The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 28, 1919, Image 1

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    g3jPjjElt Ptttttg
' W ' i "&M
official r..ii:n op
glLL CD.
, ' r -
Price, Five Cent
..... Ttimt&iinfl
.! .lBTCJiu ...---
'I'll 1 r t ) or more eniiillilnli'N will be
lilltlnteil by IIik local lodge of Llk
oti Thursday evening. July III in i
ronllng lo C. II. I'tiilcrwoml, exulted
ruler j
Full degree work mill nil the stunts
of "rlilliiK 111" proverbial gout" nut i
..... Ml... ..III I I... ...I 1.. .1... 1 '
Uli' iiivi- mil ii' v-iijvpjv-ii i,j nil llll'l
ales Tin iniijorlt) of (In rlintM n
come friuii Klamath KiiIIh, uIiIiumkIi
lrt or morn will ciimc from '"or
('iiiihI-.Iimi 'I .-IN M,nt Sew Hook i-.,...
Ale In lli Itiiiilrril In HiIkioN fur Tvpe
lln .New Vear, anil What Ilin Willi
I'm i- Villi He !,., Ill,
of SpanMi.AmcrJinn War WVstrrn Union and Southern Pacific
Coiiipnrr.l In Armament Wire Kendcred Useless by Fire
1'iTM-nt Wisrli of the Alone Itallroad- Track In the
rlrntm I.nk Cnnnlrr
r -. isji
u. Out OoBHMny
i -.j- i. ikf HTHopw'
. i.j....... of Ihr Klnm
. ......
1 ..... . .... . . . .. ..
K-I..M...H.. F..I....A-I.., n ....!.... I """ "! i) -"- Til.- Mate SAN FHANCISCO. July 2S.A.1- r ire aiong me direct route or the
i i. i , ... ixtliook lomiul-i'lnii tuiH made tin- vniicetniit of naval armament frnm Southern Pacific Railroad in the lm-
. v i-i .'iiiviniv'-. ii iiiii.ii tint in. ni-iii-i III . II I I
na of l ur- (i( rnnmtt f 1( ,.(() h(il M))i( , follow liu; i Ii.iuki-, In trxilmoks for SjntnNh American war days to pro-1 mediate vicinity of Grass Lake reach
Will '" fui M.,.r,III1H W U',, ,, ,,,,, 0j, f()r ' "' "' 'or Hie next il sears. -nt is shown In the weight of a ' '"(1 ucn etent this morning that both
ll.r Chief ,.., r .1 ""-rlltiK to amiiiunreuieiii irf tin- broadside fired from the old battle I "e telepraphlc wires of the Southern
"' ""' 1 , county superintendent Uhlii Oresun. ih.. .! 11.0 .(,,.' Pacific and Western Union Were nut
unii uhiki iiiiTiii ui'in. 1 1 - "--- mm 1
. 1
Elks Stucco Arch Will Spaa
Main Street
Tuesday, August 12. hits In. -n ki'I
new bonk on agriculture m of tin- Hpnnlsh American ar, and 1 out ot commission. Owing to the fact
a. tin. dale of tin. procoineiulon ln- '"',l,H " ''rodiirth.' I'liriuliiK. ami will from v.-vls of the Pennsylvania tpe "lat the Herald gets its Associated
llntlon of Ilin local IoiIki. Ii will be
jUnoancunrnt h i" ,",'" "''l lu.ld for tlu pun of InltlatliiR
Ktk pircbM b) the I.1111K "II mi(y 10 ,r,. to j,,,, , y.V. be
iibrMnipDrof allot tin-tliiibiTf)r), ,,, t)K (.ott llti()n ,t w, nrfl
UUP cHh McClouil III. or i.iiiii- ,,!,, , ,, r,.,,t ,, Thumdity
rMBptflr,t 0' Anlelop "' ,.,, K ,r. I'iiiIitwihiiI expects to
.'.,.. t llaln.. IrlL .1 .11. ' .
