Hi day of August, 1919, at the hour of K o'clock p. m at the Council Chamber In said city inld iluto being a date upon which n regular meeting of snld council will ho held as the time nnd place for hearing nmi determining nil obpec tlons to such nsRiutsmcnt, and, there after, having heard nnd determined such objections. It any there be, said Common Council will proceed to as sess the proportionate sluire nnd part of the coMt of milking such Improve ment In accordance with the benefit accruing to each lot, part of lot, block and acreage property so determined to bo llnhlo therefor, and by ordi nance derlnre such proportionate shares of said cost to be specific liens against the respective lota, parts of lots, black and acreage properties o determined to be liable therefor. The nwnern or n" nf nmriertv llnble for tho proportionate cost ot such Improvement are hereby refer red to Buch assessment roll on file with the Police Judge tor detailed in formation an to such assessment. Tho boundaries within which the proporty lies that ban been deter mined to be benefited and to be s rnuuied for such cost is all the prop erty lying adjacent to the said streets as far ns the proposed improvement extends thoreon, and extending back from tho slde-llncs of said streets to the center of tho respective blocks so lying ndjncent. Witness my hand and seal ot said city this 30th day ot July, 1919. A. L. LEAVITT, I'ollco Jndge. Notice of Filing of Prrtpotcd Assess ment Roll for the Improvement of Ksplannite Front Northerly Side of Wall Street to Pacific. Terrace: Pacific Terrace From Union HI i eel Nortlieily to PorN land Street, nnil I'm tliinil Street From Pacific Teniice to City Limits, Ini lulling luteiM-ftlons. 'I he Common Council of tho City of Klaiiintli Falls, Oregon, hnvlni is i'1-italiii'il and ileti-imlneil the propor ilonntK r.hinv for which each lot, part of lot, bloik nnd acreac prop erty shall be liable for the con .if Im ptovlng Ophiiuiile slreet from io-l!i-eilv side of Wall Ktiei-t to P.ii-liln T'rmiv; Pai-lllc Ti'iraie from Muron street northerly lo I'oilland strei-i, and Portland street from Pacific Ten n e easterly to elty limits, in elud'tii: Intersections, and having on the 2)ih.d.iy of July tiled In the olllcu of llin Police Judge of snld city a Hiaiejiieiii thereof, which snld state ment in known and designated an th- "I'ltOI'OKKll ASSESSMENT HOI. I' for said Improvement Notice Is Hereby C.lven, That said Common Council did by resolution fix .Monday, the llth day of August, I M'., tit tl,.- hour of h o'clock p. in ' in- f mni' II Chamber In said city Mild date being a dale upon which -1. r ..,,.,. Mp,. ' p;,ld eiiunell will be held ns the time and place f i !n .'irlng and de.erminlng all ob Ji't'otts to such nssc-ssment nnd tl-erc-iMer having heard nnil deter mined sikIi ohjectlom. If anv there be sa'd Common Couti-ll w'H nro. ceed to Jt-Ri-HH the proportionate hnre anil part of the cost of making "itch Imtnoveineiit In accordance with the benefit accruing to each lot, part of lot. block r.nd acreage prop erty so determined to be liable there f r. and bv ordinance ileehir eii-h tirotiortlonnte (diares of snld cost to he specific Hens against the re spective IntS pll'tS Of IO,a tilnel nji, ncreage properties so determined to be therefor. The owners or owner of property llnble for the proportionate cost ot such Improvement are hereby refer red to such assessment roll on file with the Police Judge for detailed in formation as to such assessment. Tho boundaries within which the property lies that has been deter mined to bo benefited and to be as- IMI. W. M. I1LKYTIIINO, SPECIALIST in I1IHIMHKH of the IIFAHT anil NICKVOUH HVHTKM. Consultation In your Own home without charge. Residency Office Ith nnil .Main Sts. Phone 71 PROFESSIONAL CARDS PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Milcrnlt.v Cnm-n Mrs. lto.n Mcllanicls, 301 High St Phone 455 Livery, Feed and Sales Stable Auto Service - Quick Service ..Py or Night Klamath Stable lioni; Trip- Our Specialty Ilea-ouahti; Hates Till: PARISIAN IIFAI'TV SHOP Fat lal .MiiHNiiging, Pleaching nml Fnc Ini Pac k-4 .Manicuring. Khninpooing Scalp Treatment .Ml) M.iiu Phone .100 H. C. SCIILEEF ::::':: 1 ATtirr rai fctirr coui trwrt ? tr K IIUIIII1K, iJUIIkUbr rii)-i(j))is iiimI KiirKwiu 9 I Phone HID H2'2 Klamath Ate. DR. G. A. MASSEY Sine f-nr to Dr. Trunx suit 'Jim, i. o. o. f. uititc Olllu- ihone 8(1.1 Ret Phone HUM NAr(rtt(fBlMAAAlrrlSSVWat COZY RESTAURANT NOW OPEN 720 Main Street Meals served from 6 a. m. to 9 p. m. GOOD COFFEE AND REAli CREAM DR. CARTER DENTIST WHITE HUILDINO PHONE 885 rrrrrrrNr(VA'rfWWWSVM sesscd tor such cost in all the prop- ' erty lying adjacent to the said streets Aftoi as far ns the proposed Improvement v-?v5-?:VJ-. rw v --Airiuin lucicuil. 