TiiritHiMv, ,in. 17, i, Url PAGE POtTR , TlipFvPnina Herald Former Crown Prince Photographed in 1 ne evening nei ctm Ex.le Looks very Much Aged anj Warn B. J. MURRAY COITOK Bai If Published dally except Sunday b The Herald Publishing Company of Klamath Falls, at 115 Fourth street THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FAL1.S, OREGON -r!!-RK33'!XKISW (-hgB-i ,, I TO Entered at the postofllco at Klnm-1 th Falls. Ore., for transmission thru Ike malls as socond-class matter Subscription terms by mall to any address In the United States: One year B-J One month .... ............ -po Member of the Aoclntcl Tress The Associated Press Is exclusively atttled to the use for republication C ail news dispatches credited to It r aot otherwise credltud In this pa yer, and also local news published, rein. I ah ih nf rniihilnttlnn or SDe Ul dispatches herein are also re-erred. THURSDAY. JULY 17. 1010. 00000000001 m00000000000Pl' J At the Theatres i jgmH.w Our city reformers would do well i to drop In to the Liberty Theatre to day where Manager Poole Is present ing Miss Fannie Ward's latent emo tional vehicle "The Cry of the Weak" one of Pathe's famous Extra Sel ected Star Photoplays. Without any "preachinK" or 'propaKandr" this splendid motion picture will do an enormous amount of missionary ork. It will open the eyes of the uncharitable who like Dis trict Attorney Dexter in the pla think that "Once a crook, always : crook;" it will brine tears to the -eyes of tender-hearted womanhood, it will hopefully suffuse the hearts ot t wrongdoers with a glow of feeling i !8mk MMKIftHnHk s i'w bbbbsbbVKSbbbLPbV 1 1 HbBihSbW 6taaaTrBBBBBBKsnl Si4it VMJH Ik I IBBvlbBBVtijIlBBBrar'r'Br! i Mpjk S'fliBY BBBhisbbbbbbbbbvt txTp xiw 9 SBHBBBHJarSUMfhtfS iB&t i rirfMln'T"''liiy iT N BBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI j& J bbeV- bbb1 k..x iX4)tff!BJfeNaSlJBasffliBBY x V & hj xvvT VBrflBMlBWviBBBBBVaB'BTO hBBBBBf y-- BBBBBbbbbbbbbbvJ i W frsldBjirefrxS j.j 'fiuik r iffy a MrtMtyJJtM te5J?MLJIftff !IS4rtti32!sS222CT3!!K2S3SJ assai-j ' FREDERICK WILIIELM HOHKXOM-ERN This is the latest photograph received In this country of Frederick Wll- that here at last is a play of reallife, heim Hohenzollern, former Crown Prince of Germany, who is quoted aa true to life, an actual page from life - gaylng ,hat ,f thg AUJeg attempl to br)nE hlm t0 trIai all they will find Is "Compelling the intense interest ' " The picture taken on the Island of Wieringen. where he is II and concentration of the beholder Ing in exile, shows him without his mustache and looking considerably Irom start to finish, full to the brim aged and worn. with suspense and swift action, "The . Cry of the Weak; forms a great . ArQniUVII I P Al I ternoon only through the quick aid tour's entertainment of the best JAMW" Vli-l-E. JlU ,,aartmpni in .. . x- . i j. dipt "tiiT"rt?rv dv cinr of the Medford Fire department in constructive type. Not only does BUT GUTTED BY FIRE . . ' this dfama entertain in an enthrall-1 sending a motor hose car. when tho, lng manner, but it grips the heart i 'Jacksonville hose burst In a doien; strings, and forces an echo of pity I MEDFORD, July 17. Jackson- places. Four houses and ono barn for the submerged tenth. We begin vllle, the oldest settlement in South- were completely gutted, and more. to realize Just what a battle is ever i ern Oregon, was saved from com- than a dozen houses were scorched. , in progress in the breasts of those piete destruction by fire yesterday af- The loss is estimated at $10,000. who have "gone wrong" but eagerly wish to "go right" for the future. Fannie Ward, as the wife of the District Attorney, does some of the . test emotional acting of her career. ' She says so herself. In fart. Miss Ward goes further and states that her "Mary Dexter" in "The Cry of the Weak" is her screen masterpiece, her ched d'oeuvre of the cinema. Surely a play well worth the viewing! t "The Cry of the Weak" will be vhown today only. . , 1 I HIBERNIANS OPEN BIG CONVENTION IN SAN FRANCISCO i 1 SAN FRANCISCO, July 17. The) national convention