Hliortt or we jinmi.M- ". niive 11 good-slied class signed up for
ytta'olflM pprojlmiir-. Tnnno ,,, AllK,u, inltlntlfjti.
lmy" .. .... ..... 1... ii. 1
kgtlTJCOfflP'nMir. mi ii..- ..."- -.. 1
It tuber boMlnit rfiuiniiK inmi
'" ;,,! "iils Tl xdiaiiKi- nrlrc of the new Pacific fleets I Press reports of the day's news over
Is SI (ems 'I'll., books In arithmetic! The Oregon could fire a broadside the Western Union wire thru Weed
lime been changed ll.imlltnn'M l.'s-'of steel projectiles weighing .'..fiHu they were unable to get their service
Hernial of Arllhiuetlc. Hook 1 .mil , pounds A broadside from the Penn- tortav
Hook II will lake the place of Kir- J s lunla tp with Its II Inch guns T" "re evidently started either
ler's nnd Watson &. Whites The would weigh, IT. 100 pounds iKriila or Saturday in the brush slash-
price Is ',2 cents ntul GS cents J Future American dreadn.iughts lr,Ks alona; the track. Passengers on
Itiig.s' ('(11111111111II) (hies with and baulecrulsers are to mount lfi-ln 'Iat Wight's train suffered under the
Oregon .Siippb iiient bus been iidopieil guns Kach projectile will weigh 2.- '"tense heat that the train was forced
Main .Street to lie Transformed 1st
Maze or Pnrple and White Boat
Ing Elks Decorated Float W
lie Feature of Saturday Erenlag
Parade All Merchants Expect to
Decorate Store Fronts.
A great stucco arch. 60 feet wide,
and approximately 23 feet high will
.11. i. ih. Mi-Cloud rlvr rniupain
In from the lied Itlvr
lr tompinr n acreaite .urn
Kiapij In MKi of 'bit illl"'il
fl th Itur. Brll rw-opl-
Instead of K..iiMh The prK.. U 51 32 1 ounds compared with the 11 go through for a distance of three l)e erecte1 medlately across Main.
'and the exiliiingi. price Is l j Inch shells of the I'..nnslaiila The'"'" tniT miles. The train was delayed street from the entrance of the Ellu
ill 0(111 Umber lmot.-il l "i'
Ifal It lonled In SlskDou rountv
CiHomli. nil & tint affect lucjl
rMdrttoat directly but the Imllrv
lib KUmlh rlli timber ;uu I'nr I
motlhi ih lilt (liiibi-r Inter-!
litre tn conferring and com-'
it I Mr hoMlngi ami rnnnMer-1
ItsKoei propositions having for'
Tn-r and MiMuriiv's gooraiililus btoadslde from the future battleship 't an hour owing to the fire,
have been re ado I with a little will weigh a total of 2". 200 pounds.1 Telegraphic ervce from 9 o'crnck
hinge as to whether one or two more than four times the size of an 'his morning and throughout the
books will In- lined The nrliii.ii Oregon broadside day lias been completely tied up. Ac-
H.ime Ceortaphv has not In en ban-' The new ships will be the heaviest 'cording to Don Ueldlng. manager of
""' armed ships in the world The it;- the local office of the Western Un-
The prlmnr) hlMorv has been rhnn- Jm-'h guns were developed during '" there is no ecact information as
Red lo (iord s "Stories of Aiin-ni'in l'Jl, and proved satisfactory In everv to when the wires can be fixed Ad
mit. hit It villi ham a nilchtv foptulii Siemens Provn. That It Will history," run! "Anierlruti Ileglnn' n-s ' respod vices received this morning from
Mture on future isrclninicnt tr Muke the liluiimlli Valley One of '" '''"""I"'. Mnre's School History.' The largest guns on the Atlantic Ashland, however gave asjUrance
AKrliulturnl Sections In ""Itlon. has been adopted If fleet. In Its cruise of 1007-190S that repairs would be made oon as
... ..... imiiiuii . nroumi tile world was 12 Inch The "' lire was under control which
In liinruni;.. or grammar. Potter 'greatest number of these on anv ln. would enable linemen t.. i.w.-n .,,..
