SI Ht iff " iltoaufc OfflClAH iMi'i: '' on-'iriAti papkh o KLAMATH FAtM ' Thirteenth Ycnr-No. 3,677 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1919 Price, Five Cent IpMzit ettittg u riffWIREKILLS w. simcuD NHILEAT WOBK .JIoiMemoyer Electrocuted I In rUulin Heavily J Charged Wire DIES IMMEDIATELY MANY CHILDREN ARE WITHOUT PARENTS l,OH ANOKLIIH, July Hi The "child mnrkel", it some pnrimiin sat Irlcnlly roler to the demand Iti Angeles for children for ndnpl Iimi continue active. ' Hardly n day nmnn tliut tin- (Mill-1 dritn's Home Society, which cures for orphan until It cun find ktiltulili foster parents, does not have u mini her of requests for children Thin ilrinnni' Im strengthen"!! by re fcular advertisements In tin Want add COlUU.f Of tllO I.OH AllKcl IK'WH- paper. Thtdc want-ad urn InlereU nig. A sample follew: "Wanted a home for Viola, ijulf t American girl, uged II; Irene, bright. Spanish, It; Mary, pretty. Italluii, 7: -Charlotte, colored, 0: Murjorle, 8; ma. very bright, 9; Itusiiel. hoy bunntniii hlhu vuill uunainuui i in oiioniDinftirr) nnnri niiii'Dino ii Liit-un iiiniLii miiiiLi uiiii iumi GRAZING CRISIS IS MOST REMARKABLE IN STATE'S HISTORY HELENA, Mont July K -Tho year of Urougnt wnicn nas precipiint- ou a cru'.ui,; criria uruer 0:111:11 iumo of thousands -if "dttle, horses nnd n.iecp are to t cj rent to Minnesota, Iti'pietfittatlve Mcl-'nildrn Charge Supporter of "Little Theater" More- V.lscondn an-i mhragi:.. 10 Braze, in Controller of Currency William.' ment Will Ilulld .Vew Ornamental' "'' to ,,, U'P """t mUMt In tlic annals of the ttagc. The dry With Defrauding the (iovrrnmrnt Plajhouw- In I.o Angeles weather hua caused serlour forest Ak for Investigating Commit. firjs and wo'r nre (en red. fr August Ire is more critical ;:iona man juij. I.01 Angelej, July 15. MIm Alice' while Scple nlv nnd October are of ten the worst of all. The rivers are Ion... Tho Mtriourl at BOX SHOOK PLANT WILLBE BUILT) Duraxdull, known In New York, the WASHINGTON, July 19 Churges Middle Wen and California thru her t hut John Hkelton Williams, comp-j support of the "little Thcitru ' troller of currency, aided his broth ur, U)iili II. Williams, of Richmond, Virginia, In negotiating for the pur- n.otonient and of the of drama, has announred that she will construct a playhouse In Los An geles to coit $200,01)0. Vroier'i J"1')' wl" ' "'nM' orjagfd 10: American, mniirt. very nlrn.chust' by the government of property1 The site of the playhouse will he PMlli TW Afternoon lccrac Rtlr llrturnr.: From Over-,,--8urlrd h) Younic Wife Pcith ' Instantaneous yenlcr y.fterno.mat 4 10 P. M. to Will Urn I,. Strickland 2. " employee of J, Wlllard Smith. hou-emovrr. when -ks itlctitpted to 1111 a live " " npearancfl: John, 9. fair complexion. WushlDRtnn valued at four mil AnwriMit. Btanley c. fnlr. small n'oli H ,,.,, thoul)und dollB size; morns, , i'iiri .iai.i.e-i 11 mil- unlly qulrtc ; liiko, 8 nii'l hU hrolhur Finn, 6, Jewish, oho Him, nice hoys; Pir.ivla, 10 .Medcui., very 'irU-ht mid wllllnir." Or eat Falls never has been In own to better claf, ibe so low. Leading cities have begun to worry about their supplies of wat er for drinking and domestic pur poses and conservation Is being urg ed and even commanded by municip al ordinance. The drought Is wider spread than It has been heretofore. Not only the JIMMI' I.YTI.K IlKTUHN'H. James !ytfl. who wns employed by the I'ellcnn Hay Lumber com- -.t.i-, im will. oer the roof of il'P'D" provious to 111 on iihiiii.mii iii iiia . .Twentieth KiiKlueers, nlurned on th( hottue tlinl wnrKineii - lust nlRht's trnln nfler recclvliiR his dlitchnrKO from tho nrmy Jimmy 