pact: six THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SATl UD.W, .11 l, l0, liil'i fa.4fr.l.llfylMl& AT THE CHURCHES r I TH 1 I ri ! Ill I I ! 1 N 1 11 I i Wv: lim SH1P0WNERSAT ll DISADVANTAGE J-'-y TRADE MARK g5 Hi sr SrA.TATAM I The City of GOODRICH SSa- Akron. Ohio R55S2t k The Caliper : E WM of True Tire 8 vaiue ' 8 Mere looking at a tire in wwmw oowiw vwii m lea Q ing it in ounces meflirarintr it in inr-1-ica tells you nothing of U what it will do when it gets on your car. But apply the Goodrich Caliper of True Tire Value to it. and you at once gauge its service value. Measure its price with the, Goodrich List Price, and the adjust ment mileage back of it with the More-Mileage Adjustment of Goodrich Tires 6,000 miles for Fabrics; 8,000 for Silvertown Cords. If its price measures more than the List Price, the tire asks you to pay for something it cannot deliver. If its adjustment mile age measures less in miles than the Good rich More-Mileage Ad justment, it deprives you of mileage your money entitles you to get. Measure "any tire with the Goodrich Caliper, and you realize why the word is running, like wild fire through outthe motoring world, "Goodrich has THE Tires." Goodrich is making the burliest, best tires the rubber industry has produced. Compare them and be convinced. wjm a TA Firt llnptlst Church, cm nor Wash ington nmi Eighth. J. I), Urll'lth, ,Mstur Miniiuy school at 10 n. in., C. It. Oel.ap. superintendent. 1'ie.ichlng nt eleven, by Rev. J. 11. iricntli and also In the evening lit eight o'clock, i ruor !orvlce Wednesday nt S 1'. M. Every second and (mirth Wednesday RIO DK J VN'EIRO. Hr.ull. July evening will bo devoted to missionary 26 North American ship owners ork. are pla. ing themselves and North Sacm, ,,Mrl c,ulron conlor s, husiue.-s concerns at a dls- imi nigh streets. Rev. Hugh J. Jlur- advantage with their European com- ihall. pastor. petltors here because their agents 'rs' "J"?9 l " , , , ,, Last Masts at 10: SO . m. In this city are not actually represen- tatlves o( United States concerns, ac- r f y r if f i AS IE ivietuouisi Kpucopai cntirch. Tenth i V corning to tne American (.niiinuer oi inn iiign. nev. Simpson llamrlcK, : Commerce (or Hrazll. This body recently appointed n commltteee under the chalnuanshtp o( Acting Consul General Hasskarl to investigate the shipping situation ,as it affects North American busi ness. The committee reported that ing nt S 00 P. SI. by leaving to the discretion of ship , T.!l 8Ucct r Iho mornliiK will '-.,. i. .u , ., . oe Tne Greatest ced." The Union I , captains the selection of agents. Sorvco ..., bo ,.,.. , tho Kmnnllol i I isortii American owners pastor, 1117 Bns street. Phone 67W Junior l.c'itiuu at i t'O A. M. Sunday Ii.k.I nt If. Or. A M. Morning Worship nt 11.00 A. M. Epworth League nt 7:00 P. M. Evening Servlco nt S:00 P. M. Prayer mooting Wednesday oven- r ? ? Y f T t have been Ilnpttst Churchy Tho pastor of the Mo-I "" repairs and thodist Church will preach the ser- heavily overcharged for repa other necessities In this port and l"on that eventually this expenditure (alls First Chrlstlun Church, corner j on the shipper. Ninth and Pine streets. C. F. Trim- It is declared by the chamber th:itbloJ t,a',,or(; , ...... ... . .... .... , Sunday School, 10 A. M. this condition is a vital In c L ..... 'a -----.-- . ourniuii, li A. Al. (the foreign trade development of tho C. K. Trimble. Pastor f. t United States. As a remedy the re J 'commendation is mnde that North t,ns at s '' '" J American vpsse lntrnp oiiii.... n,.1 l tablish their own agencies or auth- Presbyterian Church, Pine street. I ...i,.. ,i. .r-,.- c . near Second. Rev. E. P. Lawrence u,.c me- uiuu-u oiaira consul uen- pastor, leral to recommend agents, riot only. There will be no services at tho in urazu out in all South American, resoyienan cnurch except Sunday 'A j.n. .