jJenrhkn . llllletfs "Oral and Writ- Kl" ship was four against the batter- wires
l,en l'l'gllsh." Uook 1 and Hook 11 les of twelve 14 Inch guns on thej In the meantime Klumith Falls l
" ",l " ' '"' '" niiv.1 iiem ailopted The price Ik more powerful dreadnnughts of Ad- "t off entirely Hugh Hodman's new Pacific communication
the I lc
the West.
drtblKt the cnrmolliliitlnii tit ilu
rotifdhr lhm llecentlv It " U"r on Uiu mmi oimhmI ny ceiit mid 72 rents respectively.
l. rtlfle r-nre.enmilve of laI"' J' " ',"mis couiu rm secur
I Vtrtrlnin rrcnpini
lrt' I1- cMt puriMi
VwlnjMins iwrionalli in- ,'"t "Kflcultural spots In the west, cents and f. I cunts
Ul;otUriKlp connected with 1'"1 ,'ur ,ho Calll purchased 11 I As basal texts In reading. Iteacon's
from telegraphic
from tre outside
1 1 norf .
PH (doing v and llvglene will he fleet The 12 Inch cun had a nnrl. world. Lone Mn 1 .
was In ,1 " "" of ,!l" 1"'"1 '" ,h" K'tft'tjUUKhl from Healthy Living. Hook 1 mum effective range of 10.000 yards are being handled uninterrupted bv
r' hi II"V- I' would be one of the grunt- nnd Hook II. and the price I- 12,'ngalnt the 22.000 yard Hodman the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph
guns The fleet of ten years ago. mv- Company, which has a wire over the
al officers say, would be helpless stage ro:.l to Ashland
against even a small part of the Pa-
ciflc fleet The Atlantic fleet when It
carload, 20,000 pounds, ot sulphur , Primer and J-'lrst Header will be
' ths Long Hell peopie r"r u,0 on tho Aukeny ranch This used for beginners, mid National Me-
llw Dooth, Ke tract, i'10 snr'",,, over lwo hundred acres. Hind. Urst. second, third, fourth and I made Its famous trip was considered
.. .. .. . ' I nil.l 1... I. I..n nn... .Ii.nll..,. .- rif.l. - 1..... .. Ill I . .. ' . V. .. . ..
flttebfennotollallng for inanv!111"1 " ' Uii now c"or,,ltK Ml' " fifth reuders will be used for the cor-, the greatest fleet ever brought to
n of the large holding Among i t1'" r,,,,u"' responding grades, and Kvervdav gether
ii in Immeime tract owned bv n otu' lWr'"'-nCTo tract, which ' I lassies, by Haker .C Thorndike. will ' Admiral Hotdev I) Kvans com-
Hoid Orant cornninv u'n,, !,own '" n,'""n. with nurse lie used for the sixth seventh and i-and. d the Atlantic fleet until it
ItotheeMt of KueeiiM and In 1 r,I "f oats, ho will harvest oik bun- elghlh grades The Literature Head- i cached San Francisco All his ves-
proilinltr lo the Hooth-Kellv l''',, l,U,""l" to the acre nnd iho al- rn. Voung and Fields' Literary Itoiid- seK turned coal, as did the Oregon
'"Utlu lieen rumnrn.i it... I two feet high. On n fortv-arre p .'lerrlll s Henders. Heiullncs In of Spanlsh-Amerlcin war da vs. Ad. Jmlen ivr,i.u . ....
fn Held options ami ..r tract the liicreaso Is one half crenter Literature (Oregon edition). Hooks mlral Hodman's flagship, the .Vew- creat nniirie.-ii n,,.i i.i ij.. ..
Ho bur t of th (Iml. i than last vear. On the reinnltilni? . 1 and 1 1. and the Itlverlde ltemlei-M I Mexico. Is elect rlrallv nronelled nnil the Onlrlan 3.... . . ... . i ..M..- uuueii - - - ' i -- -- , - u.uvc, ia in iviamain
wMen Pacific company, and ,,6 nc,,,, lll check has not been M wo n Hallev's "For the Child-'most of his vessels are oil burners, Falls. Xo more enthusiastic tourist
" 19 the KUmaih ..(. .completed. ren's Hour." have been
b llwnlolhls latter slorv be" The cost for the sulphuring was ""PPlenieutary readers
1 M the deal liu. i..... "... Itli nnr nrr. Tl.l. Innin,i.i i,n , '' III Slielllni!. Hie "N'ew Wnr.l Snnl.
tij,. ""' l""'u villi "- "....... v.v-v. ....I ...... .-. .-
2?m "Mpatiy, since all of of ",0 'notorial nhd tho expense of lt,r." """k" I. M. and HI have been
Ptclflc holdings Is orn. I'lnrliiB It on the land. Its effect will IiImI The price Is 315 cents apiece.
