r.,llAV. ''V '" """' nnfn ' II rah lb 1 BORDER anil Infiniliy )iliiilniiciil' flr . , .... ......,...tN '"' uill tiiirn" , Iiii'IIIkIii'I or Mexi- fn I'ASO. Tex II" ,lulv .Ike tl, MM'- "" ... ..... .i..v- .. Hnchln""r,f . Kinked'1" ihf Inilli"1 " . . ,,.,.. ...i.u j-j.nf nniltli" ""' "' lu, ly nutrnuilltiK I"1""1'1 ' ""... '.,,.. l'n if "'"" . .... ..... i..ii..i . .. . cl l" n'"" ' .. ninrnt oW" """" " ' ..,, ,Mexlciui l.onler will t. cotutrurti-o Srdortopreve.it l..rHton. -,,, ,,, fr(( ,., (,)(y v M ft,N,rdrr Tli ,Ul' ''"' ,' . ' ,l,,,,,r -lnin.-iitn .liirlnK the w,,r Ih, nellle I" " '"1,! ' "r ,''",.. heiiiluttiirlerrt will l, loct.-d at firoa lrowl"n1" ",,,'... f , ',l"' "' tpoHtn nt lluchlii.. j r.rrl.one.1 l.y dc iflrhi.'u-i r Tl. Corner Hunch. HluiiKlitnrM n.t.rl, ,,!. tnd "vnlry from Hi- " ,, 0)ir MriKr ,, ,,. lJ((i wn dcpartmi'tit ,New'.lexi'o hunter Kiich outpoHt wll! Connlrucllon work In In ir mrr roM U1inH(,,im(,,y 1JM,(I0 ,, w on Ihrw Pfrramirnt oulpoMH In Ilic ,, b1l , , ..niervUlo.. ,.r ,t... n Po dWrlcl inclutllnic t"" s nml nub-ilWrlct of Texim nml " ..WIIiIrM of N,'A M"l,7 " 'l llrnnrh depot, of (he ,,, ,ppl, nf,l. where r.yM.;:.rn((1(,lml n ,,, wn M lute occirn-i" i"-'- "'i-'--- (tin bull' l'k" 'I"' Idoi'kholt'ei of frontier da wlin (n-tirii.-i rur lOMdlBR ih 1H "dot.; mid r.rh'hMj . ,11, j I. .ill. In III., fur... nf II .lilllll "UII"IR, ' , l,Ufl-t'jClvetlirbe3: pi 'Id! ' ' r ,'vi rrolertlon t Pnlvi U-ill ,. It.JMnl. "'l'n '';rlli" .il Vnln !'lr i:H lh(" dutl0t- nrn lielnu ('Oil uroflrd undi-r the illrectliin of Col ; Ceorgo I-inp'iornf roninmiuler of Ihf luli-ban- A cnntiiiiiiu-iii hNo l " Mm: built nt Mnrfn. T.-xn. M uillen frvm thf border to bere ui In int., (partem for the oulpottii j In the Kl I'ftto dlntrlqt proper nrt' come on in iLMm mam' H1C1ASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR SAI.R "" - .11.1 UL wk BALE 5H acres; 225 acres un o irrustlon. 40 acres to !.. rniii.l uted iboro ditch; rest good pasture :. V5i'T: 200 n-rM now In Reed ..i...j . '"-0' K"Qa "'"".I ritior ana crop Included forl 12.600. i j c. am nnnAM a- . a. i tn,irAr)ntrftc,,.lovo,: under ditch, j Irrititfd iin7 r. i . or l)?.rBalni n Ltik. n. ' ,, r !nfor'ln oPPly t the Oregon House. H-Ct I nr ,,.;I1A,D A"'011 fT nlo two ivio iieei: onn 1914 nvnrini P,!fll8AJ,5-nooil ryo hay also al m I o.hay ani1 Paturo. Call 338 tn Bt. or Phono 247 M. 12-tf NJMSHKD llOMSB-for salo. C t .ttt?.ara Dosemont and store ft.1 N""" from Cth nd Mam roitofflco box 301 x if r0kw.!'lTnnll5r buBI"r nnA bby ton, v.. ,.. , . wnastain. 237 Joffor- 17-3t HtTDllAn, i. ..... .'. "T '.or lo or trade feet, reckoned from h nhii.hn.i wy. ."2 Vino St. Mills Ad-'city 18-Ct ilVJor Salo nt 83ft 17-8t FOR RENT .?.KT-S room flat. 112 nr month i a i. ,'"" por Btinn. A. A. Mohaffoy, 431 Main 17-31 esgSLl" r'" noar 4th. 17-Sf iJELP WANTED' NTEDMa w arm work. Close in. om apply Horald office. 8-tt JJtrWood-i2R JSHJCELLANEOUS "is High. 17-8t ijTPivr ,t4 no h? ono 1 cu nrt r Maln St. Phone .88. 17.8t "ANTEnZTTr : '"Upsrnn n, T,cotlfm fftB-- JfPound. Horald Office. 