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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1919)
wsmrnimad J ...nJMiUjIt " '' """' THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAE FIVK SeC hCre, nyt the Good Judge PROVES HIS SANITY AFTER 17 YEARS I wnnl to remind you , t I UJc onoui uii of this ?wiw tobacco. It msics better because it's A'fK"' tobacco. Its quality saves you purt of vour tobacco money, it goes further and lasts longer. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW Put up in two styltM RIGHT CUT is n short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco v tgHBTOBBBBBat-BBBBBBB ggg9BBBBBriBBV'vBBBBvjBB? lalgaBBE??-! B ''i bbbvvwbW'- ' aaT laaHhBiiiBV'' 'rjK laBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaVHrr BBBBBBBBBBbI HamBBBBKr g " BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB P ERSONAL MENTION I.ITTI.h NIMKUOMTf MM'AI. MS I I'KMMlK 4MOM1 TMK I'KOI'I.K Ol' fMIH rT M VICINITl IMIIXIM AMI OHMINfJM OK MK7AI. PVII.Kft I. u 0cr IVjton ha received .1 daughter Corrln left In their car ji'im from hT l"l,,r Mr" ?" ' '" morning for u mimth'n vlult to j f Mnrlfin III conveying tlw .their nuith In llu.t.l Klver tlid nV that hf w"h her brother. ' Jttlifi Klemeim Jr. bun flleil 11 null FnnV I'owfll nntl rnunln. Jnr uciiIiiki It K. Vuril'auipwi for men Barkbrt. r on 1 t 1 r y to Kliim- ey ,m, utt noit., ttb Kill i l"l'ct tin- wonderful 1 Mr tl Mr(1 ,: ( (,,,!,., J(r(. (n KUmith county that tlm IVtonn town from their cuttle ranch on Wll km l-n writing about t Ifiiiiinon rler, purchuHlni; nuiipllr J, C Johnnton of tin- I'ellriui liny L, (inglutgcn. who linn In en em Lumtxr company In moving hla ployed In the Peliran Hay Lumber timlljf to ('amp Three, for the cum- ramp for ncvurul year, hail moved fy nn riratlon month. ( IClnuiiitli Knl In to llr. fccretar) of finite Urn Olcott linn, Mri I? K, Hendricks, ban gnni- to written for a plctum of the nnweat Aidilnmi for it vliilt roort houc Nhlc!i lie wlnheii lo have; M Dabner I In Klnmath Falls to fukllibfil In thr Oregon l!!s Hook. ,ilay from the Doak ranch near Ode. Mr nJ Mr, Carl I'lath with their - I Mr nnd Mrs. Janxti lllnlr. who llv. ' ed In thin county for evral year. nro In town from Alameda, accom panied by MIm Leila Herrtngtnn Tboy will remain here for a short va cation. Colonel 0. V. Otcy and grandnon, Don Otey fioulo, left yeatenloy for a vUlt on the Oty ranch near Porrln. Aualln Maydfn had Ronti to tlly for n fow liny on liulnmH I II. Orrm.lft npndInK n n-ick with I bin aon, at hi much on the .Merrill rond. 1 MIm i:lnn Wln. county chool upprinioiidcnt, Ih HpindliiK n fow dny with rolntlvcs In Ashland and Mod ford. Juilftn L, F. Conn, of l.ukovlew will 1)0 horn tnttnv nntl fimuiprnw I.. ..i.. 11 " to tnko up nny prmnlnK mutt.TK with tno niinrncy of thin city during JudKo II. V. Ktiykcndiill'a nlmcnco TEMPI P TU r A ti? o' '. l'Zl Wnn1, Wh" lK l'm"l0v'1 " ItrrlfLt TH E ATER,t Ilrclo rnnch on th, M.