ttnmHHUai)giatmK3. rri '-I ill !. . i, i , i UjBiffn ' 'ffl i:s .Hi. tt 8 1 JB Sfc 5 hi a rAOK SIX THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ritinw, .m i r. r K OVERALLS snarzmxxassssvixxs RagMJ.S Pat.O'r. Is our Ri'gi-'-rpd a.iJ Cor-ivm Ittv Trade-Mark and . in erly be right fully used on poods nude by u. Kovcralls arc garment for children I to S jears c( age. If a dealer tries to sell ou, under the Koveralls name, any garment not of our manufacture, jou may be sure he has an article that he is trying to market on KoveraHs reputation. Unlets made by Levi SirauiJ & Co. they're not KOVERALLS. Koveralls Keep Kids Kleen $1.50 the Suit ANEW CO IT 17 IF THEY SUIT r JKEiEi RIP KOVERALLS are made only fcy Lrri Stiiuu & Co Sin Frtacuca ana beir thu Ubel I C00D1HH HI DMGeED TO DEATH BY GOLD III OF THE BEST? i!.-.i.ihm I'l OIM I Mtl lloM't t I I it i; i;i t"i; nii is u t i iiMi i: ss or Twni (.is i. rot ms ii i si rrrm:i u.t i:n.s Koveralls C4 uiT err ttVI STRAWS 8. CU JAN r OAC JtOJ l jBEL i ifflsWn HOOI lit T II Ju't :" PlIUKid l!.i.l ll ill- tli'.ltll lv the weight of Jt.iinn in polil coin cnrrlol in Imr- nroinul hi oho-t. the hoilt of . foriiiri customs. Inspector has In en recovered frv:n the button oi Honolulu harbor The theor.t of the ioli t- th'it the ninli nttuipteil to '.-.wliu to the stein of n Japanese lin- i-r ltiic nt a pier here to ocli.itige Prosperous farmer who lives tit llor tl... mniiKV for onh-.m It Is believed '"K. Oregon, while 111 the Owl Drug "You mnv Know thnt Tiiulne Is doing me it lot of good or I wouldn't come twentv miles to get these three bottles 1 am bitting now " wild Samuel lliieon, n well Known mid Store In I'orthind the other duv. "I luive been trtlng for twenty fit e long .tears to find n medicine or treatment that would oterroine my troubles," he continued, "and Tanlae is the only thing that has ever done mo any good at all. During all these j ears I suffered terribly from rheti- AMKKICW l.KCION' WILL i uiallsin in my liaek. and there were tJlVl! Ul'TTOXS TO MEN" times when I was In such bad eondl- Hon that I couldn't turn over in bed. ihe moiiet .which probahl will go to (lie dead man's widow, was furnish ed by a ring of Honolulu Chinese en gaged in smuggling opium Into Haw aii The gold has nut been claimed, and it It is. arrests will follow, ac cording to federal authorities linv II' T II liH ' "i I port of l"ot i i nor i l Mi In to t'u oeeret'i-t ef IV llll-r lur in- Ilu p'ir eml I1D Mine i" l'.ls I i- ('1st be"li Ul'lde t'llblli ll'e Cotello'C Mel'iirtllt esllm lies the popuhi "on of Ihe tenliort 'nt :'; noil, it" Imieiise of fil.271 or 3" I'M i per eem since I 'Mil, when the last official ii'ii-us wits tnlteu Honolulu Is esl'mated to hate a popuhltlon of, T.'i 0"" Of the total population of Hawaii, l hi; nno ii'e linm.-.- ic Ol.ldlli" to the oternet el'n,lte IIS, lion llnwalluiis or O'irl II iw Ohms at,(n I'lilltplum '."J rt'ii) i hini. land I'.' odd ilhlded amoiiK the '"m i caslau taees. Tlgures are not Chen f'ir Koreans and other Asl'itle races Hiporls for the fiscal tear ei ced ed $ 1. OOii, nno with Import aggreg ating Jit .'IT I 7I Sugar to the talue f' more than $,too wis e ported. Itti plneitppes taking second i place The goternor called titiiiiliin to the fact that In ri lit the SAGE TH KE 1 u 3S J :i .i if LiuerLv HY I TAMIP I i r- i VJINIVjUI Will S MINI I) I I'll si I. IMM It'll) ItirlM.s llt It lis III. VI I'll I I 1. 