M,lMfM" VUlVtt M sn itn.w, .it i, n, Klin, Itt THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TJ PAGE FOCR rfl iotifc.--tWJrtrv The Evening Herald K. J. M I' II II A V rnrrnn I JAMES S SHKEHY City KOitjr Published dally except Sunday b Site Herald Publishing Company ot Kteraath Falls, at 115 Fourth street Xntnrod at the postofflco at Klam Wk Falls. Ore., for transmission thru Ike malls as socond-clasa matter. 8ttbscrlptlon terms by mall to any Adress In the United States: Oae year JB 00 e month .50 Member of the Awx-lnted Pre' The Associated Press Is exclusively b titled to the use for republication 4( all news dispatches credited to It r not otherwise credited In this pa ver, and also local news published fcvreln. All rights ot republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also re wred. SATritDAY, .H'liY 11). lIO. SOCIETY NOTES of the WEEK H Too much activity from the sun's jsrays has kept the usual number of iS 'weekly social gatherings down to a t -minimum. Picnics, boating parties. Trips to Crater Lake and sur- 4,roundlng beauty spots and fishing trips to Diamond and Odell lakes hae ; been dally affairs. However, sever tl -""delightful gatherings have been he'd to lend interest to a somewhat quiet Focial week. '? A delightfully Informal dancing yarty was given Wednesday night by "Nr. and Jlrs. Forest Pell, at their Tiome on Washington street. The louse was decorated with Japanese lanterns and sweet peas. Punch was eerved during the evening to the dan cers. Those present were: Waive Ja cobs, Mary Ball, Mildred Burk, Mrs. Nyrta Carter Livermore, Miss Emma Peil. Mr. and Mrs. Hardin Carter, Clyde Brown, Louis Hoagland, Jas. S. Sheeny, Robert Riggs and Austin Case. j I Thirty-five young folks from the 'IDpworth League and the Christian "Endeavor society attended a Welner Roast given Thursday night at the camping grounds on tho west slilo of Link rlxor. Games wen- played until 9 30, when a large camp tiro was built mid everyone got a wotnor on Ms slick and ot about the business of roast ing it. Holde the welnors, hot buns and eoftoe woiv provided for the pic ulcers Declaring that they had enjoyed the time of their lives the young peo ple started homo at a late hour. ! Hob Ryan entertained a party ot friends Tuesday evening on a launi-h ride and picnic on Lower Klnmn'h lake. Tho party left the Telford boathouse at 6 o'clock and traveled about 15 miles before a Dutch bas ket supper was served . . The guests were Nell Mullen, Miss Mary Holen Guest. Miss Joe Drlscol, BessKllgore. Mary Ellen 51c Malion, Miss Loughlln. Mrs. Addle Walker, Byron Hardenbrook, Dan Ryan and Mr. Stein. ! At a luncheon Tuesday Mrs. A. W. Pell entertained a number of young women In honor of Mrs. Forest Pell, who recently came here from Mem phis. Tennessee. The table and house were a bower of Shasta daisies and delicate shades of sweet peas. Guests of tho luncheon were: Mrs Forest Peil. Waive Jacobs. Mrs Har din Carter. Mrs. Myrta Livermore, Mrs. James Foster and Mrs. Leslie Twllliger. In celebration for her thirteenth birthday, Beatrice Walton entertain ed a number of her little friends at a swimming party. The big pond In front of the Walton homo on Conger avenue furnsihed an Ideal pool for swlmmng on a hot day nnd the girls played around in tho water the great er part of the afternoon. When they tired of this sport Mrs. Walton served them with a birthday cako, candles .Ice cream and lemonade. Invited guests were: Ruth New ton. Ethel and Thelma Short, Gejie vieve Sweedenburg, of Ashland, Dor othy Delzell. Margaret Johnson, Cath erine Ulricb, Carrol North, Francis McLain, Emma Beln, C6nstance Crys tal and Katherine and Beatrice Walton. Donald Hunt, the son of Dr. War ren Hunt, will be a year old today and his mother la giving a baby party In his honor. There will be a bouse full of tiny people and their mother to vntPtlnlu Donald on this ln of dn. The following will be there: Mrs. Leslie Rogers and her two sons. Don ald mid James Evans; Mrs Joe lltelt and baby Lowtta; Mr". V. C. Van Union with Junior and Carl; Mrs. Andrew Collier nnd daughter. Marie; and Mrs A H Epperson and her lit tle bon George A. A. yWXMWAW At the Theatres MW tHMWWK Klamath Falls-Bend Stage OFFICE AT METROPOLITAN HOTEL 1114 Main St Phone 276-W. C. I. RECKARD, Reckard Auto Service. Sacrificed on the auction block of matrimony