-rrlll Ct"nMavw To b tail MTtnten yar amoog lb Inaaot and to itlll re tain bor of dllTrano It the ttl through which Jamea Beldan ha jatt pa), Ooyarnor Saltb of New York attracted by lettera appolntnd a commlnlon which found Ileldon aane and always bad bon Arrnaled for larceny In )02 Ilvldrn wa adjudged Iniane and cent lo Dannemora boeplUL 0Tir1: or payments. Picond lnta)lir)cntn bond paym-nta on th rcc-nt Ikkijo of thn Victory l.onn nrn duo tomorrow, July lr. All th0k who juirehiuiod bonila on tho In tnllmetil plnn nrc urged to make their )ieitleinentR by tomorrow' In or der thnt the work of thu local bnnkn in i-ttHnc with the government muy h" fncllltiind TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOH RAUK--2 fool motor bout Ad-dM-KK Hen 3hl. lfi2t WANTBIi- Office rleunlng lo do AUdrexk Hex 3S5 City. 15-41 H OUST ON' MrtroeoUtaa Awimw N'C eu ij HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE I DANCINO Wtdandny A HiUurday Xlclit. JAZZ MUSIC. STAR THEATER T)I.V '' rrniinnmt l'rrriit E.MII IIKNNinT In "IHE Illfifil-'jiT vimu 1 iv fii Alwi A SMar) Ilrru Two Iter! Coinrl) FOH SAI.K ThorouKhbred Irish Witt er Spaniel bred lit Hooker Ouk Kennel. Chlco, Cul. Sired by Hook er Ook Hlbernla (Imp Courtown Mike ex HrlilKK Clorlty. II In Dam In Hooked Ouk Hannle (Ch Hooker Oak HoKun ex Fannie Maece) I'rlce $12f. 00 Cull 441 WunhlnRton St. 15-2f 1 FOH SAIylv Five-pamtenger automo bile. In flood condition. $350. one new four-wheel trailer with new tlren $22.1 C I- McWIlllamii. Far mers Implement Hldg. Sixth & Klnm ath. 15-3t , FOU TiKNT -2 room furnlnhed apt.' Mr O 1'eyton C20 Market. Phone 11211 15-tf Anyone winning to go to San Fran cisco by nuto call 247 M Private pnrlv leaving Thursday forenoon, 10-U WANTKD--Jlrl to enre for two children reference required rhone 402 l.r-3t T)IIAV VIlaKraph I'resentN IIFXS8IK I.OVK In 'IHEDAWX OF INIIKHSTANIIINC AIo A Vlugniph (VinnMly Aimluloa 10 ft ,B ceiJ MlUiaee 8-. ETenlngn 7M0 A 0. MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION I'HJTUIlKh "MDAYH ANII 8ATUIIDAY8 . MtI. Orvgnm "Wwt ab price, pn foP flno oitKoov ivnv ,:s AVI) "Tiu:it nixies hUMATH FALLS, OHK. J rond, wnn In the do- for n nhort IiiikI jneKH trip yeatcnlny Hi repurta that ,hnylng In progreMlng rnpidly lit pres ent. In fuel In 'Vlnce throughout tho country the econd crop of iilfalfu la coming up before the firm crop him been taken out of thu uliock. FOH SALtt Piano, upright. Con cert (Jrnnd, tine condition $17B.OO If mild at once Sirs. Henry Newn ham. 224 Hli;h St. 14-tf WOHK wanted by young lady In storo or office Phone 42CJ 14-3t TO EXCHANGE FOIt ailtomobile Kijutty In 3 room furnished ho 11 He and large lot. Hulance $15.00 per month 321 Grant St. 14-2t POLK IS OUR HANDS krone ruv ca 1 nwnviwiujwt D- W. M. IU.KYTIIINO, SPECIALIST in WSWSIS of tIC l:A1tT niul M:nvois svsTr.M. 8S$l$g,lnT0Wttah RcsliUn'-e- Offico 4lhllns,a ( i-iiono 71 WwbbbbI aar u j . vs.xa &3bbibe BBFyv Ut, .. BBBBBB BBBBBKBllAflBBV g-MBaVSifMS BBk' .. m 1 .f ' Bar" RBHKrvv iBBBBk BBI ABBBBBBBBBBBll BBBBBBBBBBBBBBm VajK efaaQB TOl'HINO enr for biiIo cheap. In ex cellent comlittun. Ilowiu guruBO.14-3 " GLASS money, co ,llnt will buvo you C"l''cr i.n.1 ,.lIllni.t W(lrk l 8'IUCKV. I'linne n40-W. llin., . The Unitod Stutoa oatablltihed Itaoir through tho blft war to audi an oxtonl thnt Intornntlonar at fnlru will always bo with ua. Tho flrnt now otflco com 03 in tho nom ination of Frank L. (Polk ns undor secrotnry of state, simplifying tho transaction of buainoHs with Great Ilrltaln and Franco. Polk has been secretary of state dur ing "Lull King 'a abuenco at the peace conference. FOU SALE Mf acres; 22fi ncres un der Irrigation. 40 acres to bo culti vated nbovo ditch; nrnt good piiHturo and timber. 