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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1919)
ISItfltii iiJ 13 i Eitenmri HraUi oFF,cmm',,:,iok I OFFICIAL PAPER Mf XbASfATII vn KLAMATH FAXI4 Thirteenth Year No. 3,675 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1919 Price, Five Cent (Eh 1 ffllOB COLT IL fisi EAGUE ' OF NATIONS mi:kt To.VKiirr. Important Intuitu' tin-. line timlght of tilt) Klk's I.oiIkh at H I. M. Mat torn of Immo.lliitu Interest concerning (Id; varlnuu unclex of thn roinltiK ronvrn ttou will tin iIIucukiiimI All inoni !) r nrn urttr-il to he. p re-tent I DOES THIS APPLY TO YOU? BIG GATHERING OF i BUSINESS MEN ON FRIDAY EVENING I Rhode Islander DecUret Himielf on League I Covenant Did you ever notice that when a person starts out to rlrt crmwittiirwr fni .. .,..,...( .... 1.. ; i: .,w...v.....K w. ..ww..,.K, u jjiuau many JUUu inimuui- Every man In Klamath Fall., who ately begin to try and dig up some ulterior motive? Oth- ha business connections of any kind era whom you are trying to serve assume an attitude of ' ,ur'"! by the IocaI l0i ot the l (,,.,. , . ... . Klks to bo present at a rousing meet- eoncJesenHion. bull others act as if they did not give a in to be held in their ciub-rooms darn whether they helped or hindered vou. If vou have ! rriIay nlKht at 8 o'clock. uamco ,c:cc '"0t had thi8 cPrience. J'ust to do something of gener-;ncH0Bf J XXTZfJ! WAGNLR ISSUES al benefit, and see how you feel when you get through. It Kiks lodge.or the Business Men's as- LABOR PAPER js almost of daily occurrence with a newspaper. So much j ".c,u"" w,",be the bu"ne," tran" . . ., . ., ' '. , acted. Discussion of ways and means Tim "i.ahi.r Dim-M." mmiibiy so in fact, that the average newspaper man becomes har-Jnnd the many details for handling muKuiinn puhiiiVd in sun FnniriHoo dened to the experience and it has as much effect on him the w tato convention win be on In thn Interest of union lubor. In tin . , , , , , m, .. ... ... ,, , , tap, along with the general plans for lain publlni.lon to enter th, field UH Water 0n a UUck back- ThGn they Wl11 tel1 y0U that he'the three day session. on the I'ucifip cmi.t it i of mi -n is a irrafter. or has some scheme he wants to work out or! in the fact that the business men u I ZING IN ARRANGING 'nr intiircsi to tno pooplo of this ti,.lf t, : ,,:,, ,.rl , fm- Viic u-nrlf nnrl nil tVuir snrr of Klamath Falls will be the ones ly, I u its in ii eh iik ii par of the e e i URGES ADOPTION le Adopt. iur.ii, luoiuMom ,,r , ,,f thu my. uiiii...,, m that which precedes it, has no efTect on him, either. Asking President for "opy of Mm Wagner. Mr Wagner, prior to l-.iv- M .. .1 e l-llv. Illiit.lilll.-li iih ti trr..i.l' ,.r i work on it u iom- i.y a it.. of stuff. All of which is, of course, untrue and which, like who will benefit by the Incoming of the 3000 or more visitors the Elks are extremely desirous of getting it ii it ',i i. , . ... . i-"j "(: ui ine i) roc rum uerore Amcrirsn IV.r 'imiiill.n,s I'm. ,,K KUnuitli Fulls, hud b.-ii hit- mm dn "'IS LS Wl IllCIl 101' a purpose. It 18 Written tOhetn so that they can offer their lft Ilrgsrdlng Hhsntunic Pre!- fled with Mm nrlous nsiii.,rs call it to the attention of those wllO have failed to do their evcr' co-operation. dnt 8trl fonfrrrnrr With llo- publlslird In Mils rlty and showod CONVENTON Two Special Trains May Come Here BEND LODGE ACTIVE publican Hrnatoni WASHINGTON', Jul,1 IT - "Amur!- inurked ul.lllty along Mils line. The riMiiilt of his lnbors In the Dl gent Intllriitit that ho tins add ed to Mm splendid ability he postess- fmut st let see the greut under- 'l W1'H" einployml In Klamath Falls.. i ... i i.. Thu imiifiifliiii lu ii n ... .....i i i. ' plain duty in the matter of helping us to get out the Honor Roll of Klamath County. The Herald has undertaken this! work for a purpose that of perpetuating the memoiy of those who helped to win the war, whether their efforts MS REASON 'Baby Lodge of Country" My lAwi In Special Tent During FnUrttio Main Street Will Glow in pic Bunting tikirnt hirii iie embarked on in Th ngiixiim is u r.n.pnKe,i book, were expended at home or elsewhere. The privilege of Mlfrinit tlm war thru to Mm end. splendidly milled. wl print.