1 t t Hlth Street. A soon us ine wom-.i,, v,,r. w known hum and It will Third Street, between I'lne anil; Olive Hill, lying in the fashionable residence district betwen Loh Angeles and Hollvwood It cnnilHtN of an nllvn and thut he received purt of the com- trp crown(.d hPKht only a few blocks so-called dry-farming counties, which mission for th sale, was made be- from the foothills of Holl) wood Moun ranked a.? semi-arid in the past and fore the house rules committee to- tain. 1 were used chiefly for grazing, but prr-sent plan, the the fertile valleys of the south and wet have felt the heat. Even IrrlRa tlon has not always assured good Ho asked the house to report his resolution providing for the ap- the hill. I begun to run low polntmeut of 11 special committee tol "-.uure 01 me toiisirucuon win . . . .. ' be an open air restaurant on the tor-- Investigate the charges He an- .-,,,.,,. ; I race of tho theater. iiouticeil tnul II Die invosiiKauon was not ordered he Newly Organized Crater Lake Compaay will Build Three Cute Plant ou Spar of Pelican Bay 1 ber Company day by Republican Representative McKadden,' Arcorllr,K to present plan. the 1 llifiritnr will hriVf an nrnntitpnfal irnr. Pennsylvania, today. , .,, ',' ,th ,',, ,,t. "" - ..-....-. out ground of olhe trees on the hide of crops, for water for thnt purpose has .of , Actual work on the project proo- r . . ... , would prefer , . ... . . . .. , ., . , .,, fa alo.t the hullillng realized that ,uk ,,,, ... ,,. .,.,, for ,,. -,., charges on the lloor nf the i.ouhm u ,,,,. w, bo aMW ,lnif, , , .. ,,,i .. 1 ..... .,,1,1 . ... ami asKs tor ttie iiiiikmc inivnt 01 i,.,. Strickland had be?." electrocuted iiie f,w. lUya ()1 hrun u() ()M ()1, frU(Illl. u.i SELFISHNESS III ruihcd to Ids andM.ince .nuil cnrrled lilm from Hie roof of the limine I)r Jlamcy wa Itiuiiedlntely cnllei'. but lint aid was uole as Strickland liad died foon after, touching th lre. Ills Imdy was removed to Whit lock' CnilertukliiR I'arlors. J JtftordlnK to tits eniplojer. J. WH-1 Urd Smith, ntul fellow workmen Strickland w riven full wariiliiR nf , hnjr of liaitilltiiR the wires when hf voliintcerc'l to r:tle them o that the houc fnilld be moved. "I knew thodarikvr In iIoIiir such u tnsk" said Smith In (PNiMiik nf the tniRedy "I turned lilin not' to do It. but ho l:i slitrd that lie li.'iil some cxporlenco In handling wires 11ml hurried to nc complUh tho work," Strickland succeeded In pulling on wlro over the edge of the house. In taking hold pt a second wire, his body came In contact with the wlroj be had already lifted oer the edge' ships nmuu: the cittrens of Klamath rails 1 T E E to c em 111 iiiiiiuiiin M. Ilnrnirlnll h.iu loff fir n fntlr Controller Vllllamsisnlil t.xi.iv thnr nf ,.. odent und whllo In Toklo will the charge were utterly without ... , , tti, yranU. I.lojd Wrlslu. the , foiindutlon ami wore fashionable ehlcnjro architect In reKard to pl.111 jfiom the tntt to finish. He nld he for ihe- proposed theutor. Mr. Wright (hnd no Interest In the sale of the ai- t, f-nunu-d 'n building the Imperial lliiKloii prupert to th goveintuent ,roklr. IIotl 'n Toklo. .iinl r- -I'.' I no r inipi!!iM!on from 'It Another box shook mn.aufacturinst p'.nn. is aspired for Kluai'h Fal'a wl'UIn the next few months witi w .rkjni; plans for the new:y orrn' 'r ed Crater Lake Box Company well in hand T'reHi.ianrv announc3ment3 as gt 'en o .1 t- II. C. Merryman. wb is ee,iretary of the new tor-pitnrl-.n, arc to the effect (hot u. 3 cui-off box shook manii'a :t.rhr will be built. A. E. Whitman, of the Whitman Drug Company, is acting president of the new undertaking. They are