WrtGPWr-wj "IP W It l" THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Jftip.vv!2i PA OK HKVK.t DM INLtfHE AD'S v. v,ivli. ssls-! American Womnn Who Will Return an Wilo Of He !ji,m Minitler mi u ts will (;o in mciiivo. '-T-fOFttsSSIONAJ. CARD? Pit. V M. ism:vthi.N(., SPECIALIST " in l)ISi:ASI.S ..f llic IICAItT mill NMIVOI'H SVBTi:.M. Conmilintlon In yonr own liome wltlidiit ctiurtio. Hcalilvnco Offlco llli uml Miiln SIh. I'lionc 71 I SIC li:.irn Try, .Inly 21! - .Ion I'liviillon, of ilit. Dpiirltiint (if Ag n iiitinii, him lipcii niiincil Din Moul in ii'ir'iciiin(lve lo I lie meeting of li- InwrnitliJinil Inxiitiitn of Af;rf "ilnue .which In i"o Ik. held hoiiii In Horn- Tliln In Uiu firm iliic Mexico Iii i mi ni ii delegate lo the roiigroxa hi I'-n y (iih PRIVATE HOSPITAL 'l'w Open for .MillCI llllj ( (l.l'H .Mix. Ito'iit .Mi II.-inli'I", 301 High Si. Phone 455 'H Till: I'AKfHIAV IlI'AITY SHOI I'mliil .MiiexnfrliK: KlimlidiK anil l"ii t fuiKil: the V,m will have n ".iii.-nili.ii I,. ,,. Aiiimi J I, 13 uml III ("l l)IU ' I IK'llll I'll! HI Miinlr urliii.' r'.liiiinp'iolnR Hiiflp Trciilnii-nt r, M.iln I'honu noo Lively, Feed and Sales Stable WMrfrfV'n.rnMMW'irinsnIla4irvrvM ; ..Tin) p" . t ; rnMfc P X8B rv-Kt l-ir mmm&BBm ,yy jfy FOR SALE DO YOU NEED MONEY? . .... .11 die rit.no . '" J WW'S'f,,' Hurt l" ). njv.,1! r.i' X '"r 'win ILK " " ""U ,,u '" KU ard .... '!,, ..r.Ml. ff1 On PM""-i" " ii .Utnt for Din l"' 'r" ''" uiZrin. Till-' N K W V () II K njt C'piho In anil talk " over. ' JAMKS M. WATKINrt. Jit. CI Main SI. I'lion'" -aV ' K)R SALf-ll.v owiiit 2 inoilxrn tf-KMlJie uunKaiP. o i""ii ucb At Imricaln. ciy ti-rni. U ohm InJ) for SftOFtl Imnil nuiiuiio1illt In ln tlui condition Nn Kii'il . Hill ...drf. lfirr & o'clock ll.l.'i l.ln- BiSL 21-Ct I ou 10 AtrM Imnl Kit 30. Tp II, R II Eitt Klatimlli Co (int'lnK - itJtiMk Und. Iinvt. ikiiiik koihI tinier- I liif'nt nny uc for It uml icl toi-ll. MaVfl nn offur A0ilri'"i mtUf Mitchell. 202 is Stark HI , Porttind. Orpson 2.V2C FOR SALE ! trnko, khiiiIh vork . Dirn In fine (hatic l'rlrc $100 I- MUn. VWut rll Itny Kreiier iinuu Ore., or call Souu p--inK VI..A n.. t.-ll... A. AM. .MUCH, UD IttllC. .i'.Ul ECOXIWAND Autoi for unlotwo till Rwi; on 19 M Ovorlnml; Aflft 1111 CIiI.IaVhIi... II..hI.....I IV Ij .-. ...w v.MUL-uHnii iiutlKilillll ft; MtCollam. 17 tf. TIMBER K0R SAI.K - 2o.nnn.noo ((ft Pint n?.tr Ulllmr Kliilimlh Ul:' Addrew P 0 Box 30 1. Klim- ill F!!i, Ore non. 23lf roa sale oit kxciian'ci: m ItretOflUfa Irrlf.ll.-.l I III. I fnr rr In sood, condition Imiuiro M"' ("V 24-Sl FOR SALE 3 room luiumi uml lot. fllh lmHA. ... 'urn I . . I'Hiiiii iitHi pari or ' Wilt Addition I7J0.OO Tcrnm I'linnn ,'" 2i-5f 1 VNDERW00I) TyiioprHrrB f'or halt) I WMlt, J! WlntlT'H JlHVlllrv 5l.r.. . I'lll.U, 'If. 26-2t FOJ 1 8AI.BCi,Mpi ico aero ranch. . ""'" onie I inliur .