PAGE KfORT THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON HATUIIDAV, AUOU8T a, ioij. - .,. if ' PR I EST ENLISTS I OF PEOPLE LOS ANOEI.nS, Cal., Aug 1 Lieutenant Marcel .Touse, a Jesuit priest. Is hero in the Interest of a movement to replace, devastated churches In France with temporary shelters for worship. I.leut. Jotisso, served four years la the. trenches for Franco and wears the Insignia of the Legion of Honor , aud the Crolr de C.uerre. At the re quest of the French High Commis sion, ho is touring the United States on behalf of the church shelter move ment. The plan, according to Lieutenant Jousse, is to build temporary places o worship for about $2000 each in places where cathedrals were des troyed by the elements of war. JEWS IN UKRAINE ARE KILLED BY SOLDIERS LONDON. Aug. 2. -Reports receiv ed today from it semi-official 1'ollsh source 'were to the effect that the troops occttpjtng Odesa, under (Ton ei al Clregorleffs had surrounded the Jewish quarters thero and began a massacre that lasted three days and nights. Russian soldiers carried out the massacre. .Tows of Ukraine and Uesarabla proclaimed a mourning pe riod of It days. ennui ictq jpr IN AUTHORITY! SlxllllKts mental Take Charge of Govern. Affairs In Vienna When Itela Klin Is Forced to ItcYlgn From Leadership, KOREANS llMJIXti REFORM I.Y ADMINISTRATION". TOKIO. Aug. 2. Several prom inent Koreans who have arrlted In Tokio are urging the necessity of a radical refi.rm of the administration . ot Korea, not only by abolishing dts I crimination between Japanese and .Koreans. I ut also by providing for Korea, representation In the Japan ese Diet. READ HERALD AD IT PAYS &rl YOUR HOUSE Is worth more today than -f it was a year ago. It would cost you a lot more to rebuild it So why not increase your insurance? Some are adding a third, $ others more. It is the wise i" thing the safe thing to -f f "' do. It takes only a little '"' accident to turn the biggest n ' ' house into a pile of ashes. " For More Insurance see H. Driscoll Room 4, Loomis Bldg. VIKNN Aug i-Th. resluim tlou of lJela Kun, Hungarian Com munist dictator, has paved the way for tho succession of tho Socialist government to authority. Overtures ' for peace with the Allies were among! tho first acts of the new government. On receipt ot tho news from the front, which created great constern ation in Dudapest. Kun became pale and with his back to tho wall declar ed, "Very well, if you demand It I must resign I made the best tight I could." Bela Kun, who was expected to seek refuge here, was given safe con duct by the Allies. GREAT BRITAIN DOES NOT DISFAVOR U. 8. ACTIVITY LONDON, Aug. 2. Politically the British government does not view with disfavor the reported acquisi tion ot German firms by Americans. Asked in the House ot Commons it he had any official Information that such transactions had taken place, ,Slr Auckland Geddes, president ot the Board ot Trade, said that the government had not, but that he was "inclined to regard the action sug gested by no means Improbable, not only with regard to Americans, but also British firms and firms of allied nations." t Y 7 7 7 7 X X 7 T X 7 We Ihslio fnielgn exi'lmngi' t .til Al lied and neutral countries I t iw In' jmir IliiuKuis along these llliei. Lot us supply j on with u Snfol h olt llox Hint l.i H.iCo. We rent tli to ,miii by the year for Si.'..)!! mill IjU.IMI. jylamath jtate Jjank t t Y T t t t v t X T t I ? Y 'THE DAYLIGHT BANK" Corner Sixth and Main It you save your money while you are young and able to earn It. you will be able to ride In automobiles when you grow older. Let us be your Hankers. We pay you per cent on time deposits. Hefore louring on that trip; let us supply you lth American Ranker's' Travelers' Checks, which is thu saf est and moat convenient way fur uti to carry )our money. You Identify yourselves. s ol SPRING LAKH DRIPPINGS. shsv4H4H I Mrs. Greene and daughter. Kiln visited at E. A. Schrelners TuesdnJ I afternoon. Mrs. E. A. Sohrelner, Mrs. Wm. Cheyne. Mrs. Carl Schubert and Rev. IVIken visited at Cha-s. Macks Thurs day afternoon. Mr. Frank Stewart and Mr. Reece started heading this week. The Comp Fire Girls went for a picnic on Mt. Stukel Wednesday. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WORK WANTED by woman, elth- er cooking on ranch or work by day. Inquire at Herald Office. l-3t WANTED Girl for general house work and cooking Mrs. O. G. Lab aree, Uly, Oregon. 