capitalized for $60,000. ' The site for the new plant will b3 on a epur off the Pelican Bay Lumbe Company, if such arrangements caa be conveniently made. Exactly who will draw the plans and build tho plant, as well as the other business men who are. Interested In the under taking will be announced at a later date. TOWARD C BIG ONES BITE FOR ! FIRST TIME OF THE 1 YEAR AT ODELL LAKE M SEVERAL FIRMS BID ON KLAMATH BONDS For tho first time since wnv 'pn-k In the. sixties, or thereabout, then- Is to tin 11 dally stage mill betweii U1K cltv and Ashlnnd. according t a tele-,.,l I, .il.iv l.i li.(.ii.iNleri"K "' pei-iiHim-iii 1 mills' !." n; Sale of bonds by Klamath fniiu'' 111 ll un. of $31 7. To ( for tho 'iiitld 1 gram Oulzull. Tho tulegrum stutes Him ginning July 21st. flrt class null III bo handled between Klumniti I'.MIs nud Ali land by stage, the bid o' rV Hownid Auto Stage compniix hiivliu: be()Ti accepted. 1 niler this arrangeineiit i' wilt ' 1 possible to get mall from thp uirth w. 1 fore bidders this afternoon o'clock 11' the Coupty Court H:ii4 It l uiiilorstijod that no l tnnu five firms are competing Or ttV bonds, wbleh ore in th dni'nl'n linns of Jiooi' inch cccmih i . lust numbered bunds for " ' ' n: ! J'-'U I respectively of tho roof His body cat I a short-1 ... ,.. , ..,.,,,.... ,1 l. I ...... . lllllll l lll'U III IUHI ........ n .... m rom. ig ,n coninri huh notn f ,,, ,)y ,0 lrin ,, WJLL SPEND SUMMER lln An. I .IahII. ....... I. ...I 1 1... -........, .,vuiu iiniiiivil llllllllM nuMlatplv. siuii. Strickland la j-vvcd by his wife. I "ho was In the employment of tho Esrauna Ilox Company at tho llmo of the accident, two slstnrs nnd his mother, who nrn nt his home In Brtntwll, California, and it married hler residing In Montana. The body IU be shipped to Ilrcntwoll ou Sun h.r for Internment. Mr?. Btrlckland's Wrents and relative nro In Sacra mento. Sho leave Sunday morn ""K to meet thom. l'f. and Mrs Strickland lmv !... trrld but ,ix months, nnd wo0 ' Wring (he country by anton.oblle. lie recnlly returned from, over-sens tlT, "'" ,st AuiniiinUlon ""'n. Ho Is now In ii, , t llrrlA- ' ' n' ' UIIII ZV T Ar'"v insurance, his eT!-!!,ron"lw''ti.o.ionth --..vrs jury will lu.l.f n v, Mr Dolxnll states, to hae i biisluoss carrier delivery, thiirt'i .Ih Wljl bi controllod to 11 Rieat nt-iil by tho tlmo tho limit reaches till- ! - family along with Mr and Mrs S! from Ashland. The hour for "lining j uiund Stern, of 81111 Francisco ariiv. tho mail has not been set. 1111I nf.led In Klam.ith Falls night. They !not ho until Mr. Pelzell lies i cpii jwlll leave shortly for the I'ellcuu iln- feronco with Mr. Howard, which will! Lodge, where they will spend th bo on Monday. "Take a Wilson Wobbler. a.TangOi Midget, a number six flv. arc! r.j .black gnat and you can catch aTrt!!' 1 fish you want In Odell Lake." said " ' tofiO Jutx Vi "Japan d.-e. not) "Ooc" Powell, after returning front BUSINESS MEN WILL pretend to '.e '.-hollv unselfish in . a very enjoyable and profitable trip AID IN CONVENTION her policy toward , Mnn ' ?r.s the, early this week from the rouch-Tisit- j Herald of Asii, a coiwervaMve lour-led fishing haunt. r.t-'tii. 0 11.11 c.