The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 01, 1919, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    i-'itii.Y, ,niisr i, uMn
i i 'Sic- i
. i ' . -n i. .-'MM... tit I k.I rt I'll It lt 111 '
.rurred In various parts of Oregon imi ligation mn, mi- i...... .i
.... .. . ..! i. ., .n.A.i.ifl.linr iitiirtltlfV '
I the amount of rainfall generally was mini - i !.,........, -
t,,o small to bo of benefit toe. op to imiti o( I p ittmn num.
quench forrst tires or to surlnuslv do- unit rant:
nr rry r"
ii'iiiininlni but thi'fi' I"
-.. ...... . ....... .... . I lin hk'hllt' ll 111! Mill 111 I 11 L Ult'it' I"
Mmr mi nr,KBT"P lay farm worn jirwj iuiw m " '" "- ; , , , w --
GOOD li STATE rr-js: r-sarsssA Man'sfosflh
. ' Hur"t of spring wheat .mil outs Potuton and nil uulrrlinled g'liil-
Aniicots, IVim'Ih". anil Knily Apple S iragrt"lui: cxrept In the more olt- mi vogt'tn'ilrx need win. Siuiip . i'l
Aio .Maiketod In liu'ivii-luji Quail. uiled districts. Tlio eiop Id Hunt ex- potatoes niiireruu from iwkih. i u"
A Hs?a'
IV 3
t , i ; fa?
JLZr Hosier a
.i n. it,,. Vftn-ii I'oiimli'tcil rtnntlnir the western counties nun
tu Kliuunlii rotiutj. .whore Irrigated. Irrigated rorn N
jgoed: unlrrtgated coin needs rain.
POKTI V.NU Ore. Auk I. liar- j but ffi or limited arcac bus not
vest of winter wheat cu.ulnuo.4 thru-'been Injnro.l by drought. Kan nro
out Oregon ulthroMilUvuryl.M from In Josephine uml Malheur
I'lmost nblut failure to lh I 'Ht n;i ' counties
roconl. However. In th? principal
vhent growing countrt the iirlil
market Is fairly wull supplied with
potatoes and togutubli's. Iiop art'
ilolni; wi'll
is tmerally as kooiI as was oxport'iil,
Am loot still nro In tho niaruot.
lVnclii'-i ami oarly applos aro beliiK
uiarkotoil tu lncreanl.u: uuuntltloi.
i.'on:illnB to tho weekly wrather ami !li'WnB oC rusph.-nl.- and
orvp report of the wwuhor bureau i berries Is approachl.iK eompb'tlon In
.fn, most sections ami picking of blaek-
"hIrIi tempernturo prevailed at tho! berries Is In fill! proKre-s Kvor
Prst of last week but there wa a !"" blackberries aro rlpenluK-
A crack lit the bank of tho law
North I'oe canal, In I'on Valley lust
ulKlit, uaifyeil the water to nurpo
thru. A larKit force of imm from tho
Iteclamallon office ate nt wn-k 'n
effort to repair the wall before any
Hcrioi.A dnn.HKU rexultH ' t'.ie fanmuti
In tint valley.
change to cooler about the middle of
the week, the temperature In some. In-
i calltles falling almost to freezing.
The temperature toward the close of
i the week again was above normal. A
1 large number of thunderstorms oc-
Haying Is generally complete ex
cept for the late cutting of alfalfa and
closer Where not Irrigated thete
-- need mi. Tho second am'
'lrd crops of alfalfa will be short In
some places, owing to scarcity of lr-
Wo wish to express our sincere
thankM and gratitude to tho many
Kind frloiuli who ho generously as
sisted us during our lute bereave
meat. Words are Inadequate to fully
express our feelings,
Mil, AND Mlta, J. 1101,1, IDAV,
What You'll Sec in
"A Man's Country"
l.lfo ax It Wax In iln t ou iV.
of Mil "Nt
lluw They Gambled In I itliroinU U
the (iolil-ltitsli Diijn (if H
An lhillri' Village in I'aiib.stiioi,,
I'llKlit from the IVstllnic.i
The (iiilwuilo Alma ltuhcim In ,
I llanil-to-llaml llnltlo With n n.
