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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1919)
IP Vt &ljJEitnftuj IHralli orr-ciu-.." (M' lOFFICIAL PAPEB OH utoiATH co"- KLAMATH FALM Thirteenth Year-No. 3,674 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1919 Price, Five Cent " mi I H I fl 1 1 V Li m WILOUIllliiiiiLu HEPUBLIGKNS TO TALK WITH HIM Fiftta Senator A to awrlf wo CU t White Houe NO SUCH A THING AS I tIAID CIIDDCMArvit le OPINION OF RIGGS "Huprema'cy of tho air -there In no mirlt a thing. There In too much air to apeak of coiitrolllnic It lht Aiunrlcau Air forces wore oftmi In control of ten mile sector, hut an far a being supreme In the air that's a rniahotner." I I Ho spoke Lieutenant Robert ninpcx. I Klamath Falls box who returned to hi hone Ut night, after spending CAPETOCAIRD BELGIANS OBJECT, AIH MAIL ROUTE TO GERMANS USE I TO START SOON OFTHEIR COLORS I.OXIMI.V, July H Dcapit emir- imt'BBEI.S, July 16. Belgian pa- fcHAMBERLAIN ASKED nearly Iwo year. In the air force of hhb. .Ilfllcult e being met with In formnjf tQ uk, the United Bute, array. Rlg w., eMabll.hlng the long air route, It I ucUon , preyent he 0erman rcpub. oversea, for ten month. being at- epectl that the tape to Cairo aer- c from adoptnK the Belgian na- tacnen to inn iiom uuaervaiion " wrvin win ue in operation ,.. i-,.m.-i, .iiw nnH rH Bquadron, that wu encaged In re- Mom the ear U out. The flrst for ,u f8)tl ntene Indignation ls'm,ght hare tor the,r ueatt during connalsance work. He wu clo.e to 'm. w, probably win be manfMtcd( snd tMn g n b!t helght the front trench line prior to tbe wade In October or November Vned bv the plea that the colors In the COUNCIL DECIDES NOT TO ALTER TILE ON FOURTH STREET That the Fourth street newer Is not to be changed from a xlx Inch tile to a ten Inch, was decide", by the 'city council Monday nlght.'slnce thl would call for a needless expenditure. eald councilman Frank M. I'pp Du' precaution are to be taken to pre- vent root of the trees from entering tne pipe and rilling tnem up, o men were put to work salting the joints of tiling this morning. The council also gave the. Elks committee on entertainment full per mission to carry out any plans they T N T PLACE OEPOT t ON MM fixator H r't Coaler- signing of the armistice but did not - Partial report of the African mir- new r.erman emblem will be disposed W ,... .. .i- inrr break " r the enemy' territory at any parth now In the ld detail or horizontally Instead of vertically. TWW " " " !... .iii.a .ff . . I.aa. ft... I a. .. .. Will Speak l"""' -"- " - ipiur. i. -i ur . ( H generally supposed mar. me Parlag War I rmme Mut took his preliminary ground to be i.urmunted. Between Mala- Belgian colore of today were chosen la rortUwl and In Two Other Mn00 lrnn ,t Berkeley at the U. kal and ( about 400 mile, by the patriots of 1830, but the re- 8. School of Military Aeronautics, hn Mir mi Inundates the country tolutlonlsts of that year merely took and received his commission, after that no suitable landing place for an for themselves tbe black, yellow and completing his flying period In the airplane could be. found. It i there- red which had been legendary In IS I'rotl- early part of 1918, Ho landed at Lo fore propose dto use a l)lng boat Flanders and the Urahant since tbe .Middle Ages. The prince of Flanders bore on nrm n lilnrlr linn nn n flnl.t nf MMnri-r lh league Of Bl "' r iniu, i.onff iniinu .pnunmT n,ni ..,--; nir uni r - pnbllcsn ieniors oTrr i .uiennnt lllgK Intend returning Im P h ready to Mart. To Bold, nnd thoBe of Brabant a goldrn Kitloa and IVace Treaty, when lie (() Unlveralty of Oregon in Octo-'yean pretlnu-b the route from Sol- ""n on a field of black. The trappings jtwldrd to Invite no lc than 15 of , . r,,,,.,,!