.... .Sbbauksa.uM..- Tl'KHBAV, Jl'liV I ft, I ii i ii, THE BVBWiwn HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE FOUR .vv? . . I .. . l..R AttiArl(n 4 ' B 11 17 U .l-ll "LOHF, ion "ih a 1 ne EiVeillllg nW IU Travellns road nil even nnd pence- , 1 ful you learned from joys ami iirw perlty nly, J. MURRAY EDITOR nut now. nil now. to learn from ' crisis of WiKUlsli. mivancmp. grni'M- j Published dally eicept Sunday by , recoiling not. ? &fSZ8Wn2 And no, to conceive and .how U, J """"" thc world what your children on- Kntared at the postofflce at Klam- masse really nre." Mil Falls, Oro., for transmission thru - , tte malls as second-cUss matter , , Babecriptlon terms by malt to any Mdrees In the United States: te year 6-no isha xtontn . ....... uv At the Theatres MvAWWM a U V jLTXtt-i n Timmns l Ince rented the Dames Member of the Associated 1'rw circus entire for his production of The Associated Press Is exclusively rhe Biggest Show on Earth," with itlUed to the use for republication Enfd Bennett as star, for Paramount. A lot was engaged and the big top C alt news dispatches credited to It ar not ottterwtse credited In this pa- and also local newt ruDiisnea All riefcta of republication of spe- dtopatcbes herein are atso re- Mrred. TUESDAY, JULY 1ft, 1010. tET AMERICA WATCH WELL. went up. It was a regular circus In . ., -i .. Him vinraMM. very aetau. " r -- .j When It goes to the public In screen J form, tnts story oy riorcntf will be found to contain an unpreced ented amount of thrill and It gives Miss Bennett a better chance If pos sible than in her previous Paramount pictures to display her talents as an actress. Miss Bennett is dainty and naive and the "picture Is ldcallv suited to her. A fine cast supports the star and Jerome Storm Is director. The' ..t.. ...411 1.a 1ia mntn fontnro nf manager Houston's bill at the Stnr.X One hundred and thirty years ago yesterday a tumultuous French mob stormed and overthrew the Bastlle; the state prison nnd citadel of Paris, and started the bloody French Be- Ynlntlnn. Yesterday all France celebrated , Theatre tonight and nothing in thoL 4he annivarsaryof the great day- way of accessories and Incidental. $ .. . -. i mticl will lw lnrlclnp tn make the July 14, 1TS9. It was meir nauuuiu ..... holiday. The heart of Paris throbbed , presentation a conspicuous success. with near as much fervor and en-1 ..,, .,. '.-.. o ., 4i.i n tht memorable ! Bessie Love, who makes her bow- day in November 1918 when the ' as a Vitagraph star in "The Dawn of yoke of Prusslanism was lifted from Understanding." the Vitagraph Blue , the world and war-stained France in Rbon Feature, which will be the. particular. Allied and American her-, attraction in the Temple Theatre to-, oes. wounded men from-the great night. Is a screen star of extraordln- j war. marched In a mighty parade In ary ability, a rare combination cl, honor of the great day. Millions Hunt comedienne and dramatic ac- swannedthe boulevards and waved, tress. She is a native of Los Angeles 1 1 -.. , ... . t- tv.-.. t. and came to photoplay immediate' I and Pershing-men who made No. , on her graduation from High School, t vember 11 possible were there ,0"".'"' ' . .1.. ... ...am. ahA Tine an.mVil nil .be ai'van . pes of training at tht hai.rts of those two masters of the add luster to commemoration, of de mocratic order in France. America can well draw new mean Ins during these momentuous times in the recalling to mind of the French Bevolutlon. With Prussia trabdued. world peace signed, and The League of Nations up for discus sion in the Senate pending its future adoption, we are apt to rest. Prone to Test and sleep .when there is no rent. Many laugh at the thought of a -coast to coast uprising of Bolshevism tn America. -When you are ready to laugh remember the events of yes terday. Remember the poisonous vir us that set its fangs into Russia. Re member the crumpling of Germany at riome under the rule of the Soviet screen, David V Griffith and Thorn- as H Ince Her life unci piquancy J are in .arce measure credited for the appeal which has won for her In such a brief period such a strong X rdaco in trio hearts of motion picture J devotees all over the United States and Canada. t Geneva French thought that she w uld' be a bio (n do as she pleased when she jiijirrfed Lawrence Tabor, X the youngest .Member of her stern J father's circle of friends. To her; the matrlape linK meant a declara- t tion of independence. She neither J loved, honored, nor obeyed. In the unrestrained pursuit of hap- ilint 1i4o.ani.fi tha and nn thp battle- t Tllnptc; nnrl frpprtnm fihn hprnma In field. Remember Austria-Hungary. I vol veil with a, man-about-town. Her remember Italy: all but tottering fori name bpcame linked with his in so- h I.ma ..haw TieiA In-vlcriiA Whon Vflll ' Milt -naoln onrl Via- l,An l'ac a last 4X Utile UIIUO. .c:u l..b.bwt'. ...'