itttsiuiM&ivrmK?E " CwSiTjC ;; PARK KIOIIT THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Jllll., .11 l. iiln. BEND TO HAVE II HGSPITflL Xtvler Is accompanied by Slter Aga- IMARSHFIELD WANTS Sl-lois of St. .ltttli to lliiltit Klr-t of Thrtv-iinit Institution at f'ot of Jj."t.O(M tha who will aslt tu tho pl.ui.. for roust rurtion. To l"so I'nlt rimi. AtoVi'hih to the mother mpotlor. t'se hospital w'll bo erected In units thi lir.-t t. be or. i' of thro iiiii wht'ii w il rniNl of two pavilion mil administration unit Oih pavilion w II be erected at once ttio co-t of which, tofiothor with fKliiK up ground, will total about $". 000. Tho structure will bo more th-n : INtLW MUr 1AL 3. MAUSIU'IKI 1. Or Tu'v 2". .Ileal Inp that Ihoro aro nl m h ,p, rate tho lilt; mill of !''' c .mit'i company urilih ha bi-i n idle . im. Match, n toftolutlnti ts I'.hi tilRht presented lo t'to ef tiMiivll In .1 ihn l" Kouilall. nttoruo. an.l win l". u Wtutolv mloptoil hv th ouriM ' out comment. Tho resolution points out tho l-n pot'lanco of tho opor.itlon .if tho Injj t r f V t Closing Out Sale Mo 11KND. Or . July 2." - Contracts will bo drawn up tomorrow between tho Sisters of St Jofoph, the mother house of which order 13 .-.Ituated in Tipton, Indiana, ami Ie A Thomas for the preparation of plans for u ' Sisters" hospital to be located on the i hospital site hetvyeou Oregon and Franklin streets, familiarly known as the water power site. Mother Xaviert representing the mother house, has been in Bend for soveral weeks awaiting the return of , .Father Luke Sheohan in order to dis cuss plans with him before u formal . announcement was made Mother stories. including a sub-basement. It mill, because of Its connection with . will face approximately noith audi'"" P"wr sen Ice will be on the crest of tho hlch ground It i planned that the first unit will have about 30 private rooms with ward-, to make a total of about '.0 beds. In addition. It will contain operating rooms, nurse quarters, sur geons' private suites, laundry, heat ing plant and such other rooms as J ' ' ortland next Monday, accompanv hospitals of tho type j It Is rumoret7 u vear on the erected by thee Sisters. Tho building will be equipped with elevators, and steam heat. Interior finish will be the latest that is now put In the largest hospitals in the country nf th pltt ni,. I X urges that the court act to make pos- J sible its operation The move is ft- Ken ns corroboration of tho an- V nounrement made that V A. Smith or those reiiresentlni: blni n i,ii. Ing for a right to operate tho big A plant. A hearing on this takes oHce X A-a ?. t prnscRiuK van the iikkai.d property has been asked !&f 1ST fct 1 M XSTf-Z r.xv?pra: swasftswratroji tfrafi-TTre-! :ru. K'niTi fgj wTMtjjm rmtim rifjst .rz a ?ji rM , , rrn r, i v CVii IJJKvi ! L o PJ.vj,V 'UTI 3 iiSsnSKnfL 9&GSiVH32 Kti n. .wn J 1 1 -ci i -j&t v-ivJ-4nr7ai tempjmrndms. r. f" Vli -mMW y " Ji-llftLT' "T-rJ m&txMffiW7tfjm'f7ffim$ mmmfM&m iWMvJ-ffAissjaH tl 4 i1W.v.l4SiVT -F'.Mi .' ii rJi'l '."'VXtoS?.: 'JL '33&.,Z3&2Zt, '. A-SKSflC .ii' ci T - -. r-n rsi; in ("r'jr i i - c r r.i J...-?'....".1., W. .'