-.ml I'doil gWI31lichllcanAvo. rnn o . v.i oAur. Underwoinl Tyimwrller T ood conditio.,, call 2i,.I f.er I J 25-3t ' ShWi"",00'1 r" l"y alil utanay and imsture c.iii -iiv.- " M. or Phono 217 M. 12-tf r0iiALE-Socon.l.lmnd P o r d 4H' im Main, up-Atnlrs. 23-Ct. ' 1'hfn'"or,e' ,','K'ml!laTn'. .SMDcnnLProvoHt, Mills Ad- J 2fi-10l t re"t, at Winter's Jewelry Storo. - ' "M nl .l Srl:'te-a0,r ro,.mlr -" - HUnt:iry nioro, or ni u-ril Ss-rjiTONforj Wood n 2n r-iSKiliD wntD-ifl" " "" '- .v, lMAJBork0n rr,nCh t0 d0 5?1 APlF H.V.M ,n' ao . Baook L Vcarl,ontnrH. Apnlv ;cl ver. Mills Addition hL ?rd, pln0,Dln!or,B field , H,t,'4 0fflj; PlDd"- Ploaso loavo1 25-2t.' j t gffU L AS SI RETcMM N S MISCELLANEOUS ' Wit i.'mmI it i;mm1 mini In K'.i r-iiH in write old i.iuit hire .n i time Cap rlrnii In the hii-ini. . n ivr.-ilCnl If iilillilll'iJii. W I I1 'nnl '! Illn'i Htti-i. I'" i' (rBm " '-" ti VK Ul'V. eU. rout or repair tii writer. Winter' JewoJry Him. zs :m WANT. D- A i"uill furfil In it In. cr iur:inonl lijr yonntf muplc. :.n rliliilr.li . " I ,-o i lUrjilil Offli- '.': if tJlUCKHMAKKIl- Will I'd oui liv ,1.,, or ilu Ikiiiio work 7'i' Minn. 2.; 'I LEGAL NOTICES ASM .MI.NT llfll.l S Itl ll Till' Afcii'hntllclll roll nn i.' rcmly for (In liiipi-i'tlon of tnptr t Tliosn wlni unt to am ulml tlimt rtAi'Miiiii'iil l or lio wlnh to ( n In i ut nny I'liniiKo Imforu rolU urn tttrin'it ovor to III" Itiiitril of Cipiull ziitlon, run do no until Aukum t jrl! J. IV LKi:, t'onnty AHucnHor n-iOt lirSOI.rTION to rliniicn tlin Krruli' nn ntlli Hin.'it Itotwvon Mnlti ami I'lnii Htrcolic WIIKItCAS. the Common Council oVtmiR It cxiipillmii to rlinnRO tlio Kriilr on fitli StrcH lictwomi Main ninl I'lni- Slri-iitH In tlio City of Klam ath Ktillti. nimiKi'Oiii:. in: it m:soi.vi:n. Hint ilio Krnilt1 on Mil Strciit lirtwunii Main ninl l'lni' Ktroi't Imi rlmncril in f olloivi to-wlt : At !'."i fii't from tli nortiicrlv Uno of Main Slrn-t on r.lli Hirc-t f"ni c'ovntlori ir.n.(Hi f..fi to I'. t.r.n fivt. r'lOknncil ,f rom tin- cutnlillnliril rliv ('ntiim. T Ktnl'i ot ft'e-on, Pii"ilv of Kliiinatli Cllv of iflnmatli F-ilN - h I A I., I.MVtft IMItC" .Illilen n' 'l(l ClU On !m"i'iv rijrtlfv tlmt tt" for.rilii"' li n iliilv "nroHoil rn'w of lm rcitf liiilon rllnt1,,' irrnil" on r-,,i Btroc liptivnpp Mnln nnil t'lno Plrocti. p ntinvn t fo-lh n na"' liv l''P Cn-"iin ro"irll of Dip Cllv of Kl'imiitli Knlln Oregon, on Jnlv 1 0-1 0t i-siirnpil) A ' "jv.-r Tnllcn In XOTICH 1 nm nn'!'