iteSJTV'WM -fflBWU .11 W, ll. Tlll. m,TIE BOY OF HIM" IN .i- T.&EOROE5 sf fl "Thn boy of lilm" a proved In chnnipluii Jack Dempicy tho ...i. of July SIvm ttinri twenty-four hourii after ho limfdo- R.i i iho rrcut Jc Wlllaril In lo.s than nlnu minutes of nctunl !rk.i. Kor UmpiJ Willi all his nuw Honor mid vision of wealth, Ilhting. rur ","',v !..... ,. ..... .-.. i ... "..I,,,,,. - ,.,.... . .,.., ......I lo nil uoymn nuui " v.. .. ....w. (,.....v .. ri, ... hSli-not a mark to show of his hattlo. Tho Insort plcturo Is of Jl; ifnth thouiplon OcotKOs Cnrpontlor, Oempsey'n nest loclcul II COME OH liiUTHE AD'S s& . i-L tn.ui nar nrs v J&MimWik IMS CLASSIFIED COLUMNS: FOR SALE MR SALE - HO acres bent uplv d in Klatnalh county, S miles east I KlamMh Falls; 1 mile south of iteOrovo School House; all In cut- Ifttlon; 13 acres under Klamath rrljitlon District balance ran be alllr Irrlrntf..! ),v t t. ,.. , ..,.-.. ..,, , ,., ,,,,, ,,,,- 1; 1 tides woten wire; no build- hi OooJ chnnre lo develop nlfalft 6cn on itnnll Invenluient; prlco Ifuonible and term cany L It 0 fiOKSIIKf'lC. fMtv FOR SALC Pv owner I modern llP-IO-llale llUtlcnlnu'll r. rnnma ft I. .. . r - ..'.. ,1 "u ii a r.arKB n eunt i rms. Wnu'.i iue :or hcconil hand 'iitonioblle In m (mm rnniiitiiin v. iv-.t - Tlni afltr 5 o'clock. 113B I.ln ola St. 2i.r,t 'OR SAI.K- " brokfl ,. " ...r,r. Clare In flnn llimin l..l.. .n,. !llr. I'l.H.n inli. II.... I.'.,...-. OBMia Ore or rail Seven "' vinch, l"oo Valley 21-2Ct ECON-D-HAM) Aulos for" sale-two '' Htos nnn 11111 n..... i...i. - i9i3 SHM..I,;. .;,,:' '""" llePnii.. " i iiimaiunii a. ""!. 1? If feet f0R SAI.K nnoil rve hav aim) nl 'r,,v ''"'" Wfahavn-,1 .....' l").v..?l2,'..n,iPtnln nt n-nron. of Klnninlli c" Bh or I'honn '47 i Vo , ', ; . ' I 'URNISIIEIl tint oi- .... ... . R'tlil 0Jora0n,tt,'lrnl,i;Ren1(U and' storel tvntnv i n dulv enrolled com-of "in. 3 blorko frmi Bin m.i m , '"'n resdntlnn ehat"iiic i-rndn on "'-'.'vb uux jy I. .f .-,..'.' u.'i . ..,',1 .Tl'i.n lieu I 111" ; !Ptrc.ts. pp above pt fo'th e nia"d , JiA!'ET:.2. ''-P' wollni. enitlnen.!!;:' "V tw rnm of the ntv vT.SK"1 A Thompson.'!?; iinalh Kaus. OreKon. 21-3t --" iiuiilllion J A Tlinmncnn I" M!P(An. .. . ..' 'M: . for Sillo or trnile -hock, 2250 Vim, St. Mills Ad-! Jz is-nt ; :, LE-I,"l Sedan. OoorKo 10-tf. -" rwiiimain nvenuo. iiELPWANTED VAVTpn "-'"" ' .""'-". Ift irl0"1!1n r.onk " "innll &.notoi,Hr,w,,"p",H20-0.,1,'? 'iSAloodliri -.: MCP Wllh Vi.. ' " "uiiiuii ill 21-lt h0U80wrk. Phono 19Y. SAWtbS T. War farmtt",?n!' o do T0. EKl Aiml-,, .V1080 In. Good ai "uraui omen. 8-tf JfflSCELLANEous rv'UON WANtpo w " lob on. . Man wants il. . vsu nr rnllln - t . I ""M caiwH... .. w,cn ,n au-Jng ,m consider sain po,onco, , dealing Instrumonts, whon ho has . crwe. 'Bcrr. Porcont tlmo to spare, may bo found at tho "'usae, Rnn .. ino ti ... D mo nnnn r ?- i. .' M1'n St.. nr n.i i "' " "" traps, Ho Is not only an oxport gun- nath Palls, until July '24th. in. si Wvatlf m nnd 'bonril in" Mlre't lhryi 'y Konl!o,"'n. Lortvo Iu " Xlimmi. r..,. ,rcB8 J O- "OX Binlth. but nn oxnort in hnndllnc j, "' Y KO 1 'Jwald Off NEW CHAMPION -with our Jack tho favor IE! LOST AND FOUND POrNt) - llldlnc boom I-'Inder can hnvii name by cnllltiK at Herald of fice and payliiK for thin ad 2-at CHUNK I'HVION for Wood 112H LEGAL NOTICES iVWN o!l ivi.l V1 11.11 t li til' tilt Viil. a..-im.,i r.liu . nn.v ready for tho Inspecilon of taxpayers Those who want lo seo what tneir assisHtiient Is or who wlh t see about any chance before rolls are turned over to tho Hoard of Knunll zatlon, can do so until AiiRunt 1 1!' t'.i.