t -r mwA, i;. r? f, MONDAY, JUI.V 1 1, HMD, THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAon eioiit ISHllll elBIIIIIHIIIIIISMlllHBIlIllllllimIIHliaillKI IHIKSII M ra is m of Mens Fine Clothes at K. K. K. Store, Leading Clothiers 1 III 1 H mm mi wti illl i J t iHlNk WW II Wi 0 Wm Clearance it rsj pi $ Ctll Entire Stock of men's fine summer Suits are on sale. Celebrated Kuppenheimer and other good brands, at prices that will save you a lot of dollars. Read the Clearance sale prices. 9. S Oregon Cashimere All-Wool Suits, Good Patterns and Styles regular $25, during sale $14.85 i Any $25 Suit for . . $18.85 Any $40 Suit for . . $28.85 3 Any $30 Suit for .. $21.85 Any $45 Suit for . . $35.85 s Any $35 Suit for . . $25.85 Any $50 Suit for . . $38.85 S BLUE SERGE SUITS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS SALE STRAW AND PANAMA HATS ON SALE AT ONE-HALF PRICE FINEST STOCK OF STRAW AND PANAMA HATS IN TOWN NEW STYLE ! CREATIONS JUST THE HATS YOU NEED FOR THE HOT DAYS GOING AT THIS SALE AT ONE-HALF THE REGULAR PRICE. g Extra Suit Special Any Oregon Cashimere Twenty-five Dollar Suit at this Clearance for $14.85 g Alt straw and ranama Hats on bale for one-hair the regular price. ! K. K. K. STORE, LEADING CLOTHIERS AND HATTERS i iBiasisEiieaiiiBHiB.'iQzaasisssBiBiiiiiiiafliri World's Champion Who is Ready to Meet all Comers LID ESIA IS REACHING OUT Tribes of That Country, It Is Said, Are Accepting the Teachings of the Missionaries. rienyono Gbe Wolo, a Llhcr.'nn of the Kru tribe, who graduated from Co lumbia uulverslty. "says: There never has been a scientific census of Liberia, but tlio population Is estimated at from 2,000.000 to 3,000. 000. and not more than 15.000 are Amerlco-Liberlaus, the descendants of liberated slaves. The remainder be long to tribes which speak four differ ent language- and offer only nominal submission to the government. The Krus elect their kings by the selection of the most available man of the royal house. In the Jarrouay tribe the king Is un ubsolute monarch for the reign of six j oars, and Is then put, to death. Other tribes ajso follow different cus toms. The tribes' do not acknowledge the government of Monrovia, because they feel that It does not protect them. Hy treaty the United States government Is required to help the Aiuerlco-LIbe-rlans agalust the tribes, and In 1012 this country helped put down a rebel lion of the Krus. TIih constitution of Liberia has .a literacy test, which has heretofore ex cluded most of the natives from vot ing, as the central government Is un able to undertake their education. The Uirbas are being taught by Episcopal missionaries, and tho Fullngos, who are Mohammedans, are' ulso gaining the franchise. The Krus are very am bitious dnd are also Latching up. There are more, than 50 Liberiaiu of the na tive tribes stutljlng in the United States. Now that the (bins Is all over. It Is no harm to make tho observation that neither the United States nor any other country that must spend mojiey at the ra'te of $00,000,000 a day Is cut out for any Jong war. , Some conception of the cost of the war so far about $200.f).00').0OO may bo ganled by Imagining a band of dollar bills 240 feet wide going entire ly around the earth. It In to be hoped that the m t American tourists who rush to I: n i,i as soon as they can will hive the 'i.v to limp or look feeble as an excti Tor not being there sooner. The cootie killed a million pnU during the war. It Is claimed. II have reason to believe that fata I'!- among the cooties were even larg 'r. The French deputies seem to he -ir-oughly convinced that there tuu 'ie something the matter with an U I ; trial system that works children. Jack, Dcnipscy "I a mready to meet any worthy opponent, at any timo," .Is the way Jack Dempsey, new world's hevy-i weight champion, put It who nasked r.i,rMi-Mii nlnna This T.hotocranh was taken,tuo day 'he defeated Wil- lard so decisively. I !i! - MIDLAND - M'7, K. G, Davis and little bun Bob bie returned from San Francisco Iaft week. Mrs. Davis has been vtsItlnB her sister for Borne time. Mr. 