THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON nrst.u, 11 n j Lee Tires Any Defective Tires enn be Adjusted on n 6,000 or 80 Mile basis in Klamnth Fnlls. Howie Garage 12th and M. aid PAGB TWO ip if i n - m IIP STILL MS ITS IBS U. S. Point Winner at Inter-Allied Games 5S3wJW"WSTOS Mark of nn ArMocrnt hi Hilt Mi Col lege t Hac Felt IjMic- of St log ins AUilp i i LONDON". Julv 2s. The old cus tom of flogging tudont is till in ogue In British college1!, whoe stu dents are as old a the nerage Am erican college men The custom Is l most followed in the higher cla in stitutions, so that to hae been flogg ed at school or college is .Wd to be the mark of an aristocrat , At Cheltenham college the students , hazed Barnwell, the former lender of i Uie collage baths because ho had de sorted the baths, for higher jge In an aircraft factory They bombarded Barnwell's house with bricks There upon, Barnwell workmate-- with several hundred of the populace marched to the college and told their story to the principal. Archdeacon j Waterfieid It was agreed that the students should piv damages and be flogged bv the Archdeacon This was .satisfactory to all concerned, includ ing the students Because of the number to undergo KK.'rT'3Tsv'rT--v', - S3 W i a ' i j -- v I v N Z 1 ia:M' V&&RW fe? -fl 1 TinrS-nn., COURT DECIDES IS "Listen!' says the Good JudaC- ge- I I I i I'm in Ouiu'i Ciititi'inN li- .hoo I I'llipt'lft Holcing I" Him OlllMtt to riiinrs riving (Iiit Cuttle, mill d'oi's Into ('mill. I 11. I,. Mteisedm This is one of Uncle Sam's ath- KASSAS VT, Mo. Juh 2'l Whether u iropert on m i Is also ouuoi of the air uboo his laud Is lo , be delermliied throiigh a iiiurt iiiltiin brought In Knder'lck llot'tieinanu. a fiirim r lie seeks to,retriiln n min imi) owning airplanes fiom using the air nliiiMi his farm lloeiiem.iuu contendR Hint sight of the iii.u bines .md tlui noise of their engines disturb the livestock ' There is s.ild to be no direct pro odent to kuIiIi) the court, nud the i isi is e tuning wide dlscimiilon In 1 i, tl ilrcles ' 1 i gal cvports of I'ngluttd have ills nissed the nmtur from the stand-1 point of national ouiurslilp of the air it is sulci Some lu)era contend that fr. loin of the seas and freedom of tin air are the same, while others s,. n the toiirts luue held thnt ownership i iirriis with It light nud air nhoe I In propcrt) as well as the earth benualii li is pointed out tluil w h n tin steam engine came there were main L I.Hersedge had put the (.hot Ho 'w !,ll"',- "lu Piainnrrs (imuniiing won that uM-nt. and finished second tll'lt " ""o ns l1'" danger in the !aelln throw LlNerHodgo. jeoparcnze.i ineir siock l lie .Massa "And remember it, too." The better the quality of your chew, the more you'll enjoy it. You'll get more out of your to bncco money, too you'll save part of it for something else. A small chew of this quality tobacco tastes good und it iustt and lusts. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW : up in two st,ln RIGHT CUT is :: short-cut tobacco W-Ii CUT is a long r,p.c,,t 3S5-gSS3SgTEWMW castigatlon. lots were drawn so that I 't;le!, " "eipeu iuu .iinericitiis iu . j..... w... -. nnn m,t nf .or, nf !,. .i. i,.u ls,ween eerthiiic before them at the who at one tlmw held the American clnisetts Supreme Court, however should get the whip This also was 'recent intr-allled games held at the javelin recoid, was an all around ath- rendered the opinion that the loco satisfactory to the students But this I Pershing stadium, near Paris The lets at the l'nlersit of California motive was lawful and In keeping Bporting spirit impressed the bath- Photograph was taken just after H He was a good football phper. '"' Progress Attorney s-iv a shut v0,o,-,, o.! ..,. .u , lilr condition arose when motor ars that both tides shake hands and call ' it off, which was done with mutual I regrets and compliments. Fruit-Juices In Vials Jiffy-Jell flav ors come sealed ,in glass a bottle in each package. Each is rich es sence, condensed from fruit juice. Add boiling water, then this essence, and you have a real-fruit gelatine dessert, and at trifling cost. You should know this fruity dainty. 