- tirpnoroi) o f-nlh Plif.tn on,) frnm tlio tlov t'nin. tni ni'O r'nvnl 'I't In pnv nnnl'lv tlmt ni".' ,n ilnflrcil liv rnntrncton and hulldiTK. At. r nnMiAM STATEMENT OK Till'. r First National Bank of Merrill. County of Kliiinatli, State of Oi'okoii, hIiowIiii; tlio nmoiiiit HlandliiK to the credit of every do posltor July 1, liilfi, who Iiiih not iiiado a deposit, or who has not tlwhdniwn nny part of his dopoult (roiiimerrlal ilepoltn), principal or Interim!, for u period ot nioro than seven (7) yearn liniiiedliitoly prior to said date, with tho naiuo, last known plnro of resldeuco or postof. rfla nddross of sue lidoposltor, and tho fact of his death, It known. iN'nmn of lies, or Duposltor P. O. Ad. Dond? Amt. ill. N. Iloal, Dorrls, Cnllfor- nln, unknown $ 2.98 I P. C, Campholl, Morrll, Oro- ' Ron, unknown 66.44 W. P .niioadH, Portland, Oro- Bon, unknown 07 Stato of Oregon, County of Kiiam nth bs. I, H. M. riuhb, bolng first duly sworn, dopoBO and say upon oath that I am tho Cashier ot tho Flrut National Dank, of Merrill, County ot Klamath, Stato of Oregon, that the foregoing statoment Is a full anil correct and comploto statement, showing tho namo, last known real donco or postoffico address, fact of death, If known, and tho amount to tho credit ot each depositor as re quired by tho provisions ot Chap tor 148, of tho.Qonoral Laws of Ore Ron, 1907, and Chapter 214, of tho General Laws of Oregon, 1017. B. M. UUDD, (Seal) Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to boforo mo this 3rd day of July, A. D. 1919. H. LENTS, Notary Public for Oregon. ' My commission expires my Commission oxplros July 25, 1921. ' 7-lt On account of cur shortage wo will sell hlocku at $2.50 por cord at our factory .until further notice. Now Is the time to got In your wlntor blocks. 17-tf. Kwauna Box Co, wWBmm w SKxr- mmm lliiriii'n ill' CmtliT ilc Mimlili'iiiio Kncmln In Ni'v York and Ni-wport in- iiri)riH-il wUvu lln-y n-inl " I'urit iliiipateli aiiiilm; tlmt .Mth lliiimlioti W'llkrs ("ary liail Ix'tui mar. rlnil Iti Ilu- Frelieli nipltal to Ilaron ICmil !) Cnrllur ill' Marrlilciini'. Ili-I-Hldti nitnlitir to tlui t'nlti-il St.iti'H lltii;o O Wiillaci'. llic Aincrli-an am tmimiiilor. uml Ili-rbi-rt Hoover weru aiiionK tticiHi' pri'Hi'iit at the reri'iuony mi:ho wii.i. iNTi:itciiA(ii: sti'iiiints with corxTitir.s. MEXICO CITY. July 2C - lmllra tli of an aiip.iri'iil ii.iiihIv imIii rutlotial pollry liy tin' KoverniiK'nt Is the fact tlui; within the pant few wei'kH arraiiKctui'iitH tiavc Ihm-ii iiiiuIu fur .in Intcrchaniru of HtuilvntH ln' twirn tlui Nailoniil rnl(rnlty of .Mullen anil well knoMii eilucntlonal liintltutloiiK In other rountrloH. Such an nrnriiKi'inent wim recentlv inailo with the Unlvernlty of Arlznua In tho I'nlteil Ktatex anil It In xalil Unit plaint hnvo heun nuule for a in til mil InterchariKe with tho Koverniin'nts of Kan Kulvnilor, Chlic, N'lcatiiKiia anil Culm. im:ad hckali) ad- it pays ESTKAY NOTICE. 