- J. 1'. I.KK, County Assessor H iOt Itl.SOM TION to chmiKQ the Krnde on rillli Street between Main and I'lno fit reuts: WIIHIKAS. Il.e .f""'"'""""" oenniH li i'Meiii'iiii i tmiin." '"' smile on Cth Street between Main nnd Pine Streets in the City of Klam- nth I'nlls Tiiriticrnni:, nr: it uKSOi.vnn. iI.a .....1.. .-... f , li Ult.,.,.1 l.i.Mt'nnn Main nnd' Pine Street 'he chancel nn , foltiitti. lo-wlt: At 12o feet from the nortberlv linn of Main Street nn Street from e'evntlon lr.1(m feet to '".J 10 reckoned from tho established f'llv of KbimntV I-'nlN- ss A I . I.eavltt. Poll'"" Jllllce Of rtlv. do berihv certlfv Hint the v,'" n -"""mil rniiH tin'Ruu. on .iii' stcncdl A T ie t VITT Pollen .TndKe NOTICE OwlnR to shnrtiiKO of I,nhnr, nnd oxpensn of collect Iiik, He;lnnlnK .Inly 2fith 1919, wo will ko on n cash bas is, No wood deliveries will bo mndo unless paid In mlvnnco, or sent C. O. W. E. SKRIIOHN, O. PEYTON. 18-3t NOTI0I5 I am now prepared to furnish ShiiBta Sand from tho Hooy, Cain., Band and (travel pit, In any quantity that may be desired by contractors and builders, AL P. GRAHAM. INVENTOR 18 QUN ENTHUSIAST. OQDEN, Utah, July 21. John M. Drowning, inventor of tho "Drown- gun," and soveral other death- (o spare, may uo xounu oi . . . smith, but nn oxport in handling tho rlllos. Ho la roputod to havo novorl nilssod a championship shoot of tho. ' H,nto sIMr,Hn"in,B nssoclntlon, ft roco,lt iHnnr ovont Mr- "rown- THE EVENING HERALD. Wis fiiii ii GES Sn Inn., In I'li'ii.nri-H Win . iiillfii c sit, I.M.i.h n. (J,i,l,ii Inly 22 Amerlcnim I.iiIiiIhii Mmi Mine l In 'llll mill MuMo LONDON, wild hiivi- lii'nn in London Hlnc 1 li-KliinlnK of humilities, bin ulii) lire tin. fuel II sav. h toil diirlmc the win now here In Iiuk' iiuiiilx'rH, arc llnil- tcr. bcsldca making your horn" ;ik Iiik nmny changes In the cliy and Its "n"r '""' r''"fort''blc n n Ihik In n "" '""-'" ''HH";,lf',;;(.1,7;r,;oa!n,n.'hr.,tc,,? true of i ln ilii'iiln-H and riniMlc hall nnd linvr several orders for future In- where In other dnjs they i-njoyi-d Hi.. fimiii'iirn an much ii h they did the program On Ainerlcati went lo the Allium- bra the .iih.-r nli;ht Tlinn- lie hud ofi.-n Men tho i,0l but there now be found a new world. There wan a bIM, to b CHiirii. but thin time It n it lltlnnliui ballet. )m what sur- .-. bin, moat wan that between ein li im Mel in. (.V(',.iMi .,,-ri,-,,,.,. 'oiMueteii ,y n rnpuble Itimslan,, Played clnnncol iiiiihIc. and the audi- nc nut sill and llmened to It Very Tow pptjptc loft n,r W;a("Bf ,, )(, Klrln in the .Lit, l0WM ,, ot 0,(, i he )otinie mini In the Kinlln Then. 1 1 itinm in bo no more connection be iweon Hie performors and the audl- nee thou thero usually )H at a con- It was not so In other days 1 Tho niidlence, too, Btirnrlmvl him li wn of Hi,, t,oiiKl,ifi Iilnd. and more fnnhlnnnbly Kuunod lhan before the war .Vearly every one, 10 ol l"m(l wn " e'.enlt.B clothe n, and women pnyinc imrtlcular attention to th nmiln of tho nionuni . n--'! united tho nudlunce lo mnnke i'i Utile as poMlblo." ami. .m he ,,.. mnrketl. ihore was no " .;(. len. of tho proximity of the mr in a one-tlino music hall w).r,. popular ncirean wns lirlng fea'.ir.- I and where the anlllo trum the .im. formerly woro Kreoled with iiir..inn IniiKhter. therv wan now nothlr.i; more apparent Ih.m Kood-humo'ej tob ranee I suppose It Is the war," ho all Lit oil uornsl Doesn't huit a bit and rtttzune costs only a few cents. .ilt our fliiKom' J" j i I ft off n hard corn, soft corn iirmtii ' - tweit, II... toes, and tho hard . In . 