WHfiffiPWHww " ii 1,1 '-M, mm. THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAOK FIVB ii ...timllUi i"" 'r ERSONAL MENTION MIlf.l.HlHIM ON MH'Ali III M(S I'l'OI'l.l. ' ' 1" ' i i i i . or MX Ml- I OI.KH. mill ...nvii nil jViVN.is am. nmiNcis PhotoKrnph jfivcn to New by Sweetheart He Killed lug hi mini .lr In i. Moore return linliin In (Irani I'm- IliM i- II 'I'Iiiiii nun Hill oilier .Milieu niiiiiiiiiiiini ii Frunk """'"J!, mp in ItmiMii- mi iititmpi i Improve Imr huiltli left y"1 r,ltiy " ( Mle Pearl Unw wlin Inn I" "li in p,i iiuilw in from Hun ih K riiinciit hnnpltabi kIiic. Am M Mct-"r' r",,"ook llftr ihm erlcn II ml entered the war, Ik Iioiiim jncliicii I'1"1 "lK 'fur ii month' lnlt with lir parent niliW" , ..,,. Mr mi Mm II P I'm "' ib.w ' i I' !. mi'l , .. , ... , llr Bllll "" .Ill I" "I IT'"" I" mnii''i i"in I iiiiiii I, mini iimi I'll "l Well ii"11" "' .... Ilimpltiu in inn rri'Nwio ...l.. fltll'lllli'll "' ,l""" " ,,l. lirl-li wlin linw III. I' lib ,,.. I1U1II ' .1.1.1 IV. - , Ml,.. riMMII I !'' , Anliimm ' ......' ......... L jtnnlnRi Hnn - ,, , ,,, W" .. .IiiV . inMfll """"' I'l.irlllllK .In'lll Willi Wild Vl-V -UK 1 iii town from .... . .... I.i lunllllt Hill"11 MIII'll II" IIIPl I line' ll.-li-, in ijii.i I. nil Mr "" LinkHik' after . .... ... ......... I. home ul ." prnvin in mmun p . . .. .......- I .....!!.. ....I. .. v .!,... IllUlllTrl 1. II riinilll HUH lllllllljr iw-ii i lillllM Hi" Anlilniul. i .. . ... .. ... .. ,. -run Wl'l'iim '" ' rox ft II I inillliv mn urinal in im n . .... .i.inni: 'rl'Miil" i,ih KiiIIm lodiiy Tlii'V lnii driven j'l'c iliipklim ""'' IM ,irollM r w'"' Inn- In llilr um for mime of Hi.. .. um In'"' l,MnK ""t,r "'"" ilmliK fluhliig wlil Ii the Imvn li'iird . ......i n thl rmini. Iff l i"" ... .V.i,.iji iulirllNcil .'Mm part will m ih r i" .ninr for wiuiiiikiii UU rriuiT i.aiie, 111111111111111 rivi r (rl"" ' .. ..Ii innr . .... . . Kil A M", ' ntnl hmi wnnii imer vanity, ie tore i coniKtltiK ' ' ' ,,crr' returnlni. to their home In Phlali. ' ul 1. l'.-.i..ril Hurt. , haml Hi Ti 4 ' nuiiiuniii Marlon Mini, who at" tit nil day fnliTilny In town In 1111 iiitiiipt to hire lec'i for w'k iii C nil! ni'i Ml llrlirntl wit" him HHttil mill It-ft fur tlm mill lift it tiliiK " f.O I ItNMI M'IMtlN'IH M V. I.OflK 'Mil lir Willi (Ii rill li' . 'ill IhIImiI Hiiniiniiry (iimplli'il in 1 1 im 1 1 li'innril P vn-n 1 llli f nf tin tnH tl'iil linuii'li of the fli'iiiiti I St.iff nf In Army Iiiih JiihI miiiii- off l!ii- kiiv 1 1 iiiiii til prliillni: pn-im In Wimiiltu 'in Ii iomIhImh im entire rinnnm nf tln jiri'piinilfiitin I'liiiM, .iinmiiiiilloii, fimil kiiiiih iiioiic) 1 tpciiii 11 nj tiitt tl'-x iiikiicmI Iii by thri Aiirl( in f'lni'M frirn tin- fiitniin i 'if (n iir mlcii Into tlm Worlil War It Ih tie niritti!, uiitlii title mill i-ry in'.T'"' Ihk t t x p rni c Awn dduapuimj spi: im. Norici:. to Miniliei nf Mlllmin A. Iliniimkei f,nl 17(11 If n'l llllli' not reielved a letter w'lh Imiiorinnl ti'liiniirin tileime rail at Ciineral Delivery nrnl hk) for miiiic one kiii 11 letter Iiiik In i ii rent tu ver metiibi