."n.ioua comnani. . last for four vnnn u-lili tii.v ...,. i- r... i i ne rainier Wring System has
" "MTllr nr,..,i , ..... stills rnni In it .lnrlmr ii,.. .. i been retained
. --.VM III Hiai " " .... P. V ...IV. .I.IVI
"' Iflilr.l .-mv. Tl... ......I.... - ii . i MailV chuneeH linve nlsn nvn.l..
" j'.. liu milium. nuiiiiie jiisi " - - "- "".-
vvliat the land III this valley needs. '" ,iIk" ,cIio"I texts Anyone Interest
and much Interest has been manifest- 01 m"y K''1 a ,l!" of ,l,l ,,,xU lPtel.
od In the oxperlment made hv Cap-,wlth l,rlct,,' '' fulling on the county
tain Siemens, as It was felt that If It i iorlnt otnl..n t
wore n success ho would he entitled Tho "'"'"""tary course of study as
well as that for the high school will
ready for distribution until
named as thus materially increasing their has ever graced this city with
cruising radius over anv
American fleet.
!" known, .he i.on-
-'m io, fern .
vir. .. . ",llal nuantlty
"l -. "'
am.,., ' ' "le' "ne had
hir.r ln thn ou". bill I10 "l,,cl1 cro,,lt "' olh,,r ranchurs who i w,'n "H
."MlM(en unWil... i 'rotlld not slnn.l lt, ...,,.,. ii.i I""t be
" IT lhA IIII -.--. .-...... I.I.1- niv linn IMV ll III
Wbrin aninu,h """I- one-i1" n oxporlinent of this character. ,,,,oul ""' Mr3t ,,r 8ecoml W
!nr.J,!J.COn,Mnv. until now " Hint ho has proven that It Is SM.t...i....-r
""t .bo Tkh'nl Kt"m- r.fl,.ft.".,".,r8,m,,",. ,H llk'-,FOHMi:.t.MAi.i.VT.:xcm:it
"Hl "Utlmm.ii r""TH '' ' ' rn" """ w,n,,,r Immense' .. .,.,.,..,. ,,.,. ..... .. . ..
"Olofn'""'"'"-!!,,, IUtitltlea Mill bo used. The best I MAHIMI A CHIC. U.O M.I.N.
,wettlon , " ,u,,,Io asno',l"") ,0 Ilco It on tho la
,ullMthvt ,ho w"rl, 'x "s ,W0Pr Nnvoinhcir ami March as no ' """, ,0 l,,Il, It on tho land Is he-'
. Sl .A.,, , ... I
' "! uie
Local friends of Miss Alice Tom-
kins, former teacher In the Malin
school, will bo interested to learn of
iher marriage, July 2"ith, to Dr. Itob
'ert 1" firavdmi of Chicago The
wedding comes as a surprise to every-
COMMERCIAL CLUB on" nB t,u' Kro,,in ,ias ,""" '" t'1-'
i West but ii few months Tho bride, a
'graduate of tho Oiegon Normal
Cap! .Siemens, presldunt of tho. School, was at one time sunnrvlsi.r
nffleloni -. or , conmiorclnl Club, and Capt. O. C. ,0f music and dliector of glco clubs In
it.... . i "v oiuinnno-n Annietrni., u. ........... i. .... i.. .. .. . . ..
ton "cent plan! . i - n., 'uii), ii k.vui. u imiiuo .vioniiioutii nigii cnooi, nnd noiii
Mi7,wrtt Tear. ,' T, 0p,"lon thnt U wl" ',0 ,H'st '" I tlt position of principal In tho Malin
ueror any offorls townrds tho re- school. I)r and Mrs. Clriiydon will ro
hahllltntlon of tho Commorclnl Club do in Chicago, where the formor Is
i CDPP.11.
