;, 3MaKC3f 0-. ,. m I wn I'.'M M lAGB TWO THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON MONDAY, .M'l.V 1 1, Hit,, n OBJECTS Wnahlnciou tluniirlal exports say tho Mexican treasury statement fulls to account for nil the guarnntvod rnllroiul indebtedness which tho un ortlclnl report figures nt $290,500, 000, tho obligations other than rail roads which tho Mexican govern ment has guaranteed, tho chief of which Is tho farm loan banks' debts, which. Avlih Interest to June 30. to- PISKSS UKGAKIHNG PL'H- ,a,g j31.500.OOO; tho Infulslfica- bio" Issue of pnpor money of which SSO.000.000 at 10 cents, United States currency, Is still outstanding. WASHINGTON-. July U-M- mMn ?" f' mT' can newspapers aching Washing ,he 0 000 000 which Carranza ..n inn, ar.tcle, deolarinc took as a "loan" from the banks of that recent figures as to the Mexican sue In Mexico City. port gave this debt ns $66,611,000, about 34 hours. Very rarely, n -old-and Interest of $14,330,000. In to tho critic, are 500 of th ion. . memuersiiip 01 ii w no nmuu m the II Huso of Commons at i" t ' m TO SMBTS TIIK MKAU'AN NKWSPAPKltS UK OIjAKK KKCKNT KIGt'ltKS IX V. s. 1.1C DKHT "WIIOUA" IXACCC- KATE" and only n few stalwarts r min'i till tho ndjoiirnineiit at 11 1. in BOr IS LEADER UNIFORMS FOB , n OF ORCHESTRA SCHOOL GIRLS . "Trr. EASYTO y UN our S HIKGO IIKill SCHOOL GIHI.S WILL MUW IN PKMOCHATIC COSTl'MI. OK SKIRT AXI Mllj nv YOU CAN llltlNG RACK COLOR AND lil'RTRK WITH SACK TEA AND SULPHUR When you darken your hair !th 'Sat Tea and Sulphur, no one ran mL - 3 A A W h A ffAwlAAtAM nftlil A . . . .- jinbllc debt, published lu the United ue " ,UBl " "' ""tcll. because It's none so naturaiiy, so States, are "wholly Inaccurate." In lntcrest on her forc,8n ,ebl ,n;evenly. Preparing this mixture, this connection financial experts here 1913 a,8 ls kcDt ,n the 'oro4, though. at home it mus.y and trouble -aald comparison of tho unofficial fig- V Washington experts who. for tho some. Por 50 cent, you cr.n buy at urea published In this country with State Department, aro keeping a Rny rdug store the ready-to-uw prep the figures given out by the Mexican close atch on tho "ndl- aratlon. improved by the addition of Treasury Department show no great, JIlc- EPort8 here a,9 other Ingredients, called Wyeth s Sage dl crenancv 'assert that the Mexican government 1 ind Sulphur Compound.' iou Just rh official Mexican ficures as to has USC1 tho cn,,r0 'ncome of the dampen a sponge or soft brush with TLZ7Za2 ST. conn- . and express companies It and draw this through your haix with interest whoiit accounting nnu witn no au- iviih, um iun -...um ... . ..v. , ITALIAN LAU OK l! VI.'ARS HI iu:cts ino.i'ii:ri: onchhstha 1'I.AYING SELECTIONS OK WAG SKII. HKKTHOYEN. ROSSIVI ANI GIUKG , " SAN HI WHO, Calif.. July HOMK. July 14 Willy Korroio, ...,. ,,.,, crH f th Han aged 13, who lends a 100-ploco or- j,Kh SchUol ropoit for tho opening chest ro In selections of Wagnor, life- c,Bli,H f ,), fl Hoiiicstur. next Au tboven. ''llosslnl. Orleg and others. . thly w)1 he dressed In a tint lis an American and was born In . . chi,Hon by aiithorlied com .. r . . . . 1 Portland. Mo. Tho child lias auran- hilttxo of tho (llrl's Club of th tngn I3.--J Diego n.l hn nltitntlnll Of KtirOPU sIllOl ht) was four years old, but It was ontv recently that his American birth was revealed by his parents, who aro It alians. The father ' told tho Associated Press correspondent that Willy car ried an American passport but that school Kreshles. Sophomores, jun iors and Stmlorsallko will ho dross vd In a democratic costume of skirt ami middy, which must follow exact ly, the rules laid down by the com mittee. It Is the Intention to obtain an attractive, serviceable costume at n minimum cost; it costuino which his name thereon was Willy Kerrero. W(J1 m)( tfi) dimum,,,,) to a plot boric Irv are S143. 472.000 to the end of this month placed at mls8ioD ot responsibility. n name ho had chosen for Iiltn whllo he hnd worked in Maine when tho J43.000.000. The unofficial figures " as recently published placed this to- SAY PARLIAMENT MKMRK.R4 tal at $173,469,000. The apparent! - NOT KARX S.AI.ARII-.S. difference, experts here said, Is made up mostly by the $30,000,000 of the LONDON, July 14. Some London Mnerta loan, floated in France un- newspapers complain that th avi-r-der authoriiation of the Mexican afe member of the British I'arLn congress, but repudiated by the Car- lmnt does not ' earn his JS.O-jii ,i ran in government. year. The internal loan debt of Mexico in an article entitled La: M P'- " according to the official statement is tho political correspondent of one J69, 397,000 and interest to June 30, paper figures out that the working of $17,914,000. The unofficial re-week of the average member is only ,n ornlng all gray bnlr disappears, and, j child was born latter another application or two, your' The father said that nt the ago of I hair becomes beautifully darkened, IWOi the , was brought to Italy, glossy and luxuriant. whither his parents wero returning i Oray, faded hair, though no dls-' , Uxc ,, ,10r r,.8,t.nco In their 'grace, is a sign of I'd age. and ns wciol,, ,,, ,n Tllr. when Willy was all desire a youthful and attractive anpp.