1 muley .1 year old steer, branded It. S. (with bar over It), Swallow fork In rlfiht and under notch lu left ear. 1 muley 2 year old Rteer, branded T (with crescent ovor It). Upper lilt out of each ear. Stray emtio to feed yard of I). fJ. Mrown, Crystal, Oregon, November, in IS Owners may have nmno by proxlni" property, paying cost of d ortlslng nud keep. 19-2C-2 Physicians' Prescriptions Our Specialty Drug Stores aro really neigh borhood department stores In which various lines aro feat ured. ,Ono druggist may push patented preparations, an othor toilet goods, cameras, optical service, tho fountain or othor department which nets him good financial re turns. Our spoclalty has always been tho filling ot Physi cians' Proscriptions, and aa a result our store bos be come a prescription center. We carry an exceptional stock of proscription drugs, and our laboratory equip ment Is up-to-date. We em ploy only experienced grad uate pharmacists. All of your Proscrip tions and Reciplea are Important and deserre the special care which we aro utile to give them. F'Y . iM-ATIAI " IMi-Ui wni-wwii h jut rV Weftl UtlHlHARMC'Ll VL'l i si-ji oty i"Cin oiuu eJiir'x Underwood PharmdCY VM. KLAMATM TALUS ORE00M irSW rmit ifie ---JJjJECTtor New City Laundry h'i: (iUAUA.Ti:i-: orn wokk Klilrti uml Cdllnrx l.iiiuiilcrcil We iiImi huvIi HfUt, mixil uml ,). nrcil kiuhN cry ciircfiilly. Try im nine uml lie ctiiit Iim cil, Our prlim nri rlxlit. I'hoiM! 1.11. 127 P'ourth Street, Km It of J Ir-t Nmloiiiil !ilM)j ; CONTRACTING IN CONCRETE ( emi'iil Woilj of nil KlmU uml lluollnu Let Mf- MaUc Ycu an Estimate W. D. MILLER Contraclo- passengers and Baggage A.VYWlir.ltK IX TIIK CITY ycicic s;:iivick IIKASONAIJI.i: ItATKS PIIOXK 187 WesternTransfer Co. It's a Long way to walk If you nro out In tho country anil find that tlw repair work you had done does not stand up try us anil you'll ride and not walk. Hoagland & McCollum We buy and sell Xew and Second hand Cms. Speak to us before you buy. Wo can save you mon ey. Watch foe our specials. SUNDAY EXCURSION on Upper Klamath Lake Tho launches "Spray" and "Oak land" will run excursions every Sunday, leaving tho mall boat landing at S n. m., allowing five hours at Rocky Point. Faro ?1 HO from landing for round trip. Bus leaves Western Transfer offlco at 7:30 a. m. Calkins & Hamilton WWMMAAMMAMAAAflM'MMAA' M1'Wii'aaIWaW GLASS Phono mo and I come and give you a price that will save you monoy. Carpenter and Cabinet Work. E. C. STUCKY. 11-10 Mnln. Phoho 340-W. Coe's Jitney Service Day Phono 108 LAWRENCE'S CIGAR STORE Klamath Falls, Ore. Highest cash prices paid for flnu OREGON INDIAN PIPES AND OTHER RELICS Po3tofflco Dox 266 KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. Phone 460 Ice Cream 729 Main St. Candies PASTIME Jack Monrow, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Drink,! Peel and DUllards Barber Shop In oCnnection OUR MOTTO "Courtesy and Serriee" Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable IonK Trips Our Spcclnlly ItcitMiiiiililr ICati'H i'limic l.'KI H'SJt Kluiiinlti .Uc, COZY RESTAURANT NOW OPEN "UO .Main Street Muals surveil from C n. m. to 9 p. ni. 