'-'unn. ...., .
w hi. ...:"""" in by M,u
CT't! '-.....n.
"'' y "I tlllh tnrrl.
A the 2 1 h0 bB mm nt
mkt durm- ' con"iPllon
Whr. ... '" "b Past (.,
lu. ' IBfflcl. .... "
L.T' Dreimi i.T". """"Page
. -"in ii niii i v
'"nteni,. ,.'"". '" "pern
. """we thai , . l "rr- msoil
ii. ,;;' oa, uIes, ;;
JT'tt'd Pr..; .iU'"HT
'Wlf .n .-" reports ih.t
lb. . "ur In .. i
previous presence, nnd at the same no
one ever "trimmed up" the roaif sit
uation as succinctly as did he, when
he told of what he got and what this
'section would get If the hlghwajs
were only reasonably passable
"I have Just seen your Crater
Lake, your Annie Creey Canyon, your
beautiful valleys and lakes .and
viewed with awe the splendor of the
mountain scenery In tho northern
part of your county. No man can
convey to the mind of another Its
effects upon him, for It is something
that Is almost Infinite. But I would
love to live among those scenes. I
would like to come here eveiy year
nnd lew them anew. I would like
WASHINC.TOX. July 28 -There Is
an acute scarcity of skilled labor In
the motor trail o throughout the I'nlt
ed States and particularly In Chicago,
It K reported today to Colonel Ar- to ngain feel the elevating influence
thur Woods. Assistant to the Secre-l0f their sublime grandeur, but you
tary of War by the Kditor ot a lend- have one almost insurmountable bar
ing motor magazine. There are there- rier to it all your abominable
foio excellent opportunities for skill-1 toads." Thus did he sum up in a nut-
ed labor along any lino connected '.shell two great truths. The Judge
with the motor inditrv, for finding j came riom the north by way of
s.ttlsfictory employment luend. and has certainly been cap-
This offer- an attractive field totivated by what he has seen. He
discharged service men, a great many would be a very happy man it ho
of whom received a thorough training , had not had the mlsfortuno to break
Hulliling to the east side of the street
as one of the big decorative features;
of the El'w convention In August.
Construction of the arch Is under
the direction of the Miles Sign Com
pany as are all of the other street
decorative schemes that have been
planned by the local lodge of Elks.
The arrival last night from Portland
of L. C Miles and W H. Blevlrw,
professional decorators, assures tho
city of two men of well-known ability
who will have full charge of the
various decorative features in con
Junction with the Miles Sign Company.
Purple and white bunting will pre
vail ln all the decorating, according
to Mr Dlevlns. His plan is to us)
medallions Incorporating the Elk:
'leid and clock as center pieces in.
store front decorations. Purple and
white bunting, both in streamers and
bows, will be, utilized in the gener
il decorative scheme.
Work on the elaborate Elks float
for the big' parade set for Saturday
evening, August 16. will be well un
der way the early part of this weefcu
Purple and white will be used as &
color make-up. Place for the queen
of the convention will be under a
canopy which will be erected on the
rear of the fload. Ten or more youns
ladies will ride on the float which
will be drawn by S horses. Soldiers
and sailors will walk beside the float
during the parade.
Indications are that all downtown
merchants will co-operate with tho
Elks in making Main Street a maza
of purple and white. No cross-street
decorating is planned but It Is hoped
by the committee In charge that all
store fronts and show- windows will
be decorated. Merchants that plan
store and window decorations can
get in touch with either Mr. Blerftu
or Mr. Miles at the Miles Sign Company.
mowku errs novs lix. off.
I? '"I toll .th0 ""aid
E.Ctttn.. .on'l,t owl,, .'
i. . rea
i ''".11
until nfter tho ElkB Convention,
xlnco all oforts for tho tlmo bolng,
Hhould he concontrutod towards muk
Ing propnratlons for tho hucccrs of
tho convention. That Is tho ovont now
closo to hand nnd tho huccoss of
which will bo of vory great Intoresl
to ovorybody and provo of Inostlm-
tcm ,..