r. but In nine rnMis extut iiililreHK wn lite kfMK m they were aililreH'eil nn "fienernl Uell erv l'l life kIw tliln mir Ilium illate iitd ntlon. Slv IIKTAIiV MlPnien i"iil tln"iiiVerH I icnl 1704 ef tlm I nlteil Prothrhooil nf Cnrpen torn and Jolntrs nf America, Klein utli KiiIIk 22-3t iilir.Hi'ii wu not if ,u Tli" f"" ill" Pill''10 . ... r,tiy (.aihll' lm" "' "' " ,j,j Binr w'u "" '"",' iojiVN' I'l" " ""' '" "" meat Htf' ''- j i( Mit lit !" i" '" )rn.ar tor "l,p ' " ,c f ' CONIItACr OK AOKNCV. mr till' nl l)lll- Mi I rlnl.i I I.i'khi 1- ThlB lihiitnrr.ipli if MIhh I'lleilu I Limner m piv.n in Many S New ntily n tew da In fore b killed In r rlj;lit In olr rnunt for t20fl Not In a lomly rar.MJii ne.ir I.oh AnceleH rntl on 20 nale paa for onr In- On ibn fni. of ihe plct ill w.m wrlt- ntidi r Ilurner Keromne nltri'b- im nt for ioohtoi'n ex'I'iHht' BANDITS AND LOVE are mastered with equal facility by TOM MIX in Hell Roarin Reform A WILLIAM FOX Production In which a devil-may-care cowboy rides to glory SEE Tom Mix leap, with his horse, from the balcony 01 one ouwnng 10 tne rooi 01 anomer. AND SEE Tom and the horse go crashing through the roof to land in a cluster of outlaws who stole the milk from Belgian babies' mouths, ran the preacher out of town and kidnapped Tom's sweetheart. MHttiidit r." mill In Jefferson Co Ad i!ns N O llohsdii. HoIihoii Cafe UU With all my loxe- I'rleiln " M.iilran. Ore 23-?.t t, UtBnn -"'' ' ' nrieiniMi pc.ltiou llh Hi" M '''" (o" " nirsrl rem in'" Mr nrnl Mr. Kr. V niiln ha rn.ilfrom -'i " "' "'"'K 01, tat T' " renorl n f"" ,, and rri rrv m Htnvi iii' Inp UmiM !.' I'fi ril'iv wiiii rk hlmbii)l Milln'r rrulneni ami lllipinil hl mimrnir nn 11 fire w ir j In thf Klmnnih ( fi mi fnn hi Ur nJ Mm ll f.rlffl'h wer. In 1 tiir Kt?nliy froai iln-lr rmn-li I'm! Vallcs jiufbimtno1 uiill- W K llrown bfl lal tltoriiliir r Cblloquln nfiir n lu upeni 111 n from hli rntnp tin re Mr aiul Mr V A liihell niri.i ile-l li Mr rininl f neinom anil 'i Wm lumiil riliirnul Inte lat tht from Aililiitnl Ir Ilel'nll ffrril a prlnpil wrlnl from crank t kin rar hlli on the trln Trtir Ptljp will ilio rpMm'ndrr of nk lh )i brolher Cliemer 1 hi runrh cm the Merrill ro id bo Irr rmrnlnK lo Snn Krnnrl rn l h Mill prnr'kii law Mr Arthur H W 1' n l-f n-i ''U knlnc'i train for I'oriliinil wlmro Editor Who May be German Ambassador nt Wnshingt'n n' who ba nnr-i.Mi im murder- 1 il the i;rl uiid v. Imice ilefeneii will l dial b wan ti mpnrnrll Inniinu sii k i'iwus itiMi m:ti:d. t tli.i l.l.. i,i... .i ollll ., .. nln ,., . i., - .. ; iiiiimki mo ii;iiiiiiih f " n n wn mr Imr refu.al to marry him. naH for tho ,f.nlr,s of r , ft ,,,., flr. In ! n 1011 of Harry B New, United tnrv and concert tuner from Shir- Liberty Theatre Friday Afternoon and Evening DOORS OPEN AT 1 :30 P. M. AND 7: P.M. lat h netiator from Indiana tp. in f'ln & Co nf Pan Francisco 2J-2t KAHI, SHKI'HKRD Co I.I I tISIWS I iki: ON Mil VII P. .. I "l- Maln oer Siicartiian store O K Hiiiiort. Dentist. Cth I l.ltlCII l U lt IHSK ItOMtl). &r9m rnnrntt: lil-Well Made This Gob n Millionaire, but He Wnn'i A