-j... nrnnn s Prayer meeting Wednesday r I T even-1 T 1 .countries. EFFICIENT BURGLAR I WANTED IN SOUTH V SAN DIKOO. Calif.. July 2,- The 'tor. y Federal Employment Bureau here) Sunday School 10:00 p. m. C , has a Job (or an Industrious burglar Preaching services nt 11 a. in. , .Formal application of thn fnllnwin .. YounB P?Ples meeting nt 7 p. in. -o I'nfnn flprv rn nt x n m if.,l ii.i.. until further notice as the pastor is having his vacntlon. " Sunday school ns usual at 10 a. in. Sunday morning. I Emanuel, Baptist Church. Eleventh nnd High streets. W. L. Wilson, pas-1 1 T T T r T During the late war people eu tiniglil mil to waste. The iimihoii (or this was to sccuie that surplus hIiuio what was necessary In older that others might gut the benellt thereof. It found result In finding sulllrlent for nil and was obtained Ihliiugh tho kindly consideration o( the other (ullow In the imiiiiiIIzIiik of distribution. True, some were selllsh and for a time redised to lend aid to the scheme which comprehended a more equalized distribution to all, but tho sharp eyo of tho (lov ornment searchd them out and they were punished In the end. 1.GS4.000 gallons o( Water Is being pumped every twenty-four hours Into thu reservoirs suppblng the twenty-two miles of distributing pipes which curry water to 1,019 customers In the City of Klainnth Falls. This means that did each of those users receive a pro rata of water served, every service would bo entitled to l,GM gallons a day, or, based on a population of B.OUO, nbout 316 gallons to each man, woman or child, every day. Such an amount Is (ar In excess of all requirements, so that (I any one or more users are being deprived of iitnplo water for ALI, PUR POSES, his neighbor is wasting. No doubt tho abuse of a lint rate service by a (ew Is training tho uyu o( tho Pub lic Utilities Commisslou on those who wilfully do not consider the rights of othei and the punishment must follow In the Installation o( meters (or everybody. California-Oregon Power Company HHMH4MMHHHJ notice has been made: ! ,J ( will be required to demonstrate vhis $ tski11 for advertising-purposes. Other i details are lacking. k i Further evidence o( the growing A -faith in the ability of the Federal j , employment bureau to meet all re- -J j quirements is shown by a request for J , the services of a man "down and out" m i uu uuitaus puuusnea notice reads: . fWan;ted Man 'down and nut Wages $15 per Three hours a rick will preach. You nro cordially Bxiy Goodrich Tires from a Dealer ADJUSTMENT Fabrics 6,000 miles Cords . 3,000 miles Goodrich tires j . 'Wanted Man J (elderly preferred. J month and found. 5 I dav ." j 4 ' Don't forget; the Elks will have a y (convention here August 14, 15 and '16. Get busy! g G uurglar wanted. Must be honest invited to attend these services, and efficient. Police protection guar- i Prayer meeting every Wednesday nt anteed. Employment for one weel: t.t S v' m" Eu u 1?'".L ., Merrill Adventlsts: Beginning .. . ,,..c tllJl llu. uurgiar.sunuay July otn, lectures will be giv en in tho large tent in Merrill every Sunday, Tuesday, .Wednesday. Thurs day and Friday evenings at S P. M. byi Pastors T. L. Theumler and R. A. Smlthwlck. A cordial Invitation is ex tended to the public to attend this series of lectures. Thp subject 'for Sunday will be "The old Book that withstood the test " This subject wilt ! form the thread of all of tho lectures. Tho Christian Science Society of Klamath Falls holds services at 113. ir..-,l. .aa. A..nM., CmAm. mnMilnal ' ruurui nucci etui ounu., luvitim,. r at 11 o'clock and every Wednesday 'IB ! evening at 7:30. All are welcome ' M ! Tho subject of lesson for Sunday. "Truth" The Sunday school session Is from 9:45 to 10:45 every Sunday lnornlnu t Tho free reading room and free, lending library Is open from 2:30 to 4:30 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and ' Saturdays. I Lutheran services will be held nt tho Baptist Church Cor. Eighth and Washington St., at 7:30 P. M. I Sermon by the Pastor. All are most I cordially Invited to worship with us. Rev. M. Rossman, 137 First St. Look and Feel Clean, Sweet and Fresh Every Day 'BEST U THE LONG RUN" Drink a glass of real hot water before breakfait to wath out polton. HAY & GRAIN INSURANCE. We have setled a number of losses In hay and grain, and all of them hnvii hoan nntrl nrnmntli nn1 In full T.Ifp fa nnf moraiv trtltvo hut fn Htpa I... ... .. . ' .. ..... .w t ..,., uul. ,. ii.o,,We snail appreciate a snare oi your Veil, eat well, digest well, work well, , business. CHILCOTE & SMITH. 633 sleep well, look well. What a glorious Main St. Phone 66. 