-,! and vhlch can be doiin by ! nitilitK u ! mrefully iirniniseil The itidir.ttlons Wfmb(r nf the ltiRtle of N.itlous." nro Mint It will lime a siicrefu rnr sld ltfiut.lcnn H.-mitor Colt of r among real union inn. Itbode Inland. In a spnnch l.efor.) Mm OF STJH1 being included in this record is one of which everyone who will occupy a space upon its pages will have reason i:(rrts , , IjCft.,ran,,C(, aMa S-nte toilav Senator Coil's remarks Mere nf ranch Interest in Hint lie hud nut pre rlouil) made knoutt bis position mi thf League t'olennnt lie was of thn opinion that tln U-iiKim would reatt a iu,i.'rni.iie or subort Mm t'oiir.sTitv yrfiu:T dmi.nm. It will be an honor that will become a fam- It will be something that will be treasured and will be highly prized by future genera- PortV reel inetiil. -P" of the M lis stl. -lilt M.I It' ASM.rliilton will arrive In Kl.iiiniili f-'ulls on July 30. where l hey will lslt rruter Unke to feel proud ily heirloom, in the family tions. As an illustration of this let us tell you of one in stance : The mother of a soldier boy, residing about sixty miles from Klamath Falls, had been written to twice and American fonxiitutbui l.lkewl... he "' other hcenlr point... The tour Innlitfiit tl.ui lb.. Monroe ).,c.!lts arc belloveil to I... students In the jad WJ10 today is ill France trln ihotil.l be safeguarded uml do- department of forestry In one ..f th. .....I. . . .t . ... . Li. (..-I. ........... t l.ii.. wiionai r.... -N. , lr, tiWhr, they win make M.on.uKi. ... phoned to once, to send in the photograph and record of Soul,,"ill,i, "" i.miuc, would Itui.) Mm world In MX'ellon or tlie nnnertles of the fell- IMS flUllue 01 lllC COIuilliailUIl Ul tllL uuurv, lu line a uui- Wlth the departure Wednesday morning of It. T. Smith, divisional passenger agent of the Southern Pa cific Railway, plans are well la for mation for the handling of the spe cial trains that are coming to Klan I ath alls for the Elks' Convention on August 14, 15 and 16. Special Trains Arranged. to ItlKlit'Iliimled.. Child . Causes Mr. Smith arranged during his tI- St.iiiiiiieiing, Sjijn riijslcinn , it In town details for side tracking- of (the Pullmans on the Southern Pa- LOS ANGELES, Calif, July 17. ciflc tracks for the three conventio I'ffor's to change a left-handed child days. Indication point to the fact Into a right-handed child often re- that Portland will not be alone la Milts in a stammering child. chartering a special train for the oc- Tlils statement was made by Dr. casion. Elks In Northern California, W. Franklin Jones, regarded as an and as far south as Sacramento, ar international authority on "handed- planning on banding themselves la neps" and dean-elect of the school order to secure a special train t NU thf who r.iii.litiuti of International C!in "! Lumber Company. snirchr ,v e'-i.Mi i,.rire the wiir.". llareil tli, KIkuI,. inlander. ' Toe Prna'e u.lniiled Senator tir ah' mnlutlnn nvkioic the President toincl (In, ti ropv of the Am-' rlcan IVar C(iiiiiiiision's alleged prolcit against the .Shantniig pnivl lon In tho Treaty. "If not Inrnmpat bl with public Interem Itepubllcnn senuloni liegun their conferences wild the President to.lnv following Ids linHHll.i.i i ,MP. them at tl, wim (lll. ,.,,. MtCumber. of South Dakota. . Porter of l0 Treaty and Covenam the first caller. Senators Colt of island and .Vpinon. of Mlmiu-, da wero Invited to call later. Republican Senator Sherman, of II. I LONDON. July 17. Uaco riots In fine in"'"'1 't'10 S''"alU ,0'la' ,0 riv I ,h0 Mor'hl,r l,art ot K"Kl'1 nl"' ra,i.i.COnP. Wl,h "", f"'nnliHK. Wales havo created a stir throughout "'Moni of tho .Cttee Treaty ', country, principally because of WARiitvr.TI T. I tho novnlty of such occurrences In "", July 17. Tl.n .1 l.l I. Failing to comply with the promise tO do SO, it Was necessary for Mr. Lester, Who f education of the University of bring them to Klamath Falls. Mr. i Smith was of the opinion that enouga ' members of the lodge throughout said California would attend the conve- Now, this mother rniu. Change Child. If your child Is left-handed," BY MCE RIOTS Negro.