-, i.i. PI(ll..lni., work, lum to fnlni hud been uil bv Mn- of ho,n werp re, Froin 'h- tlllr- OrtfM Town WASHINGTON. July jMtWlltoa took the Initiatory move llarvc. Kranfce, In August, 1918. His for that stage of Hie Journey. . .'Mldd t tkt nutter of conferring with Re- discharge was given him on July 2 .A month afler the signing of the Th r. over the Uague of at MUcholl Field. Long IUnd .armistice with Turkey the first ur- their him ut the White with the credit he lll receive from Jr .Marljiren on hi- flight from Eng. u'n,,l century, therefore, the Bp1 hi army work he expects to be able Innil to Kg) pi and aenMlroniPH had K'a" c0'01" bate been black, yellow H..I.I. t.l .....ll..a I.. -I h.I. luu... I. ..II, .., L!..ll ff.... f...M..l. a"" ICU. II, ,1,111.,, ,P PlUlllUn li, BIA lilUUlliWi v-.. , .,.,, ... m.,i.iiif .,-, 41 ,iUUII summer seunuii. t.em to cll on Jlouit. Sfcrcury Tumulty announced that iknitor Ule. Itepitbllean senator from M.Mchtiett, who lutvd In formation yeiterilay concerning the Sluntunr; sgreement. ami who ha Xttta a bltl"r oppoiii'iit of the l.eaguo of Nation., nu one that the presl lert particularly wlahwd to confer vllh. Sfnatnr Chainherlaln. Democrat from Oregon who ha been at ilnnr i inonl'i I'olnlx with the president from time to time. nlno among WIVKS Of AMKHUMX riOIITKItS the state convention In August. They are to have control pt all concessions and the revenue derived from them, and the lodge will have the power to close Main street to traffic for street dancing on certain evenings. Permits at Monday night's meeting wer granted J. T. McCollum for the erection of a one story brick girage on the corner of Main and Third streets, and a nine room bungatow In Nlcbol's addition;. O. J. Nichols for the construction of a three room dwelling In Klamath addition at the cost of 800. and Duck-man end Dow. for the erection of a frame house In Nichols Addition. $50,000 Terminal Fund HW All Been Subscribed PROPERTY ACQUIRED Strahora Accepts the Terminal And It is Expected That Wltkiat Short Time the AsuiotucemeBt be Made That the Contract Been Let for the Cosawletkm ot Line to Sprague River ItOV HAMAKFR RETURNS. lie wilt be In Klamath Falls for 'ho and nt Ainrln, nrnr Alexiuidiln, while Intrriiirdlute landing gmtiniW had been cleared for eiiiergene) u.e. An nerodrome hud been con-drm led also ut Khniiutii, In ltU. . .. For the iutov of the uirey, Af llcji nn. dhldeil Into three MTtlimt. One put) ji;ned to Kopt, the Siidmi mid nn fur -.oulli n.s Vlctorin jitiu.i, iliroiiuli n pnrt of whut wjih Ceniiiin l'.nt Afilru lo Kltulii nt the Mint hern end of IjiKc Tniicuii)- Roy Hamaker Is In the city for a F n w lk.i. A Jlilnl pjrty liipectel the tnl-bnrrod black, yellow aril red An argument against the use of tbe colors by the Germans u that tpw (IaJ'8 vWt vIth ', motber. Mrs. the rtclglanli have actually emploveaAman'la "ai"aler Roy's hot of the black, yellow and red horizontal- frlenus wer Klatl "J ee him. H is ly In their emblems notably In their t" tbe employ of the government at iiiercnntllo flags so they consider VallP- California they still have a priority on hat, dl pn'ltlnn of the colors ns well as the ertlcil line The hnrlcontal bars were adojited bv the patriots who over throw the Austrlans In 1780 In mo i he first flag to fly from the Hotel de Vllle In Brussels was the horizon- FDHD STARTLES tbotelntltnl h the in'lilciit to con fer on the league Thorn dote to tbe president Imped that the con ference would result In the reestub lUhment ot harmonious relations bo ttven the exveuthe and tho Oregon senator. HAVE EVERV CONVENIENCE Hue from Kltlitu to Cupe Town. The Ilelglans scorn the plen of the IN A route ti Kgjpt and the Arnblun Oepnuns that they huo the right to AT TOUT OF lll'IIAIIKATIO.V IN mn-t to Indlu It helnc deteloied m-e the colors because of their ue bv KIUsicf PRIOR TO VOVAfiE TO from Atbnrn lo Trlnklttat, on the Ril the ancient Germanic Empire, of AMERICA I Definite announcement has been made that the depot of the Strahora railroad will be located at Seventh street and Klamath avenue. Practi cally all of the property needed for the use of the terminal has either been purchased outright or optiened: Accompanying this Information la the statement that the terminal fond of $50,000 has