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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1919)
lSr,i A. -TSSisa .ill. HHH. , -nMJ-P.H . , " v- 'Cjjpresident oMcxican Murder -Opw "aM W :lMrr.w hi. ear "'.,, ',,,,,, w . , . , M.,U.ui. I to punlili t COMEliniriUTME AI3 FOR SALE MONEY TO LOAN &)ou mid nioui fin Imildlii PSffMH.' htv me fin parilitilais, H(urH fin .il i !,,. ,, f.,.. ' 'Wit bii) hi ncH bmivm. .,i fiiw. Ml mi klinu Hit nt to )ou. mijii,il HO iris In I'oe al-fJ-tO ,rr 0 mls nut on Meirlll "wtHOwrw tin Mlilliiml iiiail. U iTtKUetl, Imprtl. (moil llujs. I , ifrou, JM. M. WXlM.N.s, .lit "- Mil III kl. ..III. II. ..I.... The Tailor ,- .,(. .M(m WANTrl v(,dchopperH 022 Main St. 1 All n I A . rou pur a . : .mare, i ' "r",(n- !'HI work wi. n:: ".?? I'rlco ?ino ' w,o n,o Hay I'rouor. - I Ranch, '" ITO.. nr ...II t... " K.-w.'i farrouV,' :'"'"' l"r',"V urn ii - err i n . - i".'..' . "vij. ( 1 PiiJuCi- 'ew Komi lllllk rim-. fareb: Hm'5hMd0f,he0r"Cl.J,'rOy "ri,ml ri ; .' ' VUUU1 "ouso, UohorlH. iR8T Itn .. 1 Med 1 WVM t,'00.NW.'r.v-ol"'l('lt Hluilor "'o ruiMlra. lOvmu TIMBER IPnf tii 2D.;it &: pC8A20.000,000 WiJ5?."Wr ti.- "Viir mi- ... -." i f .n.vaor. i. -r.i,u uiunuit 1 1 ' -"miin::: ' - ". Dux ant ui.. I i, -.. -ii'gon, i inn- iorr. . 7itw -JLL. I i. i I mm John 0rf.-ll nml Iit Ifi r ol.l mm nr uu In Wanhl-.. ton Mr ji'iim "' m, i. j, uh. tni i n iri'iiu- in B,rd,,?i , uiTufor. WHm.ii Hi. (MrrMiirni-l-irililnK lli rlou-iit of Uii Hltiintlnn at Int.. hour at t. . c w fc yjr -.-. ii 9 BkH ff'Xf; : ' n w BIDS CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR SALE, HAUIMTS I'OIt SAI.i: Ituiulie it III l.i'Uln Htre.'t. Klamath I .ill Oregon. 2'i-Ji' I'Oll SAI.i: Hump. Iiuhkj and Hum- rjr cfi. Hue lientils I'tovost. Willis ah (lltlon. 2.'i-10f ri'KNi'rrni: 1'iUi St. for wile. 01' Alain-2h-tf HELP WANTED WA.NTI'P Itutchet nntter and ed Konilllll, .ilHO lumber plleni nnd eutti!i8 hy tli'HiHnnil hinder & Kill. Dairy. Ote;on - . - -- . . WANTl'll Woiinui or clrl for Ken ernl hoiHuwnrk Tolephoito ll.t 2S-31 WANTI3H All oxiicrlonroil Ironer. Home I.nundry. I'lionu 121. 22-tf Seehnrii 2'J-tit LOST AND FOUND LOST--Ladled koIiI watch- HunlliiK can K It ciurriived on case- IIo- Uh'pU kV.."'.. r.'''''..2"' .'''I' I""! In lleruld office and let-ehP lib w tock Ian. I. - ,'r'"IIIK "rn' rownrd 2-tf Mt to sen Maki,nMU!lfff,ir,,nml 'OI'Nll Knlil h.iu.let (livmr SKI Mitchell 2 C . A"1,MS cn" 1,llv" "''", ' l'l'niMnr ""' inland, Oregon '"' ' rrk?' ' "' ""r,l'l (J'f'',u "'"I !'"": f,,r ,lllH 2S-.U MISCELLANEOUS MWvWWVKVAfWM'W Poo Valley ",l- "itiiik 'A.vri;ii i.miy ilinicpr lo kii ii . '' -1-201 few IcHsoiiM in iluiu Im; to n nciillc- BALBTu,. u "mn. ' '""o 1'iPly I" l'ox 20.i C'lt ' M15 each .,.,'. uu -' "J!1- WANTIJO Man with iiulo truck to ZH at tni ,".?mT I'UPl'IH fur-' haul llimhnr l.v continct AddreM. .. at lost, Writ, . '"'i'1'1" '''-' Haul lumber by conduct Address, Ml CrM ..?. I,hun" -r ('11" T. C. I.aKronloro. llray Cnl, 2S-31 Th i. .-""' ivnie. ui,,..... -. ...... . . . .: . . ' " $.i offuroil for the iiocumhiiiv Infnniili- tlon that will result In (he rontliiK of it flvo nr hIx roomed modoin hoiiBO Apply at Hornld Offlco. 