mE7 iJh.v y, f te 4(7 ......MI Ml' turnout onin.M. im official paper op I.OIA1II """'H KLAMATH COUNTY Thirteenth Vcnr-No. 3,680 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1919 Price, Five Cento Herald Kl lunmusE SODDS FROM U.5. OREGON LODGES ARE I PRAISED AT ANNUAL I ELK'S CONVENTION Oregon Kill I()iIk" rerelted tin lilKKt'Hl 1'tOHt o( mi) throughout Him ON THE HOME STRETCH. CITY GETS ANOTHER BUILDING & LOAN CO. Through the efforts of loral buI Wc are on the home stretch for the completion of the Honor- Roll of Kin ninth Cnuni.v ihn hnnlr thnr i'q fn fnrnvnr commemorate the work done by the soldiers and the men tr"""! !'" ''!!", S' rountry itt Ihn recent Nutltuul ton 'l WOUldl Of the COUIlty foi' Winning the greatest War g company of Salt Lake City, Utah, trillion in Aiiniuir riiy, urroriliiiK Ulill IHSlOiy Will ever 1'CCOIU. Trie value OI iniS WOrK IS creating a local board in this city, the follow Ing offlc rf: president; Paul Lam- president; Jamerf M. Wat trillion (il Atlantic Cliy. urroriliiiK ItlUC niSlOl'V Will CVCl I'CCOrU. The Value OI thlS WOrR IS creating a loci to wuhoii h. wii. ioii.1 iti.-K..f. being recognized by the leading men of the city and coun- composed of t ) returned i.n nigia by WJ) of tV( many of whom have voluntarily written commenda-''- M- ?arlcl ft,"nvT.T,h.,n ... up B,. ,-we toiy Ictten. on the task we have undertaken. One of these,'. T Zt -.,. floral OHoprrll.r Jed- eralM '"r 'lnic '"' H,,"',, notice by the manner that e took over inn ruiitniion Army urive. mi Mr. Wiley, "Tho other tal Indues did not rn.operii.t- In the rumpilKii it ildl -our work wa known i prpoe" maln TltA n,. . 1 .. A... from Rev. E. P .Lawrence, the able pastor of the Presby- rorte' company are, w. a cofer, v, terian church of this city, follews: m. Monteiius, j. t, McCoiium and c. A. Plata. Thin company In one of the strung- Mr. A. C. Lester, Klamath Falls. Oretron. My Dear Mr. Lester: I have been watchincr the devel- ' building and loan concerns in ti.e untrv Fier.t ODtncnt of VOlir KInirmth Cnnntv Hnnnr Roll nrnWr ami "country, having been In succ-mful ...,imnK. July 23 .Mann re u " - . ..tlllrn the "'" K"-" '" " r,,u WV'". hom. or brounhi hom Kik vot to i,i in .Mm iim.i... wj8h to express my appreciation of the hard task which T,?T !T ZVlT, money nom "' , . .,,,,, lm u two-flntrd knockout ' ,,., ,,ib:JL ri ..,;n u l- u t- .. u -i-J authorized capital of $20.000.n,o of from the UnlM'u -". .7 "T" " CI o lil.oni) Elk. were aPAiUn- - ""; """"K- " vl" "'B J"" " t-uvci uic iicm whIch $is,000,000 hag been Issued. t JM0-8UVI to rnM- IhU country as you are plann,ng to do. topurchH' '' ln ,h that um held on th ciohiim dj)H or If you can cany it through, you will deserve the appre- ...... linwhtTC .. .. .. . . . !..i! i.L. ...... i r ... i L wiiCT -. "--- . um rdinrniiiiii .-Mm or fiunoii oi me enure county, iou win nave securea ana tm tiV npervtlvc for thit r """""" havft tiM roiitontiuii Mn.. hu.,dr.-d r elation of the entire county. You will have secured and) " V r'to o nu,'u g,ri Co- w ;-' 7 " 't-n;ianc . Jmt into ,)ennanent form much valuable material concern-? L . r,on a ,,,....; Z:rZZ::T:::2 r W individuals societies city and county that will be CZ S PuriK)' oon hiii b hold ,,,,, Hllll 0rpon a i,,,,,. greatly appreciated not only by those who have served so made on Over $10,000,000 In loans have beon placed by It. It was only after a careful Invett.- the local field that a do- .as reached granting a char- s city, where loans will be a basis of about pr ia iiKradr. it u prowi.i ki ." ttr K,v KlKIial honor ,n tho p,,.e noDly at nome and abroad, but also by future generations cent Dpr -vear- Mr. watkins vm to thi iteration fourte-n roop-ra- !n of .,,,..,,,, nrailloy H ,..IMP(1 wi-0 wju oe interested in the records of their friends and that aPi,llratlon'' have mad,, for tlrt union, alr-ady cxl-tln. In , fler- .. r,er , , op.nijn of Mf re,at;veS( flnd dt an(j CQUnt about IS3.000 in loan., to date. rri::: --.