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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1919)
TVf! jii.i i.t. "" ....ulltV. '" lit lis MRICAN WOM'N tusk which yet remain In lie done ! "To thiim, In your (-fillitlioiiilnni, mill to yotiriMtlf. ommcliilly, murium, In my own iniiim mill In tin- 11111110 or (h 1'ioiirli milliters ileml on Oh llvlilx of honor urn ti'iitleietl my warmest niul mom Kriituful thank " THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON tr PAQE HEVBlt JAPAN AND AMERICA TO HAVE ANOTHER UNDER-SEA CABLE TOMO. .Inly I I ' pniji.ri of lnyliiK another Hiilniniriiio cable, lino Miii'hIihI Joffro In pivuldmit of tin' '"'wn.ii .lujiun 11111I tln I nltvil Mutes e'reiioh ConimlttiHi for the. Km her on illli:il HM'IIIJHH li'M Chllilieii of Krimi'M. ,,kX,!k.t wi'M tAtws 1-oh . THiiirTK' m:i to AJ MEmoR1ALS STARTED PIrHWiwa ih . miw BY HUMANE SOCIETY .Marshal lliirinoii BAN PltANOIhTO. July 14 A IIH II prlviite enterpilKe with u view III fili'lllliile ami Improve Him e)i.. I'.rnplilc 'iiiuiiiiinli'mloiiK lietween ih two voiiiilrlcH In reported lo hit mak ing headway. The plan In niiIi) Hi have Horurod the warm support of .liipimenn government iiiithorltleN iitnl of over thirty lulluuntlal huHlni-NN 1JIUJ 1 UtVI 11IJW Stable AiLoonroui Auto OIIODY CAS TKI.I. WMI-V VOU Ii.MIM.N (.ItAV, iAIi:i IIAIIt uiiM sa(.i;ti-:a useful iiieiMiirlitl which will hint for men who nre nxpei:f.( to II 11 11 nee thn zatlon committee, heat). IIBR ..."-- ...". . " . ... .... ...... .. .... HID 'I , KnlrlmnkH. pr "" " "" ll limit and In within the menus of tiudortuklnic. 'fommllt'"' tr ""' ',,''"" thone with limited Incomes who wni The organic rn of Kmnre. thanking ier Jo ,,,.,,, ,,, , H,mrJ. f , ,.,, ,,y KnUI-!!! I'linirllni help tho rAlIlASKH. AUrt- (.fff II Bit " " ugHii. - uW AlV lT "J., AmerlrM.. for L0J Oil"' " r ... frmii here to um rm fathers VrflKk w "" f' !H"b"t,,C... l..,..! hv .Tk-iplfllill'l """"" '""" ' .1, itml k-nnnru -' llo not fc.ifr xnlil 1. ....1 ni a nrr ran RDr au ,,, , I.1.-..I iif firifiiiilyiif lull lint num.. tif lint ilfitt LikntfnE wim n niijm-'"' '"" ' r, , .nllliiieiiH. full "f lovo Tor or. or tlm person to h innmornllreil E1"' .1. .. fiiM i(m itiift ! iiljwiul fill ti ritiiiilwtttwt lifiinuM nli. fnut m-l coniui" Illtll , Vanrouver. th other ihren I IOC (j( hff I'eOP" '" llllii- l"I r-t HI Hi" mill til III- nutli'lj V r. th rult. rooniH a nomiiou ot uio pnriiru- id nliynn- ,1, ,,',v' ' '"' '" "" KIM '" rrrnrneu in 11 Npe- ,,c o nppreflftlo how Krviii fin norm nrenerveu 111 in nrrhivr Mt your work. It'1, ind'imil, 111)' in- hi in- nrrnnnnuiin. (fpnler to your rimipatrlotH. Tell r-nn'i.. .Mft after the Inine km aciUTO Itf'ltl. Ulttl Vc" '"l"",, of n r'V 'ti'IiernnnnN i imeiy lo lie 1 1 youoB Krvnct nuhjert tnivetl In forroifeu." inli 11 menitfr ofMhe irtoe Imiaiif" if'"" i"1'""' """ " Imnni or irunleeN or th norleiy, "he. iwy lniinc from illre want niul H(,. rvint no rent imeful purptme " jthipplni. Tell mem "inn iiihi . "p...