2S-:it WANTICI)- A Hiunll fiirnlslmil Iiouhh or apnrtuiout by youiiK ciiiiplii. No clilltlrcn. AUiIiphs Ilmnlil Offlio 22 tf LEGAL NOTICES AhSl.f.S.XIJNT llOlJiH KKAIIV. Thu AHRosnmont rollH nro now renilV for the (llutwtcltnii .if Invmivuro 2ritfTlioso who want to son what their1 i.h" hav . ?oa "70 hayihToTT , CBiHmonl H or wl, wlsh ,0 800l ivm ci "iiu nrmi,..n ,: -' .i-iuuui unv cnnni?n nnrorn rniiR nro turniul ovor to tho Hoard of Kipinll zntlon, can do ho until AuetiHt 1, or wood-u'in o'sot"1, v' Couuty ABS,,BSOr, THE EVENING HERALD. COUNTY COURTS RETAIL LIE 1 I "llllll 1 1 III hi Oil V III' clip I'll I liy l In1 iniliiiy mints r lln . " lo fiirim rs .il i out I'm i iliii" m miIhIiimiI In ('liupli'i I IX Hi union I i . I 'I I 'I. an rnllnwii 'Hi -lllliiii nf Ilfly hi iiinri' rni in mi in of Him inntily, III" loiirl iimiH 'i 'I' i nt hunt inn. cm ui ('to tons) In. ii tin- mule plum ui Cod) urn I in linn will In. Ntnri'il in it miiI'iiMi- nml hoIiI lo riiriniMM for u.mIi Ii lit In inter all mutx 'lime ' ii ar. $2 .Mi pii inn in mi loin al ''i- pliint fH'Ir.lii lm t ; of tJ 'HI p r ion lo Kali. in (mlii r poinlM In iio"iiiIoii i nml hanilllni: nml ntoi up. unless piovixliin Ih made to havi. Hi 'nr unlouilcil hy iim fanners Into I'i'ii own niiitoiiH If stored, the ' ' lo I he farmer will . uhoiit ' per ton ill Halem, ami other I'" nin a like disunite from (told "'" !li ailvaiiluK'H of HiIh plnti are Hiii funuiTH urn net iim- in ,-H4 tiiiii ih- in In i in ii in car lot from the i 'in i ami hy hali)R it Hlorei) ian ! li-e the tout of hunlliiK Ikiiiim bv ' " im Im.fc a louil ,,f Mini, with lliem h ii i r ihev haul a loud of furm l 'hue to market I hi law menllomi the fm that 'h. plant miut ho kept runnliiR full " pnHi. In order to produce Krouml lin . mono at loncxl roMt Thh plan "f 'l.irlbutl(in will Hum help keep e- ' n, ami nUo Hiipply Hmo In in ml. tic Hulted to the farmi r in i iIh All ordfru nhould he id In -n t i Hi II Conlley. itocri'tury of thu v,'i Mine Hoard, Corxallln. I'mhn iiosoie i;!i v nr I'AIIH llllv an To Honor I'r-nl-il-nt Wllmm Mumhal loffre I'run li - ( leinciircaii, (ietierul 1'crnhinc i ml Miirnhal Piich all In one the i mull ipnlitj of the ancient town of i M.-lnnrruHlti, n the mouiIi of Fr.ure I i- ImptlMil a new mreet Wlljof- ' moerfoi I AeuiiP i iik K" ii m:i,i;v i:rn i!. o . juh jn with the return of "ChlcU Iluih Ml Aumrtcin hn"If hack "Toot'iall N on the boom at Ohio State, t nlvernit II ir le Ih In spli'inllil phystcil condition im a leHtill of bin training In the iitl.ttlii'i itcii To make up In IiIk Ktliili. h he Iiiih entered MlimiH'r -i Im d Snlii rllie for the llcr.ild. AQACHE SIOPS, NcyRALGIAGONE lr. James' Headacho Powders five iiistfint relief Cost dime a p.icl'ago. Nfrie-nuUin, I'littmc or dull tliruliliiii;; he hIiilIii h uclil in j ui-t u fiu iiiuiiiiiiIa to llr .hum' lie ulili In' l'nu ell t ulnrli Klit unl) 111 K'lltn .1 llk il'c nt iiiiv dniL Mure ItV the iiiih k ml mireM In nlirlie relief m tin ! In werll limit HiilTir' lti Ii u tl. i." m mid dmtnss mm ' m M II ie. ef iiiiii nml huh i ' nc hmnil tint liiiid.iclu. and n. .i ! a "n - m ! mullo-M. ClI hut j. ii i; fl,r Physicians' Prescriptions Our Specialty n Unit Slon's nro really nolsh borhood dopartmont stores In which MirloiiH linen nro feat ineil. Ono dtUKKlst may push patented preparations, nn otbor tollut Bonds, cameras, optical Horvlco, tho fountain or other department which nets blm Kood flnuncial re turns. Our specialty lias always been