-- in Northern I n-jliu-.l COl'd Should be HI the Honor KOll, bUt JUSt Cai'eieSSiy pUl major arm and In transferring the An up-town ticket office will b US tO ail expense that represents llianV dollars as Well as use of the hand's you may disconnect stalled near the Elks building addillir ereatlV tO the WOrk lieceSSarv'tO make this publi- lhp '' antl hammering may re- the convenience of the visitors cation complete. Mr, Lester is notraveling throughout of the are -J ot Clline atUl Iliawe a hpeciai llip IU gut ii. u, ,)r Jones, "don't try to make It tlon to warrant the make-up ot is like many others. Sh ewas anxious that her boys re-riBi,t.i,anded. it was bom with a special train. COrd Should be in the Honor Roll, but JUSt Carelessly put major arm and In transferring the' An up-town ticket office will bs in uuiwing tor thru This wilt . . . ..." ... .Miieiy-5i oerceni oi lie ru-i? are save cuesis lit iruuuie ml w the country visiting other Homes wnere sim lu nepiLii nab lmrn riKht.hamlC(1 aml the rema,. the loca, depot far from town to so made it neCCSSary. AS SOOn as he is through, he Will make'iK f0ur percent left-handed. icure their tickets and Pullman ac ;i liivil flojin-UI) fll this citV. ail(l We promise yOU it Will be' "One-half of the people who stam-'commodatlons. tllP 1'Wt If VOU have not llfllcient interest in this WOrk.mer have transferred the use ot their, itoiul Lodge May Live In Teat. tin. nui. ,f,ftip fl,on a will fnkp thp re- 1'ands. ! -The baby lodge of the countrr," 'Mo honor your boy or yourself, then you y ill take tneie'.-n.-H , .. ei .nromise w,de. Fight wiiii wi,ite-w..f gponsibilit.v. We have lost patience, and alter a ceuai lransfer3 aro stammerers. outdoing the other lodges m origin- Itrliig-. Many lllnrkt t. KnglMi q We shall neither Solicit nor request. lllC DOOR VUUj one-slsth of all rlght-to-left amy and life. They have wired T be closed and HO pleading HOI' eXCUSe Will again open ii. transfers are stammerers. Iq. Smith, who Is In charge of ac- percent oi pure' commodations, tnat tney are comma; are stammerers, im Krnnir and want to camp' out la . fact of left handed I n i,ca .anl. where thev can cook have done., or the work the boys nae none, uu tar.. -, so far as ,TO can t unravel . and ,, as oa time Or trouble tO aid US. lit. Is the fact of congenital cerebral. large falntj- during the conventlk The present-day knowl- neri0d. Mr. Smith is enthusiastic Shore 1)0 ClOSetl aiUl HO pieaaing liur UAL-ubv: iu iH""l yiy- iransiers are siamme There will be published in the back a slacker list the ! than one P. name., of those who have thought so little of : the rk; we, 'J-- Traveling throughout the countiy today is Mr. ACjasimetry full charge ot the worK ot tne compna- tirm nf Mip Ant si tlint is to be included in this book, ihe T.nctni- vvhn Vins full oharp-G of the WOrk Of the COmirila- '"K nf Iiraln Psychology is very In- about the plan and has wired thei :. i ., .i-r- ii.i. : i u : l..,l,l ;., fL,'o Unns rpua -omnMc but a speculative tr. front. I ii i i. n.HA.n ihav m k'- oi representat,;;; a rZ 1 ., tion of the. data that is to be included in this boo. The- --; Tb - -;;- "- ' ,l 'bS e Sundry Civil Appropriation In,,". .",... . Herald asks tOI' the COl'diai COOperailOll OI inoJ wiium est theory that phy,lolog,cal P,y-' odM utlllzes a tent for thelr head- ui l Whlh .. . - ....... i, , . ,. itT.i. ,.ii