1111U CAlCllUlllK UttlK f from the side-lines of snld streets to the center of tho respective blocks so t lying ndjncent. Witness my hand and seal of said J city this 30th day of July. 1919. 2 A. L. LEAVITT. ' Police Judge. , J Your Home Laundry Damp Wash, 20 Lbs. 7Sc FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY Notice of Filing of Proponed Assess ment Roll for The Improvement of Lincoln Street From Ninth Strvet l-islerly lo Kletenth Street. In cliidlng Intersections, less llie I'. S. Irrigation Cimnl mid right of ")' itppiirtcnaiil thereto. The Common Council of tho City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, having as certained and determined tho pro portionate share for which each lot. part of lot. block and ncreage prop orty shall bo liable for the rot of Improving I Incoln Street from Ninth Street F.nstorly to Eleventh Street. Including Intersections, le.s the I', S. Irrigation, Canal and right of wav appurtenant thereto, and having on the -'Sth dnv of Julv l'U't. filed In the offlco of the Police Judge of said city ti statement thereof, which said statement Is known and designated as the """ " SSSMENT ROLL" for such improvement. I Notice Is horoby given, Thnt snld i Common Council did by resolution fix Mondnv. the llth dnv of August 1919. nt the hour of 8 o'clock p. in. nt the Council Chnmbor in snld cltv snld date being a (Into upon which n regular meeting of said council will .bo held ns tho tlmo ami place f( henrlng nnd determining nil objec tion.! to such nasoasnuint, nnd the after, having heard and determined 'such objections, if nny thoro be, said Common Council will proceed to n 'sess tho proportlonnto share nnd earl I of tho cost of making such Improve ment in nccordnnco with tho benefit 'nccrulng to enrh lot, part of lot, i block and ncrengo property so deter mined to bo liable thorefor, and by i ,.,, .l.ieinrn such tironortlon- nto shares of said cost to ho specific HenB ngnlnst thn respectivo mis, puris of lots, blocks and ncrengo proportion so delermlned to ho liable therefor. Tho owners or owner of property llnhlo for tho proportlonnto cost of such Improvement nro horoby rofor rod to audi assessment roll on llio with tho Pollco Judgo for dotallod in formation as to such assessment. Tho boundaries within which tho proporty lies that has boon doter mlnod to bo bonoflted and to bo as sessed for such cost Is nil tho prop orty lying adjacent to tho aaid utroeta as far as tho proposed Improvement oxtondB thoreon, and oxtondlng back from tho sldollnos of Bald streots to tho center ot tho rospoctlvo blocks bo lying adjacent. Witness my hand nnd tho seal of said city this 30tb day ot July, l'Jiu .Notice of Filing of Proposed Assess- J ment Roll For the Improvement of , I (irniU Slreet From Eleventh Street .N'bnhetiv to Llnkvllle Ceme. . T I cry. The Common Council of the Cltyi or Klamath Falls, Oregon, having as certained nnd determined tho pro portlonnto share for which each lot, part of lot, block and acreage prop erty shall bo liable for tha cost of Improving . GRANT ..street ..from ELEVENTH street northerly to Llnk vllle Cemetery, including Intersec tions; nnd having on the 28th day of July 1919, tiled in the office of the Police Judge ot said city a statement thereof, which sild statement Is known nnd designated as tho "PRO POSED ASSESSMENT ROLL" for such Improvement. Notice is Hereby Given. That said Common Council did by resolu tion fix Monday, the llth day ot August, 1919 .at the hour ot 8 o'clock p. m.. at the Council Cham ber in said city said date being a date upon which a regular meeting ot