10 Fbwon, at Yam Croetr'a 2 Package for 25 Cent RAIL OPERATIONS BEFORE ROUSE National Transposition Confer ence I'rfses l'rhate Ownership of Itailioads Merged Into Man) Com peting S)htems. WASHINGTON July 28 Priv ate ownership and operations of rail roads, merged Into 20 or 30 great competing systems under the super vision of a Federal Transportation Board, with a statutory rule of rate making assuring to the roads a net thority and maintained for the bene fit of all the railroads of the country After any roads' contingent fund reached the six percent requirement, its annual contribution of excess earnings to the general contlngunt fund would bo increased to two thirds, the remaining one-third of this excess being retained by the com pany for distribution amuug stock holders or other lawful purposes All llo.uls i get I'iumI. The general railroad contingent fund would bo used to assure tho sfv percent return wthout entailing a government guarantee or unreason able rates. It would be driwn upon by all roads of a designated traffic section when in any ear the net re turn fell below six percent and those roads would share in the distribution pro rata to their gross earnings. The fund would bo built up to $710,000. 000 and any excess would bo surron- came Into use but the highest courl of Indiana ruled In their favor on the grounds that the Inw must keen pace with progress STAMP COLLECTORS IN LONDON GET MANY PICTORIAL STAMPS return nf clr nprrpnt. WAS nfferpd to .. . ,.. ... dered to tho government, to be Uhed the house commerce committee today , ,, as the plan of the National Trans portation Conference. Harry A. Wheeler of Chicago, for mer president of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, which assembled the Conference, ex-j plained that hearings had been held for providing additional transporta tion facilities or lessening tho cost of transportation to the public by reduc ing capital and Investment accounts of the roads. Grouping in essential. Grouping or consolidation of tho for six months at which shippers, , railroads Into competing systems was CHEAPER WOOD For a limited time we will make the follow ing prices on BLOCKWOOD delivered home. to your Cord, or single load $3.50. Double load $4.50 O. Peyton 501 Main. Phone 187 railroad men, labor union officials, and bankers had been heard. Tho plan evolved was said to be a coi -bination of the best features of plars already put forward, with some new declared to be "essential, because railroad rates must bo tho same for similar services, whether perfori ed by the weak necessitous railroad or by the Btrong and prosperous one " elements assembled into what the The BupInK houll ho n1""" Conference regarded as a harmonious nrcsent tronB scorns, It was urged, wnoe .nlong commercial lines and not by ar- S'loulil nullil Reserve Fun.l. lHrary territorial sub-divisions lie- Continued government operation HUltl"B corporations should bo sub until remedial legislation is enacted Ject t0 Jurisdiction of Congress, ac was urged by the Conference, with 'cording to tho Conference, through the limitation that such legislation Fcleral Incorporation, with powers should be enacted this year. With tho of Pollce regulation and local taxa- return of tho roads, at a time whentlon rcsorvc'1 lo tho htatc"' t...i mi .. i,.. . .,i I-ach of the consolidated compan ies would be required, undor tho plan to havo twelvo directors, three of whom would bo selected by tho Fed eral Transportation Hoard and one by tho employes many probably will be showing defi cits, the Conference thought, thero should be made available by Congress a railroad reserve fund of $500,000,-' 000, administered by tho proposed Federal Transportdtin Board, for i tho stabilisation of tho roads' credit nnd to facilitate the recommended consolidations, Tho sum eventually would be returned to the government Government guarantee of earnings was not favored by tho Conference Instead, it was urged that tho Inter State Commerce Commission be made responsible for rates and fares designed to yield tho carriers in oacn designated traffic section not less than six percent upon tho aggregate fair value of tho property. Those BOOTBLACKS AGAIN APPEAR IN BERLIN