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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1919)
THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON page seven .H ... nil ir.' '..... t,,i... H'nfflnn r '. m.a lllllll ". .1. i-wli-rs "' "" 'x.k:!v- Iwcn'tw ' B" ' 11lK ,,. it i:'lil "rpli " wi.i'; ' ' ir " ' . ;., niiw i i'1""v StS'e,hf,0iil N,wV,,fc Ml' COME FOR SALE DO YOU NEED MONEY? 1 hit ll the money you nerd (or It'lJins jiurocs Low Interest tun. jdik term payment Start tot mil on uur own home. If tutr thn paying rent Ank for tinlculart. FOR PALK. Several poml buy in Iomm I rooms uml up I'limtered, hth. On pavcmiiiit $100 cash inn tnil up, baluncu llku rent. JIIm Ajent for the tnt Fire Itisur- lice ind limuraiiri! Com pan I en aAmtrlta T1IK N i: W Y O II 1C UFE. Come In anil talk It over. JAMES M, W ATKINS. J II. . Ml Min HI. I' IMm-W w .. a-M-ll I on 40 Acres Inml Scr :n;t Tp ". R II East Klainnilt (u (Initlni: stock land, hiivti snnif roih) tlm W' I oave'nt liny 11m. fc)r n anil V',,l0,ti!'Ma,lonn off.'r Mi tl) r Mitchell. 202 U Stark St. tortiand, Omeoh. 2ri-2r. "'."T hlnV" ,:"'"! wrh Jm n."n0 Bllnp('' ''rlc" '11n Si n wr"" "ny I'n'U'T. wch, Poo Valley. 21-2GI KCONWiAND Auto, 'un7rtli7o JMUH Sludobaker -HiuikIu,,.! & Prlc iV'",00'1 Ml 2- 1919. Wlm,y: ,,,,0n M'.' Arei "conditio,, !n.,iiri. M'j oc 2 l-tit r"l 8AU' -t'Z . , ether ' Iran7nv. "' ,""ls0 m"1 '"' ()i uai"n $750.0(1 , pi,,,,,,, 2-r.t FOR s a ir "- taimn.oX,,1,ni',,m,,Uf(,,,,llc1'- Hmj,J,0? 1 ' lr"" ?1S0' Apply Jjr- --.: 2c-rt .WiS?'r',,.,'P l" nrr rniil.. I Call 2 .""'!:.. ml Boo.l "l" --iiit;. roilSALp7 0lPl1oPT;V,.l,l" rr f0R8ALE-iP """" itlo. "nniH I'rnvost. mhiu a.i 25.101 i.MEBail'V wfcvW wmuMM " Ja n Hi.h ,mcl" 1",1,B0' for. i ss of Suffrage stvt IT .If V . pi- iiii OP! iribJHE AI35 a? .AWsrs Wr i-i ivt ri BID'S CLASSIFIED COLUMNS HELP WANTED WANTED Woman or Ri'l for ki cnil hnunuwork Telephone H3 2S-31 WANTKI) An oxpurlmiccil Ironcr. lloniu Knunilry.riitma 421. 22-tf LOSTAND FOUND-" LOST l.nill.n colli wntrh lliinilni: iiim' K It I'liKntvoil on i'itm Ito turn to MitiiIiI offlri) anil rccnln' 11 -nil ri'Wiinl 2'i-tf MISCELLANEOUS "Wo iii'ihI 11 i;ooil mini In Klmuutli K11IU to vtrltn Olil I.I no I.lfo liiHiir nncM. Lupcrli'iiro In tho InntliU'itM not oHhOiilluI If mnhltloUH. V. K. Illli Intnl. I'lfit IIIkIi Strot-t. I'ortliuul. On-KOIl." 2S.4t S'K IIUV, Bell, n-nt or ropnlr typi wrltiTM. Wlnttir'H Juwulry Store. 2G-2-1 WANTKD l.iuly iliincor lit kIvo it fnw liiNDiitit In 1I11111 Im: to 11 tpmtlo- tiinii. l'luiiHu rt-ply to l!ox 20.'i City WANTED Man with auto truck to liaill lumber by contract. Address, T. (,'. I,iiKre,nleri llray Cal. 2S-31 $." offered for the neceiisarf Informa tion that will result in the lenllni; of 11 five or nix roomed tuodurn house Apply at Herald Office. 2S-t WANTED A mil'ill furnished house or apartment by yoitiiK couple. No children Address Herald Office. 22 tf LEGAL NOTICES ASSI-.t.s.MI.NT ROLLS READY. The Ahsessnieiit rolls are rimv ready for the Inspection of taxpayers Those who want to seo what their lUM'Ksinnlit Is or who wIbIi to see nhout any chntiKo boforo rolls urn turned over to tint Hoard of IC111111II zntlnti, ran do so until AtiKiist 1 UH!".- J. P. I.Ei:, County Assessor l-i0t On account of cur ahorliiKu wo will Ktill blocks nt ?2.r(0 ior cord nt our factory until further notice. Now Ih tlio time to j;et In your winter blocks. 