1-tf FOR SALE New 8 foot Crater Cafe. 124-Ttti St LOST Hunch of Keys, finder please I' return to this office. 1-tt At The Liberty Tonight Only LOST A smnll red . titled "Complaint please leave at Herald Office. Re ward. l-3t YOI'NG MAN -Would Jlke board nnd room In priwite family. Address A. Herald office. ,".l-2t WEXZKLL'.H IN TOWN. j II. W. Wcnzell. travelling freight ami passenger agent for the Southern Pacific company, Is In the city on business connected with Ills depart ment. Mr. Wenzell states that hU company will bo In shape to give up- . to-tho-mlnute service whlln the Ellis nwulng. I are hore, maintaining an office In tho 12t Elks Temple, so that all those com ing to the city over tho 8. P. may have their tickets validated and oth- or inutteM adjusted. In which tho cash book en- railroad company nnd traveller nro ,wun. r iiui.Jl ventlon will buy u straight ticket I) this city, taking n rerc'pt (rum the agent. This receipt they will present P tho intlro.iil reprcsi'iiuiue In this city and It will entitle Un-m to a re turn ticket for one-third the n-itnlar fare, thus making a rate of one tad onf-thlrd fare for the round trip, Interesteil. ( I'nder lliu iirruiiKement Unit will 1m In force those coming to thu ron- TWO NI-.W CASKS IN ill ItT. Emma Wing has filed a null In court for thu recover) of propvrtr from Hilda Cooper and ollurs J V t'.lmori Is suing the UcAriuril l,u I er n mpany fur uhk s lie rlilrw are due lilm .", F Ciirntihii'i U I'm ultmr.oy for the plalulirf - Two spectacular bar room battles are fought at the climax of P-v rv Sk I'Olt SALE A Main St. 1 Typewriter. inns 2-3t tr r "f&'vf FOR SALE- A 1 bicycle. Good nn( cheap fee 100S Main. 2-3t iSSi ..? A&S FO'l SALE Improved resident ".- Must sell. See 1008 Main. 2-3t EMPLOYMENT wanted by young girl In either office or store. l'hnn 367. 2-2t FOIt SALE Paying notion buslnusi in small town, postofflce connect ed III henlth cause for selling, in vestigate. Herald. 2-lt CUJCKENS WANTED Want 2 doz. on R. I. pullets. 024 11 th 'I- 'i Jt A. thrilling teent from "J. 3Iin'l Country" iltrrlnti Jtu.o Itubtni, ii i liar i siim; i V rii m I u? A Man's Country starring ' ALMA RUBENS WANTED Men and women. Must be over l(j years of age. Chelsea Lum-I ber r.nd Eo.x Jo. ' 2-6t ' APPERSON SIX I The Jackrablilt of motor cars a royal blue, four passenger roadster. Inquire D. E. McCabe, CI 7 Main. St. 2-6t. EPISCOPAL SERVICES. Episcopal services will ho hold In this city next Sunday, Bishop Pad dock officiating. The morning sorv-l ice will bo at 11 o'clock, the subject of th i sermon being "Our boys over thero." This snrvlnn will ln linl.l In the Odd Fellows Hall. Services In the evening will bo In the opera house, the subject of dis course being, "Tho price of peace." Confirmation will lm nHmlnlcloml to a claes on this visit of the Bishop. dl-dt Diseases of Women a Specialty. MEDFORD, OREGON. A forceful and spectacular drama of the Primitive West in the days of the gold rush, when men fought hard, women lived fast and human life was cheap LIBERTY Theatre ' a ( Tonight Onjy RESIDENCE IS NOT SOLD. I wish to state that I have not sold my resldenco at 017 Alameda, not withstanding reports to that effect. It Is for sale however, and at a price that will prove attractive to those wishing to purchase an Ideal home. 2-lt ,, A. h. ALEXANDER, A GOOD HOME. llOmAfl HllVni'H Vflllln tttn-Kf.. HAA.l i -.-." t.".." ',:j " -- .""" ..uuw, mr mc, pena most or metr time . tliAr. aifa h.v. nnA I-, irA, Springs AdIUon that will surely piease. it lias rive bljr rooms and a sleeping porch In main part of house, also lanm HrrnnA lmlr nAMi. i....i. Urge closed, Are place, cabinet work, f"" "u awrago room lawn and la r ire lot. It nlan lin nn nliiinn .m. two good bed rooms, and large wood house and garage, making a fine yiaro.iur m large rnmiiy, CJwper ex pecto.fo1 leave aoon, to cane lor other Interests- and will sacrifice t 98000.00. on terms. 'BeUwlook at Careless Driving Picks Your Pocket Tire damage is nearly always the result of careless driving. Abuse may injure it so badly that the whole tire is soon mined. When you discover any trouble with your tires, come to us. We can probably make such repairs as will save you money in the end. thla tnAmf. it mhv Ka .. .- Ohllcpte A SaUttt, CSS Main St. Phone M. ' BAJU THE r. - whiteT BfflmWK-J CAN THE OFirieiAL AUTO BLUE BOOK AND CALIFORNIA STATE AUTO ASSOCIATION GARAGE