til. ' ' itO. MTV Mhi: s'UtOMI IK. HI' I OK M' IK 1 1 ! t i 1 1 V . Iloiuuirn It maklni; a Htront; flitht I for tin tnto hulwi" v ' ' fuel ulioiild tlKhtly iiuh thru thel' loiiittix In ordor Hint no Source of nsilstnnco may bo oerlookod, the dlatilct dan sent n dolosatlon. con Hlatlni; nf Jucoh PiMiek. Clmrli'H Drnw I. C, Wight, and P. ". llrliulMworil to Klamath Kulbi to poilHou the county court at their eossltui till- inornliic Mr. Hroadiiword Hns Hint thev are not Mi rn Hint tho mint can do mn- lllllilt n bunt It, lull, thorn la n pos- , nlhlo chtinco Hint thoy nn and lion-' auzu iIoon not liitoud lo overlook that chance- Tho Iloiiauii cltlriMi nil Bav Hint thlnrs aro Hirhlni; out , Iholr way and that nverjouu Ih kept i iiulli lnmy with bib lui)lnji and Irrl- j K.llillB theso (lllH ltl.'AO HKUAI.n AD IT PYS TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY "tirlit I -t nil liiinrneil Call ions Main St 2 1 It 1'OU SM' Must sell ! t . "" E- I Pcrkln in . I" ou were n , t. . . , e jump leeaing coal into LHIIQIIlA.. - - - Tho tlmo Ih t;ittlui; shortnr ovcry day for ou lo do what hIiouIiI ho dono boforn tho Hlka net lioro on AtiKtixt 11, in anil 10, What am ou ilolui:? 16799 DIED --IUU8 maw ()f v Peratof m somebody Lii.i ' in New York Clty a,one from k,d lsii "moootiy Orlllod on ... ..ui-1-. .: r nii.... on your Mn.v. .' " ' u nn . ney trouble last year. Don't allow "nlyhadnni" ' A" nna, yourself to become a victim by r-aat ..i.i . ",uol"0'- neElectlnaoains and aches. Guard mt . "uiu vnn .i.m - i . r"". stoker on n . ' K'nt thUi trouble by taking "wom tu. , . .," :: m- """two,.. ' '.r,uw "ai- ,yetan,r'",'l"vomnt' PKtoicvC : .' ,,ya "o 'snot lon. .." '"Whnrp.o. wiipn '.; ' ","r.1 " Wl" to GOLD MEDAL 1JUP1K m LCWaT "'"' Th world', atandird remedy for kidney. "'nil as tho nil "'iiiiy, no liver, bladder and uric ocia troumes. Output it i. i wo11 'a incronslni' Holland', national romedy slnco I69S. H 13 inlnu,..i ... " All ilm.nl.1, .Ii.a nl... nnaranliiAif. . Lok far th nma CoM Mcdl on .ty boa and tccipl do uuUUsa A Good Watch Is Real Economy A IiIkIi Kradc, well built, carefully teutid watch In a tlinoki'opor ou can dopond on Ilv tho accurate track It keepi of the minutes, )our tlmo In snvod, l'lno nintorlal nnd mechan ical culmination i;lio dura hlllty anil aino j mi money In upkeep. Tho hnnduomo oppooronco Is a crodlt to you, anil In croanps tho respect people, hao for you. Wo innko n Bpoclolty of matches, handling only makea nnd movemonts wo can Biiarantoo poraonally to Klvo absolute satisfaction. Wo have a largo and varied stock, and prices aro splen did valueB. fM.OO to $75.00. Frank M. Upp JEWKLBIl fill Main St. Official S. P. Watch Inspector. vTtvxaftt.if..j The HALLMARK Stom a i i and i.i.M-.VA lulj 2 1 n r-s ii of lb- altaik on Pretn li miMI.th b the HulnatlatiH Krenih riBimuntH .nrh loila) nt Sc fa the IIuIk irl.in capl lal to riiiann tbe local arrfinn Dli p it' ben Htiileil Ib.i' tbe I'n in h were nl lat l.iul ti) tli Hill ra Hun-' nt the riMinent wiu- l,i-.d in; at I. nil Paluuli i a few iiavh y A llve f'lllimi I,, m etil wbii b IiihIi