-operaton fromjnal of Japanese thought. "Japan Is Of general Interest to all sports-, .ill Imtre34 -iiipes bruoiit the city protecting China chiefly for the sake men'ii 'Toe" Powell'.! trip and finrt w. r the k-ynole of the business 'of her own security," the paper" con-i.inus. for it Is the first time tMs year :n v s -:eMing thr" was held last ' tinued. lt,,at ,,,e fIsh have started bltlner in night In thu hlk'a Building to liy I "Japan cannot allow China to bar- Odell Lake. According (o Powell the hefore the busli'es interests etery t?r away her birthright een if she 'moon changed last Friday night and '"ill Jirt angle of t'i comieg con- s simple enough to engage In such Hhe big fellows were easy to land Sat- folly. If China wants to test Japan's urdny afternoon, slnceritv let her refuse all further I "When the wind conies up in the concessions to accidental nations and j afternoon you can hook three and. .ecure for all time the Inalienatlon 1 four pounders with ease," said "Doc" other territory, and Japan's task In enthusiastically. "Trolling also brings icgard to China will be finished. 'n the big ones Odell Lake surely is "it is a question, however, whether the spot to get fish from now on. But' 'hlna is vet able to do without the don't fail to take a Tango Midget and ' assistance of Japan in keeping for-, a Wilson Wobbler as well as . ... . ....- 1...I.. " l.o.. etr fit- " HtVi." flalio.l 11 tign nations at nay; anu tins iiem. strange to say, Is Just what Chlnn does not want. Is It that China would 1 ventlon In Aasn'. 1 ' to 75 were 1 at'the meeting. The tlty will tend every co-opern- .111 an 1 aid in put ins over the con- nil-m." said Mayor St ruble last llslr. "W; will hse a lorca of men 1 at war'; and promise to keep the city i"l rv Thi work will bo AT PF1 IfAIM I nnnF.done at nlriit and thu-. will not hlnd- -r or latarfero with any part of the Mis He-bert FleinchhiicKer and treot program, oi'fnl ajilrlicd tilks were given .ie (!ir.e-day sev-lon. Local busl- 1 r'leir support In summer mouths Mr. Herbert Flelsch- ( nil meaures undertaken nnd were en hacker, head nf the big Interests lius ntic to do all In their power to v vi io w- 1:1 n-iiir- of the local , rather be a slave of the white races ujf outl.iilcg, the work and plans J than the equal of Japan? We can hardly credit this. "There Is no need for China to be anxious about the return of Klau cliow. Japan has promised to restore a num ber six fly." "Doc" fished all around, the big lake and had flno.luclras did4 his brother who made the trip wltfi" him. He will leave Sunday for Mis"-?, soula, Montana tor a short visit. . ., 1311: Sinfiernoon at iV ., "onion ., ' S ,,0,u,ott' "'"' I.PCaL, l "m nn,. Prank Upp, Bmlil iL l . ' E- Whlt- transfer IiubIiioss deceased u. 'uiyor of tho 8"te Work! r0'00'0'1 um,or "'0 l0-workman's pnmn ,... . . -""I'uiUHMUn ACl. KUI.IiV l.t.ll)KI Tltl'CK MAKKS I'lXK TIMK nM POHTLAN'H. To muko tho drive from I'ortlnnd to Klamath Falls with a capacity load of provisions on n thrno White Truck In threo nnd 11 half days with out' having to mid any water Is qulto somn fent. That Is exactly whnt Fivd W.Mur phy, proprleto rot the O. K. Trans for, did. nocontly lin purchased 11 truck In Portland nnd Intended driv ing It t oKlunmth Fntln ompty How- river, ho wn imhlo to gnthor n full load of provisions from Masou-Khr- FrmJ ' man nnd Company nnd loft I'ortlnnd Monday noon. Tliursdny ovonlng ho nrrlvod in Klnuiath Falls, two or thruo days tiliond of iirosunt train HChedulo In hiuillng ftolght. Mr. Murphjf, will uso tho truck In his hearing his unnte two weeks. will arrive within put th inii'iiuion over .if it be. houli Five of the Allies' Most Famous Fighting Men After Receiving Degrees at Oxford wn ws - wtam. 1 ,:z Prosl WasiiiNoton'.Ju,,;. CN B J Z, !,U,y Slgnod th0 Sundry nS t! CU lm beon rvled by nurniTl i"" Hoc"pt..,The WdTP'U,e,Ib'tB,'0W f tho senate. . T QUICK TUIP l-'HOM Hr.S,Mrill. Six, hours from l)uiiHji)iilr to Kliiin uth Fulls iy tho tliuoinmlo by F. Hill Huiitorwhp, with Mrn, Huntur, Hpunt sevoriil days ut' Sliista Springs, tho popular Hiimmur