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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1919)
. .l.u.imKil.U .-....... EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREG6n TUKHDAV, .ll'I.V 1.1, Kill) AGM TWO THE out lii the nature of n iuk. ... SAN DIEGO MISSION flowers nnd trees planted; ,0 . WILL BE RESTORED fi.i. tin. minion tiio room m b, ifNlnrt'il h much ns poimlhi.. (o t Itolr SAN IHBOO. rnllf. July H """" W""'' Plans for the restoration of Mission OrlKlnnl pictures, "intu.vt, ,.,,. LIBERTY THEATRE Dorotluj San DIvko tin Alnilo, near linn city, mWw mm outer onji-eiH or l(ll.(l J lio first established III Itlllioiiuii, win ih iirnniKi'ii iiHuiii . Am 111 I.. ..i k ....! .. t ilir rootin PJftlllWS in have been form uliil I'd by tho com- to conform as nrnny ns mikh1,c (0 mlttee in rlmiKii of tho prosorvalUm their nppearnnco In tho tliiya of ilfc of thi oltl ruins, nml work will bu Frnnclsenn fathers. Hturti'il Immediately. Tho ruins will Arthur II. Ilvnlnn, nrrhllert of Lo, hi' restored to show tho orlKlniil out- ,iiKoleii, who In socreinn of jj,, linos of (ho liiillillnK. Landmarks club. iuuili th iniuin for The roiul loitdltiK to tho hullilliiK tho reconstruction of tlm iiilmloa will In- repaired, tho Krounds Inlil from an Old Spanish drawing. Superb Production "THE TALK KAIlMKIl SAYS WIFK IS 1,1 KK IIIK KKIIKNT WOMAN ATKH TAK ING TANIiAC GAINS TWKNTY WHIM'S ;D0ES THE ., GODKING FDH , FIFTEEN MEN 4-u TTTTS "W''' ,&5WiiiiiMSBiMte58:ilW '-CJaCMr SSI AC TUETfittni'W&lVR'ii'' 'iff., M 5 m s ft FEED TONIGHT ONLY HIiaMBi ITS A POOR DOCTOR Who Wont Take" His Own Medicine THAT'S WHY WE ARE USING THIS SPACE TO TELL YOU WHAT JOLLY LITTLE BUSINESS STIMULATORS HERALD WANT ADS ARE AND WHY THEY GET RESULTS THERE IS NO GUESSWORK about a Herald Want Ad. They do the business. We know they pay. Our customers have told us so time and again. We have used them ourselves and they have never failedto get,results. They are the short cut to a quick turn-over the modern method of merchandising on a small scale, where the value of the article to be sold or the importance of the want to be filled will not justify a heavy outlay. If you had something to sell, trade or give away and went out on the street and told each person you met about what you wanted to do, you might get results but the people you talked to would be very likely to say : "That poor fish has bats in his belfry." If, on the other hand, you used a Want Ad, you would talk to the whole county at once, instead of only one person, and do it in a businesslike manner. The same rule applies to hiring help, renting a house, looking for a job, or any one of the important little incidents of life where you must call in the assistance of someone outside your immediate family. You MIGHT get results by telling your troubles to the neighbors but the certain, quick and economical way is to use a little classified ad. Do you want to buy, sell or trade, want to hire help or find work; do you want to find ajoom, a house to rent, or to rent the same to someone else; do youwant to call attention to some new feature of your business, seek information on some subject, or have you any little unfilled want? USE HERALD WANT ADS THEY DELIVER THE GOODS AND ARE ALWAYS WORKING "My wifo hns not onlv lncn com pletely relieved of stomach trouble. but hns iictunlly gained twentvi pounrts In weight, on three bottles of I . I . ...... ,l.n laniac. so you mnj ii imm " whnt I think of the meillclno." sulil i Wllllnm F. Mojo, n well-known far mer, whoso mlilross In Dox 1.17, It P. D. Houto No. 1. Pout KiiIIh. Idaho while In MiirKlttroyit'H In Spokane, i Wnnh., recently, Mr. Mojo hm llveil nt Post Kails for the past seventeen years. "For tho past two or three your my wife hns been In n terribly weak i find run-down condition, contlnum! 