1; , ... , In - ch fM-u- bottom of n)t A tiny bottlo of "J-'io '?oi. )' ustn' Ilti') at any drur. stere: jpi-l) a ? v.- dr, ps upon the com o' ei'Iii't In- st milt .t stops hurtliM. tlen .ii.nti) o.i I1''' that' mn oi ..n- ), ... t fft root tind nil. w l'.'.'il fill , ,,, , ,,, ,,. -., n.iv' oin bit of pain or soron. a. No lunula'!;! Physicians, Prescriptions Our Specialty DruB Stores nro really neigh borhood dopnrtmont stores in which various lines nro feat ured. Ono druggist may push patonted preparations, an other tollot goods, cameras, optical sorvlco, tho fountain or othor department which nots him good financial re turns. Our specialty has always boon the filling of Physi cians' Proscriptions, and as a result our storo has be come a prescription center. We carry an exceptional took of proscription drugs, and our laboratory equip ment Is up-to-date. We em ploy only experienced grad uate pharmacists. All of your Prescrip tions and Reclplea are Impprtant and deaerre the pedal care which we are able to give them. IV- I V .,.'....., .,.f fior-rJ.lHl i 'S , lLArill IMI-L.1 untllUII llljl - ', KLAfW II TALLS 0l?Ef,0rl i,t!?w I KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON (or H is (ciiiiin Hie Londoner In IuUhk IiIh pli'iimirc in ti r ti more ser ln'iii, dun when I wan Inst there." .11 sr nm eu: vi i.ic. I .lll li" here for Just oni' week f"r i'i i'irioM nf inking orl ri for tli. N'ntlorifil Weather trlp Thin "'i' r'in li" put on imy door or wln- ".whether in nlil building, or new IIHl will n'runlllt'-i'' keen hi t'" rfil.l mill iliint It Id Indestructible anil will ! an rood twentv vpnni from now hh' w""" l"nll"il If Interested. I shall no Kinu to (nil on you nnd explain lirilL It uirb. It ...111 ...... t..m Itu.At i sianntions If you want It done tblK fall. I must Iteow It now. to enable me lo ret iho needed material and 'brine It hero on rnv next trln. If vnn r" Intcrcnted nlmne vour nnme and "''"", ,f th" Herald nnd I will call ""o,"'5""1, T T roI i im ' ' ciato Aven't. " '"'' "' "lOinber IhlR The dates for "t''"'"' ''"""' ' "' ,y, U . I 1 1 ' c JVhm -- New City Laundry vi: oi;.n .ti:i: en: wouk Sblrls and Collars 1.aiiinlerel We alo uasli .vllk, uool and col. ored kooiN er.v carefully. 'IVy us titue anil be (omlncetl. Our prices are right. I'lione mi. 127 Fourth Street Itaik of Tlrst Xallonal Iiank J CONTRACTING IN CONCRETE Cement Work of all Hindi and Hoofing Let Me Make You an Estimate W. D. MILLER Contractor passengers and Baggage AXVWHKKE IX THE CITY QUICK SERVICE KEASOXAHLE HATES I'lIOXE 187 WesternTransferCo. It's a Long way to walk If you are out In tho country nnd find that tho repair work you had done does not stand up try us and you'll rldo and not walk. Hoagland & McCollum Wo buy and sell Xctv nnd Second lnuid Cats. Speak to us before jolt buy. AVo can sate you mon ey. AVutih for our specials. GLASS Phono 1110 and I como nnd give ou n prico that will savo you money. Carpenter nnd Cabinet Work. E. C. STUCKY. 1110 .Main. Phone 34CW. Coe's Jitney Service Day Phono 108 LAWRENCE'S CIGAR STORE Klamath Falls, Ore. Highest cash prices paid for fino OREGON INDIAN PIPES AND OTHER RELICS Postoftlco Box 266 KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. Phone 460 Ice Cream 729 Main St. Candles PASTIME Jack Monrow, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Drink.B Peel and Billiards Harbor Shop; In oCnnectlon OUR MOTTO "Courtesy and .Sort ico" Jy-- nit. w. m. rleything, SPECIALIST In diseases of tin- heart and NERVOUS SYSTEM. Consultation In your own home without charge. Residence Office lib and .Main Sis. Phone 71 Liveiy, Feed and Sales Stable Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable IOliK 'flip Our Special!) lEeaMinable en I'lionc l.'t!) h'1'2 Klanuilli Ate. COZY RESTAURANT NOW OPEN 7U0 Main Street Meals served from 6 a. ci to 0 p. in. good corrnn and itn.ii CItlUM Your Home Laundry Damp Wn!i, 20 IA-. T."e KIXISIIKI) WOHK KI.AT WOHK HOUGH DKV "Put Vour Duds In Our Suds" MIONE 421 Corner .Alain And Conger .H.HMMMMHMMMM...MM. V.,'.V','.'