17-tf. Ewitunii Ilox Co. NOTICH I nm now prepared to furnish Slmstn Band from tlio Ilooy, Cain., sand nnd ixrnve.1 pit, In nny niiniitlty tlmt limy bo desired by contractors and builders. AT. P. nnAHAM. CATTLE DIE FROM NEGLECT WHILE BERLIN LACKS 10011. UKIILIN,. July 20. --TI10 i;oven inent troops KtiardltiK tlm l.lcliton luirK stntlnn In tho east end of llnr lln, Imvo dlscovnreil several cm-loads of livestock which worn sld'et'iicki'il to (ho frulnht yards and apparently forgotten. Most of tlio nnlmuls were donil frfmi starvation, Meainvhlli! tlio Blinrtngo of nonl In llorlln Is one nf tlio most difficult pralilomti fnclng tlio fooirntilliorltlcH. Wonion conductors nro otuplnyoil on unto bus linos recently established In Manila,, 5 IP J 1 whnh rmiicii ill) i-rti-i Klin i.iiiu. ipplt in tin. pi. hi ni irim nlf I'ifllll Mllt or llrltlull lllllllHlllllI HIHl pllllll'lll 1 1 r Ih IIOl plipilllir llIT' 1 1 v tt ti 1 1. fi -iivoin of liiiyiiiit-u uml liinillifi. uml tin- llrlllMli people tin iiui fnrni-K imr pmillrt tlmt Ileum nit hi linn i tin. current iniin i'vimi lln'iiKli R-nrnil ii-mill or wluit In lie iiii: iljiti.' uml m-iinti'il fur nuiy. In tin opinion nf ot Imr piMipli'H, amount to im imliiHirnil rovnliiiliiii (liani;.- lirl-f Kiiimiiiiry of tin UlllliT Hll lllllllll hIiIIW lllill rirnti mniftlnti In ;rcl llrllnin iniii'i tiRhtv miiii-r two lii'iiiU. tin- offi nil mid ili.. iiniifririul Tin- prlnrlp .il prut -i .''inli tin Cm i iiniiiil i cmp, n i; ltli nr l hi'iii' ' ' 'mil Mllmi nf tlm ln itchi I ""I 't'tr '1 uml in I n I mi; iiml Hi m. I ' ' ' 4.'iiurl for nil p ' 'in " .' . ' IimhikIi war f-,,.,i .' ' i - . r Kovcrnm-nt hi i" ' 'i!' ' ' ork- r. mill I i". I ' i Hi" i ' l ftldtwra A i -r rii of i'1'" rP pu ' r p' i ninn'jfarlurlng ti -it pv fur i-v -r- 'in ' i" U" .' iritnii'iit niMVlrn. vln ti h.i . ulr'Mt1, h ni imntoO to ihi- v n- Arm Willi turihor liirri"m' fo' pn' ni uml iMli-Kniph Mirk"i- .i ml Hi. pollin rhiiul Iradiom nml mli'r ' li r .f imlr HiTvimirt uiii an- il rpitliliiiK Incn-nicH Thf unnffir'ul ri'fOimlriii iuiti ( ills fii lilKh'-r iiKi- nml lior. r unrklni: In. urn (or nil In tln iiri"inlnl 1'ihi' trn.f Tlii-f iin- lii-lni; nliiiilncil pnrtl lit utiin ililf iicKotlntlmii li.'l....! .inplo.ri in. orkiiinn. Iml ills.. Inr'ly tliro'.iKli Hirlkt't nml tliri-iiti of Ktrlkf" of hlrli tlii lill,.!!"-. nf li.ilf a inlllluii from the i-oltnn mill. Ih mi liist.ini'. l.sK I'l.AK IS .N.VMKII .i-ri:it mirri.AM) miitii. Jf.NKAl. Aluikii. July 2 l'i honor of Itobort llitrrnn of PortlunO, ir' . v.f known In .ltiiniii. tno hl;lnu.l peak of Mansflrlil niilii n 1. Alatika. Iiai" licvti nami'il .M0.111I l!oli ort Ilnrrun Tin- Portland hov, who wiih tin- Him of Jiiiui's T. llnrrnn, lirnil of 11 packing company on I'iiiHit I1.1v, wiih oiii' of tin first AniiTli-an -w in torn to lost- IiIh llfi- in tin- Krfiit war. tli on nil nut in lmttli urtlou. lie i;.ivo ' lilx ll(- nenr I'lillnilulpliln tryjni; to hiivo fi'llow aviators from iloatli ! Mount Kolirrt lliirron. iiii'mci! so by Ur K I.tftcr Joih-h, hcntl of ili riiist ami f.coili-tlr survi-y, H nitu.'tli'd iolr SoutliraFti'rn Alaska, ovcrktk Int; Punter liay nml tlio town of Fun tnr It lias mi altltuilo of t .11110 fi