-.; w,SLk .r .. un , MI1J.. The State and National Red Cross is also, at work ftni' M.1i " . lfil rimnirii n kl r iiiiii . .. . . ... ,..n. vnnun as "uiirtin.M r loan ,n,M ,,.. ,Hl, .,,.. .--,. , itlie local chapters in compiling a history of their orrzaniza- aMociation hirii oxut in H doubt n.k. on n..w KKor .itii th.. r.-.tion. The State historical society is also gathering briefly lrnthr Tho vnlons lationn which oxut " a" u.miii mki on hmv Igor with th r.-tion. i lie btate historical society is also gathering briefly. :hc of indium- turn of Mr nv Tin rsuiar bu. the material from over the state, but you will cover the 8 iwt amonK iii" fourin , ,,, , ,,,. hp), Thur.' wj10ie field much more minutely. If I can be of any ser- ;;;,;:: Vi:Z. tZLUl S ",,w ,n ,h- I,,n" S secure material concerning the Red' i fViM I will no irinrl rn tin sn. 1 HUMS IV MM: POI-MIKIt. Wan AltoKfthrr lhi union hao a total wrabirlili of 400.00ft heads ot ttnlllf, (orrwiMimllnc to about 2.- flOO.OOO pi?nuiis ' who mild a ouni! ladv roul.ln t If tlii r-iu-mI f-drntlon of ,ntr( Mh wuyt j.,riiln in tli" ll- 1hfefourtfn uiilnnp. l "rromplUboii )nc f(.mluliio xponint of tbi It It pmimxci m i.ti'illiili n f'litnil pi.r.itory art ho enn haul In th Iib lunk at llfUniil- ThN l conslilriil ,., the mot pra-ncal effort i-l maU' to j..(u, fi,n K,oi-ilz.d nn w'. TMtalillli credit In Jiigolinlu jwnlvc's toll on .Mond.i) nftr h.r The ne federation would pl pro- f,,i,K nlvntiiri at HocKy i'nini dlicU anit tiiirilia!"' for nil It ni-m-' ,inr will on believe It she haul, i 1r, Introdtire nindrn inncliltiery I n nn,. pounder ami was 10 cit I nthe; tli 'liVnct of einliernlllt and t,nl 81P n ,llt i,lted the ii.kU ld lh fanrs o cultlvme ih Innil water hnuul.t that (Ith alonv l.unw It If lntnile.l I" l nut iiollt'cM but .,n,i clulm. connnilf mi leHt atv be tl m won paeifui iiimitutinii or juko- mmt riiii:Ms t Tin: nun-. Slvla I, I' of Dilmatln n banker, ho Uteri for inonv eara In America. In the niithor of the fedora. tlon plan He mild Mint lie xtnTtoil ?00.000 ,of the nearlt 1 ono.ono. Ju- to-Slatln the Vnlted Slate to re Cross, I will be glad to do so. Respectfully, E. P. LAWRENCE. 1 FORD EPS SON Fl M FIGHTING Elder Ford Testifies oa .Stand T&aav. Son Wanted to to to War That He Kept Him From Gois MOUNT CLEMENS, Mich... Jttly- 23. Henry Ford was agalnon tk witness stand today In his libel atut. agalnst the Chicago Tribune. He testified, when asked why his son, Edsell, did not go to war, that his son wanted to go but that he hA dissuaded him. Ford said that h had worked with his son in the Ford Motor Car Company for many yean and that Edsell was necessary to th carrying on of the war operatons uxt dertaken by the factory. He like wise asserted that Edsell was offer ed a commission to remain in that factory for the army but refused. The draft board disagreed with bio view as to the necessity of EdseU remaining home, according to th elder Ford. Ford left the stand when the examination was finally concluded. SITU BUYS THE FARMERS USIi DLO DAIRY BARN FEDERAL LOANS Remonstrances Come in Con eeriiing rating of HIrIi Street I.IXK RIVEIt ELECTKIC CO. WILL TAKE XEW QUARTERS. reining Itotk Outlier Mr. and Mm. M (linr-ouilnl of Mr rill, motored to Kort Kliimnth -tordav for a (lying tllt with their frlenrix, Mr. and Mm IM. Canlttell. They ttore ncrnmp.inled bv their ''' d.lllghterH Mnmle mid I'ttlllilie who turn to their home here brlno'it ni remiiln for .i few l.t tojoiirn American pimh mid the itionev they ln t, CuriluutU 1me earned In the t lilted Stnten m "Tho money ttent homo by Imtnl- ;l-y SA'ITKIILHI: JI.T IIO.MK. ranl ll lie paid to 1io'm pooplo In doniMtlc currency," ho said. "Amer-, Sergeant