-iietMiii ii'Mmin-rNhlp" not only Vrmt whone territory In lenN limn ann fne n't Hi. hut for nil time the hethlnl the nren of the territory of niotiov Inventeil In 1I0I11K Un quota of klMki. h nlone lout more thun one inrinMnrtiin work In the wnv of re- Million and u half nhller on Ihu (.ulnK miffcrliiK nmeni: ilnmh mil- Lid of hattlr niul tlmt ull of her mnl. Only Iho more wealthy are loudi Hill Wrnl nhlr to enilow n linnpltul heil or n Vrtui hH th'ey heller conipro- uiilverNlty Ni-holurhlp Our In o ... -M. I I ..........I ...l.... ..I...II.... ........H-I.l ..I 1 . . FfCU DOw raicaciiiuB nun 1'iuvi'ii n inn niiiiiiin iiivunii mi uiiuik murv luuiiif1!! bey hue ilonti anil huv Kreat tho HneN nraiidrnothtr kept her hair beauti fully darkened. Klomy and attractive with n brew of Siiku Tt-n and Kulphur. Whenevfr hfr hnlr took on that dull, faded or ttrcaked up pears rice, thin nlinplc mixture wne applied with won- 1 iicniiiii. jorniur Vice. ,,.ri ,.rr,.c(. l!v nnhliir nt nnv driic loved relative nr frienilN Iiiin been mlnlnter of rmntniuilcatlonNj Huron ,tore for "Wyi-th' Bngc and Sulphur made poMlhli' hy Iho Hun KmnclNco Kumuklrlil NnkiiJIma nml llnron Compound,' ycu w'lll set a large hot- Horlety for Iho I'rnveutlon of f'ni- KhlhuHawa, Iiiin Intruded the InveNtl- tie of thin old-time recipe, Improved' elty to AnllimlN, Thl In known iih Ktlon of tee.hnlral matterN to the by the addition of other IriKrcdlcntu, . iinMiii.lliiil liinliili.iiiuliln ilVIUtPlU lt llot fljttiltntlnlflnll.i... .1.. nil ..hi1 . . tt.m hlAti T. ti t.Ma diivnlei in , .. Ih ....i.,...,,,. ... 1 ii, i. purtiiienl, profeNNorw or the Iinpej-lal ThlH nlinplc mixture can be depended ..-i- ..hi" lini IlllliniHM ,--w ,- ..... ... uri'""" "' '. . , ,. . i,ii, i ., ,i, . ... t'liiviTNlty 11 ml enclneerN or the navy, upon to rentoru natural color ana T.ul Willi 110 . 1 Nil"" '" ' ........ ... ,1, ,.ih.,iw ,n - TOO " "" . . . , r,inr 11... I... 1... n..u- I....... u. .......... bic.iiiv lo ihi tin r. woiiinnhooil. voteit to tn iiiiiiiiuih work or the' -.....,..- vii iiiin iiirrniiKiiiiiiiiH are neiiiK mane, a wen Known aowniown nruggitt iih to which route In the mont avail yiiyn everybody uct-g Wyctha Sap- and able One proponed route would .Sulphur Compound now because It diirkdiF to naturally and evenly that nobody can tell It hat bien applied It r no taty to ue, too. You simply dampen a i-mnli or pott tinmh and draw It ibroiiKh your hair, te.klnp one Mrnrid at a time. IJy morning the gray l.nir dlmppears: after another ttpplifii'.lor or two. It if restored to !tf ni.tunil ioUit and IooHh filosty, soft jnd t i.nutlhil. Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable Ijong Trip Our Hperialty ItraMinahlc Itiiten I'lionr l.'ll) H-22 Klamath Ave. PROFESSIONAL CARDS PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Mnlrrnlty Cam-h 301 High St Phone 455 TIIK I'AItlHIAN IIKAIITY SHOP f'ndnl MniMnfrlnt;, llleaclilnj; and Facial PackN Manicuring, Khampoolng Scalp Treatment ni Main I'lMine 8M NN. (wWtfAMMAAMMAAAAMAAMMMVWVi .VM.iV.V' KranclNco. Two of routeN would touch rouieN at Kan the propOKe'd Honolulu. The luvuNtlciiioiN ay that the number of wonln handleii on the r rlfle cable ilurlnK the paMl few yean chow yearly proportlouute Inrretixn of about mr, percent. About 5.UU0. Uimi wordN were carried In 19 IS. Hervlcr-Our Motto Hiitlxfactloii Our Guarantee Kandy & Hartman Painting, Kalsomining Paper Hanging City and Country Jobs Solicited. Make Your Home Attractive. 