'Mr 5tol?, "and miwt of the time hm hud n dull, ncblng pain In her elde ( She had tibsolutely no npiietlto nivl Just had to force down whnt little. sho illo cat nnil then sne would lie troubled with sour stomach and gas. She would suffer with fdiortneti of breath so nt times thnt she could ihnrdly do nny of her work nnd 1 lost I an much ns three months' work stny- I Ihk nt home to help her, Sho wns so nervous sometimes that tho least little' i thing would upset her completely ' nnd she dliln't sleep well at nil, but would Just roll and toss about for hours and would Ret up In the morn. Iiik feellnK mure tired than when she went to bed. A ilny's work around the house would Just wear her out nnd she wns losing weight nil the tlmo nnd finally got down to where sho wub pretty thin. Sho also suffered a lot with sick hendnchfs nnd would be so dizzy at times that sho would Just have to catch hold of something to support herself. Of course, she tried different treatments but noth ing she took gave her nny relief nnd she had Just nbout lost nil faith In medicine until sho took Tnnlnc. "We had rend nbout Tnnlac and whnt It was doing for others so my wife decided to try It nnd I enn tell you right now I am mighty glaVl she did, because since she started taking it nil of her troubles Just seem to have passed nwny Sho never suffers any more with hendnches, thnt short ness of breath hns beon relieved nnd me pain in her side Is gone. She Is do ing the cooking for fifteen men now ami ner worK doesn't seem to give her the least bit of trouble, nnd eat! Well, you Just ought to see her that's all. Why. she eats anything she wants, nnd Is never bothered n bit with Bour stomnch. gas or dizziness, nnd she sleeps Just llko n child for eight hours cvory night nnd gets up in the morning feeling fine; In fnct. it Just looks like she Is a different person altogether. Sho Is more than satisfied with Tanlac. t enn tell you. and would be glad to hnvo anyone write to her thnt wants to know what it did for her." Tanlac Is sold In Klamnth Fulls by the Star Drug Co., nnd in Lorella by the James Merc, Co. Adv. BLkkMn vtBIHikL, I v i!N?Sw itSkT wMpMlifc'Ss BTTSHT i Mr llfc i i . ' S UW &&Z& 3 E I SKIN FKINKKS WISH IRISH TO TltADK DIHECT WITH WOULD. DUBLIN, July 15. The Sinn Fein party desires to establish Irish trade direct with the nations of the world without the intermediary of English agents. It has been suggested that .reland should have Beparato trade centres and capitals of the world. To meet the obvious difficulties t starting and financing such a scheme Professor John MacNelll, member of Parliament, points out hat the thing may be largely dono through the universities which hnvo the power to Institute studentships In commerce tenable on conditions of residence in selected places abroad. He Hayjj these students could net as Irish trade agents. ' j, t STUDENTS HKQUIUKD TO TIM: HODY TRAINING. LOS ANGELES, Cal July 15. Physical education will be a required course of the Southern California branch f the University of Califor nia, It was announced by Dr, E. C. Moore, who will be director of the Institution when it is established 'July 22. Request for Instruction In tblsl science by the new branch was made to the United States bureau or hy- ne, Dr. Moore said, the bureau was stabllshed when the selective serv--i act was enforced. Keep The Old Customer This is more than u mere slogan it's i solution, so far as wo are concerned. Wo are trying to conduct this business on a basis' that will brinic old customers back for more and old customers help a lot toward bringing in new ones. Of course, a good salesman can sell even a poor make of tires once. That's "putting one over" but we would rather sell a good make of tires please the people, and depend on the recog nized merits of DIAMOND TIRES to keep the business going. If vou are looking for good tires not risks come in and see us; we are in business for steady customers. DIAMOND TIRE & VULCANIZING COMPANY. 120 S. Sixth St. 4IlIllt0Ml TIRESriISsM'TuBES wMMLwmmmLzmammmLfLmmLWLWLmmm K- --iN We Have a Better Grain Binder for You The next time you are in town, come in and look over the John Deere Binder. It's a machine that will give you extra years of ser vice at less cost for repairs, end will do better work under abnormal field and weather conditions than other binders. We want to'show you many points about this ma chine not found in other binders that you will rec ognize as extra value. Stronger wheels, heavier frame, reinforced platform, self-altgnedv bearings, roller bearings, three packers in stead of two, hardened wearing surfaces on knottcr parts, ground and polished packer shaft bearing and quick turn tonguo truck are a few of the many points about this binder that make it serviceable,light draft and economical to operate. You will appreciate what binder satisfaction truly is when you get a John Deere, into yocr harvest fields Come In and 5e this Better Binder BALDWIN HARDWARE CO. 'The House of Quality" t Egg Mash, Growing Mash, Fattening Mash To Your Chickens Murphey's Feed & Seed Store 126 South Sixth SL Phone 87