niiy S.iterlee who lia lean money deposited with tho Fed-. K. torsean. returned home liift mtlon lll be lined as buying power evening OuyV many friend were abroad. If wo organize tho money KU( to woleome him back but not of the JuKO-Slats In tho United 'moro so than he was to get home once 8latM,ho Intend to return, we shall moro to this good old town obtto a fund of lietvnon COO.000,000 i m and 1,000,000,000 francs. Tho needs of the country are great In agrlcul tural machinery, shoos, clothing and U kinds of iron domestic utensils. AY8 MOONP.V 1)11) XOT flKT vm,i, jcsTici: ix ms trial. WASlll.NT.TOX. Jnl- 2.1 Moon Waldnot recite full jiiHtUo In IH ban Francsro irini nr.,,n.,.. , . ... ...-. ttiiiHM L, i, U. nainore, L 0 T NO Willi '. W. Hiiwkliis, he Returns to KU.VI.OOl) Kliiiiiatli to Enjoy Its 1'islilng ami (,'rt Relief 1'roin Scot riling Heat of IViIerul Itans Hate fclon was resumed with Attornev Reen Applied for Through tlioroesbeck representing the remon Klniuutli Falls Xatlonal Turin 'strators, and Fred Mills addressing Occupancy of the new one-story-brick building being constructed at the corner of Seventh and Main by Cofer Brothers will not be before Confer Willi Cofer Ilrotlir-r Con- August 10 or 15, according to R. J Sheets, proprietor of the Link River, Electric Co. The entire building will be taken. the proposed over u-v tne aove company in -con nection with the Link River Battery company. Early indications were that the building would be ready by August ,1. However. Mr. Sheets ia certain hat it will be the middle ot next mouth before he can move in. Remontrances to laving of High street are still com lng before the city council and at ' Monday night's meeting the discus- There l one mini the people of the l'nlrview district, thine roslri- Iou !or,i and nearbv farmer? Hrt' tak ing on Cletenth street, north of the Ing full .ultuntjge of the provisions c.mnl. esp?rlnllv. will take their "f Federal Farm Loan Act as off to anil will sing hi, praises for .1 evldenred by the fact that the Klam- long time, mid that man is W O "' P """ F-'rm '-oan Abf0' Smith It will all be due to the (art c'ation 1,a recelted applications for .i... i... i... . ... over $230.00tkof farm loans. ,., .,. ., ,!..... ,. , , ! The interest in the Federal Farm i Poned until the next meeting, on the Loans Is most general oter me coun- the council in behalf of the petition eis It soon became apparent to the council that t would be necessary to have the area of property liable for the cost as well as the area of prop erty represented by the remonstra and a motion was made that the city engineer furnish the required data. Further consideration was then post- PAMOl'S .MIXyriSEI. IS DEAD. SAX DIEGO. Cal , Jult- 23 Oeorg h. Primrose, known the country over for his minstrelsy, died here today. His death followed a ness month's III- TEXAS COUNTRY T.L PASO .Texas, July -What Wrt iMticd by John U IV l city, state and fedeint experts here "Pwlal Agent for the nepaitment of Rrio Is tho soveuteen-ycar locust Mtlce. Tho report was dated In! has Invaded tho El l'aso hoctlon of ed i . 19lS ni"1 wna """""lit the Rio Orando valley. - ... iiouse of roptMontntlvoi ,n '"Ponso to a resolution. wmi: nttiM HAXK.S,. mi il runner This Is berause he has purrliaaeil the property on Eletenth trj-. according to figures Issued re street, where stands the old Ualry cently Over 4000 Farm Loan Aiso li.irn that etesore that has been tho clations are listed throughout tho houico of contention for the past ten country, some of which hate consld tear and which has been there for , "ably over 100 members. Total pay about a decade and a half. Nothing , e"ts t'ial hae ,,een mui,e ,0 tl,e In the cltv has had such a blighting , farmers oter the country have ag Influence on detelopment as has thl gregated In the neighborhood of barn, and