BnUMN, July 29. Ono moio of thu practical "fruits of tho devolu tion" has been tho appearanca m bootblacks In tho downtown .itrroU of Berlin. Thoy aro especially wel comed by tho hotel guests who sln"e tho dawn "of new freedom", and tho shortngo of footgear aro steadily dlf- I.ONDON, .lulv 2'i - Stamp tullec tors, of which London has Its full share, are enthusiastic over tho curl ous postage stamps which are begin ning to reach them from the smaller Uuropcan states Ono example from Lithuania Is of tho first permanent Issue of that country It has been lithographed on heavy Silurian gray paper, formeriv used for the printing of brenil tick ets. Lettland, Lithuania's nolghbor, printed its first slnmps on tho barks of German ordnance maps but these proved a llttlo unvvelldy anil now Its stamps aro printed on the flimsiest of cigarette papers Czecho-Slovakla stamps recently received hero aro simply tho united arms of Bohemia, Mnrtvlu and Sil esia with tlio Inscription "C'esko- Slovenskl Statnl" printed on the ilng- )ar stamps. Thoy were issued when the Czecho-Slovak troops Invaded Hungary. The disputed port of Fluino has been provided with a striking series of pictorial stamps, apparent!) In an ticipation of an Italian inundate fin they all bear the words "Fluino pro clalmn !' annesslono all Italia," and tho dato 30-10-1918. Tho four de signs include the statuo of Romulus and Remus fed by tho she-wolf, tho piazza of St. Mark, nnd anclont Ven etian galleon und the portrait of Ur Cross! ch. OUR SCOPE OF SERVICE IS BROAD First National Bunk seivlre extends all over Kl.n Mi Count If a person or linn Is too far it moved i nn duct tlui banking personall), why It can be don- U MAIL Wi enable ono to make Ills depositx and w Mi drawals lu thut milliner from mi) disunite Get this big bank behind you and )our business M. It. Kennies, I'roiloYiit. I.. I'. WlllrtM, VIovPitsNlilriiU lfln Rogern, ('nuliicr. A. M. Collier, Aht. Oihlilcr. John M. Moot o, A wit. Ciudiler. 57 First National Bank!,? KLAMATH FALLS OREGON "VI)FM carding tho dnco proper night cis- roads earning more than six percent , torn of placing their hoots In front of would bo required to put half the ex- the door of tho apartment where thoy cess into a company contingent fundi awaited the porter's early morning amounted lo six percent of the fair round , value of the company's proporty, the other half going to a general rallioad contingent fund administered by trustees appointed by govomment au- Greator Berlin has Just llconsed 100 public bootblack stands. Opera tors will wear a number and a Prus sian eagle band In their caps. DESTROYER BUILT IN SEVENTY DAYS SAN FRANCISCO, July 29 The Fnlted States Navy (leHtro)or Ward, part of tho now Pacific fleet, lias tho distinction of having broken nil con struction records for this class of vessel, Tho Ward was built at tho Maro Is land navy yenrd during tho war rush for noy ships. It took but 70 days from tho la)ing of tho keel to plac ing tho Ward in commission. Tho destroyer was Inunchod 17' (InyH aftor tho keel wbh laid. Tho record, It was said, was nchloved by careful routing of materials and handling of labor. You might as well run a steam roller over your tires as to ride on them when poorly inflated. When you do this you're squeezing the life out of your tires and the dollars out of your pockets. Nothing ruins tires quicker than the bend ing and unbending of the side walls which result from driving on them when improp erly inflated. HAY & GRAIN INSUHANOi:. Wo havo setled a number of lossos in hay and grain, and all of them havo been paid promptly nnd In full, Wo shall npproclato a share of your business. CHILCOTI5 & SMITH. 633 Main St. Phono 60. 23-Bt THE WHITER iiEICAN w. i' THE OFFICIAL AUTO BLUE BOOK AND CALIFORNIA STATE AUTO ASSOCIATION GARAGE Remember, a whole carton! It pays to buy current savins National Mazada Lamps. Tney glvo throo times tho light oi old stylo bulbs for tho earn light bills. Duylng flvo In a blue "oronj lonco carton saves brcaMB and gives you extra lamps v koop on band. Roberts &' Hanks FEED Egg Mash, Growing Mash, Fattening Mash To Your Chickens , Murphey's Feed & Seed Stor 126 South Sixth St PbDe