200 ncres now In good lye 320 under fence; good barn; t'netor and ctop Included for $12,500. Also 10-ncre tract, lovtilj iinilnr ditch, for $1,200 Several otlior bnrgaiiiR in Irrigated lniul For Information apply at the Oregon Hi use. 1 1-Ct FOU SALT- One two nnd 0110 half ton Ilepubllc Truck. Now and in first class running condition. Price $2700 00. Cent rnl flnr.igo. H-'it I igarettes CAMELS are as delightful to your taste as they are new. And, so satisfying that they mtfet every cigarette desire you ever have had. Camels are unusual; in fact they're un like any cigarette you ever smoked. That's because they're an expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobacco, producing a quality that meets your taste as no other cigarette ever did. Camels' expert blend gives that mellow-mild-body and frees the cigarettes from any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or any unpleasant cigaretty odor. You can smoke Camels as liberally as you like without tiring your taste. You have only to get personally acquainted with the expert Camel blend to know that you prefer it to either kind of tobacco smoked straight 1 For your own satisfaction compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price! R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, WiutM-SI. N. C Ctmml ttt f)ld mvmtywhf in ctntttlrmtlf mmta fksg nf2Oi0rtt or ln ptk jr I2d0 ti4rrttl in 0 itAinfppmrv m t4rjon W ttot$v rrcmmnt tftm trtvn ht ff horn or office uppiy o mhn fou trmvmt. 18 cents a package rafito,? sss-r.rv. w isssgaasss HER M BBBBBBBBBBBBBBW"M91at WHi3ltti BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW JL JBBBBBBbW , lllif Jl fR DBBT bbbbbbbbbbbbbbV MH WayXNfVJ Hgigigigigf W .Fbbbbm - IV II 1 IW Mm VBJr BBBBBBBBBBBbV j( IbBbI gffL MBBBWaBBBBBBwfflllm Q ) & tJHlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBw! AbBBBBBbW I bHbVnbbH mIHRDi mfullw mill I I wmmmmmmmmwttrdi III f y "'Sv'l '. v . tfr- AB,iUJ.tAAA..imi SJB. 7io a- tfocir-round sot drink '' Popular dV:nand '' built BevoV froat; plani-" V tht most porfect indusiriiil oquipmoni inino world. SciontrfiraJly Ii?"'' 151 vpniilatod, and provided 1 vHh ovirv hi::uij;itvian device nosstblo i"oi ilio -!2Sr1 h-ii?; proierlsow l!" (ho health and safety ot ih iiizwc&iz&s cvfei:jly4,s.EUict2,:caIly operated. , y Gipadtv 2 uiiliioji boitie& daily. 'Mf l T. I.( A. I 11PS1NKSS FOIt SALE Loss than $1000 oo will buy good paying bu RliieBH In Klamath FnllB. Place to Iino ohe.ip rent for promist'8 wlfo can run luminous while num works out Inuulio lltirold offico. 14-2t Ce'8 Jitney Service nLNCK,s cjoaii storh -math Falls, Ore. - NOTICK OF KKTItAY. 9 hond horsos branded horse shoo nnr on both JawH, 1 mulo about 1 year o:d sumo brand, 1 black limro about 3 years old brnndnd bnr L8 on left Bhouldor Dlnzo Face. 1 iron gray iiiarn about 4 yearn old no brand vIh Iblo, Iiliwo faco. 1 Hay Colt no brand. IT. R. AVIlHiin, Chief of Police 14-3t O. F. Demorest, Dentist, Ot)i and Main, oor Sugnnimn's store, 7..V. IWANTKD to liuv n four or fivo room Iioubo. John Vnle with K. Sugannnn. 14-21 nUKSSMAKKK Will go out by day or do homo work. 70R Main ll-6t FUnNISIlRD HOUSE for nail. r. room modernbaBOinont and store rorm. 3 blocks from Oth and V.i'u Po.stofflco box 301 U if- FOH PALK Chevrolet -IfiO Touring, I Cnr $300.00, Contrnl Onrago. 14-3tl ' --i- Tfi V sA'iVTsaw -