UJLiIKS&.. ,MV, JIM' "' """' THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON rjnB mtb r? EPW0RTHTSOCIALEN1NG ,..., unit- nlti ti ' " lDrt,"M 1 no iik 'r ,ml" 1, ' i !'"', hf .nrinrr ... (((.(.alt. r;:;;i; SI,.. ;; ' i. bring t.nt.lf.K but ,b6Iin" ii i nn hot)f TVS-" . ., Whitman a-:-.- '" (round , . A suioM.miTiv 'tiTuZ't "' ''- l,1,,rlfl "" Mr Href-nml '. Itnv. vllt. .1 at ,b, Sc'hn-lni r h"" s'-iioliiy. jw Doim n.l Mh..l Mack visit t,UltliMr F i William" Tiu-mlny HHiItir JIW ItAIJ In-tlMr.. ! HltillllK 1 M? iUr 1"1 ,1,,r Ii",", Mr nn'1 il l A Sihri-IIDT ' .i.. imii. wiNoii niif.nl Sunday ,!lh MlM III' II' Ki..ull r iinily H.n '" '" " rk ' ' thli P ERSONAL MENTION . I II M.I HlIU I I'll! moii mi i-t or (MINt.H KSU COM I N MM mm l' MS1. I I M IHls MM M I ICIMTl Ml- HI I in M n,U. i lirlrk Moody iiinl l.i ( nrlii.-i drove ivi-r (nun AhIiIiuhI 'ti.iuy jlor a nhort uinilliui lnn , J Mm Allen I'ynnii mill Mrs I'mmI l I'lnuir, o( Halt I .nkc. I ti.li arc here vImIIIiik thi'lr Miitiir, Mr J Hindi, m . Iiit linniK on Kuri;i'iil iivumi" ('. W. Mnrph). ulm ha In mi in IliU city (or di'vcncl fiit h. In moving to ("ohurg. aIhth In- him it ranch. ' llurolliy HIiIwh, who linn lii'.ni at tctnllliK bimlni.im rolli'Ko In Hto'-kton. lit homo for thu minimcr month. Mr. mill Mr .1 II drlffllh are pn liurlflK to tnovit to A nil Iiinil, whore they will in uk i) their home In the fu ture Mr n nil Mr Ilitrold Hell uen iiiKHiiu;iirt on IhM inorniiiK'N niln for Iwin Annehn. where Mr Hell him UCOtpleil a pimltloil. I) I' Doiik l lien- from Hun I'rnn rlro on it vIhIi. to hl lure" riitth rimrh Hour Odeunn V l l.iimtn. of tht. t iiiiiin I.mniit r romiiiiny Kin-nt enterilnj- m Khun nth ln I In flurrett Vim Itljier. uo rerently retlirtieil from the nrmv tin ii'ieiil . a (HMlllon with the (it.hl.-n Itule ('.. Mm ( Hlllllllll t I lit e ll ri( m I he (f chi.j,,, i.,., fr, ,r J,,,,,,, iii nr tlnlin Mr ( I' ("rl ,.r in MinfliiMl lii her home w i, .i n.M.ri. ,,, f t. MIIIIIIM Mri. C M Ittiinnhy Iiiih kiiiic tn Merrill fur i. vWU will) her c'nt. r. Mrn llenrr Arnlerron Mrr I'mnox i: llol nrxl her lit tle enindiiiieiiier I'li'tinor WiiKru-r. lift fur Kun I'rdnrlHrd jeMteriliiy. Cunt ul ti Mnrlon Nino Iiun tnken omt the imtirii.'imiefii of the JohnHon, I'olnk mill nt Me Mehron M' iiml Mr U T Hohertn left In their ear ihlK morn'tiK for Hprltii,' Cr'."k when tin will rumii for two week" It C Keiiiliill. rereentlni; the IjiriiliiTninne Triit lomiwiny, of I'ort Inii'l It In town on lmliieH ronned "il with the mile of the C'ily'n Irn provenicnt homlH MrH it W I'.orin'T nrul neiihe.v John I.uther trom Mnniiiln. Vn . are llllnr lit the home of Altomi'V Juliti Irw'n nrul wife Mrv lloimer lilutt rr with h.