The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 18, 1919, Image 1

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Wt littgnmg Herald
Thirteenth Year-No. 3,676
Price, Five Cento IPTIHITV I
1M HO I III 1 1
until limn
(loo J Nliiiul. it dwelling War
roll Hunt, u :i Mory Hnxplutl lnillil
liiK. 'oriur I'lim mill 4th, i-nut K'H
MiO; Iluckmiiu & Dow, u friinii
dwelling. N'lrlioln iidilllliin. cimt IH.-
700; II. M. Reldy, fireproof strurturo
ill Cor. uf "III Main.
TKirtfne Penmt. Iuued
Since Lm February
jfcd &Ulc Men IVrl Tht Tfcrt l
ftted tor 1X Aiiimw""" """"
dig meeting tonight.
IIulne.m m i' ii -don't forgot
the Importunt nicotinic tojilxht
at 8 o'clock In thn Elk htilld
I UK. Full plans ii n (I detail of
the convention will be discus-ml.
(It) Health Officer take up the
Fight for the Annual Rcaovatloa
to Prevent Spread of Dleae
I'romotrr State that It N lo In; (Vm
Mruiird From Ml. Angel South to
it Connection with Ihn
A 1 I WIH c!oH( )entfnltl)' wJliT'-
lip t og",, ,n,, ' "puw" i 1W no! In thin city to George Ural
.. .... t.,M-t.Ml
lull. Prank Wlilti'itiiin nml Puniest
Gibbon The leun.i covith ii (ht'o.1 of
oil" year, with Ihn privilege ef ex
tension. The, now managers, who plan
extensive. Improvement to the busl
tiem, will Inko poiseaston Monday
Harry llacher anil Jack Hale will
remain with the, new manager. Mr.
HtelnineU will remnvo to hi ranch i
liKiir Miller Mill. I
Mr. (iriiiiiion lll remnlii In tho
AcUvlty hulltllnK acthlty. 'l"
immer nd w hurrying- hlr
vork In eonntructinx dwelling of till
dMcrlPtlons about Klamuth Full In
dicate the ilridr that the ciimmtin-
itr Ii making Inward the future tliiu
all ire looking toward
Thlrlr-one Penult luel.
Thirty nut' building permit have
la luwl nlnro Februory 11 of
1h preient, eiistiracinit live nu-
aloes Mructiirc. of flre-prof eon
jtructlntt lavohliiK nti outlay of over
150,000. Inrluiled In the lll are the ; Kluinuth u lilKKer and better it.
City Health OfflcerSoule has again
WrMern takon up the cudgel In a fight on dlr
. ty. premises, stores, dairies and every
nook and cranny In the city, and
there. In to ho no let-up until the city
Ik like, a new pin. Dr. Houlc says that
now In the time to nip In the hud any
possible chance for the spread of any
of the contaRlouH or Infectious dis
ease, especially typhoid, which Is
lar attention Ih called to the unusual
plunder of tile for thin season of the
year, which Ih Indicative of the exist
ence of breeding places that should
be cleaned up, and Dr. Soule Issues
the following warning, which Is the
last one the public will get. The noxt
move will he a police officer who will
The latest railroad to enter the
Eastern Oregon Held Is the' Portland
Southwestern. This company vtnr.
Incorporated lust June, and since
that time It has hud a large crew
... n..r,v,.,rB ... ,,.. ....... .u,...K urn ",,,, due to show Its head.
line rroiii .mi. Angel to iienu, ironi
which point It will take a southern
course to connect up with the West
ern Pacific In Nevada. The state
ments given out by thn promoter
do not Include Klamath Falls In the
program, hut when the line Is fin
ally built, which It will he, It will
bo found to follow pretty close to place the offender under arrest-
tho outlines made In the Herald All dallies, restaurants, bakeries,
dent Wilson In a message to Con
rest today asked that permanent
ranks of General In the regular army
bo given to General Pershing and
Chief of Staff, Peyton C. March. He
also asked for permanent ranks of
Admiral In the Navy for Hear Ad
miral Sims and Admiral Benson,
Chief of Operations.
