.-MSbi rt"W PAGE RIGHT THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Tt'KSIIAY. ,H'I,V an, i,,,,, J OLD MAN APPROACHES METHUSALAH IN AGE I.CHHSVir.u:. Jul) 29. TIi Na tional Geographic Soclptv has been asfcfcf lo InvctlRilo tin1 clum of John STtcIt, a mountaineer u .cii Coun ty, Ky., that hi' Is ISO rvtrs old W ISHIXOTOX ItKST.U'HANTS WM.Ii M'.KVi: AVII.II OAMK SKATT1.K. Washington. .lul 21 tt now l lawful In the st.Ue of .i-'.i Ington. under . law p.ii'd lv the recent legislature, to raj e for mIo and sorc at public meals irloiis I 1 T IN FIIIE YEARS TliutJH What Hhiij llolgate Sii)s Ho Was Tuhl N to llo tlio 1'ato of Klamath KhMs, Whlrh Menus It Is to He a (in'Ht I'll). You know Harry Holgate. don't you? Well, he's In town. Hero for Shell's neighbors corroborate the kinds of wild Rami'. liulslng of wild statement conceniinK his siro. PhM wrd it animals and the senlnc o has nine children He s.iv.s the old0-! them at restaurants is under si it" h ninety years old He Is said to hnve license, a fee of $10 for the Hist vr 300 descendants In his home see- being charged and $ .tnmiullv ther- tfon. several being great great gram'- after Thus, for the first time In the children. The mountaineer, who state, the fa-tldtous diner may n" claims excellent 0)eMght stead t for fried China pheasant or roast Horvo, and general good heilth at- duck or venison prolded persons tributes his long life to outdoor 1 v- are found who see a profit In raising ,ho pur,,ose of Poking Into some of ing and temperate habits the wild game for such purposes. the Ulgnl kInks ,, aro always nrls- ! 1 A peculiar thing about Holgato Is 1 the fact that he belongs to the reela j nuitlou service, and at the same time Is white clear through. Occasionally J I such things happen, and Holgato seems to be one of the. "occaslonals." It Is now a matter of a year or more J since ho was here, and since, ho was once a bona ftdo resident of this city, and before he fell from grace and J wont to work for the government, so he Is a pretty igood Judge of what this city was, Is, and will be, both 5, by way of personal experience and comparison, for he is on the go all tho time. So, Just listen to this: "Do you know that Klamath Falls Is to bo the pipe lumber capital of Seventy-Six Faithful Years Ending December 31, 1918 THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK SINCE IT BEGAN BUSI NESS IN 1S43 Has paid to policyholders and beneficiaries $1.467,S20,S7S Has accumulated for them . 647,019,014 Total benefits to policy holders & beneficiaries.. $2. 1H.S39.S92 Has received from policyholders 1,830, 962, 3S1 Excess of benefits to policy holders anil bene- fiiciarirs S 28.1,877,.Vtt know why some of these peculiar flJJ leal estate deals have been takltiR phu-u In Ktnmath Kails tt I did H not hue n Horace (Initio) faun near H Toil land. )ou can bet )our last cent H I'd be Inning Klamath Kails proi Hi in ty riRhl now tm follows ,m do ij Ing Just what )our piedi-cessors did with the tlmliT elalnis sitting down Jj and letllns the nuttddei Ret the J grae) 5 It )ou doulil Hint Ibis elt) In H glowing, go away tor a )ear and 2 come buck Co out for a mouth 5 and visit other places, and then com-i back, and If )our blood does not ma coiuse tliiough oiir olus as a ro- am suit of oiii excitement oter Klutn nth Kails, then )ou must be a lls'i one of those biids that the Klamaths salt down " I U. S. MERCHANTS WILL ! COMPETE FOR TRADE j COlll.KNZ, July 29. Arm) head- J quarters permitted " American com- ! merclal ti.oolors to proceed through', tho Cnhlenx bridgehead to the Inter- lor today. This will tnuble Aiuericim firms to compete with the l'.uropeans jfor the German trade. Orders sending the third division of the American army home were given out today. They will begin en- I training for Ilrest on August 5. I V s ilLadS rrwsi l iberty beatr i vc; A REAL THRILLER 2 A Fight for Love -within flvo It's a fact, and I have It on That is to say, in 76 years The Mutual Life has paid to policyholders and their beneficiaries, and has accumulated for them, nearly 2S4 MILLION DOLLARS in excess of all that it has received from policyholders. The gain has accrued, of course, chiefly from earnings of invested funds. Dividends to Policyholders Since organization the Company has paid in cash dividends to policyholders $290,990,900. GEORGE C. ULRICH, District Manager Office over First State and Savings Bank. h444-h:-:-- the world yes, 'woria 4 years? 