VltllMV, AI'lHsr , THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON HMD, PAOB TWO Lee Tires Give Exceptional Any Defective Tirca can be Adjusted on a G.OOO or 8,00o - M51 rmsis in Klnmnth Falls. && Howie Garage 12lh and Mair fc. naw tt'T.i I DESSA I ATLANTIC FLEET GDMPAREQ WITH SUNDAY HER FLEET SAV KltAM'lSCO. All) 1 - When The Atlmtle Pleet on It (unions cruise n'oiinil tho world In U'OS was til eliiv 7 hours eiiroutci from Hi.nptPii Komi Vu . to Sun Prime-H-cii Tlio nr Pacini" fleet now enroitto ironi Hampton KoniN ! scheduled to nrrlo nt San Krmciseo In 27 thus from the ilnte of Milling Thl I one Interesting comparison of the two fleeti which hnvo been miiilo here. The Minnie fleet went nrounil f:in Horn Th- Pacific feet roiit! tl i I'Rli the Pimimi canal not com pli "tl when tile Atlnntle ''. mure It critH The actual silling time for tlie Vtlnntlr fleet wrw fil dnyc 11 hours. The I'.i Iflc fleet Is olectot! to make the trip t i S.in Francisco In about o'cliteoM oi nineteen day uctual i l!np time In 190"! tlio American navy hail no ntrplanei or sciplane It hail fow (iestroerf nncl lea submsirinen Tto At!, ntlo fleet comprised 1G bittleshlps with a flotilla of torpedo boats Thp new Pacific fleet approx imates 110 vessels of all classes. When Admiral Evnns led his fleet it parado here In May 190S his flng h i led hu 42 essels of all ilpcrlp t'on President Wll-on Is scheduled to rev low a Pacific fleet of more than lriO vessels hero in August of this year The old Atlantic fleet carried 1 I. 000 men. The Pacific will bring 2T. -000. Tlio Atlantic fleet was valued nt approximately $100,00,000. The Pacific fleet represents expenditures of several times that amount At the fneatres , In lohnny (!t oi. (lit i, U i new Artuui't putim in wnlih I'm' Stone Is tin led at tho Slur theatre to.ilKht nun touiorinw tii.il f.mon comedltin diiM Ills danse poellnue, a (eleliiilied itcioli.lllc dance th.it won him the pr.iii.e- of the gieiito.-el ciltliw, and then H Hows It 'with an otue.ni Unar roping itunt. With his usual agility Tied fin ishes tho dance, which takes pl.u'o on a Imlltoum llooi. Jump.t w u Iml icny, seizes, a lope, and swinging It tl rough an open window, hisxiies the Co if.t of PuUlon-nla. as the 1 liter Is iibout to bine on an eloppi imt p t). It Is tho most ilurlnr pine o' uciobntle fun Been heie l.s i n e tli i' . o HIrhard Unidinij ' w m lJlittttur" which mentis th it iiu ' blooded story ami full of Ji " tho kind ot st"iy th i "'I it"' ' llurdiht; Dnvls could wilt John P.urrmotP s ts nit tn r ' South nirlr.it n publ1 ' ' foimcr Uicurabsnt nm tho force of humor unci i won out where b.'s prede oil b tisa.of force re mil today and tomorrow . Klnir Jov rings at tV Tlieatre. v here Jiii n" i .'" l.eo are appearing en tin rri' u William Vox play enll 'il s nil The ih'hlron have n v v o'l'lmi story and put It on lh ihmouii I i tl elr own Inimitable w iv The humor of the picture n 'i 1 -iticGcl by a er Intellu ft 'e" " .Inno found on the nfeet lr Kolli wood 'This doc took such n fancy to Ihe chilbbv llttlo star th.i' t woull do iiintlilni; Director (ll'lst mn to'cl lu-r to miko It do "Smiles" will be sln.vn it li" Liberty Theatre tonlRht onl irnlnst ni'tluniillnllon The n Inc ludo tlie coil and electric lompinles "I III' emmlnlHti i (iiiretlci thinks the com bination will Iiiimi no teal wiiIkIU unle- lemb with a detlnlle alternii tlie pollcv Mauv olmeneisi bcdlevu the lutoioHts' will subside isrnt'ii fnllv before n flood of iiulilli' opinion. COST OF LIVING IN CANADA SOAKb HIGH OTTAW (INT. Aur t lienpll I'oiuinulent efforts to reduce ptlciw, tlie cost of HxliiK In Cnniula contin ues to soar 'Ihe IiIkIi pilcen wn rliecl us tle muse of uitiet In eeiv district, accerdliu: to hiM'stlKiitor hi die recent strikes throughout the Uii'iil Hon (lOvernmeut o i Ihe hlith cost of le sponsible f( r tin d I liui.i(i!i(l of coiimiv men. They ulsn n J"i t j:i radicals ecu ! II t ")- llllllll The iiverai!" ( n In sixty iMIIch in in us cntiii'iired with $1 rielnl strttlntlcs Hlun the u en iu;o was $? '"1 Mm 'U re. ' ' f'lon , 1 ' otklni;. 1 ' Ittb. "" '"rlr. "' Miyl0. 