1 mi.. 7 r. nt KEn (pillpdM Ih boltil, lilllll lit Hie Himtii IV 'street npproitc.h (it Iho liifi-niiitloiiul 'bridge to -Inure M'IiIh will hoii-i. Hi illiuiiimnluil cnwilry bridge KUiinl wlui Inspect every lliliu: m-nt ii. Mex U-o. At YkIi'Iii, .-'hIii-iin, Fort M tit k lillil Hlemi Illiill'ii, Tex -Hull. i lillllillliK" lll li erectm! for I In- i,ii rot mill iliiliii'liiiiutH Kiiiirilliu: ih. ford flniii .Mexico, All will lie plimi'-r -il with cement on tlin nxii-rlur mil ' i will liitvn Mnlili'H fur I'nviilry lior.' ielcrtrlc lighting HyMtPiiiH. niiiiiliiK i wider, shower iiHuiH nun minium i' KUdlinin. A nuiluiiiiii-iil Ih ,. , ntexs KltdiKiiH. l""lt (,f l"',r,( '" r"rt "IImh "' """ "' reoro troop for these ,tiiilptiNtn wlili-li will lfic(tliln 110 men "' '"" "ft.lc" eiidi. flUtliiml till Mil IIKH niilii' tin. '..i ,;, ,,,, ,,,,, ,lir,rill(lll,ir.H of. fjrt iiIiuh: the bonier to xupply thi-H.. out ywin nun iruin, wiikoii mill (iiir. , trulim firirfitilu-il lit i-.pu ; .n.'.Hl I iKjrder oiilpott lili'liif Jh. lt!. nrmiile. .verici: I i now tin imre.l to fnmi.lT. Khimtit fiinil from the Ilony, rtim . , " snivel pit. m any immitlty n"7,"i . ""'"r,',l "Y com rur tor . mul hulldurr), AI. F OnAHAf. lllAI) liritAl.li Al IT I'AVS LEGAL NOTICES wAv ..-r....,..,... ,...., ..., . AKHI-.fvS.MKNT ROI.lJi RKAIIV. ""5 Assessment roils nro now ready for the Insnectlon of tiixnaver ma. . . Tho Assessment rolls aro now axpayers. Thoso who want to seo what tholr Ian n?c,,Hlm,nt If or h w'"l' f lut ny cltnngo before rolls aro turned over to tho Hoard of Equall- cation, can do so until August 1. 110. J. P. I.EE, County Assessor, '20t ,,-,., ,.,nv .i .I. i HESOM,TION to change tho grade on Fifth Street between Main and ' lino Stroets: i WHEREAS, tho Common Council dooms It expedient to change the grndo on Cth Stroet between Main i f -THE Aire; nnd Pine Stroots In tho City of Klam ath Fulls. TIII3KKFORE, BR IT RESOLVED, that the grado on Cth Street botwoon Main nnd Pine Street bo changed as follows, to-wlt: At 120 foot from tho northerly uno or Main Street on nth Street from elovotlon H.9.00 feet to lfi4.no Mum. Dwun ih urogon, votinty or Klamath, City of Klamath Falls ss I. A. L. Loavltt. Pollco Judge of jnld City, do horoby certify that tho foregoing Is n duly enrolled copy of tho ronclntlon changing grndo on th Stroet between Main and Pine Rtreots, or above set forth, as pnssod by Iho Copunon Council of tho City of KlHinath Falls Oregon, on July 18-10t ('Signed) A. 1,. T,KAVITT, Police Judge. NOTICE Owing to shortage of Labor, and pmJo of collecting-, Beginning July Bth 1919, we will go on a cash baa la. No wood deliveries will bo made unless paid in advance, or sent C. O. W. B. SRRHORN. 1 O. PBYTON. is-at MKN WANKED. Planor, man. edger man, cut-offs, off-bearers and tie up men, for night hlft. Apply Big Lakes Box Co. 14-6t Will pay B conts per pound for clnnn cotton rngo nt Hornltl Offlco. THE EVENING HERALD, T RNHAIRnARK J as lilllll LJ III 111 I " . vi "mum iw in" niMiiiin Iflll I H UllJ I ( L n '"'"' lM ""r'l""'"'l l" I'Ichm- go over uif 1 1 n nil hi ! r Hi1" "'" M",m' mh" o,,," -f" " ' ' UIIUL. I Lit mid .