23-5t condition to attain, and yet bow very , . Z . T., IT 7 . , i ,. , ., , , , . " J,,8t Remember this. The dates for 'easy It is if one will only adopt the tno E,k8. convention aro August 14, 15 and 16. Get ready. M. vlQ- - Tit. i ril iivMlrl if mm jf W tfzzy 'AVvvr& ja comb m m imo : r a y HI DARKENS IlL'Al'TliaLLVANI) HE STORES ITS NATl'KAl, COLOR AND M'STRE AT ONCE morning Inside bath. Folks who are accustomed to feel 'dull and heavy when they arise, split ting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stomach, can. Instead, feel as fresh as a daisy by opening the sluices of tho system each morning and flushing out tho whole of Jim Internal poisonous stag nant matter. Everyone, whether ailing, sick or well, should, each morning, before bieakfast, diink a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in It to wash from tho atom- Common garden sage browed Into ach, liver, kidneys and bowels tho pre- a heavy tea, with sulphur nnd alcohol vlous day's Indigestible waste, sour added, will turn gray, streaked and bllo and poisonous toxins; thus clean- faded hair beautifully dark and lux sing, sweetening and purifying tho en-' urlans. Mixing tho Sago Tea and Sul- , tire alimentary cunal before putting blcsomo. An easier way Is to get the moro (ood Into the stomach. Tho ac- phur recipe at home, though, Is trou tlon of hot water and limestone phos- ready to use preparation improved by phate on an empty stomach Is wonder- the addition of other Ingredients, fully Invigorating. It cleans out all costing about CO cents a large bottle, tho sour fermentations, gases, waste at drug stores, known as "Wyeth's and acidity and gives one a splendid i Sage and Sulphur Compound," thus apputlto for breakfast. While you are avoiding a lot of muss enjoying your breakfast the water and ' While gray, fa'ded hair Is not sin- phosphate Is quietly extracting a large I (ul, we all desire to retain our youth volume of water from the blood and, ful appearance' and attractiveness. Uy getting ready for a thorough flushing darkening your hair with Wyeth's of all the Inside organs. Sage und Sulphur Compound, no one The millions of people who are both-1 can tell, because It Is done so natur ered with constipation, bilious spells, ally, so evenly, You Just dampen a stomach trouble, rheumatism; others who have sallow skins, blood disor ders and sickly complexions aro urged to get a quarter pound of limestone phosphate from the drug store, which will cost very Jittle, but Is sufficient to make anyone a pronounced crank on the subject of Internal sanitation. Ad. sponge or soft brush wth It and draw this through your hair, taking one small etrand at a time; by morning all gray hairs have disappeared. Af ter another application or two your hair becomes dark, glossy, soft, and luxuriant, and you appear years younger. IT'S A POOR DOCTOR Who Won t Take His Own Medicine THAT'S WHY WE ARE USING THIS SPACE TO TELL YOU WHAT JOLLY LITTLE BUSINESS STIMULATORS HERALD WANT ADS ARE AND WHY THEY GET RESULTS THERE IS NO GUESSWORK about a Herald Want Ad. They do the business. We know they pay. Our customers have told us so time and again. We have used them ourselves-and they have never failed to get results. They are the short cut to a quick turn-over the modern method of merchandising on a small scale, where the value of the article to be sold or the importance of the want to be filled will not justify a heavy outlay. If you had something to sell, trade or give away and went out on the street and told each person you met about what you wanted to do, you might get results but the people you talked to would be veiy likely to say: "That poor fish has bats in his belfry." If, on the other hand, you used a Want Ad, you would talk to the whole county at once, instead of only one person, and do it in a businesslike manner. The same rule applies to hiring help, renting a house, looking for a job, or any one of the important little incidents of life where you must call in the assistance of someone outside your immediate family. You MIGHT get results by telling your troubles to the neighbors but the certain, quick and economical way is to use a little classified ad. Do you want to buy, sell or trade, want to hire help or find work; do you want to find a room, a house to rent, or .to rent the same to someone else; do you want to call attention to some new feature of your business, seek information on some subject, or have you any little unfilled want? J4 " :";;.:;....... USE HERALD WANT ADS THEY DELIVER THE GOODS AND ARE ALWAYS WORKING t m . - B S g iiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiuiiiiiiiiHiiiiiii I t Y V t Y Y Y I ! t T ? X T ? ? ? I Y t T ? ? ? .:.