been subscribed and accepted by Mr. Strahora.' With the acceptance of the termin al fund by Mr. Strohorn, the last act connected with the construction or the line from this city to Dairy ani Its extension to Sprague rier haj bfen consuwniated. and the people of Klamath Falls have reason to looc u'th pride upon the results of their; i labors r; ! The next trove will be the aa- nouncement on the part of Mr.'Str-' horn that the contract for the cou Istruction of the road from Dairy to JjSpague river has been let It is as-' iderstood that negotiations for tn, ST NAZAIRE. France Julv K. - Sen, Mini thence vlii the Varsan and which Austria was tho center. Thv Kniiinrun llnnil to I'erlm mid Adnn. assert that the confusion resulting It N Htild thiit this probalily will be from the nmployment hv Cermanv as After the conference Senator French brides of American Holdler Chamberlain raid ho ui.ctused the 'on their way from Frunce to their president' Itinerary and was certain new homes In Amerlru are enter that Wllion would peak at least In Inlned In the llotes House here un thrw place In Oregon, including ill they mid thlr husband are ready PortUnd, , go on board n siuainer. Thusfar. mole llcil purpoc. .. for iiillttury than clll WORK PROGRESSING ON LARGE HOSPITAL well ns Delglan of the black, yellow rnd red would be embarrassing to the nutlon which had fought four years to keep Its colors unsullied. kAVS PROFESSIONAL KZSTxr. sUra INC I.I RING PERSHING .AND agreed to acquire at his own expense..? GRANT, ARE MURDERERS, OXiare under way ar.d as soon as th! WITNESS STAND IN CHICAGO necessary land is secured the coa-i tract for the completion of the line to the river will undoubtedly be let's TRIBUNE LIUEh SUIT eighty-one of the newly-mude Anted- WASHINGTON, July lrt Wnylo cft" w,vo" "ar0 hen ,nkon cure of ln Wheeler, ficncral counsel of the Anil- this temporary home for bride 8aloon Lcaaue. told the Sftnatn Judl- Tho work of caring for them I IaryiCommlttee that Congress had the authority to fix one half of one - - I . ..... .. . J.I .IIVV Wr cent a the maximum olcl.ollc !", under Hie charge or i urj Cnenil,nK r0ll uni, thl kllfi,cn conducted by the Young Chriitlan Association with five work- Kxcioat.'ti work on Klamath CiHr" new on. rnc nnd brick no-:i' tuMo be lovtted r.t the coiner of 'Fourth and I'Iim itieels. Is well un- .1 -Tl.. 1.. illnl 1 , ti. I. Mil, Women's """".. ." "' ' '" " """ fiy ur wurren ij. uuni ni a cim oi J2K.O00 INJURES RIGHT ARM IN TIE-UP MACHINE ontent of beernges. To nil two and three quarter per- " located In n grove of tree out- nt beer would b defeatlna the imr-' '1 the limits of the men's cmnp .. . a , Mfn3ttM Tho wives many or wnom nan nev ed been more (ban twent mile from their home before are mot at tho station with nn automobile nnd taken to tho Hostess House wheie they uro MOUNT CLEMENS. Mich. July 16.. That he possessed a total ig norance of history and that he con sidered It "bunk" growing out of I tradition, and that he had no person Ruth Miller, daughter ot M. L. Mil- a- use for music or other forms of ler of in: Wnntland Street, recelv-'at were the. frank admissions ot ed two lacerations below the elbow . Henrj- Ford ,oda- j answering the of the right arm at S-t." this morning OUCstIons fired at him by the defend- when sho caught her arm In a wire ant-s attorney's, in the n.000.000 ,Foy. Tho houo was opened Ma 1. sltun.(, on th(. ,hrd floor. j"-P machine at the plant of the,ubel 8Ult that he is waging against and i located In n grove of tree out-. . .... . .... .,.. . ... Eu-nunn rtnr rnmimnr. .. .,. m... r to rid the building of nllKwalma nx Company. d the adoption of nmendmonts to frerent American homes from hecom ' "apcakeanlos " BIG STRIDES MADE TOie of National prohibition, accord l lo Wheeler He further said that 1he Prohibitionists were not asking 1hat poiiemlon uf liquor bought be fore Jllly 1 for llnrwiimil ii.a 1 nrn. - ,--........,, UD ,fu 4f.