-njoy yourself. Jlimiiii. rjiirk ir mii;i with si i cm )t n MAItKI-AS so il ItW.l.V N( IWJD. A '11:1.1, 'I'll- old time mixture of Hni-e Ten r" "uipiiur tor ilarKcri 11a amy. iiem,ei mm rmleil Imlr In cram). m,,,,l"r" I'-elpe, mill folk lire urn 1 11 "": " to Keep tm-ir Imlr n good, ' 'l'r. wliliii iH (mile H-tmlble, i" u" ' HvltiK In mi nKe when n yo'iiiuill niiliriirntiru it of tlie crat. ent ii (hunt me Nowodnjn, though, we don't lmvo the (roiihli-MJiuc tmik of KiitheilnK Ui ane mid the mmwy inlxltiK fit home., All OniK HliircH rell the rcmly-toufti , product, Improvt-d by tho nililitlon of other liiKreillotitn, cnllcd 'Wyi-th'ii Hare mid Hiilphur Compound- for iibuiit Ml ceiit a boitle It l very populiir liei-iiime iioboily inn dlncover ,t him been applied Simply molMen J""r iniiib or n m.fi liniNh with It and draw thl llirourh oiir Imlr, tnklntc ue utiuill dlriiiul at a time by morn Iiik tiie Krny I nlr illHappe.irH, bin what ilellKhtH the ladle with Vr'tli' .ili nml .Sulphur Coiiipoiiiid Ik thht lni-lileM lienmifiill)' ilnrkenlni: the half after n few nppllrmioti, It iiIko pro due ik Hint Kofi liutre mid nppenrnric .iDiiiidmire which In ho uttrm tlu WHEN YOU WAKE UP DRINK GLASS OF HOT WATER Wnnh thi poltong nnd texlns frotd L ! i.ytem before puttlny mere r feed Into itorruch. I Sys Iptlde-btthlnq rakcj any- ono look and feel clean, twtet tnd refrethed. nh yourself on tho InMdu before litwiMarst like ou do on the ouuldc. Th Ih vastly uiori Importmit because tho hkln pores do not absorb Impuri ties mo the blood, cuuMdk illness, while the bowels pores do. Tor every ounce of food and drink taken Into tho stomach, nearly an ounce of wasto materl.il must bo cap rled out of tho body. If this waste ma Iteritil Is not eliminated day by day It quickly ferments and generates pols-1 'ons, kuhc.1 and toxins which aro ab sorb! d or sucked into tho blood stream through tho lymph ducts which should suck otriy nourishment to sustain the body. A splendid health measure Is to drink, before breakfast each day, a glass of real bot water with a tea spoonful ot limestone phosphate In it. ( which Is a harmless way to wash these ' poisons, gases nnd toxins from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels; important to keep clean and pure on ,thus cleansing, sweetening and fresh lenlng the entire alimentary canal bo , nulling num. fnn.1 Jntn fbn Knm- . acn A quarter pound of limestone phos-1 p,,B" C6,B " wr7 u ut lno a stort. but is sufficient to make anyone Athuslast on Inside bathing. Men wake up with a dull, aching head or .v ,. ., hari -.. . l,avo ,urrpd 'on. J8- nM5 brentb. sallow complexion; others who lmvo bilious nttacks, acid stomach or constipation aro assured of pronounced Improvement In both health and ap- .,,... ..,,i j P" Khortly.