resort,, Mr. uuil.Mrs. Hunter left hero sometliuo ago and .ylpltod various cltjuuln tho -Hoguo KJyor Vulloy nnd then wont outh fora brief .visit fcnt tbn Springs. Mr. I fun tor etntos that tho roads nro In fdfrlyjgorirt' condition. p Mr. nnd Mrs.J,, B, Bratlon aro motoring to tho Nelson ranch-today whoro thoy will, stay until, Sunday; lator (hoyi will drlvo on -. to. Dorrls iiiasiVHt4E!il jBjnjnui f JWKK4StM$mm?SlZ the territory to China Just as suun as China Is able to guarantee that it will not again fall Into the hands of a third party. What more can China desire? And does justice require more? China talks as if slip were an absolutely Independent nation, grant ing concessions to no country. If s!ie will take this attitude toward all 'night has been replaced western countries, Japan will be) . ,.. 11, vi..,....U ..... -.... , l-,-lil. ll fllVIM 1 VIV.'IHJ vw VOV fc Lilian whllo leaving the others In j nlnce. i something no one can ex-' ' pect Japan to approve." CONFIDENCE VOTE URGED BY CABINET. PARIS. July 19. In view of the vote In the chamber of deputies last" night In which the government was fourteen votes in tho minority, th cabinet has decided to demand a vota of confidence by tho Chamber. Tha food minister whose policy was re-' sponsible for the adverse vote of last' This photograph shows, live, men who rendered distinguished service during tho war Just nftor tho dogreo of Doctor of Law had boon conforrod and the Otoy ranch. Upon thoir rO'upon them at Oxford University at a great celebration. Earl Curzon con 4 ilinii III I Hfah T1 ft4ltt 'a .... .... forred the degrees. They were (from left to right), Marsnai Jotrr oral Prshlng, Marshal Hulg. eAdmlral Batty and Admiral Weymess turn tnoy win tiring mm. iirationa degrees. They were (from left to right), Marshal Joffre, Gen- father, Captain Otey, home wlth,rorroa tne aeB;.ee ' . ...,...,.., ... ... ,. .MM. them for a visit, RACES WITH LARGE J SUM FOR STEAMERI 1 ' V FItAXCISCO, Cal July 19. Carrying ?1 ,000.000 worth of new- savings certificates Issued bv tho treasury, Robort E. Smith, Director or tho War Loan Organization, of the, Twolfth Federal Reserve, District started nt 2 P. M, this afternoon a rnco by nlrplnne, motor boat, automo bllo, nnd train In an attempt to reach Seattle beforo the) departure of tho mall steamer for Alaska tomorrow night. An airplane wll meet hjm at Roseburg when the train arrives there tomorrow'. i v EO BANDITS l 1. llonat From U. S. S. Cheyenne Weld. Up in Mevcnn Waters Incident Similar to Occurrence of 1014 . ,-v "bomeIwheat.", .. . O, B. Cozad was yesterdaj exhibit ing a sheaf of wheat that he cut on hts ranch on the upper road. Mr. Cozad hag, fifty acres of wheat, forty of which will average. at .least -forty bushels to the "acre. The heads' are large" and well filler and far enough advanced so that there is no danger of a setback. It will be one of the WASHINGTON, July 19. A boat, from the United States Ship Cheyen-' ne was held up by armed men irtr Tames River near Tanipico, Mexico on July 6, it was reported hero trf-j day. , Sailors of the United States Navy,V were robbed of their personal effects.,, ,The Incident is similar to thnt whlch. occurred in 1914 which resulted inf' the 'occupation of Vera Cruz by the. f United ,Sta$.es arrued forces. Urgent) representations to tho Carranza gov-. eminent have gone forward. Both thuA Mexican and Tamplco authorized ha v.. ing notified of their promised investl-i prize crops ot the ralle-. .1 JT' gatlonMmmedlately. - The enlisted men who pccupled.the boat were on a fishing trip and flew th American flag. The State Depart-' met regards the Incident as most, serious. .