-r tn ph' w left yeftenl.iv t" l-li l.i- .'hir hrnthir William Irwi-i )) I .,K, , Vnlli Tlu ,ir rreiitlv pleimcil with KlmniiUi nnil l I In ri'iiiii'n ntilll ri. tn'ii. Mr iiml Mrn llnrr I) MHIk mill (llllilrell IKi'Oinpiillleil In Mrn I'ni'nH liiiin (nine Iii IiihI nli:ht from IliiMi KuIIk hy wiiy of ('ruler l.nld1 Mr Mill wiik in piirtnerHlilp with Arthur It limit! for Ki'Venil "ir here Mrv flni- fnderlii' iiml Mth Will iliillowiiy motored to Anhhinil Indtiv Mrf Knlterlee went to meet hi r tm hiitnl. who Iiiim Jul returned from fiiitife Mr. fiiilterhf. vim In the ar il y for fifteen montliK nml will he In Khtmiith KhIIh tho llrnt of nnxt week Mr Will Mnllnnnv will vIhU lier pnr-1-ntn hefore rein nil n r with Mr nml Mrn Klitterlei' I Mth M C llnrher of Medford who Iiiik hi en vIMtltiK for n few iI.ivk with Mm II N Moe returned to Itoeky i'olnt HiIh mornlni;, where nhe Ik HiietidliiK tho mimmer C I. MrWIIIInnm told a Jleo car to C. W. I,ewl8 rerently A I Mmlilox w.'ih In vederdav from IiIh rimrh near Merrill on ImM ni'Hi I'd I'rnlmt In down from Fort Kliimuth for a few day. H 0USTONr Mrtnpilltnn .iiiiiimrtit HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE n.wnxcj Wfdnredny A BaJunlny VlRhtM. JA.7. Mt'KIC. STAR THEATER Srlfrt llrturo Corp. rrrwnl" AMCK HIlAltV In TTir OltllKAIi OI IlOKinTA" lUtm AiKImI AltmrUon (xix hsk Jin Roplionc rinrn, Ciml.) Slnilrc Tnlklnc nml MuMrnl Art. I EmIi SiinK rriinimiilrl tiy n h Inl rorl f Miitlnn I'lrlnrr-i. fMimrtliliiK AWlutt-ly New. IjiiI Inn Nut I.iyiM nnxn: kattv aiiiicckm: In a Hip lUuirlns Comply "M Vnlrt" Admlulun 15 nml Sir, rrntd. TEMPLF THEATER THMV TrliwBlr I'nrnlH auma itrnnNs Ill "iiiSTi.rss Ktin.s" I Tmhe Wun Ijitr.t rs.rr....i i-...... Adml..lon 10 ft m rri.t Kntlnte 8J0. KTrnlni; 7:30 A II. MERRILL OPERA HOUSE wmON I'UTIinKh WDAVH AND HATITIIDAYH nil. nmr.ii. Suggestions to Husbands On your Wedding Annl rry, m ,our w,fo( Wrthday. mnk0 hor heart Mwlth aet of Hirer- "f.:;,...nuc,eu8 lo y ""' "1,T can bo Btart w with a wt of knives and "'It Sattern. i. . . ;JW ;cn add fow pleco. at J6. You vui find that Z y you will aoon - "wimt me coet. Frank M. Upp Maln-Ht. dl B. P. Watrt Inspoetor. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH r.'iH-.. iiiB r -, r riikav -; HiiiiiH-iiiH. miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiB iiiiiil m&Bim3m&EWl ftrSI-a LiH iLLH ki jniW Vif H iK'M nki'mMmm vll m j r - t 'aj iihhii i m iiH4jm ii iy. '.wmvBti I . mtLMW -w,..ra .; ifv.' V iLLLLUHPir , .1-1 It If - ! i HKlW VI Ba 1111 tJ it il Wll.l, lil'T Cll.lltTi:it SfMlV. AnKiiruiKi that Klamath Falls nervlre men would reretvo a rlmptpr of the American Legion nt noon an the N.it ion.il orKnnlzatliin aeted on the potH throimhntit Oregon who are petitioning for mpmhpndilp, was rereived yinterday hy Attorney I If ( arnuhaii In a letter from K I tlv- r" Oregon Stiitp Chairman, with hf.iiliiu.irte.ri- In Portland AppllratUm for a charter had heen Hent In h the local organization Home ilinu ago. Ah Mion a the va tlon.il Ciiunril ran act on the many petitions from Oregon postH It Ik cer tain that Klamath Kails will rccelvp her i barter. , INDIAN KICIITKU Hrtt.NS. r .Jp o V!t,J&t wmmmmmm n " w?wfflwr A Boy Can Run a John Deere Dain Mower 0 While you ere gating things in shape for making hay, put your boy on the John Deere Mower and let him do the cutting he wi!l do