-Adv. Physicians9 Prescriptions Our Specialty Drug Stores are really neigh borhood department stores In which various lines are feat ured. One druggist may push patented preparations, an other toilet goods, cameras, optical service, the fountain or other department which nets him good financial re turns. Our specialty has always been the filling of Physi cians Prescriptions, and as a result our store hss be come a prescription center. We- carry' exceptional stock of preserlptloa drugs, and our laboratory equlp sasstis up-to-date, We em ploy -only experienced grad uate pharmacists, An of yaw Prescrlp ttoBS asd Kectptesare . fpcirtsat a eaerre Mm si(ssl' ear watch we are 'able to KLAMATH rALLS OREOOri mJf VI Uixdcrwootfs Pharmacy V'Z KLAMATH TAUS ORE0ON mlf I KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON M.U Olirill.STItA W'11,1, PI.AV. If mmi until Ui (Inure to tin. Mf rnlun r Iuim n.-dircd the NiTVli-fH of 11 now or-cli'-Hint mill iiHKUr'l( ;ill those who m- iMIll till) lil-Ht In Hiujiff- The ri-Knl(ir Kittiiriliiy hIkIiI dunce Will III. In-Ill nt I),,. 0.r, lloiinn to- till.ht Htiirtlnx "I ! I'. M. - j.i ii...,......i.... .1.1. -.1... .. ... Mm Klkr," Convention are August 14, ,u "" .'i reaily, -. ifea&HL Its a Long way to walk If you are out In tho country and And that thu repair work you had dono (Iocb not stand up try ub and you'll ride and not walk. Hoagland & McCollum Wo liuy nml sell .New and Second luuiil C'nri. Speii k to us before jou buy. We enn axo you money- Watch for our ipoclalii. Oassengers and Baggage A.vvvni:it; in thi: citv QUICK HKUVICB HKASO.VAllLi: ItATKS 1'IIO.SK 187 WesternTransfer Co. CONTRACTING IN CONCRETE Cement Work of all Kinds ami Hooting Let Me Make You an Estimate W. D. MILLER Contractor vwmwwwn. i) New City Landry WE GCAR.NTEE OUR WORK Shirts and Collars Lanntlered We also wash silk, wool and col ored goods very carefully. Try us once and be convinced. Our prices are right. Phone 1B4. 127 Fourth Street Back of First National Bank SUNDAY EXCURSION on Upper Klamath Lake Tho launches "Spray" and "Oak land" will run excursions every Sunday, leaving the mall boat landing at 8 a. m., allowing five hours at Rocky Point. Fare (1.60 from lending for round trip. Bus leaves Western Transfer office at 7:30 a. m. Calkins & Hamilton WWWMWMMXWMWMMm GLASS Phone me ant? I come and give you a price that will save you money. Carpeartrr and Cabinet Work. K. C. STTJCKY. 1140 Mala. Phone S40-W. Coe' Jitney Service Day Mrane 168 IiAWRENCSrS CXOAR STORE Klamatk Falls, Ore. Highest cash prices paid tor fine OREGON INDIAN FIPES AND OTHER RELICS Poatoffico Box 266 KLAMATH FALLS, ORB. I I ! i i Phone 460 789 Mala St. Ice Cream Candies PASTIME i Jack Moarow, Prop. : Gtgrsr Tobacco, Soft DrUk J Peel and, Billiards - f Barber Shop In oCnnection OUR MOTTO "Courtesy nnd Service" Il. V. M. M.nVTIIIXO, SPECIALIST In di.si:a.si:.s of the iikaiit nnd VKUVOCS SVKTJI. Conrultntlon In your own beme without chargo. Henldencc llli nnd .Main Sti. -Office I'honr 71 Lively, Feed and Sales Stable Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable lmc Trip Our Hpcclulty ltensotialile ItatCH I'll. me V.W H22 KlftinatliAxe. lV"VrrlrrArlf', COZY RESTAURANT NOW OPEN 720 Main Street Meals served from 6 a. m. to 9 p. in. GOOD COFFEE AND REAL CREAM k-C"--:-:-X'":m:' Your Home Laundry Damp Wash, 20 Lbs. 7.1c FINISHED WORK ' KliAT WORK ROUGH DRV "Put Your Duds In Our Suds" PHONE 421 Corner Muln And Conger V .7. --M-.XK-frK-:-X-sXV-v-X. HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station We handle the Harley-Davidson Motorcycles and Bicycles Exclus ively. Also buy, sell and exchange all other Makes. Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes. C E. BISMARK 115 S. 9txt St. Klamath Falls KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Klads of Spring Repair ingNew Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and Blacksmltbing ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phoae 2SY 617 Klamath Are. FOR AW KIND OF FURNITURE See Arndf MasjriUck At No. 10 Mate Street. ImC ME PHONE 174KJ VWWWVtVMMVMiWWiiMiArV ( n .tJ 1122 Maia St. O. K. Lunch AND OONFBCTIONERr Formerly at 45 Main St. Home-Made Pics and Cakes. Cold Mestte & Lmnch Goods. Ice Oreasa aad Fraits. SEE ME For Carpentering, Furniture Re-I pairing, Linoleum Laid. HENRY SMITH "Tfce Haady 1M MAIN BT. I CONVENIENT HOSPITAL ROOMS ' ' DJt A. A. 8OOXJ0 X-Ray Surgery Medicine Pkoae Wt-9 40 Mala pA0AAAA0AAA0mAAAAAAWWWW EUEIXIOTT ATTOUTJET AT LAW 111-14 WUlits Bldg. Klamath Falls Oregon I PAGE SEVEN PROFESSIONAL CARDS PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Mnternlly Cie"i 301 High St Phone 455 TIN! I'AUISIAV HKADTV SHOP I'ucliil MuwHtipJnK. Itlearlilnp and icdelal PnrkH Manlcurlui:. HhampoolnK Scalp Treatment .'Ift Main Phono 800 i hXm.x-.xc':-''M5- IZ H. C. SCHLEEF tf KATHERINE SCHLEEF I & l'liynlrlanfl and Hurgeona A Office, White IlldR. i r ' i ii DR G. A. MASSEY Hucrtwrtor to Dr. Truax Hult 200. I. O. O. V. Dldg Office plinne BO.I Hat 'Phone 8M DR. CARTER DENTIST WHITE IJUILDING I'JIONK :t85 DENTISTS E. G; Wi'secarver PHONE 35-J Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 Over Underwood's Seventh and Main Streets lr FRED WESTERFELD DENTMT Loomls Bldg. Klamatta Falls DR. C. A. RAMBO Dentist L O. O. F. Building PHONE 01 A00JUHMU4i i CITV AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY 017 Mala ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic PbyslcUa A Surgeoa Balte 11, L O. O. F. Temple (over K. K. K. Store) Phone 831 . . (The only Osteopathic Physi cian and Surgeon In Klsauts FaUs.) SAW MILL ENGINEERING A CONSTRUCTION CO. Designers and builders of mod ern Saw .Mills, Planing Mills, Box Plants. Complete plants contract ed. Appraisals and reports made. Dredging. We contract to build any doss of a building and install machinery of any kind. Drafting of any kind done. Blue Prints made. PHONE 149J Office in K. D. BuihUag J. C. CLEGHORN Civil Engineer and Surveyor Office 517 Main St. Phone, Office, 180. Res. 102M, WELL DRILLING Vochatser-Bros. Kssbsate Merrill, Oregon Or McDonald Peel Room Klamath Falls, Oregon RECKARLVS RENT SERVICE K. P., Bend Stags) PhoB 27S-W ' . SHANGHAI . RESTAURANT ' CHOP HUME AND NPUDLS HQUHB, Short Order Muli Hewed. 73 Miiln Street KIiAMATH I'AI.I.'i, ORB. l! y J afCTJPJ3LW -7 BUBSORIlilS KOU THR URUAM) WmVT.T) gy inc, enja WtoW trAAAVNWWVWW ',XX"'H"HSMw