1 sun; vi iim i: firm liair. hmtiner liaiiiluiie (In iiiilen adtaiicliig age Weall Knott tin niltuutagcs of a toiilhful iipieaiatn e Vour hair In tout cluiim It iniiUcx or mats the fate When It fades, turns gi i) mid looks stieiilo'd, Juxt a feu applhalloiw of Sago Tea and Sulphur eahntues Its appearauie a liumtred fold Don't nt'iy gtay' Look toung' Hither prepnre the recipe al home or, get from nti drug store n ."o-cetit bot tle of "V)eth's Suge and Sulphur Compound'.' which Is merely the old time recipe Ituproteil by the aililUli.ii , SAY ft Member of the local petitioning post of the American Legion will re ceive a button adopted as tho official emblem of the National American Legion within a few days, according to advices sent out from the state headquarrters in Portland Steps win he taken to copyrght the button and have Its uso fully protected It will be three-quarter i of an inch in diameter, and will con- 3UXKU VISlT.s .NKAKIil ALL hist of a central small lepllca of the MIXI.Nt; CASH'S IX noitl.l). regulation five polntd star discharge button, surrounded by n narrow clr- TONAPAII, Nev , July 1't After 'cular band of blue enamel, contain fisiting nearly every minirg camp in ins the words "American Legion" In and nf(er sitting down for a little while 1 could hardly get up again My kidneys bothered mo a great deal, too. and I would often have to get up four or fite times during the night, and the pains In mt back were -o se vere that I rarely ever got any sleep My appetite was very poor, and what little I did force m.tself to eat would give me indigestion In the worst war I lost a lot In weight and finally got so wenk and rundown that I could hardly walk or stand on m feot riilllppines hate been th. chief of other Ingredients Thousands of source of labor for Hawaii m plmita- rlUa recommend this II,,,,,, i piepiralloti. because It darken the The I nth rite for the torrltoit u'lwilr beautifully, besides no one ca.n II. I.. ,..ll ... It .I..Lhi ..,. ..ntllf. given iis 3i, 71 per 1.1100 Hoard of l""ii? '". " " "- "" ' health statistics show thnt the J.ip mieso hlrth rate In Hawaii Is 12 v; per 1.000. These figures r-'it'l the prediction made a few tears m;o liv ex-(!ovornor L. V. Plukham, ih-tt within 20 enrs voters of Japane. parentage would control the t'olltl'.il destinies of Hawaii ' ,.1lf .,.( ,.i.itiU t mi miilsleti it sponge or soft brush with II, draw lug this through tho hair, taking one' small sltand at a time My moruluR the grav hair disappears, alter ti-1 other iipplluitliiu or two. Its- natural color Is restoied and It becomes thick, gloH and lustrous, mid ton appear tears tounger E UIIINVOURNMt R THAT N i TOM SHELL MCAUJS 1TJTHI a has w.t .ii mu m riijiuuft i -a m AtV IM 1 A WILtMM 1 IIIOI S Ollltf Of M MIX ROARIN' REFORM rrr , i !, 1)y I T (AS . T j All 'In rox I'Roui'ciicD Liberty Theatre my daughter who had been greatly In "The Hell Cat." her latest C.oldwtn '"."ventlon here August 11. 15 and I (JINKjH I As the Carimtn nf tin. Pmlrlii ' Then I heard about Tanlae thru Oeruldlno Fnrrar has a fiery temper Don't forget, the KlVs will hate a .,,. i.i,ii,- t til. 1,1,1, lll-l'il hll'JIU ' uiliiill, lit-, (llil'-l 1 ftllltn ,1 . benefited by taking It In fact, she Ireil nc t Ii Miss Farrar abandons her ,u t,ot '""iy r-, . .,!.,. I -..I I ...111 . i was so nle.ise.l will. ilmi 1, "'"V """""'- hiiii in Kreei ner The button Ins n Ontnti , . aumin-rs nmid the rough an readt Just KeinemDer this i lie nates ior i in. iiuiiuu n uuted iiMm.iit , , it.,itin nt it n,i ..t.i -i . .. ... . v.. .. ... ... ,-nlr.roHn I., ,-..,,.-.) V.,...r.a Pnit o.lo f. . 