ismcmsmamaens ft Tlll'liHI'AY, JTI.Y 17, til THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGI TWO STOWAWAY ON R-34 WITH AIRSHIP'S MASCOT William W. Ballantyne rt,iltf?mifty fWM J, H,. . in. SI I SHOULD II REHTLY Protestant Church in Amer ica Issues Declaration EAGER FOR JUSTICE II i Vnv n man fnpintr rmirt martial. William W. Ballantyne,1 rfnwnwnv nn thp first liffhter . - 1 ?A uuee men . iigiiktii .- ., & - a 1 - Concealed himselt, However, thp dirigible was six hours at Jazz, the mascot of the R-34. pnnnrti DrtnMC llCCTi arjji i-r - , TO SORT YANK MAIL' COBLENZ, July 17. American soldiers emploed In the 'nltea States postofflce in Coblenz have been sorting mall In school rooms which during the early dajs of me war, were used by the then German lage. The owner had Invited a dls Emperor for holding councils o fwar tlngulshed part to view tho pictures -with his chiefs. Soon after the beginning of the war In 1914, the'Emperor was in Cob Jeni several months, spending sever al hours each day wnb arir- generals who were then using the school boose as army headquarters. The school building Is near the center of town and several large rooms on the first floor were taken over for the ar my postofflce a few dajs after the jAmericans took over the Coblenz bridgehead last December. MEN WANTED. Planer man, edger man, cut-offs, olf-bearers and tie up men, for night' nlft. Apply Big Lakes Box Co. 14-6t BUCKHEtCHT BLACK GUNMETAL, MAHOGANY CALF OR INDIAN TAN CALF f the Buckhecht Army a man's rboe! Worn bv at all times, in all climes. comfort and extra service. For Sale at K. K. K. Store, Bradley Shoe Store Manufacturer. BUCKINGHAM & HECHT San People's Market PRODUCER TO CONSUMER Nothing Succeeds Like Honesty Our enormous growth and our wonderful suc cess in the field of high-grade Meats has been due to the fact that we have played absolutely fair with our customers. We simply have been honest Phone 83 FEED than air Ship to CrOSS the At- I-.-! ITa -- j-.n1rt4-rt-l 4-i-k V. .. .1 ...a- Hnfr rli is. VSN rk tlMTI I ana WUS Jiu. uia.uvieu um sea. xie is seen neie wnaj ! THIEVES ADOPT NOVEL WAYS, i ' LONDON, July 17. Thieving has i Increased Immeasurably throughout Engiamj stnce the end of hostilities. land has taken on many no el forms, Recently, two large oil paintings ero stolen from the wall of a coun- try house in Sevenoaks. a Surrey I1-' I but when they entered tho temporary" gallery there were no pictures'. One picture was a half length por trait of Queen Elizabeth painted in 1600, and the other of a man filling his pipe, also a large canvas. 2000 SALOONS IN MEXICO CIT. MEXICO, CITY, July 17. El Her ald) De Mexico in the course of a protest against social conditions ' the capital states that there are now more than 2,000 saloons In the cltv with scores of others operating In secret under the guise of rest rooms READ HERALD AD IT PAYS AT ALL DEALSK3 From toe to heel Shoe ii every inch men in all walks oflife A shoe built for unusual Get a pair today! 534 Main St Egg Mash. Growing Mash, Fattening Mash To Your Chickens Sn Cliurlir Slioulil lo Interested In CIlo mid Kiononilr I'roMrms Intlustr Should Kotygnlie l.lxlns Wage llefore lilxidend-i nro Con--1 do red NEW YOHK. July 13 Tho Pro testant church of this country repre sented In tho Federal Council of the l Churches of Christ In Amerlcu today Issued a declaration that the stntc should "attempt to secure to tho worker nn income sufficient to main tain his family nt a standard of llv- Mng which the community can ap- prove This was a part of the pronounce. th0 Churcn anu So( Federanl Council. The Federal council is a congress of thirty load lug Christian bodies for united ac tion. The statement asserts that "it Is a false Idea that the churches arc only concerned with religious, education-1 al and charitable enterprises. They are r should be vitally concerned! nith civic, economic and other social interests." Rights of working men to share In' the control of the Industries are set forth in this statement at length: j 'We have come upon times when people are not submissive to Injus tice or unnecessary privation and. suffering," declares the church com mission. "They are deeply and Just ly in earnest. If those who are the actual industrial, political and social i leaders of the nation will not act upon the principle that the greatest shall be the servant of all, then the people themselves, with indignation and bitterness, are sure to take tN'lr destiny and that of the world into their own hands. "Class consciousness and the use of violence are not confined to tho revolutionary groups. The posses sion of wealth and education tend to the formation of classes, and Indus trial ownership and management to a class conscious ruling group. We observe the dangerous tendency of many state and municipal officials to deny fair hearings to radical of fenders and to use unnecessary and provocative brutality during strikes. "Legislatures, judges and officials should act firmly but justly, without bluster and with unnecessary vio lence. Working men believe that they do not get an equal chance be fore the law and It is highly Impor tant whatever real basis there Is for this conviction, should be removed. 