PARIS, July 18. Principal topic
under discussion befort the Allied
Supreme council yesterday was the
yUUcd Intervention in Hungaria,
"where military action seems the
only means to end situation danger
ous for Roumania and Poland."
IlitriliV t'tie! ntn inln.ii ll u .li.l.i.l
city uiitly after the. Klks Convention "'""' .'"'" "h
after which In: will take nil extend
ed vacation for the benefit of his
health, which has been poor for some
time After hi return Iim will tak.
up tho business of helping to tnako
Merchants of Central Oregon arc
warned that an individual represent
ing himself to be an employe of the
department of weights and measures,
is testing and repairing scales, and
collecting fees for the work. From
Salem comes a statement from De-
Seek Modification of Co1
tract With Power ,jt
Company " 1
A Telegram 1 Sent to the flrcrttary
of the Interior Betting Forth tfcav
Grave Danger to the IimnbeHaa;
Industry if the Power Compaay !
Not Restricted in the Matter C
Reducing the Water Level of tk
That the timber interests, min
owners, box factories and all persons
interested in timber or the monufac-
puty State Sealer William A. Dalzell, i ture of same, are alive to the serious
eat markets, slaughter houses and falling attention to the fact that und-Uhreat of the Californla-OreKon Pow-
tnot tin- w .stern raclllr would come groceries, which receive.! nn unfavor- cr the present state law, the office. r Company to reduce the water ler
to Khimath Fulls and would he met able report hy the food and dairy jd0e not employ any per.on in this ' el of Upper Klamath Lake. In pnr
here with a line from the north . commissioner, should comply with capacity. A sealer, however. Is located suance of the terms of the contract
According to J W. Foster of the ,t"-,r suggestions at once. The police) jn nach district, whose duty ft Is to , between the power company and th
Mjler Construction company, the P. f,rr' "' ' to checking up these Inspect and test all weights and mea- government, is evidenced by the tele-
S i:. will htilld from Ml Angel ""eorts and any food found "danger-. Sures and no fee whatever, is collect-, gram sent yesterday by the interest-
... . . - ....' I '
now hoM'ltnl i ' reeled by Hr
Wrrtn Hunt at a rust of J2S.0OO. a
1.1.000 garage to ! built at the roi
wr of Third and Main Htrevt hy J
7. McCollum. tli" II5..I0H I'resby- church at HUth and 1'lne Sih;
mid us Mr t.reunon ha been a most
eiilhllslitstlc booster ever klnce llU
i .-lilniirr here, many good thing
nre expected of him.
I .Mr. Unit tint has been In the city
for nbout ihreo yearn and was uitiiii-
on the west side of (he Cascades to "w " PUc Health shall he con- led for the service.
Ilend. n SIst.TH. then southeast to '' "'ed and destroyed. The public
tl houc, raiiRliiR from JlSouto J7..':-'r of tl,n Klnmath Packing Co for
090 In coid. nnd 10 three room cot
tljrt HOUtll of M.illl Street.
Illsb runt of materials, really, nnd
Ubor npiM-ar In l" no detriment to
the builders, for seldom hai Klonv
the gteater part of that time. Mr
ClUmiiK and Mr Wliltemnu have
been here fur the past eight month
i. nil have both been Identified with
Ihn Klamath Packing Co.. mid lime n
Nuvadu, where It will ultimately con
nect up with the Western' Paclllc,
thereby gaining an outlet from Port
land to San Francisco.
