The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 25, 1919, Image 1

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1 3lli l&it u
0Fnn.M ','u,,:'1 '
oithtal papkr or
KihMi. ,u',,s
Thirteenth Ycur No. 3,682
Price, Five Cents
PLAN ' i
" " ultimo
One PUne-Pouibly Two
Jbwred for Convention
Vurk Hunk
Kurnpe' Xrril
'omtiiotlltli- Again!
Yes wo truly owe it to them ! It is our rintv in hnvo nn
imperishable record of the soldiers, of the men, of the wo
men who sacrificed that Klamath County might maintain'
her proud position amoncr the other counties of OrnrrnnJ
.... 11" .1 -v . - . . . ..." . . . . . --0- -
ho inai uiegon mignt, uKewise, maintain her proud post-; J- wninni smith, in charge of the
....... ........ ll0M amoK tjie other states of the Union n the work that. '''" t the house, was struck in
III luck seems to follow the moving
of the olr house that fo-mc-rly occu
pied a plot of ground between High
and Pine Streets on Third.
or ivniit made it possible for the United States to uphold the honor
Ain.rin 0f the nation in helping to win the great war. That is why
the head this morning at about 11
o'clock by a falling timber from the
rnt. . it., ii . i "..-'. .'. . .. y noutte. no received two scam wounds.
i iiiu neraiu iee is pnue in presenting The Honor Koll to,and although not serious, according
miu peopie oi iviamam county, ior we know it is a work to ir. a. a. souie. who treated him, I
VI.'U' VflllK ! 1- e 1I...1 ...mi l ...... - ,' r f . n m
"'"' " '" I""" Lfl.'lL Will IIP M fIVflir Tn Tim minor nnrl thnr 10 irhr lira itrorif- there s the remote ilantror nt it rnn. rreildMlt AftVt iroODl
..... -vv..v.w v.w.b...v. . &.. ....L.I..L.....W ill. nuiiu .... ... w. w. , j v ! v
l-.lirilltlt H lliHHl.1 fir ere, lit fiti.l . .... . ......... ' ' ".. I. ... .. ...I
nooi Amerind r..ourr(.H t ,II(... " uu-'n, "'i we nope everyone win join witn us in putting
liiodltliin on the one luilid
. " to make it historical! V correct. Wo are nnw nn tho hnrnp CUB!,lon of tne braIn developing.
'""' '" 4..,....l i i. ...;ii ..... .....i. .. ... ... Smith was about town after havlne
ftuiy Kx-r "
them is u niiin siirki-nimi i.v iim,.,.. s this over the line in an absolutely comnlete and authentic
' Alexander, I'resideni of the Niiiimii form. It will be a record of those who did thines and we
Tke Trip in "'I"1. "f ,!,,,,,"r',, "f - " i . believe it will be a matter of pride to those who are entitl-
Pfolllllllllf tllltii' I'llrjiiimut , .i... ! . a. a. ..... ... .
7iMM nurinit t'.mrrniion Wrrk - " " " " l"'" eel to place it on its pages to know that there will be an au-
-Hk' hh-hi it-'" vu- (liir w,irt)tr,ktl ,M,,IMr,,.H i thentic record of their deeds. As Mayor Struble so aptly
trrn ( iii iriwiii-Mr.iiflHd Mr AMllIllll.r , lm.mi(1 r r a says in the letter that follows, "We owe it to them."
Chirlrn. Four riiliitisiM
Klamath Falls, Oregon, June 11, 1919. I
rommltleii ren-nlly foriued hr" to 1
Investigate methods for niii'plyliu' I
his wounds dressed and expects to
take a vacation for a week or more.