10 IsniNG HACK COLOR. AND LIJ8 IT'S GHANDMOTnEIfS RECIPE TO THE TO HAIR You can turn gray, faded hair beau, tlfully dark and lustrous almost over night If youMI get n fiO-ient bottlo or "Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Com pound" nt any drug i.tore. Millions of bottles of this old famous Sage Tea Recipe, Improved by tho addition of other Ingredients, nro bold annually, savs a well known druggist here, be cause It darkens tho hair so natur ally and evenly that no one can tell la has been applied. Those whose hair Is turning gray or becoming faded have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or two applications the gray hair van ishes and 'your locks become luxuri antly dark and beautiful. This U the ago'-Of youth. Gray haired, unattractive folks aren't want ed around, so get busy with WyetU' Sage and Sulphur Compound tonlfcbt and you'll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youth ful appearance within a few days, SUM AKN A ,'11 '"wS ' snJHsfKU: ii i& ''Si u L--KULW--H-L-------M tHMLB a" mtA LA iHnlnaaH IKPV ai tH&ru fiAAa9LHraniaaaaaV il(?r4iMV JK hI9V''jI 'laaflrlBftfrBVaaaaV ESjfodaw fat ,iKn aamJafaSWyiiaaaw JBi 5iy JI '"SaaaaaaaaaaHHaDKMaTV fif v'nraaaaaaaaaaaaaafliaaaaiu9v9flriKSBV jjB'BjBBB"BwaW If G There V' vl n l&kMBaaV V Li ii SaT 'aaaav a9KL.Bflaa 'iaaaa ajpsHaa 'Ea II E Struggle With Influenza Epidemic Still Continue North of Seward I'enlnNuIa in Alaska FAIRBANKS, Alaska, July 17 N Gone are all but the memories of tho covered, started out to visit natlvu' Spanish Influenza epidemic In thovllluges and bring what they could States, but up In the north of Sow-! On the American river they found u ard Peninsula tho struggle with the .woman and II vo children In a cabin disease still continues; Its memories with soen dead bodies, uiimo of will ever bo vivid. Like the typhus which had been dead for n week, of Europe, the disease did Its workJAt Aglapuk, twenty-five, miles from silently and thoroughly, lealng Its Teller, only three llttlo children sur herocs and heroines and a toll of vlvod tho Influenra. They wero In' dead that perhaps will neer be hod with their dead mother. In this known. In the vicinity of Teller, Mrs Rer tha Gehrman, postmistress, writes: "Scarcely a dozen adults remain alive" Across th'e bay from Teller a Mrs. Fosso took care of tho entire native mission, her husband also be ing seriously 111 with tho Influenza. Some twenty-five natlvo children fell - ''.A Klamath Packing Co. When you want real, per manent repair work done. We have in our employ a corps of the best trained, eflicient and practical me chanics you will find any where, and you will always find that their work will uive you absolute satisfaction. One trial will convince you. HOWIE GARAGE to her tender hands and most of them KETUIN TO DHAM.Vs IM-MWT were saved ThlB heroic whltn wo- tnan, .Mrs Gehrmnn relates, went to LONDON, July 17 A scheme Is the rler for Ice, brought wood and on foot here to build theaters on mo coal for the llrvs, und when three tor lorries for the purpoxe nf tour adult natives died In her homo, was ng country districts It would bo -compelled to drag tho bodies out by return to the methods of tho drain.' I herself In splto of her efforts, how-, Infancy In England The old mr- (ever, seventy-two of tho natlveH sue- cumbed and were burled at thu mis- bIoii in a long trench. From Teller, the storekeeper, a man lur the numu of WlnDcld, with ono other nfslHtunt, both still unro- village twenty-three wero burled. dead bodies At Cnpo Prince of Wales ISfi na tives died, and so on throughout tho vast district whoso white silences wero mado rill the more grim by tho stalking terror of unseen doath, moro torrlblo becauso aid wn miillcs din- tant and pitifully Insulllclent at that Salmon, per PALACE MARKET Murphey's Feed & Seed Store 126 South Sixth St Phone 87 tery plun of thu sixteenth century were performed on platforms oa i wheels, and the theater was whcelcil from point to point DON'T DESPAIR If you are troubled with pains or aches; feel tired; have headache, indigestion, insomnia; painful pass age of urine, you will find relief to COLD MEDAL Th world' standard remedy for kl-nijj llvtr, bladder and uric acid irciubUi'M Nttlon-! Hmdy of Holland alnco IM& Tbr l, all druggists. Guartnu-. Uk fe Ik .. Cold M.l '" u- Meat (aUti lb 30c PHONE 68 524 Main Street Wit Kwltarl9nClMiSH jsSBggg svnfwfv ; -c -sp" -r, ft-izv'zrrvw