.' y.'S'TJlt-. s'VJJifJ i-svi)w,'ASK'ci; A5.'i,it2:iWF:-?tf wufsr. -j ,...... ... Jtji..wi"',.ijw w, rw. "' i?ft.tK..r?fXT.5:r miiHi iu-"kjj. n a y. . yj . i i ii ---r- ti,i. i tS&?g?jSFK ggaB gfrtS !??:M Prices have been .marked down radically on Ladies' White Shoes for this sale: Women's White Kid Button Boot $7.35 Women's White Kid Lace Boot $7.85 Women's White Kid Lace Boot $7.35 Women's Nile Cloth Lace Boot $5.85 Women's Reinskin Lace Boot $4.85 Women's Sea Island Duck, Lace Boot $4.15 Women's White Canvass Lace Boot $3.95 We haven't room to quote them all today there's a good bargain for everybody. W v- ,J ..irm, m mj" w m,mi u wj 'Mi . v? m immw, m trim .jm0 & s'W I .. S MUmr'TJ"B' i ',mit in v w. in jMjmnrxms 9m iarm , mi m. tmssr' W '' MPM W O faTft r w y ezrr cl j . tw hi . ' j - " f -- ? n 'i' c r z run -- s-6r3 tittvi c MirttA Qk Lii XmQrZ FOR SERVICE The Sunset Grocery Can give it to you, but to make it stronger, we wish to impress on our trade one thing, and that is this: To enable us to give you better service, at all times, we kindly ask that you do not hold .back your morning orders as late as you have been doing. Since we have been having two de liveries daily, many orders do not come in until noon" and after. We are asked to get them out on. the afternoon delivery. Now, we feel that our trade does not realize how much this incon veniences us, for it is impossible to get them up at the last minute the way we would like to han 'dle them. Besides it makes it very difficult for us-to fill these qrders and take care of the incom ing trade. That is why we say we will greatly appreciate it if you will phone in your orders the first thing every morning, just the same as if there was but one delivery. THE SUNSET GROCERY sixty .mituvrin. rOJU.KNZ. July 2T. -Sixty mans from Cologne. Merlin and other cities weru arrested today" in conneo. tlon with an alleged plot to defraud ,the government out of millions of marks, by eliminating competition .a auctions of army supplies. T ? ? T T f X Clothing, Hals, Shoes and Furnishing Goods Wonderful Bargains Anything you need for Summer or Winter wear can be bought at this sale for less than present wholesale cost. R. I. Hammond's Store 53 West Main Street Two Blocks West of the Post Office Are you cettlntr rentiv win- ,i,... you know tttnt the Klks are o'nmin.. husy.UBUSt U' 13 and 107 S0V Kot &Zl"tt"i"Z"Zt&&Z"ZM VELVET BAGS. Fashion says they will ho very popular and the de mand Justifies tho prdolc tlon In attractive new shapes, lined In contrast and lltted with vanity mir rors. 9:i.O() to SH.r,). The Woman's Store The Store that is best prepared to serve you with dependable, rightly priced good. BATHING SUITS. In tint xciiMMr otif pi modolH that uoiniu tlml tU most pi ad Kill In man; t-olots. Nt'l-l III 1 rast -Alt size SO.. -,11 to .sn "0 Apparel For Warm Weather Wear The women who look to us for the fulfillment of their summer apparel requirements will find us PREPAR ED, in the full sense of the word. Stocks are always kept at the top notch of compltcness. Tho who plan on vacations, eitner at nome or elsewhere, should make selections now. Newest Blouses Ivi Wrri. liBJr )ihWm mm:ci.i. siiowivc ok semi: op tiii: SPASO.N'S SM.ltTi:ST STYI.KS. I.a'o arrivals tthould olny lioli to more thoroiiKhl impress upon you our aim -an assortment of models so varied as to sutlsfy tho most paitlcular of women. - Many hlouses shown for the first tlmo to morrow Include hIvIoh Hint nro utterly dlf feient and cativatlnK KiiHliloned of lino fioorKottes and Crepe do Chlnu In every Hhado that has lieeu npiuoved. ml Xetv Wehvoilli mill Wlrllunoie llloitses fur those ulm seek real ICcoiloiti). Our last Hhltiment of Uioho popular IIIoiihi's was an iiniisunl xurprlHO. Accustomed an we are to the pretty hIjIoh Kent uh this lat allotment reveal xiylcs ho different nnd with nl ho prartlcal, we muni urKo ou to view ihi'tn tomorrow. wi:i.wohtii, S-J..