-. .... moiled, but tint they merely want- Riven a thorough pnsirai inspection tooth oxaminod iimt any necesw) i work to bo done on them Is here done. Afler this they are given tho opportunity to bathe, ohiuiRO their I clothing, nnd are assigned n bed In Dv iri k w ..... n . ,. ono of tho spick niut uormnior- "a tvuMYlAlrl tJAlNIV (()g T10r jf from then on until the T. 1 1 linn tlioy board tho I rhlefl) olt 1 -ma,h Stnl n"n,: ,8 yar j ocriiplotl In learning tho English Un , '5' I gunge, sewing nnd exercises and re- ""J'tfi. 191s the utile bink open-tcrontlons of vnrlou kinds In the .!,n! ." holl1mB a cal'lt!t nndHnonjinn,,,! whh their hu-hands li -- ,...,,, ,,, Hiltlnl IV,,, f,,t ' i (.it if imt aT.fjii Ten days In the nvorngo time each , girl spends In this cnuui From It she Is taken directly to tho boat whoro sho ngnli meet her husband, he lim ine been transferred from his organi zation to a casual company so that they can take tho samo boat hack. That tho government Is doing every thing In Its power to mnko their life whllo still In the army a happy ono la very ovldont. A, month ago It was estliriated Hint accomodation for fifty-five would ho nmplo for this camp. That was less than a montlrRo. Today there am ac commodations for ono hundred and twenty and moro barracks aro being Uiullt, 'The1 lBth Cavalry alono nrougnt nrty-ono nowiy married men nnd thojr wives. And now that tho Sorvlco of Supply troops nro going thru hero so fast It Is suspected that tho Hostess House may, bo swamped, for itheso .troops, unlike, the combat troops, hovo been statlonod In ono place moijt of their ttmo over here and have. had the opportunity to win mid wedsowe daluty French girl. poHslblo odots The second floor will he equipped with patient roomn und baths, while the first floor will be devoted to both patients and nurses alike, with a large .consultation room Owing to the building being built on the side hill there will be a run way nt the back of the building on a , Fear that Miss Miller was seriously Injured was soon dispelled after she the Chicago Tribune. He likewise re-affirmed his belief jthut professional soldiers are mur- loM with tho second story. This Willi "umu """" u"Kl "vr "-" permit tho bringing of patients d. dressed, and expects to be back at reclly to the rooms on that floor, work n fawdayi. without the uso of nn elevator. i was rushed to tho Blackburn Hospl-1 dererSi and Ulat he would not exempt tal anil put under the care or Dr. O. iershlng or Grant from that class. H. Merrymnn. physician for the com- Ford sald hu present view. js f0r puny Iinestigatlou showed that noltne ,uMest preparedness unless tlie bones were broken and that the cutslLeague ot xtlons is formed. "If the were not deep enough to strike tho , world-warfoes not-resu'lt in such a arteries Miss Miller wenlv to her , T ,.. nn,i,P -- war without delay to clean up the sltua- PRICES FALL IN I 1 1-... ..... . - aupiciou sixteen thousand dol '" ere added In ileposlts when tho aoon i closed on tho end of the ilr?t wWng day n year ago. Hut throo "counts were listed. In a jenr tho growth has been ieady-aimost remarkable. To-day " total dopoMts amount to $35,: .'. . m"lrc'1 nml fltteon " counU are carried. Progress and tom Waro made corlnln ffom tho tl. "n'-ortuklnKHountl !rMM Pfdlco and sorvlco ttTpat- "offl fr" fr0m ''tcles. 3rL",!IV,Ce-5,rMlde'. J'A. Btrcet! Pr090nt homo on Sl'teIiflnn,BratU,atln6thoK,ai r, d proaPrlty m the commun- linitl.l.V, July 10. Prices on nlj provisions and foodstuffs tumbled nnd fell with a crash, much as the Wnlls of Porlco of blblcnl tamo, with tho lifting of tho Allied blockade. Illicit dealers, with huge concealed ...i... tii. i, inn ilni-lno- the. war ner- nit,.i9 ,..,- .