The house that Is now at the corn
er of Third and Klamath Avenue on
Its way to Its permanent lodging at
Sixth and Klamath, Is the same homso
that William Strickland was work
Ing on when electrocuted a .veek ago
Guarding Siberia Railroad
.. . ... .......- ... d-sin. ' ' "' "'..i.ey and M. A c i,est0r, Director of the Honor Ro of K amath
If you hae I tie Hioiw). the desire, R1(f)(M ,lllr,,1K , rc,)lllllrUl.,(, ,,0. f, , V' ...I, Tr..11U Hi-oirnn
0J th nerie reiulr...l you i-iiu liiif) , 0l,. TllH rmmn,on WM ,,.,, . COIU1U , IViamaill 1' alls, Ul eiTOll.
arUein tim loud mid fr iieinhis ' ,, tll KK(,Htioii nf iienry i. n.iv-' Dear Sir: I have examined with much interest the pro-
oter Klamath Kn ""id the iir-'M, n,l( u lpmied by j. f Morran apposed plan of publishing an Honor Roll of Klamath Coun-
Toan'iint; country duriiig the big ri.niriiiiui .tv. a work that is to be done under the ausoiccs of The
many others I had believed that it was to be something
N'o Intention of Interfering Wftk
Rulan Sovereignty, Says Exec.
tUe Senate Will Discuss Unite'
States Treaty With Colombia, Next
Week Instead of Peace Treaty
l"Ik' foment (on in mid-August
Word prelwd t lit morning from
' p Kerrell. iiiunaRiT of the Med
ford Airrrafi t orporntlon, iisnured
tlw a rrl I n I of "iif of bin iilrpliim-n
three ur four ita prior to ili r
"A pool f Amerien-s need Herald, and I must sav I was surnrisod.
I I ... . . . r- . .' . . .. . 7 - 7 - 1-
u.- ii '! iiv ii iiiiiii iii Aiir-ri' i ri-
o'niH-'T. r ii i i ... i e . 1 i i- i- i l t i
oi uie unusual cnaracior oi such puuiicuuuiis, out i can
now see that it is to be a work that must command the fa-j
bv ii pool of
so-irres." nssens Mr.
Tluit Is. Amurlrn's resources shnubi
l niplled to KuropK'H iikimU ilirn i
treni. celilr.UUeil rreillt org u I ,-ll ji
WASHINGTON-. July 23. Presl-
' dent Wilson gave out his first
Information today regarding th na-
ture of the American Military expedi
tion to Serbia.
The chief executive said that tha
President Will Not Present Deferred fundamental leason for the expedi-
Treat With France Until After
ICi-ltituiiiK From Speaking Tour
vorable indorsement of anyone who will take the trouble
ration m uniir iiwi Kiuiiiaih halts n,, x.,1Hm. p(,rH f rn-cniiin- to make the sliirhtots investigation. Klamath county must
hsdlt, Humlem !!.. nn o, "."" T,,u l,,1,ny "nu,,,I 1,k" nn UWA have something to hand down to future generations com-; Washington. jiv 2:, -rresi-
1n the Clouill. Ills pliine will be pllol- ,, Stci u wueeii lug ternn In. t 1 .. ,1 i .1 , 1 11 1 1 .. '" iu.. jih -. 1 r.i
i b i.ifutenm n...i 11..11. ui.o lllnK ,,,., ..,,' ,,; Horl!Cl, ou memoratinjr the work that was done by her people during, dem w,m,n does not pi.-,., to present
trought ihmn 11 li.iit.i- phinu mi tbn prncllriil. courr.-le form. ' , tile War. Wo OWe it to them. Your proposed HoilOr Roll , t,,p l'-feir-.l trw'ty .lth f'rance c-m
1 1 1 1Y1 . 1 VI 1 (II lllirillll r "IIIIiM.ll'l nil rwn li.,,1 A r nl.l
There si-.-ms to bo no existing ailSWOl'S that (leiliaiUl, aiHt 1 hope With all lliy heart tliat' '""- "".- s, -. - - relief to the Russians in Siberia It
- .. - - .. . . nor 111 ena.i ni in linn i-nim i-r,i rtnn lti
your ellor s will meet with the success the importance ot . from Cierman.. ... lfter . retttrn.