For the last several weeks. rcw
of ongfueorx numbering upwuid of
lif. men, have been uiiiW'r the dlivo
t Ion of Mr Foster, making prelimi
nary suneys on the summit. Tlie-e
surveK urt being rushed with all
nth FalU shuurd such nrtlvlty iiloltg ,"), ,,f '""leiids who will wish them possible'1 and will be completed n,,s
knows that the milk advertised from- TKACH I, EG .M.Wl'FACI'l'ltlVG.
tuberriillu tested cows is untrue, hut'
this matter will be attended to In the IH'CHAilKST. July IS. Artifical
near future. leg factories have been established
Now that the garbage fight Is sett- under American auspices in Hucha
l"d get your rubbish and garbage ' rest. Uelgrade and Athens. In these
hauled. Why can't tho city pay for workshops the latest models of Am
having some of the by-wajs cleaned-, erlcan legs are made for the war
up as tho old auto camp ground had-, wounded under the direction of Am
of I'nderwood's pharmacy, and many erlcan workmen. In all Rumania,
oiuer ptiniie places, that private par- Serbia, and Greece, native workmen
cd parties to the Secretary of the In
I terlor. A copy of this telegram waft
also mailed to the California-Oregon,
j Powr company. The telegram and.
. letter transmitting same follew:
kttccoKd III their new undertaking
T ffl
1'iiril Again lo Admit If
Win "Ignorant IdcnIM" Hit
torncy Object Hlrciuioii-ly
lliiMof cotiitrutclon. It Is the opinion
iftnny ulm follow the construction
tuilMM thai the present activity In
dicates that there will b.. no iminedl
! Ull In prices of materials within
the next few years
100 llnrllliig Nci-dcd.
bocid real cstiitn men csilinnttt Unit I
PProilraately 1 00 additional houses;
lll b needed to adenuately houie '
t!i permanent population now em- '
flored here, even though no new In-'
lu!trleii tnrt operations. This np-,
team to lo a sure Indication that
there will b0 no direct falling off of ;
"uibb connruction for somo time
Jo come.
The Hit of building permits as glv-
out for tin. past fr nm, hu,f MOUNT CMCMN8, Michigan, July
Jiiontha from tlio office of the City ,s- Tno nart ot "onry Ford's 11-
Recorder aro as follews: ,hel suit was reached today when tho
If. Oreni, bungalow, cost $2000; 'Chicago Tribune's attorney began
rank B. Morrli, a dwolllng corner lUPitlonlng Ford concerning nn odl-
anil 6th, com, $500; Martin jtorlal headed "Ford Ih an itnurchlst."
inu."' ! r"m 1""l!,p' n,"'nn Vlnln' published In the Trlbuno on Juno 25,
."""' -"liro(l P Jalo. n mn.lnrii 1918.
i Ford's attornoy chnriirturlzed tho
efforts of Stovensou, tho attorney for
the defendant. In trying to again
muko Ford admit that ho was an
... ... -. , .
I iKiioraiu iiieaiisi iih onuai aim
.particularly distressing to such a
modest man.
s cannot nay to have done
, within the next few -weoka, after ivollr cotincllmcii to vote to
which tlie crews will hcgln opera- tllt,s0 places ceanc(l.u.
tlons on the east slope of the divide Anyone near a sower which is not
(lnl. Sisters It Is ..xperted that these 'connected should have It done. Anv
preliminary operations will be com- flagrantly dirty prlv!.., reported shall
pleted within the next two months, be condemned and restroyed. unless
When asked what was contemplat- party connects to the, sewor or keeps
Klamath Falls. Or.. July 1Z, 1913
Hon. Franklin K. Lane.
Sec'y of the Department of Interior
Washington, D. C.
We. the undersigned timber own
ers, sawmill and box factory opera
tors located on or adjacent to the?
Tell-ire being taught the latest American ppperi-math I.ake. Klamath Coun
hnve ; methods of manufacture. ' ty oiegon, wish to protest against
the California Oregon Power Com-
pany in that certain contract betweem.
The many friends of Mrs. Robert the inited States Government and
T. Baldwin, who is sick at her home J the California Oregon Power Com-
on Sixth Street with typhoid fever.
ed In the way of future surveys and the place clean. If unable to connect. I will be glad to learn that she has
construction. Mr. Foster said ' A cube or two of typhoid Ii showing passed the danger point and will soon
i "We propose to build from the up J-.xtra precautions are being tak-j
summit southeast through Sisters en with rood and water. The city
nnd II I aii'i from Ilend. southeast oter reservoirs, have been ordered
to Nevada. The point at which the 'Indued and cleaned once a month tu
new Hue will connect up with tho
, least.