-.0. wiimiMoit, Keeping Abreast of FASHION. - He itHxlireil Of til fa t l),il Htrive to ill.sphiy the m th.nfii lint -our HhowitlKri aro evi.'. ii. . ufi lent livery section r-v i 'rest I11K new iiHHiirt iiicn' . (np. i' and modcHt In price. We .in 11 1 u m th Iwllcf that such n ncrinc apprf elated by the woman who n aH the new when It Ih reallv in vv .11J sot after it Iiiih lieen hIio'.mi r. u '!( In other and laiKer cllh I kcle tliLs In The Store arranged and con- ducted for your Service Summer Frocks AVe Here in Wonderful Variety Midsummer finds our f-tocks of dresses at the point of completeness very seldom found elsewhere. This is maintained by frequent shipments from the style centers, and, whether it be an elaborate dress of silk or the simple uut errective irocK or wasn material, we want you to Know mat you will lind wide latitude for selec- firm BEAUTIFUL NEW SILK DRESSES $16.50, $25, and up to $40.00 COOL ORGANDIE AND VOILE DRESSES-$8.50, $10.00 and up to $15.00' RADICAL REDUCTIONS FOR A QUICK DISPOSAL OF BOYS SUMMER WASH SUITS. Our opening announcement of this salo brought a hearty respond), and ns a re bull tho Htock Is considerably depleted. However, tho variety of styles at each sale pricooffers good range for selection. The stylos nie many and attractive Ono anTTtwo-plece suits of Chambray, Galatea, Devonshire Cloth and Pine (llughnm; llluT, Green, Tan, Drown and White and combinations of White and colors. Sizes for boys 2 to C years. PIVI3 fillOl'I'S SIIOWI.VO UWSIMIj UXIinit-MAItKIXOS. Tho sale prices will servo as an iucuutlvn to buy these suits In lots of two, thruo or more, See them on our main alslo table bio. ISegular fjll Values Spedal at H."e Hernial' S? 1 .2, Values, Special at....l."e ItoKiilnr if I. an Values, Special at.. 91.11)' Jlegular 91.73 Values, Special at 9I.UI) IteKiilar .00 Values, Special nt Ijll.(ll) PRETTY WARM WEATHER FROCK MATERIALS: NEW SUNSHADES. Unusual in Their Beauty. -Whoro Is there n wotnnn who would nt Irnmj' diatoly oxpress n deslro to own out) of lb' so lia4' nomo I'urasols or Colored Silk IJmbrellu.-i? j worn orful coloringR, with handleii thnt aro keeping with tholr bnnuty.' In Howorod ami strip ed patterns and plain colors. l Am cJt Syflvlvv MKHk -The homo dress making porlod Is at Its holght, as wo aro In n position to know, Judging from tho sales of thn last fow duys. Our Yard Goods Sections offer splendid suggestions In tha inattor of frock-making, BEAUTIFUL ORGANDIES .1" 35c to $C This favored summer material sooms to havo first call to popularity. Wo aro showing this material In very pretty bud floral and conventional designs, Small and largo figures. White and Colored grounds. GINGHAMS, SPECIAL 25c A Gingham at this price Is In most casos a thing of tho past. As a result of a very fortunate purcbaso, wo offer a splendid variety In stripes and plaids at 23c VOILES WHITE AND COLORED. In Striped or Cross-barred patterns, In Whlto and' elaborate striped plaid and conventional doslens. in colored material ibc to f 1.25 25c PERCALES AT 19c An oxtrnordlnary special Is offorod In these pretty Percales ut lc. Iu ntrlpes and Polka-dot paternB, 32-luclica wIUo actual 23c Value. Odd and Broken Lines REDUCED. WAISTS, HVKCtAK " Pormor Values up to 9S.M Home aro slightly soiled or mussed. WOMK.VH VKSTH, SMCCIAfc 2s Cotton Itlbbod, Itogulur 3 Do Values. WOMKN'S CHKMISR, BVKCIAh ... 1B Of Flno Nainsook. Regular $1.7G Value. CIIIWIHKN'H 1IKAH WAISTS M Cotton Itlbbod, All sizes. GOc Valuos. CIIITiDUKX'H IIOHH, fll'JCCIAIi 2c Illack only. All sizes. 3Cc Values. H. N. MOE .. t,.-