1. ,. ' ......... n ,., ,, ,,,.,, j,,,,r HITOin' I lie ClIvS . UII . I'll I Hill HI.' .infiil-l ,, " - ... -- -o- .... m..c u wei Mint .1,0 l,mii-lit It tl,.. ....i-.. the world. C H. C.ann, o! leblo 'gold letters nnd staked, t liver claim he dl-cover- .wounded In the service the central thing I needed. Well. sir. I began to fu ion, . ,!, aKo near ..e.i.umi. c,,., m ne u.sci.arrge button will feel stronger and better In etert w ,t 3Ccvada- - ',e SilU Tinse:u ot ""'" ' before I had flnishd that llrst bottle In IS 1 3. Mr Gann. then a miner at " Belmont, discovered what he bellev- ?A.Y GI:.A'-V LVSUIlA.VCn Mondav, .III It 2S It the KIKs Convention ate 13 and K, (Jet redy . 4?A .. A.T. '" '' I have taken three bottles so far and Wo hnrt. cati.i o i .: ." I Pat so much that I actually cot ash ed to be a promising ledge. He made , it, hav an(I eraln nnrt'n,, "J1,0!;; anied of my-elf sometimes Vt'Ku I mental note of the spot and return- have been paid promptly and in full 'at agrees with me. too, and 1 never ed to Belmont. IntoMdingVo stake the e u "PpIr"'?iLe L.V1'".6 f -r bate n sign of indigestion now. 1 Claim soon afterward. Instead he left ""V""3' HILCP.TE & SMITH f,33 .,.,. ,,.,.,, fiflnil ,,. . , ,,. jiuiu si. rnone bt. 23-5t ". and feel like a different man alio- There is a sensational fight scone Kether The pains hate left mv back. J lie eu .at" Ceraldlne mut mv n,im.. on i ,.... Belmont and visited practically all mining: camp- In the world, intending some day to return to his discovery. in .. js a 0era gtnr 1,11, al, """"J" see in III DO 111 IITSI Mr. Oann, despite his long absence wrapper See her whip i the bad Zn rlass con(lltlon- ""'I ' "pt Have to went at once to the ledge upon ar riving In Nevada. of the U'est A thrill a second. It Subscribe for the Herald. Lift off Coms!" Doesn't hut a bit and Freezone costs only a few cents. KEEP URIC ACID OUT OF JOINTS tki.i.n- uhkcmatism sriTKitnits IK) i:at i.i:.s mi:.t and TAKi: SALTS pet up during the night any moie I am also free from rheumatism and In fact. I feel better In every way than I have for many years. I tell you, this Tanlae is a good medicine, and Im done me more good than all the re of tho medicine put together that I hate taken during the last ttientj-five years, and I think that is sating u good deal " Tanlae is sold in Klamath Tails lit the Star Drug Co . and In Lorella h the James Mercantile Co Adv Sri M Si U m "Willi jour fingers! i'jl car. lift off an hard corn, soft corn, ororn 1f tweert the toes, and tho hard sHn eil-lu-cs fion- bottom of test. A tiny bottle of "Fro tzon j' iosls lilt1 j at any drug store; apply a fiw drills upon the corn or callus In stantly St stops hurting, Hen dionly you life that bothersome coin or 10I ltu ri Mt off, root and all. without on Mi of pain or sor-jiug?. frj v' No hujnliLg1 ' Rheumatism Is easier to avoid than I is absorbed Into the blood to cure states a well-known authority. j We are adtLsed to dress warmly; ! Keep the feet dry; avoid exposure; ! eat less meat, but drink plenty of good water. ' Rheumatism Is a direct tesult of eating too much meat and other rich foods that produce uric acid which function br the kidnejs to filter this acid' from the blood and cast It out In the urine; tho pore-3 of the skin are also a means of freeing the blood ' of this Impurity In damp and chilly1 cold weather the skin pores aie clos- Just Remember this. The dninq fru it is the "10 Klks' Co"ventlon are August 1 . iu .mo. io. uei reauy. t Clear, Peachy Skin .1 Awaits Anyone Who ? Drinks Hot Water I f Says an Inside bath, before break- : . . . , "i r ed thus forcing the l:ldnes to do X 1 fast helps us look and feel clean, sweet, fresh. High uraae Ladies' & Men's Clothes MADE TO ORDER FINEST MATERIALS DEST OP WORKMANHinP LATEST STYLES PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED Prices are very reasonable Your Inspection invited Chas. J. Cizek MERCHANT TAIIOR BiH Main St. rlnillila U'nrL tltot liannmn u nn lr .1 sluggish and fall to 'eliminate the "'""""'" """ t.vacous - merry, uric acid which keeps accumulating hr,S"t, alert a good, clear skin and a and circulating thru the sjstem, natural, rosy, healthy complexion aro eventually fettling In the Joints and assuied only by pure blood. If only 1 muscles causing stiffness, soieness every man nnd woman could bo In and pain called rheumatism. 