1 Phone 414 j Anna ess 1100 I'lne Kl.. Klninulli KnlN. Ore. XvAd -C-M-XX-xXS-M-S- X H. C. SCHLEEF X KATHERINE SCHLEEF riiyfiirlann and HurReoiui 7. Office, White UhlK. if ---KK4--M-C'X- DR. G. A. MASSEY HurrcHNor to Ir, Trunx Suit 200, I. O. O. V. Illdg Ofllce phone 8OJ -Jtes Flume 80M DR. CARTER DENTIST rnKMc fiN in 1 .TUe ahv : ' jfKJtJffijjjMB W'S CLASSIFIED COLUMNS .'HEKIDAN. Vyo. July 15. Twenty ihoimuuil heud of cattle will , miiko up 11 Hhlpuient I'd X. Dana expect to mnkc to (he Omaha mar ket tomorrow. Six hundred full rlzed rattle cam were ordered' to the little million of Howley, near Mr Dann'n nrh whero the IlveMock will be .11! id for transportation. A check or between $2,Uijn,uuo and 3.0ufi, , ' 1 will bo received by Dnna In re turn fur Ills trouble D L SPLITTING CONTRACTING IN CONCRETE Cement Work of all Kinds anil Hoofing Let Me Make You an Estimate W. D. MILLER Contractor COZY RESTAURANT NOW OPEN 720 Main Street Meals served from 6 a. m. to 9 p. a. GOOD COFFEE AND REAL CREAM , WHITE DUIIjDING I'HONE .183 rfiMWMWMM IK HEAOACH E Dr. James' Headache Powders re. lleve at once 10 cents a package. You Ulce a Dr. JatntV nradkcbr I'ltwdor and in juxt a few moment your, head clrara and all neuralgia and diUii vanuhM. It'a the quirkoM and nuint reticf for headache, whtther dull, throbbing, splitting or nerte. racking. Bead aomrone to the drug tore and grt a dime package now. Quit 'uflering it'a so Dvrdlraa. lie urc ou get Dr. Jam' Headache I'liwdrr Uiea there will be no disap. fNllliUlll'Ut. passengers and Baggage ANYWHERE IN THE CITY QUICK 8KRVICE REARONAI1LE RATES I'HONE 187 WesternTransferCo. ' Your Home Laundry I Damp Wash, 20 Lb. 7.7c FINISIIKD WORK Y KIAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put Your Dnd In Our Suds" MaaVVMMyytyww DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarver PHONE 334 Dr. P. M. Noel PHONE 4 Over Underwood'a Seventh and Main Streets "'0t0t t X PHONE 421 Corner Main And Conger M-X-"M-- FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Lootnls Dldg., Klamatb Paiat WMWWWMMWMVV.WW -gPR SALE : MISCELLANEOUS f .i 0.r-SLMe,.',.,M. 0(,ml ron(11- WANTBD Clean 1.1 . i-ictinc nervica ;o, -.1 m Et. 10-Cl AAVWVMMWWAAAMM cotton rngN. r. cents per pound. Herald Office 1 ltf rOR 8ALCCood rye hay also nl Illll DftV and rtnulurn 1 ..11 3117 a 1 'mh- vim wjn-" vtD St. or Phone 247 M. YZ-it LEGAL NOTICES . 'saSasahWiiatiasas, ASSI.SK.MKNT ROI.US RK.XIIY. Jump from Bed in Morning and Drink Hot Water Tells why everyone should drink hot water each morning , before breakfast, &0100U0000000000l0 New City Laundry WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK Shlrta and Collars Laundered I We also wash aillr, wool and col-' orru cmkis very cnrriuu)-. tj w onre and be' convincenl. Oar prices are right. Phone 134. 127 Fourth Street UariTof First National Bank HARLEY-DAV1DSON Service Station We handle the Harley-Davidson Motorcycles and Bicycles Exclus ively. Also buy, sell and exchange all other Makes. Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes. C. E. BISMARK 115 S. Oth St. Klamath Falls DR. C. A. RAMDO Dentist I. O. O. F. Building PHONE 61 CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY 017 Mala ARTHUR R, WILSON Manager vwwvwWinMMMMMAMAAMAMAA KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All Kinds of Spring Repair ing New Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and Blacksmitbing ALL WORK GUARANTEED Phone 250-Y 617 Klamath Ave. . VWVMMWWWWSWAW Tho AMrNMiicnt rollH r0R sai rn ... . ,1110 AsrNNiiicnt rollH nre now .! r 'r' Two,n0,1',n ready for tho Inspection of taxpayers vuueiiiohb. L rfintiiM ,.t.... .. .. . w.. ..... . ... ... : :. ... :rnln' . , ;. . i ooo wno want io Heu wnui ineir i.IV.'