vwli-rn front
IxcaI c hiiiiiiki - men nro mivi
certain of ti.ning mint her plmm from
falein, On-Ki-ii pilotnl by Lieutenant
llrnsn Tlili pl.un- ultl no doubt ar
rive the opening da of the i-imveii-tlon
liringlng 'll Kuouii man from
th capitol rit
To nirpMuM--. during the roiivmi-
tion was to protect and maintain the
operation of the Siberia Railroad. He
aho indicated that the expedition
would remain as long as such pro
tection was necesary. Another pur
pose of the undertaking was to gtv
imu-lllllery iu!eitlnt to 1)0 o There
, fore, it special limtnimimtolltv iiuim
he set lip probably In the form of 11
I great credit corporation with rupl
till enough to handle truusui'tiom ''
,a size that would lie luolw-il. tr.m
'suctions representing not in
' liiislness of i-oiu
the work deserves..
..u .,.-.n .,., uoiiih ,.r(nu nig ,,, roinbltiiMl roriulremcnt
Hrnu Ini rtn mi.l ..i.. ...4. .
.-...n ih..i mmi hf Jilting i'l'iiiun tlOllll.
achnntc to g 1 their llr.t ride In the .-A n,.conr). ,,, .,,,,, M.,.m ,
Ir.ilany lme wnnder.-d ulictlicr or i,0 ,jmt BUr .,- i, lllnli f ,i. ,-,
".....,... nulllll ,, ero ior 1110 m,uty needs of tin- notions of Cu
iniiriuei nut wont rtoiu 111.
removes nny
rope, t lint Is, nu estimate of hou
miicli copper, steel rot ton. wheat
and Other supplies would lie required
for Illinium nnd also for the other
"enrirul prs.i tiger eiuitiirl...
WM nf the South -r , f-nririt- II-.. s 1 .Tlu. ,,ti0Pi available In A. .erica
In n e or In tin- li.n.i 1-11 1...1..- . . . ..
--. . ,,. iifiiKi lire irrefll lull llliil- lil, nnl tin er!il mm
til meet it 11 11 111 1 ( t-i and iinbalanred
itemniids. Therefore there should be
, n judicious rationing of our rommodl-
tles among the nations requiring
In accordiinre with their needs
"In addition to this rutliiiiliik' 11111I
are that the KIWs nJ i...i ...
lal will I , i.iiiiu .11 ciiiiiiuutiiiiei, mere 11
tir .1.0 ""' "0ar 15 C"r'' '" '"Ktli ;tho question of estahllshlng adequate
Z f""flr,,"", -Marshfleid Is'eredltH In this country to he consid
""'nR on four PiiHmniis 11...1 iii ' .... ,
from his bpeaking tour of the coun
try. There has been no statement is
sued fiom the White House regarding
the clmrges in the senate that the
President had violated the treaty sec
tion by not presenting it simultan
eously with the Versailles Treaty.
supplying them with food and cloth
"There Is no Intention of interfer
ing with Russian sovereignty," said
.President Wilson. A letter from tho
President said that the retention ot
the American troops to protect the.
American Railroad forces is a "vital
element" by the agreement with Ja
pan American troops will remain ai
President Wilson signed the Agrl- Ionp ,he r0 espedlton maia
cultural Appropriation Hill todav j taJng operat,onil.
irrm wn:i-'i me nayilgtit saving Kul-
r has beT-n eliminated
tnlileo this inuriiiiig
loubt of the nsaun-d nrrlial of one
Pudc at lo.ui
John JI Scott
promlncil to do nil in in ,llVl.r l()
'cure inning cars for the big i:i(-
'Wifll that will be inado up In Port-
nu, lie has turned the mutter over'
10 William .1 m.ri.. -i.i. .
.l . nKHiiiiHii 01 1 mom,
.-" iraniiportatlou fonimlttee.
V MIICTON' Mil 2" That tin
federal milw.iv liulusm fire-. .1"
cither m ward l-.ip f l.i' " -s - '
tin- opinion of l'i ihniiM- i.inw...