tho filllnc of Physi cians' Proscriptions, nnd ns n nisult our store lins bo romo a proscription contor. Wo carry an oxcoptlonnl itock of proscription drugs, and our laboratory oaulp mont Is up-to-dato. Wo em ploy only experienced grad uate pharmacists. All of your ' rrcscrlp Uona and Iloclples aro Important and desorvo tho special caro which we aro ablo to give tlieni. OlAderwooffs PhartnaCY V'sLL KUMATH TALLS OREOOMT17S! I WHfRI FHT IUV rv- , , j I., , ,,, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MORE EHG FORB.fl. Milei i onli in linn l oiupaii OstiMi .Idle ISilllilcis of (III' I'olllnllll A. "soiilliuestei ii I till II mill Ma lei- lllll) III! ll'ICC ( ifi. III:NI). Inly 29 -The Mylcr Ctin m i lift lnii lump.iny bun Iticri'iiHi'd itH 'tews lo approximately nliii'ty iik'ii. n cording lo Information ulilrli hn '' ''ii ii'ielwd here hy personM who '"'kul to iiKlncorn liiitmil for the summit It liaH Ik-i-ii learni'il that ""' '"inpaiiy will put on three crews " 'ukIik-iiih In all, on of which will "penile fiom thu hiiuiuiIi w(9tvuril. '""nl .Mt Angel, the other nt the "'""in It . ami Hie thin! eastward from ''" "ummll lottaidi Hlalem f-tn illtii; to lh"mj oiiKlneorH, Hi" platiK are being ninile for exleiiHlw operatloiiH, probably to extenil on through tho winter iiiontliB The 'iiilimMit they are tnklnj; with 'h'rn Imllrateti more than-ordinary xurvey worh KlniliiiR thol they con take their HiipplieM within a Bhort dlntiinre of ,. siitnmlt, thn oncltieers nre now uble to ime wmroiih ami motor i-hl cIch for the purpone of rarrylns the upplle t. the cunipn - iMI.l.oov 1.11 II Wll.l, in: I S") i: ,:s fiti. ST l.OI IS, Mo, July -JO -Half a million ynnlM of cotton h.'lrun cloth cimiKh to mrptrh fiom fit I.011U to C'liliuRo will ho niiTii' i' t in d Into ruluco.iu hy n St I. mi' cone rn wnlcli botlKht tilt) cloth at nucHo.i from the government Tho auction price of ih- "A-ln-h si n-lHlaml (loth purc'l i i .1 h ''e. H'lxernnienl for uiiinufnf lurlni; h.ili "ins ri nnnoutirr i ,!- proxlmat y 2",lU0. iii.iiei: 'io- nr i a it aim: ri:oi)t'( i:i iiiom iim: cuoi'. liO0l.ri.! T II !ill ?.n -A aui;nr of Maul, owning the htKRPSt plantailnii In ilaw.i'i. hi Jimt (ompletol mindinK this you i crop of c tie. produc'np 4J.lm2 ton ofHURir l'ecnuse of drnuKht th out put mi lwn than has bee.i exjiccttd The time t cettln'; sliorter ocry ilnv for nu to do what ilinuld bo done la fore the IMKs net hero on Aueim 11, lo and ie What aro you do'iiu' BRIGGS AUTO WOUD-SAW Allachment On man cull IS cocui, 2 men. 35 conlk Goes Anywhere Any Auto. BRIGGS & BURPEE CO. Inc. Ma-ufactarers irollawthurn rr , 1'urtlanJ. Sml for liifomllon ni IlluilrMcd Circular GLASS Phono mo nnd I como and give you a price that will save you money. Cm pouter and Cabinet Work. K. C. STUCKV. 1 1 10 Main. Phone 340-W. Coe's Jitney Service Pay Phono 108 IiAWREXCE'S CIGAlt STOIIB Klamath Falls, Ore. Highest cash prices paid for fine OKKCO.V IMMAX PIPI-S AM) OTllKlt ItKliICS Postofflco Ilox 2CC KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. Phono 4G0 Ico Cream 729 Main St. Candles PASTIME Jack Monrow, Prop. Clear's, Tobacco, Soft T)rlnk,3 Peel and Hl'llnnls Pnrbor Shop In oCnnoction oun RIOTTO "Courtcy and Service" IffitIS Dlt. V. M. IILLYTHINO, SPECIALIST In IIISKAhLS of flic HEART nml .nervous svs'ii:.m. ConMiltntlon In jour