i... l i u .. rn li i c- n hnl-ci rill . . . " Was nmnn.l. . . . .. !. ..,.. ...Bit Wirll n tho hP 11 ilP PH11 PPt. I11S laUUlS Will phnlniv hna In ntfnr will n Ipnat hn ' .! iki.. I. l JllllftftAnn. . '" lu itotiuo In Qroat llrltiilti. but tlm exegencies ue iiuij in.. .. .. v.. -r o-- , " "-quarters u maj jjubs.u., uc . the rZZ , . f fl'00.000 for r war caused Mm Importation of n be ai'dllOUS and TllO Herald hopes eacll pCl-SOn VU11 QO better than no attempt at all at ex- ,lrectlv behlnd the Elks' building o -"'-"IUIKII1 ler. HULL nun r gua-siiiiiivnAifr ! liui iHTrnnn planatlon IK.t.l.w,.. 17...11.. t m . I i.1 i 11 l. J l .u iirn',1 a jxiFitiiii-9 it 10 inose in me ciiy wnu nave nut tione su, we asK1 ..Wo Iuav take as our 8tartlng that they immediately take to the headquarters the pho-J omt the prevailing tpiysicoiogicni tographs and data they haave been asked for. We have theory that there are tour highly tried to reach all of the boys who belong to this county, "iwiaiwd cortical centers involved in u..i :r .,..,. !.., Krt xrr...lor.L-n,l ,i-n -.iT.,,-,f f nl-nmv if n,1fl tho speech of the normal adult; ii l e i' ii i. mi l l i- namely, two sensory the auditory U'Wei.EM.'N Jo,n.,irnw"",iB,,,',r,,,,,,,c,w'' u? o T 1 2 r H,,,t ns,,,,,Bi JV.hcn n'cil nlwmt " ") .1(1 in li... .., 'itrlf mi; )Ut llm said .! S.1Ml.mcl Malcor". 'wwhorn .1.. ' .h01 " '''formation v"enoro tlm ,.... "H that P. " """ Tho nrtlclo J'ord ukiblr ,ro,,ch w'"- rwnlni"n.,!l,0.rn"'''''rlngn ",J Of boer. .I 'w"lrB0 "'ought tho of wounded sol- largo numbor of thmu to work on wliat little they Call to help him Henport docks ami to recruit tno rnnkB of ninuunl luborei-s depleted jhy the cull for lighting men. Ihey worn brought from various parts or thu world, South African and the West Indies supplying th hulk of thnin. Mnnr Arnba also wore Im- I I U I 1 Lf I nt Ihivoe Coloreil 1'1,'H ihns boon hIow, with tho consonucnco jtliut ninny domoblllzed lhltlsu boI- illors havo hail what to them soumed tho bitter experience of peeing str.ui guru iingugi'd nt profltiihlo employ inent whllo thoy .tliomsulrcs, IooUd.1 lu vnln for work. Ilusotitmont ovor this stale of uf- fiilra Jiulcqly dovoloped Into hatred when tho soldiers obsorvod that Btrangors woro trying to cultlvato acquaintance ot whlto girls. A mim hor of niHiroos took whlto wives. """ " . . rtna nc fV,om w:n k q mimli n mark ' s Miih .Tulv ; nn nrtlclo writ- callon the !""8 of l'o . ""'I wines woro ono of "'tmaaethl ZWar' F replied, J!!0"" of each other." NDOM ,. , R.N yoW SHELL dnilrlty has 7 :,Th0 Drltl8" th .reloDml. VaIod that " of C2"i,n'0Kft,,oB'th. 1 1 .. . 18,'nch gun whtet. fl.. l0B.',If She"' feet 0l wUh suffldont !'e"' t 1 f,0t of th0 rJot . '" uaed In th. . n ;s,on -tW wars: ar oi iiOKroes iook wiiiiu wivua. fo'ii A inodlcal ofllcor In tho troublod lllOVO a mountain the tennis courts. C. H. I.lcflowan, former partner tn the Ewaunn Bok Company reports that a half dozen or more machines are comisig from his present home town of Susanville. California. Word has also been received that Keno, ii i e 1 il .A ...:il l.K. ,. ; . iiamuij, ino M-usurj in iiuuiiuij I evada will seilil live or iuurw tars Will npprCCUUt? any iniutllliiuun ll.U will iihJ us ui get- an(, tho v,sllalalu. two motor-tho I niled with Elk- for the big festivities ting their record into the book. We will not hesitate at voral anil ,i,0 writing (graphic; i.u,.,,n. win cior street. any expense Of time, Or money, 0U WOrk to get all Of the wonU centers; that all four of these' Main street will present a gala ap- SOldiei boVS 011 The Honor Roll, but We Will SOOn draw the centers ave normnlly located In ono pearance with the purple of Elkdor line 011 tllOSe home Workers Who should at least do US the fll0,,,,l " slprlor) homlsphero of peering out from every corner, tele- . ,. - i .. i. :f,. .,,,., ,-.. , flo.f 1.irt Knoii the brain: namely, tho loft