. v-.....j e.'do.i ...... ,.. ..u..., nu.3 .. jia. . r laugh at such a. thing taking hold of to be bandied about among men. Yet' .( nmn tnaiUnilnna ramomhfil1 t Via I thr-tt a mnfit In fAnlniio L tt nav. i 4 French Revolution. French high au thority lauehed in 1789 and the iiiru tx ijiuoi ingenious irjctt ui pn chology her husband was able tOi bring her to her senses and to make i J . - ... .... 'A LIBERTY THEATRE "TlrK PICK OF TIIR PICTURKS' H. W. Poole, Owner tVM'VVSWVWVS'VWWt'AAAAAM Matinee Every Day TONIGHT DOROTHY PHILLIPS ;.' IN "THE TALK OF THE TOWN" Century Animal Comedy "HOWLING LIONS and CIRCUS QUEENS" Wednesday J. Warren Kerrigan ' J IN ' "COME AGAIN SMITH" DOORS OPEN AT 7 P .M. t v I'D I I t t i $ 4,050.00 100,000.00 10,000.00 rt"nTorWWTnrtrt,SCo,! First National Bank At Klamath Falls. In the Stiile of Oregon. the clwe of HukI ni-ss on Juno .10, 1913. IIKSOIMU KS 1 n Lonni and discounts. Incliid- o Ing ! discounts J90..0.3 - Deduct. ; Overdrafts, unsecured 0 I', s. Bonds lother than Liberty bonds, but Including U. S. certlncates of indebtedness) : a U. S. llonds deposited to se cure circulation (par value).. b U, S. Bonds and certificates of indebtedness pledged to se cure U. S. deposits (pur value) f U. S. Bonds and certificates of indebtedness owned and unpledged 0 Liberty Loan Bend: a Liberty Loan Bonds, .14. . and 4 '. per cent, unpledged. c Liberty Loan Bonds, 3V4, 4, nnd 4 i per cent, pledged to secure postal savings deposit 7 Bonds Securities, etc., (other than U. S.): b Bonds (other than V. S. bonds) pledged to secure pos tal savings deposits c llonds nnd securities pledged us collateral for State, or oth deposits (postal excluded) or bills payable. e Secuilues other than U. S. bonds (not Including stocks) owned, unpledged etc.. other than U. S Total bonds, securities, 9 Stock of Federal Reserve llnnk (CO per cent of subscription) JO a Value of banking house, own ed and unincumbered 11 Furniture and fixtures 12 Reul estate owned other than banking house 13 Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank 15 Cash in vault and net amounts due from national banks 1C Net amounts due from banks, bankers and trust companies other than included in Items 13 or 15 IS Checks on other banks in the samo city or town as report ing bank (other than Item 17) Total of Items 15, 16. 18 J165.744.04 19 Checks on banks located out side of city or town of re porting bank and other cash Items - 20 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer 21 Interest earned but not collect-, ed approximate on notes and bills receivable not past due 22 War Savings Certlncates and Thrift Stamps actually owned 21,000.00 131.000.00 ..350.00' 15,000.00 17.350,00 20.000.00 5S.SOO.00 46, Mf.. 69 125.645.69 3.700 00 .10,000.00 11,226.61 1.300.00 73,642.94 150,911.70 t 6,706.75 8,125.59 4,238.38 5,000.00 13,439.17 380.85- , . .- - . (, streets of Paris ran red with the of her a good wife; and what Is more, 5 blood of thousands. A republic was! a good mother. ij overthrown. j How this was accomplished forms' Our vision lies ahead our task i the theme of "Talk of the Town," al is yet to be accomplished. Unceasing' photodrama starring beautiful Doro-!J vigilance, unceasing watching and J thy Phillips. It would not be fair to f guarding our institutions will be the tellyou in what way Lawrence Tabor price of liberty. Industry is rising j restored his wife to himself when J , daily with strike and demand for bet-1 she appeared to be public property. 'J -terment unrest is spreading over To know you must see "Talk of the our continent. We must face the iB-iTown" at the Liberty Theatre to-.J sues we must be prepared to meetn'8ht. 