'IIIICI n .STOCK l"-l I III II ("en riirnisii re il 'or til I 1 1 I A... I tl-l .. l "T IMiiiuiril i ceiii i ii'i' ti ' itpr IllQnlk I jii'l iiuiiii i iii'i"' i tiiii iir y it (IniMll'H, NUI'IU IIIIICI' 3jl Hon t foiRot i c i "i ii he i . i .. . tl '" ' "MO II 1 15 Udl i I l I I KTi When you 're hot and thirsty say Crl 1 Hires 1 W5 ROOT E3E3E3F2 OJ KJ Y At mnj plwo wlicro soft bevcrngi nro old. aAm DjS the henry weiniiard plant Wk p Uuitlm and OUtributon. I'OKTLANU, OIICGON Ajiu si'pmtvisiox ivom:i HY M.WOltlTV or pities. The time of your life, ments. Tickets only Ford Garage at 7:15, Fine music; Refresh $1.00. Big bus leaves Fare 10 cents. imrssn s. auk i - a uroup or senator of tho three leadlnir parties have introduced In Parliament a bill to placo i'ioInB picture films under a supervision of a Ministry for Science an' Arts.'Thn scheme moe's with tho favor of tho majority of the press. II UOI.SIinviK ATTW'IC .MI'S. Notice of mijkti.ng. To all members of the G. A It., V.'uman s Relief Corps, Ladles of the G A. K., Daughters of Veterans; Sons of Veterans; Sons of Veterans Auxiliary, National Association of Army Nurses of the Civil War, and members of the families of mem bers of each of tho above organiza tions, accompanying them to the en campment. The 53rd National encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic will ho held at Columbus, Ohio, during the week beginning September 7, 1919. Tickets will go on sale August 15, and will be good for sixty days from date of sale. Tickets will be sold via diverse routes to Columbus on the basis of one cent per mile In each di rection via routes traveled, on going and return trip, plus war tax of 8 per cent. Stop-overs will be allowed going and returning. Those from the West desiring to Ko further East, after the encamp ment at Columbus, may purchase Bummer tourist tickets at Columbus for the nearest summer resort to their destination. These tickets may ho bought as late as September 30, with final return limit October 31, 1919, pr the summer tourist ticket may he bought at original starting Coe's Jitney Service Day Phone 108 LAWRENCE'S CIGAR STORE Klamath Falls, Ore. SUNDAY EXCURSION' on Upper Klamath Lake The launches "Spray" and "Oaki land" will run excursions every Sunday, leavlnt? tho mull h. (landing at 8 a. m allowing five noura at Jiocicv Point. Fare $1.50 from landing for round trip. Bus leaves Western Transfer office at 7:30 a. m. r y Calkins & Hamilton WMMMAMMMMAAMAAMMMMI .1 point, with stop over at Columbus enroute. Tickets may be secured only on presentation of identification certi ficates which may be secured of the Assistant Adjutant General or of the different Post Commanders or ad jutants. I All those desiring to avail thCm belvps of this opportunity within tho jurisdiction of F. II. Sprague Post No 40 is ill please notify tho ad jutant' of this post at an early date to enrblo him to secure identification c?rds from the Department of Ore gon. By Order of the Post 1 O. A. STBAnNS, Adjt. To avoid many inquiries as o who all will be entitled to certiff cates on which to request transporta tion to the National Encampment, the Director-General of Railroads stlpu lite o the Commander-in-Chief that the rates here given, shall only ap- , ply to members of the Grand Army of the Republic and their families; members of tho Woman's Relief Co-r" Ladles of the G. A. R.: Daugh ters of Vetprans; Sons of Veterans; Sons of Veterans' Auxiliary; Na tional Association of Army Nurses of 'be Civil War; and members of family of members of each of the above organizations, accompanying them to tho Encampment. Tho inter pretation given to "family" Is, tho i Immediate members of on's family, who live with one. Therefore, It will ho seen that tho rate will not apply to tho follewing: 5 Veterans of the Civil Way who i ani not members of tho Grand Armv of the Republic. I 2. Widows of former members of ,the Grand Army of tho Republic un- less they aro mnmbors of the Armv jsurses Association woman's Relief Corps, Ladles of the Grand Army of the Republic. Daughters of Veterans or Sons of Veteran's Auxiliary. 