hemls-i phone poles and cross wires. Close to courtesy ot furnishing the mfoimation they have been vhm n tho lton rlBht.hnndcd ,,. boW, ot buntInB haw beon sw. asked for. It does not cost you one penny to be included vldllnl nnd th0 right homUlhero mUnd m arranging the street decor- ill this Honor Roll. If yOU have 110 photograph, One Will ti,0 ,. left-handed inarson; and lotions Merchants along Main are be furnished yOU absolutely free at either the Heilline 01 that though tho muscles.of the vocal preparing" to decorate their store win Rnnd Studio, ' YOU are Ullder absolutely 110 Obligation tO .organs aro anatomically con- "lows and the buildings they occupy. that ill b succefis- tully carried out, it the plans ot th entertainment committee are follow ed thru as formulated. !.. 1 .17 i.1. lnnlrr. 'I'hrtCrt r,M-C rtO.l i C-nmil-(in wv.i.ivh . v vu uuiiiig uiv,.:. lucj pm-Cnase Oie OI UIU uuuivo. j'1"-""' rvT0 "",:, functionally connected with only vnl attractions and everj'thing 11,0 nnlv throuch subscription, and when we close the record, i nn. nn. . na .. ... . ' WU make the vlsitors . w . -- --. .:.' . M.i- i i .. . ;. ,..:n u f -- - m . .... .fhnn if wi hi as lllllJOSSlUie iu uuy uuu ua ii win ui iuirm , cneoeh nt innat if ni,nra on the program and will be . .... i. - ....... 1.., nn 4-Vi i-.iir,lan-a nf Kaiurr ill- district doscrlbos tho sltuatlou as 01 CUStineuun m ""t,"""." w' r". ""'., w. T "' " vory serious, both from a health a,nd duded in the Honor Roll will be a distinguished honor. economic point of view, nnd assorts that 400,000 domoblllzod men aro wil.l. COXVKlt IN WASHINOTCIa. still without omploymont whllo no- groos uro omployod, "Ih this not u SAN FUANCISC0, Cnl., July 17. gross InJusticoT" ho asks. "It i Kogotlatlong were resumed today by nntlilnir lnoa Minn InlnlillnilR that the ti. airllrn rnnfnrniico Committee of men who havo fought for tholr coun try should find tho jobs thoy nood occuplod by negroes." itEOEivics nivonei: ii:oim:i: A decree of divorce was granted Mrs. l.lnu Matthews from O. I). Matth ews yesterday afternoon. Attorney John Irwin represented the plaintiff. tho Telephone Operators hloctrlcai vorkora to loam tho details of tho etrlko settlement agreement, whlV.i wus roportod to havo been reached PBtcrday In Washington. A commit ten of two representatives of the strlkors loft tor Washington for fur ther conferences with the Wire Con trol Heard oud Posttnustor General Uurleson. . nimi..uis loot s'roui:. Durglnrs lootod It. H. Anderson's genoral merchundUe store lu Merrill ut about 12 P. M. last night, and re moved several articles of wearing ap parel and foodstuffs. Up to nonntlma today tho authorities at Merrill and Klamath F.alls had not located tho thieves. Two dark comploxlonod stocklly built young men woro seen loitering about the store yesterday r.Ueraoon and Mr. Anderson Is of tho opinion that they pilfered his store in the evening. Bamo asymmetry. "When wo come to speculate on the tact that stammering commonly begins bofore tho age ot eight years, we may assumo that, since this is the porlod when tho language centers are being developed, it is also the tlmo when tho functional unity ot these centers Is the least stable. The transfers are the probable stammer ers, probably for the reason that the unity ot the language centers is so likely to bo disturbed." According to Dr. Jones, nagging, exasperating, threatening, card-tying, mltten-woarlng and other home-made devices "to stop left-handedness In children superinduce morbid sensi tivity and nervous taaUbUitr, GRIZZLE BUYS A GOOD LOT ON MAIN STREET George Grizzle Ins just purchas ed from i orcy Evans Milrty feet oa the south side ot Main street. near Eleventh, on which he contemplates the erection ot a modern brick build ing that will house his tombston business. It is understood that th consideration for the property 1100 a front toot. ftM few W !-'J I I- B!'