,. " ""'Oil Tl
nun. ...... : .. " ' """
too WP0. . . u ,nmo vnluo to our community,
--- ui mo
n practicing physician.
j Aftor that, nnd boforo tho plnnnod
"W ti.t ""ogranii ii i. ' ' """" ." iuuiuiuii
Id!,?'' Radors n. 2,'" VUBll,0BS mon'8 excursion, which will
Jb. , ""Ire their nro,mb,y occllr early In Soptombor,
lbC,Ul1 Press Ton?" V" 0frrts sho,"a l,u concentrated In
i'1 for iK" btt,w,n u" u'0 moiubowhlp of tho
.rep"d ui. ;..,h0 wlr Commercial nun,, m ihi. . v . .
i4 . 3 aner" confidently bolloved tho Elks and tho
.. "'omen's Improvement Club will then
I take a loading and active part.
.Tamos It. Brown, 40, died Sunday
ovonlng nt tho County Infirmary
about fi o'clock following a protract
ed llliioss of pulmonary tuberculosis.
Brown had been in tho Inflrmnry
slnro last January suffering from
lung trouble Ho has boon gradually
wasting away and llttlo hopo was
hold for his recovery. Ho will ho
burled tomorrow from the Sacred
Iloart Church at S o'clock. Father
I.aVassler, acting pastor will say the
In the handling of motors during
their service In the Army. The motor
Industry, it Is further roported, hns
utilized tho services of discharged
soldiers and sailors to the fullest e
tont. Practically all of tho men re-
a spring in his automobile. This
has tied him up here for a day.
From hero ho will go south to his
homo In Los Angeles.
Judgo Bordwoll was chairman ot
the California delegation to the last
turned from the sorvico who before national republican convention, and
enlisting wero In the motor industry j was very much interested to learn
or trade, havo been re-employed. In
addition, a great many men who have
been trained along motor lines whllo
In tho sorvico, havo also found em
ployment. On account of tho labor unrest in
practically all skilled labor lines,
however, and on account of tho fall
ing off of Immigration and appren
ticeship during tho period of tho
War, there aro still a numhor of ex
cellent opportunities open to ex-service
men who boforo tho War were
members of the motor industry, or
who during the War acquired skill
In the motor trade.
ot the sentimont ln this community
for tho various candidates suggested
for the presidency . When he was
told that there was absolutely no sen
timent for Hiram Johnson, Califor
nia's favorite son, he made no com
ment, but Inquired it thoro was any
sontiment for .Taft, for whom he ex
pressed great admiration. He ex
pressed himself as being confident
ot a landslide for tho republicans
While working in his field In tha
Malin country last week on a mow
ing machine. Joseph Krejclrrk was
thrown from the machine when his
horses ran away, and suffered a seri
ous Injury. In falling under tho
mowing machine his leg was cut off a
bit at a time from the ankle to knee.
Jasepli Zumph, who was in the field
at 'the time of the nccldent, came to
Mr. Krojcirrk's rescue and called Dr.
Patterson ot Merrill, who took the
case in charge and reports that hla
patient Is doing nicely.
Francis Ezell suffered a broken leg
and severe bruises Friday evening
on his ranch on the Merrill road,
when he was thrown under the wheel
of tho mowing machine he was ope
rating. The accident was caused bv
the breaking of the single-tree whlck
caused the horses to bolt and throw
Ezell from his seat. Luckily lie was
thrown away from the blades of tho
mower, saving him from more serf.
ous Injury.
Dr. HenrirA Wrta-i. nAM,i...s ..
next year, but declined to state who aud reports u,at " 7o" g Tel. His
was his choice, and confined himself1 ,.- friend 'win L . ,, . V
to the statement that the California' Si" h M TrelZi n 1 ,' '"S
delegation would be absolutely un-' JL ..!., .!..t'"?,a'aSl ,.aS.Can
der the influence ot Senator Johnson. I very painful
.h a
IK 1
it&Z A
V ..&