3. Daughters of deceased mem bers of the Grand Army of the Re public, unless they belong to one of the organisations mentioned In the preceding paragraph. ' 4. Sons of deceased members ot the Grand Army of tho Republic, un less they belong to tho organization known as the Sons ot Veterans. 17. Sons and daughters ot mem bers of tho Grand Army of the Re public, unless they are living Inth'olr father's .household, or belong to one of the organizations mentioned in paragraphs 2 or C. TOKIO. August 1. An official communication issued bv the W.ir 1" partment says that a Bolshevik at tack on n Japanese troop train near Nlchollsk Siberia, recently, paused a loss to the Japanese of nlnety-ono killed and five seriously wounlcd. The Rolshovik!, who numbered five thnuFnnd, were repulsed after heavy fighting. HAY & RRAI.V IX8URANCK. We have sctled a numhet; of losses In hav nnd grain, and all of them have been paid promptly and in full. Wo shall appreciate a share of your business. CHILCOTE & SMITH. 031 Main St. Phone CC. 23-5t Just Remember this. The dates for the Elks' Convention aro August 14, 15 and 16, Got ready. lr " 'ZT2 SHT: I rsKev?': ... ... fiAidv. v- & m l CTn &iZ LJ. OUR SCOPE OF SERVICE IS BROAD Plrst National Hank servlco extends nil oor Klnnia'h County. If ii poison or linn is too far romowd to con duct tho banking personally, why It can bo dono ll MAIL. Wo enable one to tnuko Ills deposits and with drawals In th.it mn u n dr from any dlstnuco. Get this big bank behind you and your business !:. it, iti'iiincN, t'M"Meiii. I.. I". ttlllets. lce-PruMiltiit. I .! lo Iteigeiti, Cushler. A. M. C'olllci, Awit. OuNhlcr. Jifliu M, Mooie, AsNt. ("iihliier. il the First National Bank KLAMATH KALLS OREGON COMPOSITE PICTDBE --- SLOVJ .- TEUTONICS LATIN Lift off Corns! Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezone costs only a few cents. Ilk With your fingers! Voj can 11(1 olt sny bard copsoftcorn, or corn be tween the toes, apd the bard sV.ln cal luis ftcu bottom of feet. A tiny bottle ot "Kroozony iosIb llttlo at any drug store; apply a fuw drups upon the corn or callus In ttantly it stops hurting, tren iJiortly you Jlfe that botbersomo corn or tal tui rlr'M off, root and all, without one bit of pain or sorou. S9. Xru'.yl No humbug! COAL MINES CAUSE 4 mff' STRIFE IN ENGLAND LONDON, Aug. 1. Relief Is held by some political observers that tho parliamentary battle over tho propos ed nationalization of mines nnd rail ways may Bpllt the coalition govern ment of Great Ilritaln. Tho coal magnates are trying to rally the mine owners to defend their rights and tho wholo prlnclplo of private ownership of under earth deposits is at stako. Tho government has an arrange ment by which Lord Cow dray's ex perts aro exploring for oil nncl tho Labor Party and many Liberals pn pose that the government shall deny any right of private ownership In oilfields. A hundred members of tho coali tion In the House of Commons have protested t" the Prime Minister acalnst the Transport bill. This bill gives the New Minister ot transport, Sir rlc Oeddes, control over high ways, road transport, railways, tram ways 'docks', canals an'd coastwise shipping. It Is now proposed to add electric power. Sir Eric claims that the ministry will have 110 greater authority than the Doard of Trade formerly held. Opponents charge that the bill makes him a dictator with far more power .than Secretary McAdoo had In tho United States as director-general of railroads and that his 'office might make and wrock industries and com munitioB. A powerful phadanx ot interests Is Peopled Market PRODUCER TO CONSUMER Any man with resources can engage in the meat business, but a patronage such as this establishment enjoys cpmes only from years of good service. Phone 83 534 Main St Remember, a whole carton! It pays to buy curront-ssrlnl National Mud Lamps. Tbtf give tbrea times the Hfbt eld style bulbs for the ' light bills. Buylnr live In a blue, COD1J!5i lenee carton eaves br,7ffl and glvos yea extra UP keep on hand. Roberts' & Hanks FEED QEgg Mash, Growing Mash, Fattening Mash To Your Chickens', Murphey's Feed & Seed Store SifctSL rh