.A' "'" -'" nn'i Ni'O nsscNsment U or who wIhIi to r Nee MB Wore you buy elumvhere. mil 'Xr" " :,"."" 'V".0",'.' T' 'W HM nflB, f. .1.,,. V.iV ,,""""" W.U..BU UEIVIO, .. .U Ola su 113fi I.In- turmid over to llui llonnl of Knuall- 11-Ct .ration, can do o until August 1, TTT T " 'HMO. J. I'. UJB, County AsseKSor Exchftnge. One "Clenn fl.iot ALG or awnn' nnv Inmlnr ii.iu unn fill (IChlDf tnr fl.- .n.i. ! -w. ...... hltli .!.. .. . '" iiiiiku raw iui.yii - u i uuc. rnono li-K-i l TREAHURKR'H NOTICE. Notice, is hereby given that there Why Is man and womnn, hnlf the time, feeling nervous, despondent. ' worried; some duys hendnchy, dull j nijd unstrung; some days really lncn- pacltnted'by lllnosn. I If wo would nil practice Inside-bath-' Ing, what a gratifying chnnge would, take place. InsteuU or thousands or half-nick, nnnomlc-looklng souls with pasty, muddy complexions wo should seo crowds of happy, healthy, rosy checked people everywhere. The rea- Pound nav .,-. ... .., ,X ' !nnZy":, '" " "'son is that th, human system does not' mn old. iint,..!.. ..'.... i. ,.i..i . m:..ii, ..nirld ltsolf each day of all the waste ( mn ,!,.;. -.""." r,co " : "V"""' ,u" u """"" ..r-"". ........ , .... ... t thtiBft 11 t tows m Call, fvMis tuuu nminiim iFiuirnnii i ... v ......-- . 08 il-F-U, imp. (proientod for payment but not paid ont modo of llvlnc. For every ounce - --" i - . . . . ,. . .lor tne wont or tuntisj on or muore of f00 , ftnd tnjen nt0 the sya A i artist I V Q 4 A 1 Y ' woni.n hi.. .. . .::. "7 ..;..- .ihe'ln KllZIr,0,8.1 tatLUro-a will cease from tern nearly an ounce of waste material " teit illiv !.. . ,lnl. Uni koT 7 "" "u" 'i or aa-. "': .,. FOR JVTON for Wood-112R FORRENT wmt -- o ' - - - - - ..-."TPurnlslicd ronm- . 0 wZt 8t!nUemcn- nftfl'' Ph0. J&WANTED Lnte.and d , , ranch Irrl G'la. Good ic8u, wrk. Mil,. uooa Wages. Atinli, -- 8-t( ."l Py d r : " cotton . ,,er Pound for MM; n rttKS t Herald Offlco. 'ated. letttP Briy with rSffift!1??" C" Who ... v jiiLi'rfiarnn m n .Si.,aSt?ii Line. Any- , N.vunsr tf) f inLn ., JusincRc ,r: ":" A"u ". Knttnxr", '.". UUUIV JZi "ATES. 14- , Dated nt this 14th 1018, 12-f.t Klamath Falls, Oregon, day of July, A. D. 0. K. VAN IlIPKR, County Trcnsuror. muht be carrlod out, olso it ferments nnd forms ptomaine-like poisons which are absorhod Into tho blood. Just us necessary ns It is to clean tho ashes from tho furnace each day bofore the lire will burn bright and hot, so wo must each morning clear tho Inside organs of the previous day's In tho County Court of tho State ot'ncciunulatlon of indlgestihlo waste I wueiuor sick or wun, io uo i, drink each morning, bofore breakfast, ARMINIBTRATOR'S NOTICE OF FIIJNG KINAIi ACCOUNT. K. Arnold, doconsod Notico Is heroby given that I havo (Hod my final account and report as Administrator of the Estato of Noah E. Arnold, doconsod, and tho nhovu entitled court has fixed upon 2:30 o'clock in tho afternoon of July 19th, 1819, a stho time and tho county Court room in tho Court haitho of Klamath County, Oregon in tho City of Klamath Falls, In said County as tho placo, when and whoro any jior son may present any objoctlon or ex ception to anything contnlnod there in or to anything dono by him as Ad Party with v U 1 11 no ivii- i . '" vl iu uuyiuiiiB uuuu uy nun ua siu- ,. , " UV lnLPrPQrnrl in n