I . , ;' ,C,,0H A',imi""' coa' '.
aL, ?n' " '""Wo.. Nichols
Aaulllen: J. t r..ri -
Mum... .. ""u.u, a . room
J w.N.holiiA.Wm0n.roB 13..
-.noma, Mar..,,. , m,u:a,mv,
' alnlow. cost $von; Geo C
uortori! lnco,n: -n-n,,r,f-
W A,S",,0n' V dwelling,
,,, Additien: G. W Whit.,
llslak.. r, ' " ",0,U,rM nllonce:
a b. hmSm , (,ll,on' cnKt lieoe:
rhoueK r'0, ! "' A-trlp. n a
.K,aath .!.,. 00", conRoS on
W s :''. Smith Pr,nt
Coilr C jZ firnproof '"lldlng;
'"n c,18'00: First
;WfcUI, and'V"0" Korns' co-
B;j.TPM"ont M Bwr
klir'n. C0,1Um' tor 1
'"i Add mr room bu
AuUUIou. co5;x$fi,ooo;
Western Pacific Is not fully deter
mined, but likely will bo In tho vi
cinity of Wliiuomuccu, Nevada, which
will give n route to San Francisco,
281 miles shorter than any other line
south from Portland, and over a
grade far more satisfactory from
the engineering standpoint than any
railroad line from Portland to San i
Francisco. So fur as the distance
will affect Ilend, I might say that tho
line of the proposed P. & S. E. will
be between SO and 90 miles shorter
than tho present lino of the Oregiei
Trunk and the O. W. II. & N.
When naked regarding the specl!l3
time when construction will begin,
Mr. Foster further stated:
' So fur as tho now company and
tho construction company Is concern
ed wo nro nil ready nt this tlmo to
(Ily Dr. A A. Soule. SI. D.)
be on the road to recovery. For the
part two weeks she has been in a
precarious condition, but last re-
pany dated the 24th day ot February
191T. We respectfully ask that we
be given the opportunity of a hear
ing before you enter into contracts
for the diking of land on the Uppec
Klamath Lake for which you. have
ports today bring the cheerful news ' sked bld3 We beUere the contract.
mat tlie ntgti fever which has accom- uenveen yourselves and the Powr
pauled her sickness has disappeared.
At a meeting of the city council
yesterday, the bid of the Lumber
man's Trust company was formally
ccepted and the street Improvement
bonds awarded to it. The bid 114 was
considered n big thing for the city.
R. I). McCollum Iluy. the Frank Ward ,,elnB, t price ever paid for
oi-i.miut:s ui in is iny,
Lot nt the Corner of Main and
Third Streets, Across From tho
IJIkV Temple
R. I). McCollum has Just purchased
from Frank Ward tho lot on North
west corner ot Main and Third
Suit for a divorce has been filed '
by J. E. Faught from his wife. Elea-1
nor. John Irwin Is attorney for tho
mined to attempt ngnlii the repent in
thn Daylight Saving Law even at tho
risk of another Presidential veto, tho
Republicans of the House Agriculture
committee today, over tho objections
of tho Democrats, Included tho re
pealing rldor In tho Agricultural
n modern garage. The building will
lie of brick and concroto and will be
up-to-date-in ovory particular. It
will be GC hy 120 feot, and when com
pleted will bo occupied by HoagUnd
and McCollum. The latter is u neph
ew of tho builder nud owner of tho
LONDON, July 10.-i-Tho sword
which was discarded during tho war
bocnuso It was uttorly usolvs has
boon formally roturnod to the Brit
ish army. An order ronulros nil "field
marshals, gonerols and colonels when
dismounted," to wear ono on ull coro
monlal parades and at official ceremonies.
Elizabeth Boals of Ban Frunclsco
and William McKay of this city wore
united In marriage In Justlco Clinp
man'a offlse yesterday afternoon.