Gambler of the Old West
A I'liker Game for u I'm tunc j
wwii a llnnce Hull Oni-eii iinj .
j llml Man Gambler u
At The Liberty
j The Idea That Won Millions
Never forget that hosiery plays a far more conspicuous
part in your appearance than many a larger and more costly
item of dress. Luxite Hosiery is made with thts idea in
mind; hence made as shapely as the curves of the figure,
and in a texture so wonderfully fine and soft you can drsv
a pure silk Luxite stocking through your finger ring.
As for serviceability, there is nothins better. Thafa
why we recommend these hose.
SOQi- '
F. S. Braimvcll, Vice President of
tho State Chamber of Commerce,
Iiauds TliN City to Representa
tives of l'oi tland Tress.
The folIovins article Is clipped
from the Oregon Dally Journal of
"F. S. Bramwell. vice president of
the State Chamber of Commerce, who
is making a tour of the state for that
organization, has just returned from
Klamath Falls. Bramwell says that
the -wheels ofindustry are turning
rapidly in Klamath County. The saw
mills are running to capacity, many
-working night shifts, and new mills
are being erected along the new rail
road. An irrigation project is now
being constructed which, It Is said,
ivill bring under cultivation some
80,000 acres of heretofore unpro
ductive land.
"Nearer the lake, a drainage sys
tem is being worked out which will
bring an equally large tract of tule
land under the plow.. Road construc
tion is going on at a lively rate.
County road bonds to the amount of
$347,700 were recently sold at a sat
isfactory premium.
"There has bpen a tendency for
the people of that section to feel tha't
they were more a part of California
than Oregon, but this condition Is
being overcome, largely through tho
efforts of the state chamber. Tho
people of Klamath Falls are setting
forth every effort to make tho Elks
convention, which will convene there
this month, one grand round-of pleas
ure. Every home will be thrown
open to the visitors, and nundreds
of tents will be erected on the lawns
in an effort to furnish sleeping ac-
commodations for all who uttend."
St. Pauls Enisconal Guild will
gadhei) tomorrow afternoon :t 2 j
o ciock at tne nome or .Mrs. uarrett,
408 Klamath Avenue to meet Bishop
Paddock. All ladies who are Inter
ested in the church work are cordi
ally invited.
Just Remember this. The dates for
the Elks' Convention are August 14,
tB and 16. Get ready.
Nursery Needs
Summer is a trying season for babies, and
special care and attention should be given
to the purchase of things which may be re
quired to contribute to their health and
comfort. We cany a complete line of
a j
a Nursing Bottles, Nipples, Fittings,
' Brushes, Powders, Soaps, Etc.
There's Nothing too Good for Baby
( raeiwoft mi
H. N. MOE, Proprietor
Citizens of Klamath Falls, Show the Right Spirit
Extend Visiting Elks a Royal Welcome
Do you fully realize the importance of the coming Elks Convention the publicity to be gained and the
possible resultant benefits? Such an. opportunity as this may never occur for some time to come, and citizens
with the future welfare of the city at heart will welcome this occasion to make a lasting and favorable im
pression on minds of those who will be in the city during the Convention.
Readv to Tell You "Good Morning"
the First Thing tomorrow are New
Welworth Blouses, $2.50
Wirthmor Waists, $1.50
The above pictures can't do them jus
tice illustrating a lovely Blouse is
something like trying to describe a
beautiful painting; it can never be ade
quately clone.
And that's the situation when it
comes to some of these Blouses that we
have just received. This much can be
said of each and every one of them;
that they are decidely exceptional at
the price.
So tomorrow morning you will have the
opportunity of wiewmg many of them
for the first time. We are confident
you will be very enthusiastic over them.
The Worthover Is a Mighty Good
Waist for One Dollar
Open Your Homes to Them Give Them
the Glad Hand Make Every Visiting
Elk a Booster for Klamath Falls
To this Wo must Fool Our Best; Act Our Best, and Look our IleM.
Tin- carnival spirit that will prevail will take care of tho first two the third la Just
ns important..
