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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1919)
'fcseiwSfJBJSKSW&f"' ' " , PAC5K HIX THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. ORFGON nil itsim, .11 i I Mil irjSS?iiH2ai2REGjIgi:SKlKraSEKl231Ig55B Farmer JuiyjS0.-.? NoiTpnrti. H At the Theatres .r, F"."TV- Jt.' v Taijtf fug .yjgryyi.ryauy'egwctjsj. x i i fiflf Sli 1 PLUS QUALITY MARKED UP I 1 DIAMOND'S I PLUS MILEAGE ADJUSTMENT J I FABRICS 6,000 MILES I 1 CORDS 8,000 MILES I Quality speaks in one word, short as its K meaning is long MILEAGE. I G Diamond plus quality speaks in the Dia K mond plus mileage adjustment 6,- M B 000 miles for Fabrics 8,000 miles M H for Cords. II The Diamond tire is a leader among tires in quality, years of service have proved. Only quality can make good the plus mileage the Diamonds you buy must pay in fuIL Get Diamond for quality, measured in miles. Adjustment: Fabrics 6,000 miles Cords 8,000 miles Diamond Tire & Vulcanizing Co. 120 Sixth St. Phone 167 Jjiamond SQUEEGEE TREAD Tiros ll.T Olll ll. Hie !t lMll-. t jlMiturv In which Joseph M Sclu n K presents Norm i "l.liitlsf i ill'1 Star Theatre today toll tho story of it ouur boardliiK-si Itool glii who roiiu'i homi' lo the Brim lealltles of a lot fortune, iv smashing of Un dreams of miirrliiK the lm whom she has lovnl for u lifetime, ami the piohlom ot iiiiinyliiR wealth lo save tho home from being until l.urlllo Wesibrook t Vorma Til tunitge) In a1n trios to soho h.-i liroblcm. lint when lo Marshall ll'n gone O'lUioni lilttiMly tolls hor that her love ot liuurv stands between thorn, she til him that sho will mavr. l'aul flolmont, tho won I thy man. Aftor tho wedding. 1 uoi"o Is Mie neglected wife iiml finally hor hus band ili'iinri's his Intontion nf dlor oltig hor for tho sake of a soolotv vampire. Min Randolph, wlmi-o iintiio has long boon connected with his Disgusted wlih llfo. l.urlllo doold-s to end It all. and aftor Killing Ilol inont, shoots horsolf. When Mnrahall arrives for ills un swor his ring awakens tho Klrl win has fnllon asleep in lior rhrlr a::d has droantod tlio story. Awn Is at last, l.uclllo tolls Jo that he lias always boon tho one. , Deliberating Iwo hours and taking of two Imllols by (hi Jury rojultod In a vordlrt of riiU'v for President A. 0 Townle) and Joseph Mlliort of tho Nonpartisan League on trlnl nt Jackmiti. Minn Ihn chnrKo Is that of ('ormjilrncy to loach illlo)iilty In -lolatlon of Mlnnoiou laws." Tlio Jury in in.ut.i up of all farmer, front row lofi to rlnht II J. Yoailloko. Harry Anilrowi. C. A. Johiuon. Odin Hokk" mid Hon T. Hill; mlddln row Chris Jmuon. William Iluiula, Orvlllo llenton nd Krunk Uoor, back tow, John Carlson. Otto l'titicl. and John llartbarit n nunil'or of ory sum - fill 1'ntho hpoclal atti.utloiiH, will no nroioiitoil jis a Trlanrlo thoatir todii Tho st minions tnothods nf tho Into ,itlioii(or today t. oinnpi uoosivolt in nclilovttiR re forms am rocallod In "lloll Itonrln' Hoform." a Fox Sereon production. linliiK Tom Mix as Its star, which Is to bo presented nt the Liberty Theat re Friday hcKinnltiK In tho afternoon Tho play deals with the evil spirits of Tarantula, a baudlt-rldden town whoso outlaw residents oust the preacher and It Is Mix's task- to shoot religion and righteousness in to tho place The Fox cowboy star U said to do this with his customary (lash, tacklliiK the Jolt with the -anio (U'Kroo of directness that Iloosrvit used In tacklliiK trusts, mill 'm tors mollycoddles and undesirables Xumborles's now thrills are prom ised In "Hell Roarln' Reform. ,- wlilrli is declared to be the liveliest western drama in which Mix has appeared Among other things. Mix lues on horseback from tho upper bah run of one building to tho roof of -mother, plunging through the roof with his hore; ho rides down n steep. moun tain trail at a headlong gallop, routs n hand of .stagecoach robbers I,. r Ing three guns nt ono time. id shoots a pipe out of a man's m.m'.i player at. ' Per pie in u plot ir Mini' l In u picture tit It 11 i ! by .1. I r.ituis Dunbar, i I -t i at fnterostliu fi.ct that th.s m tl.e pen name of Crone Wilbur, the 'ea'iiroil plu) or. I'll' ) tl o Knd" Is a f i-i ,i . i ronianc" 1miii1IzIiu' c til i o.u. tii. athletic nc'ivltio.s of a oi - iti li nml his umimiuI loo .iff if after lo Jius grown to nintiiro maiihoo I Jim O'NellV fiuher exerts his Influence to preM'iit what ho umslders an uti tortiinato marriage for tils only son bellexlng that Jim's ronmnce Is but n .loathful Infatuation Tho