snld Council will be held ns the tlmo and place for henrlng and de termining nil objections to such as sessment; and thereafter, having heard and determined such objec tions, If nny there be, said Common Council will proceed to assess tho proportionate share and part of the cost of making such Improvement In accordance with tho benefit accruing to enrh lot, part ot lot, block and acreage property so determined to bo liable therefor, nnd by ordinance declaro such proportionate shares ot said cost to bo specific Hens against the respective lots, parts of lots, blocks and acreage properties so de termined to bo llnble therefor. Tho owners or owner of property llnble for tho proportionate cost of such improvement nro hereby refer red to such assessment roll on file with tho Pollco Judgo for detnlled in formation ns to such assessment. Tho boundaries within which the property lies that has beon deter mined to be benetltcd and to be as sessed for such cost Is all the prop orty lying adjacent to tho said streets as far as tho proposed improvomont extends thoreon, nnd extending back I from tho side-lines of said streets to the confer of the respoctivo blocks so lying adjacent. Witness my hand and seal of said , city this 30th day of July, 1919. A. L. LEAVITT, Pollco Judge. "Pat Xoar Duds la Oar Bada" PHONE 421 Comer Main And Conger i v Z 2 HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station We handle the Harley-Davldson Motorcycle and Bicycles Exclus ively. Also bnr. sell and exchange all other Makes. Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes. C K. BI8MARK IIS a Mb St. KUmathFaJJa . KLAMATH AUTO We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair. lng New Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and Blackamithing ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 250-Y 617 Klamath Atc. FOR ANY KIND OF FURNITURE 04JTC Andy Mauritsch At No. 10 Main Street. TRY ME PHONE 176-J Phono 3 1U-J 1122 Main St. O. K. Lunch AND CONFECTIONERY Formerly at 45 Main St. Hoine-Mado Pics and Cakes. Cold Meats & Lunch Goods, Ice Cream and Fruits, GLASS Phono mo nnd I come and give you a prlco that will savo you money. Carpenter and Cabinet Work. E. O. STUCKY. 1 140 Main. Phono 840-W. A. L. LEAVITT, , Police Judgo. I'hiuie 460 729 Main St. Ico Cream Candles PASTIME lack Monrovf, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Drink.a Peel and Hilllards Harbor Shop in oCnnectlon OUR MOTTO "Courtesy aad Service" SEE ME For Carpentering, Furniture Re-I pairing, Linoleum Laid. HENRY SMITH "Tho Handy Man" 14M MAIN ST. CONVENIENT HOSPITAL ROOMS DR. A. A. SOULE X-Ray Surgery Medicine Phone 1S1-J 420 Main fAwwv DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver PHONE IW4 Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 Over Underwood's Seventh and Main Streets 'MaMHti FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Loomis Bldg., Klamath Fatta VrVWrVMMrrr-WrWrSrrrW DR. C, A. RAMBO Dentist L O. O. P. Baildlas PHONE fll rVaavyvaviiwMMM'Nrr CITY AM) COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY H17 Mala ARTHUR R. WILSON Maaager DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Pbynlclun M Hnrgeo Hull 211. 1. O. O. V. Tempi (over K. K. K. Htore Phone 821 . . (The only Osteopathic Pbyai clan and Surgeou lo ' KlamatV Fall! ) SAW MILL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers and builders of mod ern Haw Mills, PlnniuK Mills, Roi Plants. Complete plants contract ed. Appraisals nnd reports made. Dredging. Wn contract to build any class of a building and install machinery of nay Kind. Drafting of uny kind clone. Rluo Prints made. PHONE 140J Ofllce In K. D. RuUding J. C. CLFGIIORN Civil Engineer and Surveyor Office 517 Main St. Phone, Office, 100. Ren. 192M. WELL DRILLING Vocbatzer Bros. & Klabzuba Merrill, Oregon Or McDonald Peel Room Klamath Falls, Oregon Ai)MrArMrMArrArMrrrrrrrrrV E. L, ELLIOTT ATTORNEY AT JLAW 111-14 W1U1U Bldg. Ha ! Oregoa MAAAraVjirMAMMrftArVVVVVVVMVVVVVVVMVVVial RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W a.x!"X"J-5w-:":"Xx-:-:mm t : F VUAMHUAI RESTAURANT CHOP SUKY AND NOODLE HOUSE Short' Order Meals Bcrvxt 73 Mais HtrcMrt KLAMATH 'FALtBOKK- 44444(r4