Uj6JU4timTt . ...,j ,,' PAGE FOUR THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALUS. OREGON mint. .11 1, in. Hill, r The Evening Herald E. J. M U It It A V irniTOR JAMES S. SHEEHY City Editor hitro-ilniwn vehicles, nml It Is ov ported that lth this chniiKn the us mil I'ffti li 1 1 vice t lint lns I co l rendered will le continued nml kept l nn up to-tlie ii tniite fas'ilnii 1 Published dally aicept Sunday by VJtmath Palls, at 116 Fourth atreet XKW SLAVCHTKIt HOVSi: Will KliAMATH lCKINi t. stared at the postofflce at Klam- Falls, Ore., for transmission thru MM malls aa second-class matter. 4dru in the United States: rar Xfm month .15.00 - .60 The Klnmath 1'nckliiK Co.. Is lin Iijk, plnns drawn by F. H. Hunter for straightened out their new laughter house at Twtum. which is to replace the one recently destroyed by (ire. The now building (ittnous linbouun pns4, nml Is tortu- oiw il bteep with litiiumornlile linlr-plu turns Alone Its hundred miles from Moimntlr It was crowded with minions, waKonx, oxcarts and refugees. All aloiiK the route were cars oerturned and out of commis sion Sometimes the truffle liecnine gnarled Into inextricable tangles nud hours passed before UiIiikh were V.K TUI'S 11'K .H'l.Y -'(. febacrlptton terms by mall to anyHn bo of """ nni' wl ,,p moA' War taxes for the mnnlli of May Member of the Associated Irs The Associated Press la exclusively atttled to the use for republication X ail news dispatches credited to It we aot otherwise credited In this pa r, and also local news published tfertin. All rights of republication of spe- dlspatches heroin are also re- FK1DAY, .U'IjY 18, 111 . em In eiery respect. As soon as the on ice erenm and sodn water, and on plans are completed, bids will bo call- hlrti. shoes and millinery and the wl for and work besln at once. k0 are ,,llp ,( ,,nynble on or before The new buildlnK will bo located ,ujy 2nth at the office of the Col on the railroad, which will facilitate iector of internal Hevenuo located at the better and quicker handling; of Portland, accordlnc to aihlces re meats from their plant to the camps eclved from that office. Tennlty In .and will be a valuable addition to i provided by law where payment Is their already up-to-date butcher busl- not made when due. IIFKi: UtOM I1KND big in EASE on, nitiM.i.Nt; i'iuk;kkksi;. Work In drilling for oil Is pro gressing each day on the J. Manning ranch. With the completion of a 400 foot well for water purposes the T i L T. U Colllfr t n reii here la t rw Inir from Itnml. which cltv he left yesterday mornlnp. Ho sns the roads actual start on the oil drilling hn are In a better condition than they l'et'n matle- A ""'e ' wdth of 18 were last May. when he was here be- lncnps and 150 feet deep has been fore Mr. Collier is here for the pur- borp! 'P's of installing the National weather GARICH'S GROCERY NEWS vem'mi: i. KLAMATH V.UAM, OUIKSOX, I'lllDW. .H'l.Y II, ltll. N Miu:it 2a EDITORIAL. TODAY 1 E strip in a number of homes and the Mills addition school house This weather strip is a particularly meri torious article and can be placed on any door or window and will make li c'ust proof and weather proof Mr Collier is accompanied by J W Itak er Evidences of the rapid develop-, m -meat of thl county are being dally YAlSllf FF CHI TYIFDC manifested, the latest being the In-J IMO rrvn.CTIlE'C'C crease in the force employed in this BRING FOODSTUFFS city by tho Standard Oil company. I TO HUNGRY SERBS T.ike all business concerns doing bu siness here and having the home of fice in one of the larger cities, it was ' MSH. July IS. American dough little realized that the demands for boy chauffours from the Western their product was increasing by leaps front have done their bit to help and bounds. As the figures began to Serbia. With the same dash and de mount to a point that caused aston- termination they displayed carrying lshment. additional men were sent to top ammunition to the 7 5 'a in tho the assistance of Mr. Winzler, the Argonne, they have pushed their, special agent at this point, until to- trucks over the so-called "lmpass-i day eight men are necessary to care able" roads of Serbia and have tor the volume of business'. Even with brought thousands of tons of desper-' this, it was necessary for an assistant ately needed food, clothing and medl- to be sent here. Tonight there will ar- c'nes to starving mountain hamlets ire from Sacramento Lester R. Kirk-' and remote districts In the Interior ham, who will occupy the office of ' Serbia. assistant snoHnl atrant nwA !.! w- ' The RCarpAtv nf Sarhfnn rhaitttntlrm "Winzler to keep up with the demands cauged the American Red Cross to I T ol this territory. i import American truck drivers. Many r T ..,., . were men loaned from the American V Jr. addition to increasing the force, I army. the delivery of the products of the, The boys worked under very dlffi- company of horses will be stopped.' cuit conditions, far from their base. ' 1 wirdd GRAND PRIXE li ttw P. P. I. E. OVERALLS f v A, jHy KOVEBAltS 2WW tmsnuaica Hftf (iojt rat tsr? liar lllie 8Utt-VDMIHP(t anewsultfKttifthoyrip RtOFIMITATIONS 4 II row drtld CIM Hirrlr ru. w will trad thtm. Levi Strauss & Co., 1 want to say a Inst woul to you about fruit. During the past week I hao been svamod with orders for berries and It has been Impossible for mo to nil half of them As I told you In my last Issue, grab your berries wherever you can get them. The same Is J true of all fruits. 1 am now get-1 ting Apricots from the Rogun Klwr Valley, but tho buyers over, thcte are making a light to get the entire supply and every day I am looking for a big Increase In the price or tho stopping of tho supply. That Is why I am talk ing to you again about fruit. Uuy every particle you can preserw, for the price of fruit In tins this winter will bo almost prohibi tive People aro beginning to re alize now that the situation Is get ting serious in tho matter of all articles In cans, but It is going to be even more serious than anyone fears. Can your fruits and vege tables That Is tho only safe and sure way that ou will be able to get any until next ear's crop will rvllevo the situation. Fresh Cantaloupes Watermelons New Potatoes Plums Pears Peaches Apricots Tomatoes Tomatoes, per case, $4.10 WE ARE RECEIVING Rogue River Apricots DAILY Phone us your order at once. We are still selling CoiFee at 40c lb. KLAMATH GROWN Beets Carrots Turnips Lettuce Onions Radishes Cabbage Phone us your orders. PHONE 326. Corn, per case 4.50 'Peas, per ease 4.45 Cut String Beans 4.50 Quality Merchandise. char Pfrpud. ou mict d met 11. SO rteh. aan rrancuco MORE BUSINESS FIRST CLASS GOODS BETTER SERVICE Motors will take the place of tho The road to Uskub runs over the LIBERTY THEATRE "THE PICK OP THE PICTURES" ......i . M... ...--. , -,-,---,i-ll-li-llulJu. H. W. Poole, Owner ....,, . mmmtmm . , ..JVV-lunru-tnjxnju " "i"i"i"rvvtnruiru'u'u Matinee Every Day '''--- ""ruTj-u'irunjxrxnjij'Lf Tonight CLARA WILLIAMS in "CARMEN OF THE KLONDIKE" Sunshine Comedy "HIS FATAL MARRIAGE" Saturday Perils in a Peach 5,000 Miles on a Gallon of Gas DOORS OPEN AT 7 P .M. Closing Out Sale Mens and Boys Clothing Shoes and Furnishings Please Read and Digest Sixty-five cows now supply the milk for the City Milk Depot. It has been rumored that we are at the mercy of the farmer. Where would you go if you wanted your fill of good milk and cream? We are milking by machine thirty first class cows, but it takes lots of money to buy cows and people want and must have milk, so we have contracted., with two xeliable" farmers and dairy men for milk to be handled and delivered aswe want it handled and delivered. Their premises and facilities for handling have been pronounced .0. K. by the State Dairy Inspector.' What more could you want than good milk and cream handled like it should be han dled on the farm? Call 296-J City Milk Depot Wonderful Bargains For Tomorrow. Be Sure To Be Here Hundreds of Satisfied Customers Bought and Made Big Savings aBaflMaHlftVBMBBB MMa? Remember anything you need either for Summer or winter wear can be bought in this sale at great reductions. J. F. Maguire Company, Inc. t l!' t f i r-rtjir- t