girl later marries Jim's clitiin. but Jim ueer forgets, remaining staunch nail tine until tho end Then occurs an unusual climax In which tliene two fare the crisis of their lles Ciaue Wilbur Is soon to unusual ndiautago In Ihojoadlug role while his support is rnpalily brindled. LAUGHS AT ENGLISH TELEPHONE SERVICE l.OXHON. Jul) 'J I Kliaitlj Ji lii' Is wtin limoph itnlp i nf Haa siillto. Calif culls the I uyi It ult. phone synteui. Ill n tetter to I'lic Hall; Teloginph "I am iilisnluii t myni fled bow a prarttral peop e i,kh lh ItllHsti ran tolerate foi imniif mill uti-- the pathetli tra ' fur ti b plume sorlc wltli wlidh inn irt afflirted ' he nlo sa)s Mi wrllM aptiroiingl) of Ami rliau it u-pliom facilities Crane Wilbur who Ji.-.i htnrrod n BEWE EOT WAT W. W Ym ESII1E A EOS COMIPLEMO) Says we can't help but look better and feel better after an Inside bath. To look cno'a best ana feci one's be (s to enjoy an inside bath each morn ing to flus.Ii from the system the previ ous day's waste, sour fermentations and poisonous toxins before It Is ab-1 sorbed into the blood. Just as coal, ' when it burns, leaves behind a certain amount of Incombustible material in the form of ashes, so food and drink ! taken each day leaves in the allmen-j tary organs a certain amount of Indi gestible material, which if not cllmlnat- ed, form toxins and poisons which are then hucked into the blood through the ' cry ducts which are Intended to suck ' In only nourishment to sustain the ' body. If you want to hce the glow of healthy ' bloom In )our cheeks, to see your skin get clearer and clearer, you are told to drink every morning upon arising, a glasb ot hot water with a toaspoonful of limestone phosphate In it, which Is a i harmless means of washing tho waste material and toxins from the stomach, ller, kidneys and bowels, thus cleans-' Ing, sweetening and purifying the en-, tiro alimentary tract, befote putting more food Into the stomach. Men and women with sallow skins, IU or spots, pimples or palld complex ion, also those who wake up with a coated tongue, bad taste, nasty breath, others who are bothered with head aches, bilious spells, acid stomach or constipation should begin this puos- phated hot water drinking, and nro as sured ot very pronounced results In one or two weeks. A quarter pound of limestone phos phate costs very little at the drug store but Is sufficient to demonstrate that Just as soap nnd hot water cleanses, purines and freshens the skin on tue outside, so hot water and limestone phosphate net on the Inside organs. We must always consider that lntornal sanitation Is vastly more Important than outside cleanliness, because the bkln pores do not 'absorb impurities Into the blood, while the bowels pores do. Ad7. lEEEIHIIEUIIlBERrll IT'S A POOR DOCTO Who Won't Take His Own Medicine : !!:;:!(::-:!; ;!! :!:!!:!! !"::: H--S' !; :: ;!!:: ;:;: THAT'S WHY WE ARE USING THIS SPACE TO TELL YOU WHAT JOLLY LITTLE BUSINESS STIMULATORS HERALD WANT ADS ARE AND WHY THEY GET RESULTS THERE IS NO GUESSWORK about a Herald Want Ad. They do the business. We know they pay. Our customers have told us so time and again. We -have used them ourselves and they have never 'failed to get results. They are the short cut to a quick turn-over the modem method of merchandising on a small scale, where the value of the article to be sold or the importance of the want to be filled will not justify a heavy outlay. If you had something to sell, trade or give away and went out on the street and told each person you met about what you wanted to do, you might get results but the people you talked to would be veiy likely to say : "That poor fish has bats in his belfry." If, on the other hand, you used a Want Ad, you would talk to the whole county at once, instead of only one person, and do it in a businesslike manner. The same rule applies to hiring help, renting a house, .looking for a job, or any one of the important little incidents of life where you must call in the assistance of someone outside your immediate family. You MIGHT get results by telling your troubles to the neighbors but the certain, quick and economical way is to use a little classified ad. Do you want to buy, sell or trade, want to hire help or find work ; do you want to find a room, a house to rent, or to rent the same to someone else ; do you want to call attention to some new feature of your business, seek information on some subject, or have you any little unfilled want? USE HERALD WANT ADS THEY DELIVER THE GOODS AND ARE ALWAYS WORKING