of the Ancient Order of Hibernians in America to epen here tomorrow will be unique in the history of this order. Never -since the organization was founded more than fifty years ago has a na-, tional convention been hem west of j the Rocky mountains and no other convention has been attended by a provisional president of the "Irish j Bamonn de Valera. "presiaeni ui Ireland, telegraphed the arrange! .ntii rnmmlttee he would be herei July 17, the date for the convention's ,!... This announcement caused T H-M-H-M-H-i-i 1 1 lilt l Do It Now Start canning your Apricots at once. Leave us your orders. We are receiving daily ship ments of nice Rogue River 'cots which have just started in, and will only last probably a couple of weeks. Price we are going to make as low as possible. We are promised plenty of Blackberries now very soon, so don't delay getting in your orders and we will fill in rotation. So first in, first served Phone 200 will bring the goods. i I The SUNSET GROCERY opening. This announcement caused estimation of the number of dele gates visitors to be greatly increased. Adjournment is scheduled for July 19, but many of the visitors are ex acted to remain until July 20 to wit ness the unveiling in Golden Gate Park by De Valera of a statue of Rob ert Emmet, Irish patriot. This monu ment is the gift of United States Sen ator Jameg D. Pbelan to the city ot Ban Francisco. De Valera said he would be ac companied to San Francisco by a par ty of six, includine'Harry Boland his secretary. Boland, like his chief, is a Sinn Fein member or the Dall Elre ann of National Assembly of the "Irish, .Republic" De Valera and Boland came to America from Ireland without pass .yorti. The. manner of De Valera's coming never has been made known, tut Boland came as a stoker on a transport. MRS. DOW'S MOTHER DIES. Mv Mrs. M, E. Allen of Sacramento, mother of Mrs. H. P. Dow, of 204 Nelson Street died this morning. Mrs. Allen's death was due to heart fail ure, she being 81 years of age. Mrs. Dow will leave tomorrow morning for' Sacramento to attend the tuacr- al. LIBERTY THEATRE: "THE PICK OF THE PICTURES" H. W. Poole, Owner Matinee Every Dy j Tonight FANNY WARD - ! in 'THE CRY OF THE WEAK" Peerless Comedy "FLIRTING WITH MERMAIDS" Friday CLARA WILLIAMS in "CARMEN OF THE KLONDIKE" DOORS OPEN AT 7 P .M. Truck owners here in this city and everywhere throughout the United States are hauling more tonnage on Firestone Truck Tires than on all other makes of truck tires combined 1 The fact is -: T WE know Firestone TruclcTirc advan tages. We've vutchrd their work closely. We know, too, that yea ncetl these tires on you. tnu'Ls. More than th.U, you urc. the :iitl ot our tnick-tirc press and oti;-r machinery. Tncse iil piMftK-aily eml loss of time fur trm k-tin- t l . rTTrnrr 1' H "I .i'!v ! lis l't 1 1 ie t lu k :i i v ..ir i. -v! fi , i IS. i i . i i u f.iVK'CSl'AKtfi D. A. KENYON Plum and Sixth Streets --Over half the truck Tonnage of America is carried n H i inK m. ire$Wtt$ lires BlSf - ,-K Sf7 ! 4 BBWfJBHlBflLBBBBBNlTt R XBJT BSTk K SSSSS. & t IBBSi SBSSSSSjSir.uttiftBSSIMSSTiSJBgSnBBiSmJBBMfclSSJS3jSr!TSSSSW. fHb''BK'lBBBs2iB3BBlBlmNUE BB tHKiuHXMfKB&NiMfw&KM ia;41sIbbVbSBI bws&w BBBBBBBBBsBMKBBrBBBssKini1 ijBBBsLBsBisiaBBLSlBSH HMpKnBBBPBJHBBBBVnVT( HifiBsBw XtbVtcsA xJpvJbt Bbu THE difference in the way the Liberty rides and drives is unmistakable. This difference makes itself felt in the first fifteen minutes of driving. It is a difference, for one thing, in steadiness a steadiness that holds the road as well with one passenger in the tonneau, as with three. It is a difference in power performance in ease of control at all times with out apparent effort. These superiorities are so marked as to be astonishing even to seasoned judges of motor car values. They are so evident that we know of no better way to win your preference than to let the Liberty assert its own difference and superiority in a demon stration ride. v X UKBRXY SIX C. L. McWilliams Farmers Implement Building Sixth and Klamath Ave. tXSSJBKSKESMSSSSSBISKS ffffafrmrT' .m- -...n.- -