ct One of ihu oldest stiff rnKlst.s In the I'nlted States Is Mrs. Charlotte X 1'elrce of I'lilladelphln. Mrs. I'elroe Is 0110 of the last survivors of those tho attended the historic ttoiuan's rljilits roiiventlnn at Sonacn FalN. X. V . in IMS Just Keiiicmtier this. The dates for the Elks' Convention aro August 14, 10 and in. (let ready. Physicians' Prescriptions Our Specialty DriiK Stoivs are really noiRh liorhond dopnrtmont stores In which various lines uro feat ured. Ono druggist may push patented preparations, nn othnr toilet goods, cameras, optical Borvlco, tho fountain or other dopnrtmont which nets him good fiuonclal ro turns. Our specialty has always been tho filling of Physi cians' Proscriptions, nnd as a rvsult our storo has bo como a proscription contor. Wo carry an oxcoptlonnl stock of proscription drugs, and our laboratory equip ment Is up-to-dato. Wo em ploy only oxporloncod grad uate pharmacists. All of yonr rrescrlp Uons nnd IUtclplcs aro Important and diworvo tho special care which we aro able to give them. KLAMATH TALLS OR EfiOH M v tlUU-iJ nnderwoodsphariMY Vs KLAMATH TALLS OR EfiOH vtE? I BETTER DEAD Lif ri ii bu;(l'.' whi-n thu bod i-tiiikid with i .in. Bv. rythmic vvi-ri-u t..ii(l tvi victim Ixjcomu'J (! ji(jinl';!it nriij ilovrihcartcd. To bri'v yac','. the sutmhitiu taku GOLD MEDAL . Ttir finllonal toincily of Ilollornl for over JOU vfi it l en Mieiny ol nil paln ie iiiIiii.i: Irom ki'lnpy, Ilvrr uml uric jciJ tioublrv All ilni;i;it!i, three l.lis. uvk tii lh nm CoU Mdl en iy hoT mad mrf t no initiation I'Iiim urp. I.t iivi"l In IH m Idii'l It l'ii:i. Iii-fori. wlilili t ni'- tin- I'lii-ii umul "Dki-wi-m." Tin1 tlritu In RcltltiK Bliortcr cvury itnv for yon In do what hlionlil tio iluni) lii'iorc I hi- I.iks ct iiit" on AitRtlRt II, 10 ;iri(l 1C Whut uru you ilolni;? --P2:, New City Laundry vi: (jl'ah.wti.i: oru wtntii Slilf 1. nml Collnr- l-iiinilricil U'c hImi nli .1(. tiiiol nml iiil oril (tooiN -ry c:ir'fnll. 'I ry ux oiH'. nml lir (ontlniril. Our prlri-i nrc rl(;lit. I'lioni' ll. 127 Fourth Street I link of I'lr-t .Vntlonal I ' CONTRACTING IN CONCRETE Cement Work nf all Kinds uml Itoollnn Let Me Make You an Estimate W. D. MILLER Contracto- It's a Long way to walk If you aro out In the country nnd find that tlio repair work you had done does not stand up try us and you'll ride and not walk. Hoagland & McCollum Wc buy nnd sell New nnd Second hand Cars. Speak to as before )ou buy. Wo can snvo yon mon ey. Watch for our specials. Dassengers 17 and Baggage ANYWHEIIE IX THE CITY QUICK SERVICE REASONABLE RATES PHONE 187 WestemTransfer Co. GLASS Phono mo and I como and give you a price that will savo you money. Carpenter nnd Cabinet Work. E. C. STUCKY. 1110 Main. Phono .140-W. Coe's Jitney Service Day Phono 1(18 LAWRENCE'S CIGAR STORE Klamath Falls, Ore. Highest cash prices paid for fine OREGON INDIAN PIPES AM) OTHER RELICS Postofflco Box 2CC KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. Phone 4G0 Ico Cream 729 Main St. Candies PASTIME Jack Monrovf, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Drlnk.S Peel and Billiards Barber Shop In oCnncctlon OUR MOTTO "Courtesy nnd Service" Henfip nit. . m. lU.i'TiiiNf;, EPCCJAL1ST In;s of the in;Afrr ami m:icoi's hvs'ii:m. roii"-tillnt!ori In your own liOmo wltlioui rljinK'' lt-Hl(li ii' -llli nml Main Sl. OffUe I'lioni' 71 Lively, Facd and Sales Stable Aofco ervice Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable lms Trips Out Hpc-lnlly Itciooniililr It.iti'i I'lioni- i::n HU Klainatli .r. COZY RESTAURANT NOW OPEN TUO .Main Stirct Meals served from C a. in. to 9 p. in. GOOD COITKi: AND HlwlL CKKAM Your Home Laundry n.unp Wn-ii, uii i.i. 7.