'duced to adopt the morning insldo bath i At the first twinge of rheumatism what a gratifying change would tako get fiom anv phaiiuacy about four ( Instead of the thousands of sick ounces of .lad Salts; put a tablespoon- Iy, anaemic looking men, women and ful In a gla-s of water, and drink bo-girls, with pasty or muddy complex fore bitakfuit earh motning for a'lons; Instead of tho multitudes of week This is said to eliminate urlo,"nero wreckb," "lundowns," "brain acid by stimulating tho kidneys to , faga" and pessImlstB, wo nhould seo a normal action, thus t hiding tho blood of these Impui Hies Jad Salts I.- Inexpensive harmless tlille, optimistic throng of rosy-check ed people e vox y whore. An Insldo bath Is had by drinking and Is made fiom the add of grapes each morning before breakfast a glass and lemon Juice combined with llth- of xcal hot water with a tcaspoonful of la and is used with ex'ellrnt results 1 limestone phosphate In it to wash from by thousands of folks who aro sub- tho stomach, liver, kldneya and ten Jeet to rheumatism Adv. 0 L SPLlHi NG K HEADAGH E Dr. James' Headache Powders re. Ueve at once 10 cents a package. You take a Dr. James' Ilcadiicue Powder and In Just a few moments your head clears and all neuralgia and distress vanishes. It's the quickest and surcat relief for headache, whether dull, throbbing, splitting or nerve racking. Send someone to the drug store and get a dime package now. Quit suffering It's so needless. Bo sureWou get Dr. James' Headache Powders then there will be no dLjap. poiutxnent. yaids of bowels the previous day's In digestible waste, sour fermentations and poisons, thus cleansing, sweeten ling and freshening tho cntlro alimen Jlary canal befoie putting inoro food Into tho stomach. Those subject to Hick headache, bll lloushesfl, nasty breath, rheumatism, colds; and particularly those who navo u pallid, Hallow complexion and who aie constipated very often, are urged to obtain a quarter pound of limestone phosphate at the drugstore, which will cost but a trifle, but is sufficient to demonstrate the quick and remark ablo change In both health and appear ance awaiting those who practice in ternal sanitation. We must remember that Inside cleanliness Is more Import ant than outside, because tho skin does not absorb Impurities to contaminate the blood, while the pores In the thirty feet of bowels do, Adv. Palace Market The only meat market in the city operating its own cold stor age rooms for the proper handling of fresh and cured meats. Our coolers are open to the Public for inspection as to quality of meats handled. Special Prices for Your Saturday Meats BEEF: NICE JUICY RUMP ROASTS per tt) 25c NICE JUICY SHOULDER ROASTS per lb 22c NICE JUICY BEEF BOILS per It) 15c BRISKET CUTS per lb 18c SIRLOIN STEAKS per lb 28c. 30c SHOULDER STEAKS per lb 22c ROUND STEAKS per lb .'. 25c FANCY VEAL: ' LEG ROASTS per lb 28c SHOULDER per lb 22c VEAL CUTLETS - per lb : 28c, 30c VEAL STEW per lb 26c BREASTS - -'.' per lb 15c SPARE RIBS per lb , ; 15c NECK AND BACK BONES per lb 08c Klamath Packing Co. 52 MAIN STREET. ' PHONE-68. I 'Mil. : . a leatre YES s A IN 1 I I I I