'T expressions under the Red flag with ! . the only law the Instigators know I BOB IS FOL'VD. U force Tne Che&aneake dog "Bob" haslj ' . .... been found. He had been shot and!, America was tested and not found ltnrown lnt0 the government Irriga-t wanting on the battleground. Today, tion canal. I will pay $100.00 cash' onr internal organizations are in the for information as to the identity of fires to ten their temper. Walt Whit- the person who shot Bob. Information . , , .. . , , will be kept strictly confidential If, v. man truly pictured America today rp'alPRtP,,, A(lvlse H. W. Peel T her- when he wrete: .v Theatre. 14-3t ! 9,317.03 4,572.88 2,117.89 100,000.00 15.341.4C 27,518.84 2,722.84 3,556.19 Total Jl.493,796.97 LIABILITIES 24 Capital stock paid In J100.000.00 26 Surplus fund 22.000.00 26 a Undivided profits $$ 9.467.03 b Less current expenses, Inter est and taxes paid 150.00 27 Interest and discount collected or credited, in advance of ma turity and not earned (ap approxlmate) 28 Amount reserved for taxes accrued 30 Circulating notes outstanding.. 32 Net amount due to National banks 33 Net amounts due to banks, bankers and trust companies (other than Included in Item 32) 34 Certified checks outstanding.... 30 Cashier's checks on own bank outstanding Total of Items 32, 33, 34 and 35 49,139.33 Demand depowllw (other thun bank depoHltx) subject to Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days): 36 Individual deposits subject to check 37 certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed) 38 State, county or other municipal deposits secured by pledge of asbets of this bank Total of demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to reservb. Items 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 and 41 1979,460.38 Time deposits subject to Reserve (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal savings): 42 Certificates tif deposit (other than for money borrowed).... 44 Postal savings deposits 46 Otehr time deposits Total of time deposits HUb Ject to Reserve, Items 42 44 and 45 U74.21C.19 40 United KtaU-s ili-HiMit (other than postal Havings) : ' c Other United States deposits, including deposits of U. S. disbursing officers 4C :i Other bonds borrowed with out furnishing collateral se curity for same EC Liabilities other than those abovo stated: Bend payments by customers, .'..... 835,554.84 85,105.54 58,800.00 130,128.88 15,895.78 128,191.53 Total , $1,493,790.97 State of Oregon, County of Klumath. ss: I, Lesllo Rogers, cashior of thn nbovo-naraed bank, do sol. cmnly swour that tho above statement Is true to tlio host of my knowledgo and belief, LESLIE ROGERS, Cashier. CORRECT Attest: 13. R.'REAMES, JOHN M. MOORE, A. M. COLLIER, Directors. 19 Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 12th day of July, 19, BERT E. WITHROW, Notary Public. (Aiy commission u&iuub uucuuiuui i, j-ucv,) New Liberty Six ? ? T T t ? ? : Special Continental Motor Timken Borg & Beck Clutch Be arings $1760 i New Reo Fou The Reliable Car for Hard Service. $1620 You Can't Beat 'em at any Price. C . L. McWil lia m s 4& Farmers Implement Building fi Sixth and Klamath Ave. WMMfrHMfr4Hfr8M&Mfr: I! I SAVING! I There are many different ways of sav ingone way, is by having u repair your old Shoes and have them wear much longer that's SAVING ! As the price of new shoes is going higher and higher eveiy day, and will continue going for some time yet to come Save! 8,903.27 40,000.00 4,010.00 "We are well equipped to handle your shoe repairing on short notice. Material and Workmanship the Best If we do your work it means SAVING! Bradley SHOE STORE For Fine Shoe Repairing. 727 Main St. I ti A A .. A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ' V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V i R. F. ORE. '.,,,.....; sr- Phono 4 GO lee Cream 723 Main St. Candies PASTIME Jack Mnn row, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Hoft Drink.s Peel mid Billiards Barber Shop in oCnnectlon OUR MOTTO "Cniirti'Ny .Hid fiervlro" It's a Long way to walk If you nro out In tho country and llnd that tho repair work you hud done does not Btand up W ub nnd you'll rldo and not walk. Hoagland & McCollum Wo buy anil sell New nnd Second Iianil Ciiih. Bpcnk to us before you buy. Wo can save you mon ey. Wuttli for our sneclnls. V nmMwrrryr