-.c riMSIIKI) WUItK PI.AT WdltK itoi'cm imv' "Put Your Dud Id Our Hulls" PIIOXK 421 Corner .Main And Conner HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station We handle tho Harley-Davldson Motorcyeles and Bicycles Exclub Ively. Also buy. sell and exchange all other Makes Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes. C. E. BISMAIIK 115 9. 0th St. Klamath Falls -r-.i -,- , !- A. KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS Wo Po All Kinds of Spring Repair ing New Ones Made to Order Axlo Straightening and Rlacksniithing ALIi WORK GUARANTEED Phone S50-Y 017 Klamath Ave. FOR ANY KIND OF FURNITURE See Andy Mauritsch At No. 10 Main Street. TRY ME PHONE 170-J Phone J5KI-.I 111KJ M11I11 St. O. K. Lunch AND CONFECTIONERY Formerly at 45 Main St. llome-Mnde Pics nnd Cakes. Cold Meats & Lunch Goods. Ice Cream and Fruits. SEE ME For Carpentering, Furniture Re pairing, Linoleum Laid. HENRY SMITH "Tho Handy Man" 14 MAIN ST. CONVENIENT HOSPITAL ROOMS DR. A. A. SOULE X-Ray Surgery Medicine Phono 151-J 420 Main E. L. ELLIOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW 111-14 Wllllts Bldg. Klamath Falla : Oregon NAASASANVSSWS- 'KOf-KSSIONAI. CA74DS PRIVATE HOSPITAL nu flpi'ii for Mnlcr 1 1 1 1 ( iii" Mi-, limsii Mi Danp.N, 301 High St. Phone 455 TMJ- IMI'.jmU- IIIMITV SHOP 1'iui.i! l. I'h'q. Itlcni lilni; mill I'llll.ll I'll! lis'rtir iik Sliampoolng HriHp Treatment .l!l Main I'liono SGft II. C. SCIILEEF KATIIERINE SCIILEEF I'll) si inns anil Siliceous (Jftlie, Wlilfe ItlilK. DR. G. A. MASSEY KiKcevsor to lr. Truax Suit a, I. O. O. P. P.Idg OllUe phone WS.I lies I'lione Ktl.M DR. CARTER I)i:xtist wiiiti: nrii,ni.a piiea'i: :mr, DENTISTS E. G. Wisecarver pi ion 1 : 3.- Dr P. M. Noel PHONE 4 Oicr Undent nod's Set i.'ii th and Main .Street , 1 FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST LoomU IililR., Klamath Falls ! Dlt. C. A. RAMBO Dentist I. O. O. V. ltuildJng PHONE 1 III'Y AMI COl'NTV AllSTUAC! COMPANY 317 Main ARTIIUK R. WILSON Manager DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic PbyslrUn it Hurgeu Suite 211, I. 0. O. P. Tempi (over K. K. K. Store Phone 821 . . (The only Osteopathic Pbysi clan and Surgeon In Klauar Falls ) !' SAW MILL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION CO. DeMsncrs nnd builders of mod ern Saw Mills, Planing Mills, Box Plants. Complete plants contract ed. Appraisals and reports made. Dredging. Wn contract to build any class nf a building nnd Install machinery of any kind. Drafting of any kind done. Blue Print', made. PHONE 14!).) Olllce in K. I). Building . .1. C. CLFGHOKN Citil Engineer nnd Surveyor Office 517 Main St. I'lione, Office, 1110. Res. 102M. WELL DRILLING Yochntzer Bros. & IUabzuba Merrill, Oregon Or McDonald Poo) Room Klamath Falls, Oregon RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W I SHANGHAI I RESTAURANT ? CJIOP SUEY AND NOODLt X HOUSE Short Order Meals Serv-' X '3 Mtiiu Htreot X KLAMATH FALLS, OB .J