own, homo without churgo. ' Ui olrlnncc Office llli nml .Main Six. Phone 71 Livery, Feed and Sales Stable Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable Loiik Tilps Om Spe laltj Iteiikoiinhli' Kales Phone til!) 82 Klani'ilh Mr. COZY RESTAURANT NOW OPEN 720 Main Street Meals served from 6 a ra to 9 p m. good copri:i: axd ki:al ci;i:am Your Home Laundry D.niip Wash, lid Lbs. 7.".c riMsllLl) WORK i;lat worn; HOCGH DItV "Put Your Duds In Our Suds" I'HOXR 421 Corn-r Main And Conger HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station We handle thi'- DaUlou Motorccles and Bicvcies. Exclus Ively. Also buy. sell and txchange all other Makes Penrs.anla and Diamond Tires nnd Tubes C. E. BISMAItK 115 S. 0th St. Klamath rails KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS Wc Do All Kinds of SprlnK Repair ing Xcw Ones Mane to Order Axle StrnlBhtenliiB and ltlncksiiiltlilng ALti WOKK GUAItAXTKKD Phone 230-V 017 Klamath Ae. Koit anv KiM) or rruMTi'iir . Sec Andy Mauritsch At Xo. J" Main Street. TRY ME PHOXE 170-J Phono :tl(t-.I 1122 Main St. O. K. Lunch AXD COXFECTIOXEHY Formerly nt 43 Main St. Honie-Mado Pics and CaUcs. Cold Meats : Lunch Goods. Ico Cream and Fruits. SEE ME For Carpentering, Furniture Re pairing, Linoleum Laid. HENRY SMITH "The Handy Man' IM MAIN ST. CONVENIENT HOSPITAL ROOMS DR. A. A. SOULB X-Ray Surgery Medicine Phone 151-J 420 Main ",sfcl.VrVWN.N E. L. ELLIOTT ATTORNET AT LAW 111-14 Wllllta Dldg. Klamath Fall : Oregon lTrMMrMIArMrMrWSrfMrWW PAGE SEVER PROFESSIONAL CAKD PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Mntei tilt) ( uses Mm. IIiikii Mi ll.inlc Is, 301 High St. Phone 455 im: PAinsiAx m:rTv .shop I'ikIuI MavNiit'liiK, Itlrni IiIiik and I'ailnl Packs Manii nriiu;. HhaiupooInK Rcflp Treatment Ml) M.iln Phone ."JCO 'M:w:-:-:"M:..x:":":"X:"- H. C. SCHLEEF CATHERINE SCHLEEF X I'lijsli inns anil Sur(eiiit t Of fln, Whim lihlK. jt x-M-r.-w-r.'.-x-'-x-X' 1 ;.. DR. G. A. MASSEY SiirjpsHor lo llr. Trunx Suit U'KI, I. O. O. P. Klilg Olllfi phone 8(11 lies Phoiii' HUM DR. CARTER nnxiisT WIIITi: ISLILDIXG piiexi: :wr, DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver piioxii :ri Dr. P. 1YI. Noel PHONE 4 0cr Underwood's Seienth and Main Streets FRED WESTERFELD DEXTIST Liomis IlldR., Klamath Falls I)U. C. A. RAMI'O Dentist . O. O, V. Rulldlng PHOXE 01 CIT1 Allt'(H'n AIISIKAI COMPWY 517 Main ARTIIL'R It. WILSON Manager DR F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Phi Milan Suricem nulie 211, I. 0. O. V. Teiiitil (cer K K. K. Store Phone 821 .. (The only Osteopathic u' clan and Surgeon In K "in.!' Fi.ll ) SAW .MILL EXGIXKERIXO COXSTItUCTION CO Domicile! mid builders of inixl rrn iw Mills. iMitnine; .Mills, llo Pl.iuts. Complete planlM contract ed. Appr.ilsnls mid reports made. DredgiuK. We c011tr.11 1 to build unv class of ii hiiihlliig ,uid Install inadiiiierj of mi) Mud. Drafting of mi) kind dune. Illue Prints made. PHONE 140.1 Ottlte In K D. Duildlug .). C. Cl.rGIIORN Clill riiginoor uiul ,-urcjor " Offlco 517 Main St. Phone, Office, 100. lies. 102M. WELL DRILLING Vorhatzrr Bros. Ji Klabrub Merrill, Oregon Or McDonald Peel Room Klamath Falls, Oregon RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W SHANGHAI RESTAURANT CHOP SVEY AND NOODI.r HOUSE Short Order Moala Scrvi- 73 BliUn KtrcHt KLAMATH FALLH, OR. MWX' Ml hi .$ m w i').