'andMrs. TA: E. Williams re turned "from .Wllleta, Ca., recently where they spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. pooper, parents dl Mrs. Williams,' Mr. Williams' father recent ly died in WlUets. ; -j, t Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Kemp of Keno left for Kansas last Tuesday after spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs J. D, Hooper. ' . Haying' Is occupying the '.greater portion of the time of the1 Midland farmers. ' ' Aro you getting ready? Why, don't you know that the Elks are coming on August 14, ID and 10? Now get busy. WHEN RAILROADS WERE NEW Engineers In Chaffe of Construction Work Had Ideas That Now Seem a Little iPeeuliar. Light on btrange Ideas of pioneer railroad bunders was thrown by Kd-wu.-d h. Joiiett, general solicitor of the L.& N in n tails before the Ho tarj club ut Louisville. .. "The Lexington-Frankfort line," said he, "was built with longitudinal stone sills capped with a strip of Iron, and the numerous curves, which you have all noted, 'are said to have been pur posely introduced upon the theory that Uiey were an advantage In enabling the conductor the more 'easily to see the rear of his train. The coaches were two-st,ory affairs women and children below and men above and the motive power was mules to the top of 'the biij above Frankfort. Tbe train was let down Uiehlll into the city upon an Incline operated by a stationary engine. "Von may be Interested, In passing, to learn that with the exception of a few, miles near New Orleans, which antedated it about a week, this line from Lexington to Frankfort Is the oldest railroad in the Uiiited1 States south of the Ohio and west of the Alleghenles. It was chartered In 1&0 very early In railroad history, when we remember that the first railroad In the United States was built In 1820, and the first locomotive engine was operated in 1829." , Keeping clean Inside and outsl ' ' about as good a rule as has been i v -n out for preventing an attack of iua Spanish Influenza. Like Infant Individuals, the Infant re publics of Europe are notably endowed with appetite and bowling power. It Is now perfectly safe for an old party on the golf links to admit that he Is less than forty-six years of age. One of the Italian newspapers calls the Americans "Tankees," which may or may not cenvej tho Vlght meaning. There may be 2,100 $1,000 bills In the country, but that Is not the only reason it Is so hard to get hold of otic. , A qew victory loan will not sraro the Amuilcan people. There Is plen ty more wltcte the lust loan came from. RECONSTRUCTION PROBLEMS. As our youtu tn.inliiiod iiiuios speed ing hack acrinty the Atlantic ntnl thi work of disorganizing war l.iilustrlcs anil reorganizing th-ui as fur lis pos sible for peace purposes proceeds so will tli" problems of readjustment and rev:istructlon Increase and tiiultlplv ajs New York Herald. As yet Ih-y have not assumed proportion whMi tend to alrrm or disconcert : bil' It cannot !? doubted that unless the na tion bends Its energies with as much concentration and determination to meeting peace problems as It did to those arising from the war the labor narket will be disturbed, capital will become restricted In supply and si rlous domestic trouble. If not distress, will arise. It surely Is the duty of the nation's leaders to give as much atten tion to these contingencies as Uiey did to the emergencies of plnclng an trmy of millions In the II. Id ft.000 nlles away and building hmi! manning navy second ,to none In elllelenry. The program of commercial shlpbulld 'IB should he proceeded with on lines iiodlileci to meet peaee requirements, 'most. If not finite, as energetically as l.e original plans for meeting