when It Is gone, there lit $323.000.000., Clow to $32,000,000 certalnlv be jov and jubilation thru- o( this amount was delivered thru out the neighborhood that has w lab-. the Federal Land Bank o( Spokane, ed for Its destruction In any manner I Offering of a low rate of interest possible many years. '"" 1JI" or a lonK I,erll1 ot t,me A deal was closed yesterday be- and the provision for tho gradual to tveen Mr. Smith and the Mollne How ' tlrement of tho principle, has proven company of Oregon, tho ott'nera ot valuable thing for the farmers of the pnpertv. whereby It passes to H'o country. In tho western states Mr Smith who has also purchased "1,ol,t - er cent of tho money-de-the two renmlnlnc lots In the block. 1 rived from tho loans is used to can- 'which ttoro owned by C. I. Roberts. ' eel old high rate, short term mort- It Is hlh Intention to immediately ' K'OJes ino naianco is utilized ror raze tho bam and lemodol tho other ' Brnl deto'opmeiit of the farm and smnll building, which was used as a thepurchase of lite stock and enujp- UmLT: J'0"0, h0 for y""" was "BILL" SMITH VISITS FRIENDS. Jul" 'Bmlth. who a co'uplo o( Snao8a0r8ll0vdnhl,8 X,0n8'Ve ,,t0Cl, irfionH. Uynnd.wnt to Phoenix, to .ee nlB d"' n'1, of Worn are glad ' r! KOn ,nt0 cotton 'i wry. x,(,n8lvoly and has ture ryBu6cosaf,"''hl8newvon. "WMwnii CENTS. hioorc.r.,,',m8justd,8p80' H.OOO pou' J.' ,amoi,ntlns to about Krpoun m,,dsomo 'r'ce o( G2 cent. Thus far, hotvoter, tho insects have done no milk house. Into a modern residence harm to growng cops, and It Is not The block la to bo cleaned up and (l. ..ilfl..,1 at .1 lmtw,. lilt 1 1 r ri It rPli iTi believed they will appoa eTft In dovas tilting numborH. UopnilH of tho pivsonro of tho cl cadao were flist locolted from fish ermen down tho ilver, who complain ed thut tho locusts were making such n oulso thuy woro frlghttiiilug all tho llsh away, Spoclmens of the males show tho characteristic "W" sign, which u porstltlou Interprets as moaning "war." This marking is made ot tho triangular markings which form tho mlddlo through which tho locust makes Ills "music." Tho damage done by locusts Is confined to the Injury to trees when tho fomalo lays' hor eggs. Tho eggs, hatching Sunder tho tendor bark ot young troos, cnuBo. It to split until tho tiny grub emerges from tho crack, drops to tho ground and bur rows far down, to boo tho light no mora until It comos up soronteeu yoars lator. Old troos are not In jurod by the Insects, nor do the cl cades devour othor growing things, according to etymologists, beautified and horns built on It The remotnl of this bam will have a stimulating Influence on all proper ty In this part of the cltv, and will undoubtedly be followed by consider able building activity. The only thing needed now Is the construction of tho bridge across tho reclamation cnnal, something tho people of thl section have been trying to get for povernl years. Tho Reclamation Serv ice with Us usual dlsiegnrd for tho rights and Interests of the people of tho community whore It Is permitted to oporato, alts llko a dog in tho man ger, In open defiance of the wishes of the city. HELPHEDFDR IS! J I.KlllT.M.Vn CAV8KS FIRK PORTLAND, July 23. Portland's first rain in three weeks was accom panied by lightning which struck the stool railroad bridge during a thund oratorm. The lightning caused a (Ire ou tho (loorlng of tho bridge causing a slight damage. Several othor places nearby were struck with little dam age occurring. T T "WASHINGTON, July 23. Con gress asked Secretary Lane today for a speciul appropriation of $'00,000 to fight tho forest fires of Montana, Idaho, and Washington. It is nld by competent authorities that tho Idaho tflrcs cannot bo oxtlnguhhod savo by heavy rains, o( which there Is no Immediate prospect. TlllEVKS TRIi:i TOMORROW. Floyd Barnes and Alvln