.M. HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station We handle tho Harley-Davldson Motorcycles nnd lllcycles Exclus Ively. Also buy, sell and exchange all other Makes. Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires nnd Tubes.. C. E. BISMARK 115 S. Oth St. Klamath Falls -. iN KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair ing Xew Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and ltlncksmithlnjr ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 250-Y 017 Klaninth Ave. J V'SfSsNkwtN KOH XY KIND OP EURNITURE Seo Andy Mauritsch At No. 10 Main Street. TOY MD PHONE 170-J Phone :tl(l-J 11 "TJ Main St. O. K. Lunch AND CONFECTIONERY Formerly nt -15 Mnln St. Honic-Made Pics and Cakes. Cold Meats & Lunch Goods. Ico Cream and Fruits. SEE ME For Carpentering, Furniture Re-I pairing, Linoleum Laid. HENRY SM1T;H The Handy Han" MM MAIN ST. CONVENIENT HOSPITAL ROOMS DR. A. A. SOULE X-Ray Surgery Medicine Phone IBM 40 Main MMMAMArrMrrMArrrMrrrrrMrW E. L. ELLIOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW 111-14 Wllllts BWg. Klamath Falls : Oregon I'ACIH NKVEr. PROFESSTOMA1 CARDS PRIVATE HOSPITAL V w 0f n for MMl'lllil ( IIM'S 301 High St. Phone 455 'I Hi: IMKISIAV IIKAl'TY HIIOP I'iKlnl .MnsHainK, HleiK liln and I'n tin I liiils Munlrurlni;, Shampooing J Hcalp Trcttimnt ( .lift ffil rimno son - I X- H. C. SCHLEEF KATIIERINE SGHLEEF 1'IijhI( Inns anil SurKeoiu) Office, While IIIiIk. :--::;-' "" DR. G. A. MASSEY SncecNsor lo Dr. Truax Suit i!00, 1. O. O. !'. ItldK Ofllce photic MM Itc I'lionc MIM DR. CARTER im.VTIST '.VIMTi: ItUlMHNG I'JIO.m; :t5 DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver I'HO.m: :w i Dr. P. M. Noel piie.m: 4 Oicr Undent noil's Set en th and Slain Streets FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Loomls Illdg., Klamath Falls r , DR. C. A. RAMDO Dentist I. O. O. F. Building PHONE 01 CITY A-ND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY D17 Main ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic I'bynlilnn H 8urge .Suite 211, I. 0. O. F. Tempi (over K K. K. Bloro) Phone 821 . . (The orly Osteopathic Phyto clan and Sergeco In Klamirt Falls ) SAW .MILL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION, IO. Dcifjiier mid builders of mixl eru Saw Mill-., Planing Mills, Hot Plant". Complete pl.mti rontraet. ed. Apprai-nK and repoits maile Dredging. Wo contract lo build any class of ,1 building nnd Install machiner.t of .in.t kind. Drafliug of ail) Kind done. Ill lie PrinUs made. PHONE 140.1 Olllce in K. D. Hulliliug J. C. CLFGHORN Citil Engineer and Surteor Office 517 Main St. Phone, Office, 100. Res. I02M. WELL DRILLING VochaUcr Bros. & lUubxuba Merrill, Oregon Or' McDonald Peel Room Klamath Falls, Oregon RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W rJrSVjK :lj. SHANGHAI RESTAURANT t CHOP BUEV AND NOODLE t HOUSE ;. l Short Order Jleals Hurt Hi. F 72 .Main Street P KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. '. A - A A A AAA A A A A A A A AV.. A A. . y fj VV VV VVVV VSW V V I; ii j?f X CO. , 2l-0tf'"K toko auu out or aco taruots. v I AMrrArarVrVW