The couple will reside at 16 South
Riverside Street.
begin work. Wo bollovo fully that Sl,00t" ,,ml wl" hnvo orccUa thereon
tho railroads will bo turned back
-om tho government control to the
private ownership and our construc
tion woik will await this action by
the government. I bollovo that wo
will bo ready to begin work either
In the vicinity of Mt. Angel for tho
first 10 or GO miles by September 1,
or west from tho summit toward Mt.
Angel. Hy this timo It is expected
...... ...nA.lrtnll,. nil n. . 1. A ,tt01",1
l..u. ,....t.e-....,, .... .. v..u v..... KTMIIAf.r, W. VlrHnl.i 1..K- IV
engineering work In tho mountains Twon,v.ona mea woro kule,, ,, a
will bo complete Into Sisters, and 8Coro nJurpd ,n a gag ,,, at
wo will bo able to devote tho winter na ot ,ho Taswell creok coa,
months to running tho lino south Coinpaiiy at noon ,onaj., over one
from Sisters to llond and then on ,,undre(, nfon wero worklng ln tho
into tho southern part of tho state m,no- nescuo partles dggng for the
of Nevada.
"For several months right of way
parties have boon negotiating with
owners on the west sldo ot the moun
tains, getting bases for tormlual
ltes, right of way, etc. This work,
I understand, In nearly complete, Af
ter this Is dono wo shall bo able to
begin work on tho east sldo of tho
mountains. It is a little premature,
as yet, to say anything about our en
trance into Bend, but we have ten
tatively decided upon this feature."
bodies wore buried under tho wreckage.
July ,18. The
senato today rejectod the amendment
to tho Sundry Civil Bill designed to
end the enforcement ot trading with
the enemy act .offered by Senator
Fall. The latter claimed that there
should be no restrictions on trading
with Germany.
Property is Purchased by Mrs. O. T.
McKendrcc, who will use It in Con
nection With Her Sheep Interests
The J. A. Maddox ranch, located
soventeen miles south ot this city on
the Merrill road, has been purchased
by Mrs. O. T. McKendree, and will be
used ln conectlon with her extensive
sheep Interests. The property pur
chased consists ot 560 acres, resid
ence and outbuildings, and is recog
nized, as one of the best ranches In
ho valley. It is Ideal for the purposo
for which it is to bo used, as It is
possessed of one ot the bdst natural
feeding grounds to be found In this
traction. It was this particular fea
ture that played the deciding part In
closing the sale. Possession will be
given about December 1.
Company could be modified so that
the same results could be obtained
without damage to the industries,
land owners or the navigability of th
lake and we further believe that
changes can be made which, wttl
cause no injury to the irrigation pro
ject and still preserve for them all
benefits. ,
Investments. All of the undersigned
have made heavy investments tribu
tary to the lake and some ot then
have, at great expense built mills,
box factories and log canals on the
shores of the lake relying upon the
condition ot the lake as provided by
nature and have been and are usins
the lake for the towing of logs and
the hauling of freight In various di
rections from shore to shore. To give
you a comprehensive survey of' the,
Investments involved there is approx
imately ten billion feel of standing
timber adjacent to the lake whoso
logical place of assemblage and man-
1 ufacturo is the Upper Klamnth Lake.
This supply will provide raw material
j for over fifty years .of lumber opera
tions, Iu fact it Is the largest remain
ing body of White Pine in the Unit
ed States. Tho future development ot
this great industry and the entire
.large area of country tributary to
the lake Is vitally Involved in thts
question. The sawmills adready .con
structed have an output ot approrl
tnately two hundred million feet an
nually. More than twice this amount
will undoubtedly be manufactured.
ln the near future if present advan
tages of operation remain. The box
factories annually manufacture ap
proximately one hundred million feet
of box shook the major portion ot
which is used to box fruits and fans
products grown in Oregon, California
and Colorado, These factories at
largely dependent upon the lumber
supply furnished them by the mills
located on the lake. These combined
industries at present maintain a pay-
(Continued on Page 5)