Jr of the I iiherMf. ! I' niilanl.i
He lielleed the lis.- would mala
existing rates entirelv inaili-quate
meet lite adilitionat labor nuts.
T Y( UK Ii '
lil .t .lie 1 '.t ,11, muii. fro.i. striking
1 v .. .i .rnrs who had been carrj ing
iii.til struck toda in protest against
the dlsiliarge of two air pilots who)
refused to take to the air during a
OJhe.ny fog. The Pilots demand hea
'ler. slower, and better equipped
' planes. Aviators of Cleveland. Chi
cago and Pennsyhnnla Joined In the
Announcements later In tho day
from the I'ostofflce department was
to the effect that the mail plane ptl Ill, ii firtmrl. ,lne .if ill,, W'lllll? . .. , . . . . ... ... .. t .
'atch the V I ' " ' "" ueressary ereuiis win ne . .. ,....,.. ols Wjlo reiuseu to laKe mo air uau
n Wedn 1 " PeelQl nt KtBno great, ho Unit they must be carried "Im I.,uindr. between Sixth and ' ,,,.,, dismissed Some of the plane
lodeo.,,, .'?'' AuKun l:l-'tho Investing publle of the whole Seieiith Streets on Klamath Avenue, Mt oll sc1C(10(l t(mo despite the
"- --!' t-in
to Bl-Illl llirnn lli.ll t . .... ... . ......1 1. .. I .11 ,.l, ..,, I ,.ili .-in... ' .. .... ... ...
Plain ,.f 11 "Minium. 1 idiiiii ry in uie inrni or nouns or tie- '" ...."" j-" " tnreaieneii siriue ot me pilots.
ro of 11 U t0 t''1' i liont tirox. I rutin;: nn o-iun den ill H10 rear or
slite mii ,'"""ri' ,r"" "v"r ,lll'J "llorauso of the referred innturl- hit. laundry. 'sTItl'irr l.MPROVHMHXTs
talniut-ni 1" ,'r"Vl'1" " rl"1 "f unter.-ilM of these deh.-nturei.. the bunks That all was not what it should be 1 TO ,u: jiadi; AT IJUXI).
"'most lall '( K """",,,(,(, mi, ro not to be expected to absorb ' uhout "Ihe establishment of W-ngj
tlieetate ' ,1,U lnV'"1 ",r","'l,tlll Oini. Thorn will hnve to be an appeal Him was the belief of the police for. w:.Vl July, 2." Meeting an ad-
to tun general public on tho grounds some tew days pi ior to me 111111 ton- jounied session lat night the .Ilend
juf a biife and liicriillM. liivestmetit ilucted on Tuesday. .Many persons Ctv council ordered the improvement
.n.l .. .1.. ...1... ... 1 .,.. ... !...... ........ ... .... I., 1,1.. 1.I.1... nl ..itill.. . 1 ...... . ...
pn.. " -vix iiiiiii tor inn mikc 01 unmount, .m neio seen ii fi- 111 " i-m.'- "i ...." in Avorey ro.iti. .cv.ron avenue.
rUJVl CONFERENCE Al0X!,,l,Il,r l"Mli', (,,l, """ UiIk hours, "hlcf of Pollco Wlls-oii con-, vebt Fifth street, p.ut of Wall street.
Overinv . . 1 would boa means nf maintaining the dueled n raid en the plaen hist Tuos-j Greenwood and Drsko road, paisiug
1 n Htlil,, minimi.... . . ' . . '........,. . .
attended th m ' """,rH . iiihiiiohs prosperity and liuugrlty of. du anil round an 1110 otiueine 01 .1 the ordinnnco coloring the work un
. -' J II Ml l Vil . I .. . I t
"'"'nn Church d
'. .Sinod of tho America mid ot protecting Americans well-established opium den. Opium ut,r nll
Zl!: illr
"M,,H' hi IlMdl ., !..
nnorfioncy clnuso, A c;Vl
Kmu- ai i plp3 woro tnku nml wiH ! twtV. for 1M- as qrilcrod, to be openod
rtn nVldnill'n. IT till Will till lltlllht l)l IlIV- Alimiul V rtii.l vfirl i 1i. rniu lntn.l
1 - " " "linn I MM .' ...... ...... - .-- aawQit'ib - t " IH It KJ IIU VHUIUiUlVU
'11 the "The security behind lhee deben-, en a henrlng In the near future The , on tile various Jobs In from So to CO from tnnouiitl Investments in
lean henirltli'S.