---.. - x - tlon so that we may have universal neace," snld the owner of the Ford Motor Company. j t developed today that Theodore Delavlgue, a publicity man. wrote i practically all of Ford's pacifist II- I terature which had been oliculated broadcast without Ford haiiig read It. Ho accepted full responsibility, however for its publication. Ina moment ot petulance Ford ad mitted on tho witness stand that ha was an ignorant Idealist. Suddenly SAl.EM. July 10. Because of the i he reversed the statement saying thai GEMH FQDDS, KHB KILLED necessary speed In saving the state flax crop, the hoard ot control decid ed today to orgaulzo a crow ot fifty inmates of tho Hospital for the In sane to help the convicts. Auothor iod. drought them out lu near panic "ew ol an.... ,,..., CiUHUUl mil ttiou no uacu rni;-iuw convicts are working hut the crop Is being sun killed. m ICELAND'S STATUS f CONSIDERE DSOON .- ' A ' LONDON, July 16. Honor Law, Government leader told tho House of Commons that tho nrltlsh govern ment does not regard tho United qtates'Senato's action regarding Ire land as a violation ot nrtlclo ten of the Leaguo of Nations covenant. Ire laud's futuro government will not be considered at the next meeting ot the League of' Nations council. OCCUPATION TAX LONG PAST DUE "The tax collector will get you, it you don't watch out." is a good thins for some ot the business men of the t, city to remember if they do not want , to pile up a lot ot trouble for them selves. And it is because their occu pation tax has not been paid. Under the ordinance recently pas sed by tlie-city council, and which b came effective July 1, the occupation. . tax muk be paid to the city treasur er. This has been done in a large number of instances, but many ot the business and professional men have failed to do so, and these are now liable to the penalty provided in the ordinance. The city treasurer." Miss Ida Momyer, has been lenient so far. but tho day of her discretion is drawing to a close, and she will soon have to place the delinquents In. the hands ot the city attorney, and when this Is done, then the penalty will have to be paid Just drop Into the Klamath State pank aiyi have a little Inter. lew with Miss Momyer and sae the fine and cost- todifr to unload them bofore the computing supplies ontorea t-or-lunny. Immense stores' of coffoo.-sco-J con, butt.or and sausapo m appeared. Prices pn coffee, range from 40, marks to 20' and 15, Most of tho, restaurants nro still maintaining ah-, surdedly high prices. : , . ' Tho U. iS. during tho last five yoara Jias becomo the chief factor In Jflrnzll's Import trade. In 101S, when Brazil Imported $24?,O0O,0O0, the United States suppllod commodities valued at 80,000,000. British ship ments to Brazil amounted to $50, 000,000. ho made It to end the grilling given him by the defendant's attorney. This was one ot the libelous charges the Tribune had made against him. Attorney Elliott Stevenson, attor ney top the Tribune, had been asking Ford questions to establish that Ford was Ignorant. During the examina tion Ford defined a traitor as 'one who works against the government He later defined an Idealist as one who helps, others moke a profit, up on .which Mr. Stevenson said, ''Mr, Ford, I. guess we will let the question of an ignorant idealist rest right there." Later, evidently with Arnold Bennett aguely In mtndForjUde- scnueuuenneu.Arnoia a writer. RAISES FINE CROP OF ALFALFA HAY. Perhaps one of the finest stands of alfalfa and timothy ever grown in, this county may be seen at the E. A. Schulmlre ranch, ln the Miller HUl section. Mr. Schulmlre V,, has forty' acres, practically all of which car ries a stand that will average over three and one-half feet and will cut from two and one-halt to three toni to tho acre It is one of the best evt-" dences of the productivity of the soil, ln that terrnttoty. as well as proof ' of tho value ot intensive, practical' farming-. A fair sample of the hay" was brought In yesterday afternoon. by Professor Sexton. Floyd Sparks is nere from Walla Walla, Washington visiting old friends. Floyd graduated from the grammar schoods In this city. V y RETURNS FROM PORTLAND. V Horoco M, Mannlug returned, las evonlng from Portlnud.'wher'o he h'as been for the pa'st few days on legal Idseunss, Mr Manning says that the, legal fraternity of the Rose City willf be here in full lores ''for the Elk'. Convention 24.,