3. the authority of two of tho biggest lumber operators on the coast, nelth- er of whom has a dollar Invested In .j. here, and who are unlikely to have. you have to go away from home to j! hear the news." "I was riding in the smoking sec- Hon of the Pullman on my way here, - and heard two chaps talking about the lumbering Industry in general, and many times they referred to Klamath Kails. This naturally X aroused my curiosity, and I butted $ into the talk. What I heard made my hair stand on end. These fellows told mo things that were so big I . did not have room for them under 3l my hat, so you can better Imagine than I can tell you what they said, and It was all about Klamath Falls. They told about mills, and railroads, and development, and all that, Just as easy. So I pinched myself to see v if I was really awake. Now you . w. w. i.i:vii:p will si'i:.k IX I.Ti:itKSTS OK WOKKI'.KS. I.KAVKNWORTH. Jul) 2$ Will iam 1). llnywood, I. W. W released pending appeal, plans to tour the country In the interests of the work ing men. He said that his organiza tion has been grossly mlsiepreseut ed and misjudged. He emphatlcall) denied that they had opposed the war with Germany or resorted to violence, and stated that t!u had been tho victims of a newspaper war, with HARRY CAREY at his best Liberty Theatre Tonight Only i - . LOOK OUT FOR Sunburn fcQfjfl The Woman's Store SAFETY SAVING SATISFACTION Aj a f inii King touch, ik um Nylon Fic PowAtr it clinO uiKia yt brinj an added cbarn to tk conpltxion you'll . lilt itt twect fragrance. 23:,J30 Uu Don't let the sun blister and bum away your complexion. There is nothing attractive about a red, blistered skin, even in Summer, and you will have a greater cause for regret next winter when you find you have mined your complexion for good. We can help you to safeguard your complexion through the hot season. Wehave a number of popular remedies for removing tan, sun burn, freckles, and all blemishes caused by exposure to the sun, wind and weather. .. i .!!.. n- i i An Important Message Today Telling of the First Showing of New Arrivals Women who look to us for the NEW whether it be everyday wanted apparel, accessories or the latest novelties, may be sure that they will not be disappointed. Just Received, and a Special Siik Poplins, $1.50 yd. Today's express brought these pretty, servlciiablo Poplins, anil Just In time, too, for many women will want them for tho fashioning of the Summer or early Kail dress. Splendid uuallty Full yaid wide, In tho following colors Navy, Rose, Cream, Pink LL Blue, Taupe, Belgian Blue, Plum, Black, White You may expect and receive unusua) value In these Poplins at this price. A very fortunate purchase en ables us to offer them Special at $1.50 Pretty Crepe Kimonas Wo are very enthusiastic over these beautiful now Kimonas and surely you will llko them, tgo, In several very attractive styles, In Empire straight lino effects. Full flowing sleeves. Trimmed with em broidery and satin of self shade. In rose, malzo and navy. $6.50, $7.50 and $10.00 ''mmmmV'e Bf" I Kayser Hosiery NEW Ulderwoo(Ti Pharmacy WVT KLAMATH FALLS OREGON thJw V WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE tflf I I-.. .r-..-u l biiv thcir nminc i . -eve -i f BUY THEIR DRUGS lACCURACvl Velvet Bags Very Popular "Quito tho latest thing," says Fashion, so you may bo sure that thoy will be found hero. Several styles In rich black velvet, with lining of contracting shades. Fitted with pretty vanity mirrors. $3.00 to $8.50 Tho popularity of tho bright colored bead necklaces Is at Its height and wo are showing them In many styles, long and short, In one color and combinations of contrasting colors. In splto of the unusual market conditions now existing, wo wore fortunate In having our order for those deslrablo Hoso filled. Thusu In particular aro much wanted, as they have tho Marvel Stripes a now fea ture that provents runs and garter tear In black and white. All sizes, $2.50 and $3.00 White Clocked Hose, $2.00 Splendid uuallty pttro silk hoso, full fash ioned, and with specially constructed seamless foot. All sizes. Specially priced at $1.00 to $2.00 Lace Stripe Hose, $1.50 In tli popular fluid mouso gray shade, 0( pure silk and fibre. This stylo and shado Is particularly wauled at present. All sizes. Many Specials in Broken Lines of Women's Hosiery Turkish Towels, .Special 50c Our good fortuno In securing these towels will ho passed on to you In offering them at this special prlco. Of extra hoary, sub stantial grade, full 21x40 Inches. Tho lot Is limited In quantity, but while any re main they will bo sold at this attractive prlco. A regular 69c Value at 50c Are You Going to Decorate for the Coming Elks Convention This occasion offers us a splondld opportunity to ad vortlao tho progrcnsIveness and flno spirit of tho clt zons of this city. Members of tho Elks Lodgo from all over tho stato will bo hero Convention Wook, nnd It behooves us to extend thorn a full moasuro of hospi tality and an enthusiastic welcome. Lot us practically turn tho Keys of tho City ovor to thorn and inako a boostop of ovory visitor. Elaborate decorations for tho downtown soctlon have boon planned, nnd ovory merchant and homo-owner should show tho "purplo and whlto." While most orders for decoratlvos have boon placed far In ad vance, and loaves us but a small reserve, we, urge, to avoid disappointment, tho placing of your ordor at onco. We have tho purplo and whlto bunting nnd ribbon, nnd paplermacho shields hearing "Welcome D.P.O.E" See Our Window Display H. N. MOE m iri