-.1. tills nl 11. ,.
nt Eugene n "lv('rs")- ot Oregon- turoi should miiko them almost equal om t date of his trial Imp, not hon days.
I-iwrcnm V..?" K '" I!ov- '- !' ' Kovoriimoiil bonds In point of net, Arr.
-- l'.nuir ()
After almost a week of dickering
back and forth, studying interest
tables to secure the best bid for the
county, coupled with frequent gath
erings by the various bond buyers,
the Klamath County road bonds in
the sum of $347,407 were awarded to
the firm of Morris Brothers of Port
land yesterday afternoon at about 4
p. m.
Morris Brothers, represented by
I.. R. Duffy, won the bonds on their
original bid which called for a pre
mium on the entire issue of $2,207.
32, addition to taking the bonds on a
3 per cent basis.
Kidding on the bonds has been the
liveliest that Klamath County has
witnessed in some days with six bid
ders In the fit-Id. Those who bid In
addition to Morris Brothers and their
representatives were. Anglo-London
nnd Paris National Rank of San
Francisco, by W. II. Parker: Lum
berman's Trust Company of Port
land, bv H. C. Kendall; Keeler Broth
ers of Denver, by Robert Atkino:r
and Clark-Kendall ot Portland, hv C.
'C. Hlckolc. ' '
WASHINGTON, July 2.'. Under
tho present plans of the Republican
leaders, the Peace Treaty is to be
set aside temporarily next week for
the consideration of the treaty b--tween
the United States and Colum
bia. The treaty proposes the payment
of $23,000,000 to Columbia for dam
ages arising from the American ac
quisition of the Panama Canal. Sena
tor Lodge, Chairman of the Foreign.
Relations Committee, said that the
senate would consider the treaty
with plans for its immediate ratifi
cation. Officials of the State Depart
ment have urged immediate action
In the matter.
ill Hill I'rnulii,l,..i ..r. .... ., , ..... ...,.,
,,,l. '"milllll inim-i;, ,ll-, j ICMIIUIIir KUIII. '11111)-
tho owning tril " m"Rt '"' 1,nHt'1' "" 1vl"'-vtlll"B ' ho
AcconiinniiJVo wuy of ''"""'"'nl that Kuropu Is aide
on "10 trln w, r i. ,,nwronco l0 of,,r T1, liiillvhliinl Kiirnpti'in
iTei'u: .un if:uiii:i to
IHCU'TirV Til Kill LAWNS'.
ierr. itr m '"" ""if. oi. nuyor must no prepared to give n
' tho on In. ' rUH,ly,,"-" Church.
thP coni 2 B f "0V ''"renco.
hold i ,nHt'ctlvo that has
M wire' II" ?.y ?": T""
on ... -"".." ",0 . C. A
and "ftB'n ',0,nn,"KS "ryftn
J'i-o the conforunco.
nBtK,uJnnf1ton11Bn' BlnB
"""Mt In i " r' ',ah0' " won re
ntlRhi' . UMMy trlke.
Kunernl mnrtgugo upon his nntirn iih
Hdls, Ills loan should ho further en
dorsed by n coiiHorlliim of hunks In
lila own country, roliiformod whom
posHlblo by goverumont guuraiitees.
Thus ovory (lohenttiro sold to an Am
erican Invostor would have behind tt
oqunl socurlty consisting of tho pool
of nil tho collateral supplied by lCu
ropo. There would ho no direct loans
against tho collaterlal of weak con
cerns or nntloiiH Individually by tho
Amorlcnn invostor; nujthur would
tho strong, he allowed to monopolize
tho bonoflts."