the war needs of the country. A national pro gram for the creation and maintenance of an American commercial fleet Is one of the first essentials of the future, If we are to hold our position as a mari time power, trading with the uttermost parts of (he earth and carrying Amer ican goods In American bottoms In stead of paying oilier countries .to bo our carriers. PUT HYPNOTISM TO GOOD USE .Z ,B, Australian Phyilclan Announces Tht He Hai Cured War Stammering I by Iti Employment. Writing In the Medical Journal of Auxtralla, Dr. Clarence (5. Godfrey states that during tbe past two ,vear n number of cases have been referred to him for treatment by lijpnollc sug- j gestlou. In which stammering or "tut- ' terlug had developed, or hail heel) rivlved. after years of disappearance, as tbe result of shell shock or of various war Mrrsses. Sometimes a hpjiintlzcd patient has been told to l.eep on repealing sumo well-known nursery rhjun' ntnl not to cease nt the signal to awake, although In the mid dle of the. Home, but to keep on talk I.ig. lie will usually manifest his astonishment at llmllng himself talk ing without difficulty. .Sometimes a patient will converse on waking with out realising that bis shimmering has disappeared until his attention Is drawn to It with nmuslng effect. In one case the patient spoke perfectly In sleep nt the first attempt to hyp notize him, although he had had a very bud stutter for eight mouths past, being almost Inarticulate. Ho woke In a few minutes apparently cured nnd hns been free from stutter ever since. It has been noticed Hint every caso treated, even tho worst, hns been able to speak far better in the hjpnotlc statu than nut of It. Philosophy Is a men'nl enitcll W make walking with soleless shonUt eai'er. It Is luigjt'st.it tlt.it Iii-'m rs wed flu masks and the barbers .n.lit ttli sUt on It. As the bo.vs (win. back 'h" ullUat tbe k'lrls they Irft behind n HWjxt cent loyal. When the wtmnlMloiiisl man tt tu us to his old Job will I lie lil the nalulliu? The former sMler. .oust mlit Mjj stnred at when he gets tuck into kit civilian clothes. i There would tint lie half the funH life were there no struggle tt at noth ends meet. Hut for Miumur resorts nnd collrf more voung women would uuirrjr lit hometown admirer. ! A man broke Ills leg kicking milt I Another reason for treating tU ul . mats with kindness. Thn fiitl.ittf U'ttn ttrtla Mlnrrlpd fO OW j tain home cooking takes bis wife doit I town for Sunday dinner. : Don't forgot; tho Klka will hirej i convention hffro August II 15 ,10. Got busy! Just Hemonihor this, Tho dates for Vin!MGC0,Getnlvadv"r AMRUBl "' ' . ,)""orMt' nnl"'t' fl'vh ' "' utt TOIllI- i Main, over Sugarnmn's stoVe 1"! HAIlItV ItAVKil Presents Switzerland may be anxious to re sume Its hotel business but draws the line at llapsburg and Ilohenzotlein guests. The man who gives a soldier a Job Is more eftlclent In sentiment tliaa the man who stops with giving him tiiree cheers. ' Intimations that airplanes may be used for bootlegging nurposes sound like a libel on one ofthe greatest of Inventions. Multiplex telephone devices promise to keep the line, busier than ever, at tbe same' time Increasing its usefulness to 'subscribers. ' 'The war has come and gone and no body has yet explained what use Ger man efficiency ever, had for those spikes 'on the helmets. Maybe It Is Just a coincidence, but there do not seem to be so malty ex plosions and mysterious Ores since tbe war was won. "AUGUSTUS THOMAS" I "AS A MAN Famous 'American Success Since the world began woman ' has been entrusted with the. pur ity of the race and has been denied the liberty accorded' to man. "As a Mdn Thinks", answers the perplexing question of the "Double Standard" of Morality. A great play embodying a great moral message. THINKS" Starring " LEAH BAIRD The Picture Girl Beautiful Directed by GEO. IRVING liberty Theatre Last Time Tonight "-r