mlnlil.iiln. nn.l lt.n, n lo,.k lima nml u,u in a """"wi ,iuu mui louv.. v. ...v. ...... Caretyhite place the said court will finally pass upon ana settle Bald account und ro- lnnr. R ,E. SMITH, Administrator of tho Hstnto of Noah 10. Arnold, iloconscd. JO. 17,' 24, 1, 8, 15 Pelican Hotel, sunsoniuw fou'thb i'iku.m.u a glass of real hot water with n tea spoonful of limestone phosphate In It, as a harmless means of washing out of the Btomach, llvor, kldnoys and boweU the Indigestible material, wiiBlo,' sour hllo and toxins; thus cloaning, sweetening and purifying the entiro alimentary canal before putting rnoro food Into tho stomach, i Millions of pooplo who had their turn at constipation, bilious attacks, ucld stomach, nervous days nnd sleep less nights havo become renl cranks nbotit tho morning insldp bath. A qunrtor pound of limestone phosphnto will not coBt much nt tho drug store, hut Is sufllclont to dcmoiiBtrnto to any ono Its cleansing, swoetonlnB and freshening effoct upon tho systein.-Ad Physicians' Prescriptions Our Specialty Drug Stones are really neigh borhood department stores in which various lines are feat ured. One druggist may pusa.r patented preparations, an othor toilet goods, cameras, optical service, the fountain or othor department which nets htm good financial re turns. Our specialty has always, been the filling of Physi cians' Prescriptions, and as a result our store has be come a prescription center. We carry an exceptional stock of prescription drugs, and our laboratory equip ment Is up-to-date. We em ploy only experienced grad uate pharmacists. All of your Prescrip tions and Reciples are Important and deserve the special care which we are able to giro them. ' FOR ANY KIND OF FURNITURE Andy Mauritsch At No. 10 Main Street. THY ME PHONE 176-J Vj'vL. KLAMATH FALLS OREGON n-!? v iu-atvmii rmxa uKuunwiri i V ' vn(.i rnTicuv wo. vk 11: DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Phyelcsasi Sargeoa 8aite 811, I. . O. F. Tempi (over K. K. K. Store) Phone 821 . . (The only Osteopathic Physi cian and Burgeon la Falls.) rf(vvvAAWAvvvvvvv'' " ivii " m 1 1 1122 Main St. vr Phone 340-J O. K. Lunch AND CONFECTIONERY Formerly at 45 Main St. Home-Made Pies and Cakes. Cold Meats A Lunch Goods. Ice .Cream .and Fruits. VMWWWWWyWWMVMAAArMMAAMMMAAMMMM SEE ME For Carpentering, Furniture Ro-I pairing, Linoleum Laid. HENRY SMITH The Handy Mam" 1MMAIN8T. SAW MILL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION OO. Designers and builders of mod ern Saw MlUs, Planing Mills, Box Plants. Complete plants contract ed. Appraisals and reports made. Dredging. We contract to baild any class of a building und install machinery of any kind. Drafting of any kind done. Bine Prints Blade. PHONE 14BJ Offlco" in K. D. Building J. C CLEGHORtih Civil Engineer .and ,S.arveyor Office 517 Main St' Phone, Office, 160. Res. 192M. WELL DRILLING Vochatzer Bros, -tt jKlahntha Merrill, Oregon or rt. McDonald Peel Room Klamath Falls, Oregon CONVENIENT HOSPITAL ROOMS DR. A. A, SOULS ' X-Ray Surgery Medicine Phoae 151-J 480 Main aaaaMaaAAaaawMhhMlMSa E. L, ELLIOTT ATTORNKYT LAW 111-14 W1H1U Bldg. Klamath Falls Oregon RECKARLVS RENT, SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276W jNftgxjMHCo M SHANGHAI LSTAURANT SUEY AND NOODLH HOUSE J Short Order Meals Served. 72 Sluln Street IVLUVatUXII l'illil-, UllUi. -:"x':l: . 1 -'if 1 W "'i m i Y?i