d for owr thi-ei-h urn Tbrte Pruinh were kllb'd (eorKo C I'lrcb iM'n--t n. ma Kr of tbe Mutual l.lfo IiiBtiranc Company, recnhul notlru Nesterdn ( f hlK appointment ai dltrlci iikiIhI ant fur the llurean of War Hlsk In Mirance Mr Hindi ban all Inform i tion on hand nneniliiK Win Itlsk Mitxiiilllllnn Hard) ii Denpaichea ft out Ilnrlln Indlcatti lnMuraucn aitil will be Kl.nl to aid any that .Maximllllnn Harden, tdltor of returiiliiK Holdliirt. or it-mrre men Die Ziikuiifl, will probably he np- '" HtralKhteiiiiii: nut any dlfflcultlen minted Herman iimhliHsador at """ ll,0 ,rl'v have Try to Quit Stoker's Job WiiMhlnittoii a hood a. diplomatic rehilloiiK are r.H.or.d It Ih under- fll ;:,'''" "' 1 Vlll dtond that Count on Ilenmtorfr, who w M)rt of ,, , llt,r ,;,lhNW1 ,)ro him been plaiiiK a leading part In durtliin. "Tho Hell Cat " Sbe In Pan tile councllH of the Koernmetit for a rl"! O rlin. wliosi Spanioh mother . ., . ,. i . ... '""I lrlH'1 fnlhor bae beitieatbed to long time regard Harden fawirablv 1 r many Htr.ing.. c.r.radl. lions Slur ' Theatre. Monday lu' 2Mb It Fruit-Juice Essences Jiffy-Jell desserts carry real fruit flavors in ci sence form, in vials. A wealth of fruit juice is condensed for each des sert. So you get a fresh fruit dainty, healthful and delicious. This is the new-type quick gelatine dessert five times as good as the old kinds. Loganberry and Pine apple are two of the best flavors. Try them. They're found only in mm You Save MonejPWMIe Enjoying the Finest Flavored Tea mthehndwhenyoabuy MHfc aLj aifTTTTwTLM TREE TEA 49 Half Pound 8 oc Full Weight & Pound C 16 oz. FulIWeight 25c JO Flavor; of Vbor Grocer'. 2 Pachas' for 2S Cent tTOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU DONT LIKE IT If You Like BLACK TEA Ask for CEYLON If You Like GREEN TEA Ask for JAPAN KLAMATH CASH GROCERY "QUALITY STORE" WE SELL FOR LESS Phone 420 717 MAIN STREET a( !Di-l-mlR' , ' Alii rv' if- UM ' 1 ,s&$&f&L Kl il.i4iW 'fiSSa. SCAWCSfS 1i83 Jvv" .1 -' I"" .1 I' i Tilflftll WtM L.bk SJ-m rvattn, hand tome pound one half-pound tin Aumi ooH-anJ that ctaaay, practical pound crytat Tfa A a mi or with tponga moitttjn top that hp thm tobaco in tuch perfect coiuiian. JVwMsw SfVMlM Li A ' WniilH 4 i ii -i i - n ? PUT a pipe in your face that's filled cheerily brimful of Prince Albert, if you're on the trail of smoke peace 1 For, P. A. will sing you a sonj cf tobacco jcy that will make you wish your life job was to ceo how much of the national joy smoke you could tjet away with every twenty-four hours! You can "carry en" with Prince Albert through thick and thin. You'll be after laying down a smoke barrage that'll make the boys think of the old front line in France I P. A. never tires your taste because it has the quality! And, let it slip into ycur think-tank that P. A. is made by our exclu sive patented process that cuts out bite and parch assurance that you can hit smokc-record-high-spots seven days out of every week without cry ccrtcbcc!: but real cnioko joy! R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winder. Szbna, N. C. Mi X X X X X X X