flumw, who are in the county Jail, charged with having stolou several urtlclen of clothing from Henry Anderson's store in Merrill were arraigned bovoiu Judge Chapman this morning. Their hearing is set (or tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock on a charge ot burglary. motion of Councilman 'Lavinack. A forcible presentation of the con ditions existing and the necessity of some action by the council in regard to the Cofer Brothers' rock crusher, was brought by res(pjents of that district, The council concluded to adopt the suggestion ot H. M. Manning and the City Attorney was directed to confer with Mr. Manning and Mr. Oroesbeck, representing Cofer Bro thers, with the view of formulating a resolution (or controlling opera tions at the crusher, and fixing the amount of bonds to be required ot Cofer rothBers for insurance and guarantee of the council's require ments. The nuisance created by the main tenance of the Blue Front stable and corrals, in their present condi tions, was held up before the city rulers in a convincing manner by Mr, Hardenbrook. Tho voicing ot the complaint stir red the council to action aud on mo tion ot Frauk M. Upp, the Health Board and council as a body, wore Instructed to investigate tho prem ises Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock Resignation ot Ed Hunter and the appointment of Fred Grenuon as city scavenger, sottles a long drawn-out controversy, municipal aud legal, thnt has occupied the attention ot citizens generally. The mayor was instructed to close the deal for a city dump grouud with the K. D. company, at a rental cost of $50 a year. He was also directed, to purchase a clock for the fire department quar ters. City Engineer Zumwalt was asked to file his plans (or the Mills Addi tion nnd Michigan avenue sewer and sceptic tanks at once. Assessment rolls on tho sis paving units wore presented by Police Judge A. L. Leavltt, 'but owing to the late ness ot tho hour, their examnatlon aud approval was deterred until the next meeting. REV. E. C. RICHARDS IS WELCOMED BY FRIENDS The former, parishoners and many friends of Rsv. E. C. Richards-, who for several years had charge of Grace M. E. Church in this city, are keep ing him busy this week trying to show him how glad they are to hare him back even for a brief visit. Mon- tlay evening there was a reception, 'which was largely attended, one of the notable features of it being the great number of young people pre sent, as Mr. Richards ttas very popu lar with the young folk. The affair was under the direction of a commit tee consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Phelps. Mrs. C. V. Fisher, and Mrs. C. I Roberts. The following program was part of the evening's entertaining features Organ solo .... Frank Robinson Praer . . . Rev. S. Hamrlctc Reading ..Miss Mildred Burka Address of Welcome ..I. D. Whit moro Response . Rev. E. C. Richards Vocal solo Miss Clara Calkins. Miss Constance Fisher, accomp. A game of proverbs furnished much .amusement, after which re freshments, consisting of cake and iiinch, were served. The evening was brought to n clov by a group gather ing around the r.lpno and singing many ot the old time songs so dear to the hearts of those ttho like to look back upon the ties and friendships of the past. Last eventng the members of the Epworth League and others of the congregation gathered at the noma of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Walton, on Conger Avenue, where a swimming party was given. This was greatly 'enjoyed by the guests. , Since leaving here Mr. Richard has occupied the office of secretary of education at the Willamette University. FLAME THROWERS ARE USED. PARIS,, July 23, Flamethrojrero are being employed with great suc cess in fighting a locust plague 1st the south of France, says a dispatch from Avignon,