So NOW in the Preparation for the Event
Consider the Problem of Apparel
This will bo Klamath Kails Gala Week, so, as properly boflts the ocraslon many
women will now glvo thought to being prettily attired. And NOW, when tho "
Ice of this storo will bo put to tho tent, wo want to lell you that vu arc sph mildly
prepared to assist you In every way.
Mid-Summer f!ndn us with scores of
really Dresses of 811k and
Wash Mntcrlals, this In spite of tho
rumavkablo demands nindo upon our
stocks, which aro kept complete liy In
coming new models. Wo will not, In
this limited space, attempt descriptions
you must view them. I'rlces In all
cases 'are modest.
A very recent shipment of mouses has
revealed somo of tho handfoiiiest of
sheer new styles In Georgette and Crepe
do Chlno. In embroidered, beaded and
befrllled htyles. Not a shadu that rash
Ion has deemed lit to fiiullo upon Imi
been omitted. All sIzcb. Make It n
point to view them
White Wash Skirts Are Reduced
White will bo very much in evidence during Convention Weok .so at this very oppor
tune time wo announco our under.narklngs on these very desirable Summer Skirts.
P'ashioned of fine aabardlncs, Pique, Wash Satin and Wnffo Cloth. Tho snlo prices
areuio Indication of thel rtruo worth.
$2.50, $3.15, $3.65, $4.35, $5.95 to $7.35
NEW Silk Poplins, Special, $1.50
The moment you view them, you'll recognlzo this speclnl prlco as much under their
leal value. Fine, soft, lustrous Silk Poplins that will fit admirably with your Ideas
of a smart, sorviccablo Frock material. In Navy, Hose. Clroen, Light 'Dluo, Taupe,
Ilelglan Blue, Plum, Black nnd Whlto.. 30 Inches wldo.
We've Used the Blue Pencil Mothers May Buy
Boys' Wash Suits at Big Reductions
How many mothers find the Wash Suits bought earlier In tho season havo long slnco given their
allotment of satisfactory service, and need replacing by fresher, now garmonts. So, with months
of wear before them, we announco this tlmoly sale. Tho styles are varied. In one and two pleco
models of a solid color or a combination of colors.
Of fine Gingham, Chambray, Galatea and Devonshire Cloth, In Bluo, Green, Tan, Brown and Whlto,
Sizes 2 to 6 years.
$1.00 Suits at
$1.73 Suits at $1.:
$1.25 Suits at
91.05 Suits at
92.00 Suits at 91.03
Needle Workers,
Your Attention, Please
Our Needle Work Department has been
greatly augmented by the addition of a very
splendid stock of well-known
Embroidery Silks, Crochet
Cottons and Stamped Pack
ago Piece
Most every conceivable tint and, shade Is rep
resented in the threads. The packago goods
Includ Scarfs, Buggy Robes, Children's Caps
and, Hats,, Women's Dressing Sacques and,
Fancy Bags..
Many Odd Stamped Pieces
At Special Prices
New "Patsy"
Frocks and Rompers
In one of our display windows will be seen
these cunningly fashioned llttlo duds for tho
wee masters of tho house. Of fine Solsotte
and Cotton Poplin In Pink, Bluo, Tans, Qroen
and White, with cuffs and collars in contrast.
The Frocks, $3.98
" The Rompers, $2.98 v-
Women's Hose, 40c
A regular 50c Hoso. But th oquantlty'is
small, so we have placed the lo ton .sale at,
thlB special price. In ,blac kand whlto.' All
sizes. '
Special at 40c
Saturday Specials "
Saturday, the Thrift Day, so for to
morrow we will offer several timely
bargain opportunities, In each case
the Items aro decidedly undorprlced.
Cotton Blankets, $3.25
Prepare now for visitors who will be
hero during tho Convention. These
Blankets are tho famous "Wearwell
make, and are of fine staplo cotton.
In gray and tan; borderod.
Comforters, Special $4.75
Of double carded cotton, sllkollne
covered. In several colors.
30c Ginghams at 25c
Oood quality Qlnghems In stripes
and plaids, 27 Inches wide.
Cotton Foulards, 29c
Actual 36o and 40c values, In green,
blue, and light ground, conventional
and Horal designs.
NOTE If you intend decorating for the Convention, place your order for bunting at one, Don't delay-
Our decidedly limited; ' , k .