to satisfy a gru'dy father is the vlfclon seen by a young and beautiful girl In "Why I Would Not Murry," a powerful morality 1'lav produced by William Fox. which' will come to the Liberty Theatre for two days commencing Sunday afternoon. How this raving beauty avoids ma trimonial pitfalls, escapes an exist ence of misery, saves her i-oul and achieve happiness constitutes the bail of the picture. jThe story is told In an entertaining and unique man ner through thu working out ot a ncel Idea. The girl has four suitors whom "ho considers about equally desirable, but learns before she ac cepts any of them that her life would be ono of misery with an of them. Marguerite Clark's new j5ip plnv, "Three Men and n Girl." whteh In boing shown at the Star theatre .tonight Is one of tho best of he.- new repertoire. It is a charming picture based upon a famous Broadway sik oo.s nnd affords Miss Clnrk n dollght ful role of which sho makes the most The support Is most praiseworthy, thr leading man being Richard Jiar thelmess, a talented screen player "TUo Racing Strain." a romance of Kentucky and Saratoga, Is Mao Marsh's newest contribution to Gold wyn's series of screen successes, a production ot constant thrills, it Is threaded with a story of love nnd sacrlflco that is delightfully human "The Racing Strain," which comes to tho Star Theatre beginning Sunday has for one of its features a stirring horse race photographed at the Sara toga track at the height ot the rac king season. "Lucille Cameron (Mao Marsh), a plucky girl ot Kentucky, learns that her father. Colonel Cameron, is close to flnnnclnl rnin because of his friendship for and bis dealings with '"Big Jim" De Luce, a New York t horseman and wildcat stock promot. er. Onco tho owner of a blij lacing stable, a filly. Southern Pride, If all that is left him. Thero is a heavy ! mortgage long overdue )n il-c Cam eron estat" and tho Cano'im won der why no attempt is made a. fore closure. At a Red Cross lawn fete Lu cille gives, she meets Lieut. Gregory , Haines, Ju t lefurnr d wounded fiom ! France, risol" acquaintance -jim rip ens Into love, to tho chagrin of Big Jim, who lias annoyed Lucille with 1 his attentions. Tho resultant drama Is stirring and well worked out. t t t T ? r t T if t r t t Y Y t t t t y t f . .i. f Y Y f .i. v t T BEAUTY We Clean, Press and Repair EVERYTHING From a Heavy Suit to Flimsy Lingerie. We re-block Hats, and call for and deliver your goods. Klamath Dye Works 431 Main St Phone 408 i Tho time Is getting shorter every I day for you to do what should be done beforo tho Elks got hero on JAugust 1 1, 15 and 16. What aro you uolngT "How can I become more attractive now today?" First apply Pompeian DAY Cream (vanishing). It softens the skin and protects it from dust and weather; also serves as a powder foundation. Work the cream well' into the skin and this is very important so the powder which you are soon to apply will iftit stick in spots. Now apply Pompeian BEAUTY Powder. Then a touch of Pompeian BLOOM. (Some people prefer to dust a little powder again over the BLOOM in order to subdue it.) At once you have an added charm of beauty with a fragrance which cap tivates the senses. These three beauty aids can be used separately or together, as suggested above, as a "Complete Beauty Toilette." For Sale by , Whitman Drug Co 520 Main Street. Ph lone -143. 4HH4MKM On account of ear shortage wo will sell bIock at $2.!)9 per cord at our factory until further notice. Now is the time to get In your winter blocks. ! 17-tf. Ewauna Box Co. LIBERTY THEATRE "THE PICK OP THE PICTURES" WWWWVVWW'VMIAilWMWWWWWWWWWW H. W. Poole, Owner Matinee Every Day tfWWWV-WMMMAAAAAAVMMWWV-M--lMAAA0 Tonight CLARA WILLIAMS in "CARMEN OF THE KLONDIKE" Sunshine Comedy "HIS FATAL MARRIAGE" Sunday and Monday The Great Morality Play "WHY I SHOULD NOT MARRY" , DOORS OPEN AT 7 P .M. So Pompeian Cream can possibly cause a growth of hair on tho face. Whitman Drug Co. a M When you want butter that is butter eat Klamath Creamery BUTTER i .. y. The Hibernia Savings and Loan Society HIBERNIA BANK INCORPORATED 1864 . OFFICE MXrket, McAllister and Jones Sts. sAn FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Assets . . . $71,010,637.05 NUMBER OF DEPOSITORS, 83,560 AVERAGE AMOUNT OF DEPOSIT, $004.90 ' WRITE TO U3 FOR BOOKLET '"BANKING BY MAIL" ;,',, IK -V IU TORMBTr"