WASHINOTON, July 2C- Distin
guished Sorvlco Cross awards an
nounced today by the War Depart
ment Included John II. Womock, of
Wnllowu, Oregou,
ingemeuts hnvo already bijen
I limtlo for floating tho bonds to fl
jiiiiiicn tho Improiemeut.s, which will
'cost, it Is ostlmatod, approximately
' $2:t.oo. Tho work will be done un
Kluiimtli Kalis' families are again (lur 10 Hnncroft bonding act.
romlndeil of the $f.O allotted hy tho I ,
Kills' lodge to aid In hoautifylng . TUVLN'ti TO CAPTl'ltl! HAXDI'IS.
their lawns and proporty.
.Mrs. Kdward Martin, chairman oft WASHINGTON, July 2.1.--Acting
the committee from tho Woman's I under Cnrrnnza's special instructions
Improvement Club, which has tho
work In charge Is especially anxious
that all families start beautifying
their lawns nnd eulturlng their
flowers. "Hut threo weeks remain
until tho Klks' convention and wo
must havo tho city In good uppoar
ttiico," said Mrs. Martin. "Beautiful,
woll-kopt lawns will add much to tho
general appearance ot things,"
Mexican military authorities at T.un
plco aro making unusual offorts to
capture the bandits who hold up and
robbed tho sailors from the American
destroyer Choyenno. This report wns
sont to the Navy departmnt today.
PORTLAND, Ore., July 2f.. The"
meatpacking plunt of Joseph D.
Oboi lea, of Kenton, was destroyed
today by tire. The loss was estimated
at $10,000,
WASHINGTON, July 25 Presl
dent Wilson promised to earnestly
consider the five proposed resorva-
Jtlons which Democratic. Senator Spen
cer of Missouri said must be agreed
upon it the Treaty and Covenant
were to bo ratified. Regret was also
expressed at the Shantung settlement
by the President.
PARIS, July 2.-.. Dispatches from
Agrnm and Gratz report a sorious
military revolution at Croatia. It Is
j rumored that tho nature of the out-
oreaK is in tne rorm of a movement
for separation from Serbia, In order
to form a separate republic. Troops
are leaving their units nnd the army
Is In a state of dissolution. Serbians
are trying to suppress tho action by
tho aid of troops.
Violent combats, during which 30
woro killed and many wounded,
broke out Tuesday night at Marburg
during tho revolting of tho garrison.
Crotlans nre fraternizing freely with
Hungarian soldiers.
PARIS, July 25. A dispatch from
Lalbach officially denied the rumor
of mutluy that was circulated lately.
Other troubles are reported however,
from Jugo-Slavla. The order says
that tranquility prevailed.
In existence since colonial days aro
among those closed by the wartime
prohibition law.
One of the most noted is the Gen
eral Wayne Inn, on the Montgom
ery pike outside of Philadelphia,
which was opened in 1704 as the
Wayside Inn by Quaker settlers.
"Mad" Anthony Wayne used the inn
as his headquarters during tho Re
volutionary war and It has been a
polling place for more than 200
Turk's Head Inn nt West Chester
has closed Its doors, in revolution
ary times it was visited bv General
Washington. Lafayette, "Mad" An
thony Wayno. Colonol Tavlor and
many other officers of Washington's
army. '
liRND, Or., July 25. Fire start
ing In tho pinning mill located on'tha
tracks near the Bend Iron Works this
morning totally destroyed the mill,,
the property of tho First National
Bank of Bend, in the neighborhood
of 50,000 feat of lumber belonging U.
the Liberty Lumber Co., of Portland,
operating tho mill through Frank
Leo, and In addition consumod a box
car standing on the siding, partly
loaded.. Insurance covers tho mill
valued nt $2,000, and the lumber. "
While tho exact cause of the fir
Is not definitely known. It is con
sidered that a puff of flame from th
firebox reached the shaving bu,
while the mill was iu operation.