'coon ceri'Ki: anii i:i;al chkam Your Home Laundry Damp Wash, -I) I.hs. 7."c rivisni:i) worn; I'LAT WOKK KOL'CII I)KY JC , "Put Your Ouils 1;. In Our Suds" PnONE 421 ' Comer Main Anil Conger J. -- aaVVa.HaVa.aVa.aa.aa.aa.a'.aaaVVa.aV,.a,.a HARLEY-DAV1DSON Service Station We handle the Harley-Davldson Motorcycles and Hlcycles Exclus ively. Also buy. sell and exchango all other Makes. Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes. C. E. IJIS5IARK 115 S. Oth St. Klamath Falls ils'sf'i KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Kinds of Spring: Repair ing New Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening: and lllncksnilthlng ALL WOKK GUARANTEED Phone S.10-V 017 Klamath Ave. FOK ANY KIND OF Fl'KNITUKE See Andy Mauritsch At Xo. 10 Main Street. TOY ME TIIONE 176-J, - fM Phone 340-J 1 lJ2 Main St. O. K. Lunch AND CONFECTIONERY Formerly at 4 5 Main St. Horuc-Mndc Pies and Cakes. Cold Meats & Lunch Goods. Ico Cream and Fruits. SEE ME For Carpentering, Furniture Re- pairing, Linoleum Laid. HENRY SMITH The Handy Man" lMHADiST. CONVENIENT HOSPITAL ROOMS DR. A. A. SOULB X-Ray Surgery Medicine Phone Ifil-J 420 Main E. L. ELLIOTT jrTTORNET AT LAW 111-14 Wllllta Bldg. ITUwath IWIs : Oregoa ttaAaas-aSaaSaaa)artt-ttass ':-:"':"M":-:"-:-"K":m:::x." II. C. SCHLEEF KATIIERINE SOHLEEF I'lij Mil I.iiii uml Suruoon Offlie, Whin UhlK. 2 M"M':-:":":":-::-:":-':-x- . DR. G. A. MASSEY Kincroxor to Kr. Trunx Knit J(K), I. O. O. V. lildg Olllic plionc 8(1.1 lte I'houe d.M DR. CARTER I)i:xtikt whiti: ncii.niNO 1'iiexi: :'..- DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver Piioxu :j.-,i ' Dr. P. M. Noel rilONK Otcr Under wood's Bctenth and Main Streets FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Ixiomls IllilR., Klamath Folia I VSVVVatVVWiVVa-raAMMMAMMMtM DIL C. A. TiAMUO Dentist I. O. O. F. Hullding PHONE 01 CITY AMI COC.NTV AIJSTKACT COMPANY S17 Mnlu AKTITOK K. WILSON Manager r DR. F. R. GODDARr i OstfKipathlc I'liysI:in M. Surgeo. Suite 211, 1. O. O. F. Tempi - (over K. K. K. Stort Phone 321 . . ' (The only Osteopathic I'byul clan und Burgeon In Kimt,n 1'alli ) SAW BULL ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers anil builders of mod ern Saw Mills, Plmiliii: Mills, Box Plant-:. Complete plant-, contract ed. ApprnNals and teports made. DredKliiRr W contrail to build any class of a tiullilinu and install niachinet-' of any kind. Drafting of any kind done. Blue Prints made. ' PHONE 14J Oillee in K. D. Itulldiug I J. C. CLEGIICRN Ciil Engineer uml .-"Urveyor Office 517 Main St. Phone, Office, 1(H). lies. 102M. WELL DRILLING Vochatxer Bron. A Hlabzuba Merrill, Oregon Or McDonald Peel Room Klamath Fall, Oregon RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. P., Bend Stage Phone 276-W aaa--a-xaaaaa5-: : SHANGHAI RESTAURANT CHOP HVKY. AND NOODI.F HOUSE Short Onhir Miuilo Sem-i 7fi Main NtriH-t KLAMATH VATLU Ri- 46.iafra-asf i 'I & mm v m 8!- .OJ t