it just cs well and juct cs easily an you can do it. Because cf the powerful lift, he can easily raise the cutter bar to pass over any field obstruction or to ex treme height, when neces sary. A foot lever, working in conjunction with tho hand lever, makes the Lft simple and easy. He will never have to back up to get aitart, even in the heaviest hay. Tbe knife starts cutting tho instant tbe mower is thrown in Gear no lott motion. You will gee bi(j advantages in the drive on thlc machine it's extremely simple. the gears are tq placed that one set holds the ether set in amesh constantly. The John Deere will cut all of the grass for years to come a tlrnple adjustment takes up all lag in the cutter bar, without affecting tbe centering of the knife. If tbe knife ever needs re centenng, a special adjustment 13 rovided. The John Deere is the simplest, most powerful and best - built mower we have ever seen. We know it will appeal to you. Come in '' to your advantage, to know all cbout this mower before you buy. While at our store, we want you to tee the rest of our line of haying and harvesting machinery. We have a line of machines you ccn uic with satisfaction and profit. Baldwin Hardware Co. 'THE HOUSE OF QUALITY" WOMEN WILL E ItEQl'lltED TO STATE ENACT AGES. After several months eprvlce in ( France nrlth an artillery organization, ; Cain Albion Schonchin, n pure-blood- pil Modoc Indian, and grand-nephew of trip TimiouH Chief Schonchin of Modoc IX nr famo has returned to his Yalnnx home. Schonchin was !l- cliarTid recently from Camp Lewis. L0S ANOELES. Cal.. July 17. lit' originally nerved in the cavuu .tudge. P M. Taft of the Superior but Mas transferred to the artillery Court has ruled that hereafter when befom being ent over-pens. ,women are asked their ages in his court, they must tjot say; I'm over. 21, "but will be required to give tho exact ages. "The witnesses must answer tho quertion, "said Judge Tft, "I can Fee no reasonwhy anyone should ob ject to telling their age." ' ssssssssssaanBSsslHaBHiMHajHHH Second Week Summer Clearance Sale '.W-W.H-- ssHssssir - B fillllllgr? "The Store That Saves You Money" $40.00 SUITS $29,85 $35.00 SUITS $24.85 $30.00 SUITS $19.85 $25.00 SUITS $17.85 $20.00 SUITS $12.85 fcv I STRIKERS TIE UP CRR SERVICE noflton. Mm8 July 17. Klght thousand employes of tho railroad yatom, ituck today In protoat against the War I.bor Board's delay In an nouncing tho award In tho wage dlB n.w' l.A timA nn car KATVlCO On BtrCOt subways, and elevated Hnee horo and twelro adjacent cities ana towns. Tho Btrlkors domandod an eight hour dny, on a basiB of seventy throe and a half cont an hour. m O. P. Domorost, HonllRt, Cth and Main, over Sugnrinun's store HTINnREDS HAVE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OP THIS GREAT BONA FIDE SALE. STILL. AT. PRESENT WE HAVE A VERY CHOICE SELECTION OP GARMENTS TO PICK FROM. A TEN SPOT SAVED DURING THIS GIGANTIC SALE. BETTER GET HERE EARLY AND DO YOUR PICKING. ' Central Outfitting Co. The Store of Service NINTH and MAIN STREETS i