-irnnte, get busy nt once with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound and look years jounger. four ho began his musical career, (ht ht ()f 1)llU,,rll i, used leading an orchestra In tho Fonoi A year later ho i. llorgere in Paris , nmieared In the Costinua theater, " " "" Home, whvre for the first tlmo ho dJor-VtathJnlTb; '- - "ht.r. of ion piece. The dono before the Ulks itnt 1ihj program w.m composed of Wagner. ugust 11, 15 and 16. What are you Utethoven and other heavy selec doing? itDI (mwwmmz 5 a iw IT'S A POOR DOCTOR Who Won't Take His Own Medicine THATS WHY WE ARE USING THIS SPACE TO TELL YOU WHAT JOLLY LITTLE BUSINESS STIMULATORS HERALD WANT ADS ARE AND WHY THEY GET RESULTS T 'HERE IS NO GUESSWORK about a Herald Want Ad. They do the business. We know they pay. Our customers have told us so time and again. We have used them ourselves and they have never failed to get results. They are the short cut to a quick turn-over rthe modern method of merchandising on a small scale, where the value of the article to be sold or the importance of the want to be filled will not justify a heavy outlay. If you had something to sell, trade or give away and went out on the street and told each person you met about what you wanted to do, you might get results but the people you talked to would be very likely to say : "That poor fish has bats in his belfry." If, on the other hand, you used a Want Ad, you would talk to the whole county at once, instead of only one person, and do it in a businesslike manner. The same rule applies to hiring help, renting a house, looking for a job, or any one of the important little incidents pf life where you must call in the asstance of someone outside your immediate family. You MIGHT get results by telling your troubles to the neighbors but the certain, quick and economical way is to use a little classified ad. Do you want to buy, sell or trade, want to hire help or find work; do you want to find a room, a house to rent, or to rent the same to someone else; do you want to call attention to some new feature of your business, seek information on some subject, or have you any little unfilled want? 4. A .... .. A. AA -ft. A A A A A AAA A .. A . A A A A A Ai. t.i. t A HAilAllAllillAlilA ttTTTTTTTTTTTTTtTttTTTTtTTVTTTtTyTTlTftTTTTTyTTTTTTVT USE HERALD WANT ADS THEY DELIVER THE GOOQS AND ARE ALWAYS WORKING purse, nor beyond tho roach or ono more or lew temporarily depleted. The total enrollment last somes tor ut tho high school wns 1,860, of which 1.U50 wero girls Explicit directions concerning tho1 making of the dress, tho way It shall be cut. finished and trimmed, and ire glen on leaflets which were dis tributed the closing day of tho last' xullletter The speclllcutlnnH provide that "tho uniform dress for the San Diego ltlgb School girl will consist of a whllo middy with midnight blue t'ot"1 'sei-gi collar and cuffs, and a white Tho child took his orchestra be- Mn mm)o ()f lll,,,y ,w,ni ()r ,,. fore Emperor .Nicholas In 1913. and If,ht ,,, H,rSl, Kkln ,t , M,ort. conducted two concerts for the imiti (1(, lmh mltl(1). ,, Hkrt muy i,0 arch. In tho same year his orches- ,mri.hlul, rt.a,y ,, Hl the local tra was filling an engagement In (,ry KU0()l) sU)IVHi or (,o miido at London, and ho was commanded to noui or llt chool appear before Queen Alexandria of( ,t j8 t.H,lmil., ',, a uniform as England, at .Marlborough house. He H)t.c,,, for .), hKl, HCiu,ol girl may appeared before Pope Henedlct XV . tnHll(. n, ,,, or ul c,,0l),t ,,. In 191C- icosl of 2 2.1 in April, ism-, jusi oeiore naiy s mn,erlnI sou-cted, or $0.00 If sergo declaration of wnr, Willy was pre- ja Ul(elj sen ted with tho Gold Medal by tho1 Italian Minister of Education after, he had made a successful appear-1 ance in tho Augusteuin, wnore no Rubies for July Mill II Tho birthday iri contittiiH the ti 11 1 it I ulways received with 1 ieriu ploasllio. It hooiiin 11 hill,. more liidlvliliinl 11 ml irnnul tliuii any other present I'pp's ciilloctlon or hirtli- stone Jewelry i'iiiiIuIiin prim ontN for young folks ami ni.! or ones of lioth noxoh In Jewelry set with nililp. - July's blrthstoiie t htr aro wonderfully nttrmiiM, designs In rings, scarf pun, brooches,- charms ami nihi-r ornaments, at prices inn- !,. ports to pay for a hlrtlnhiy present Our long ostublMit.i n piltiuuin r.ir n'-tawy imii.' purehiislng tho gift h n added compliment to ir friend. Frank M. Upp JRWKLKR All Main M. Offlrlftl S P - h Inspector Euvoimnnrumniuinuftq'' The HALLMARK Sum- ,1 SAKE. JAPANESE NATIONAL DRINK. MAY BE DOOMED had conducted an orchestra and chorus aggregating COO participants. All the players In tho orchestra are men of long musical experience. ATHLETIC GAMES IN IT W.V. ROME, July 14. Zara, tne Italian town In Oalmatla over which them was much discussion in tho peace conference, was re present oil by a field and track team In tho recent athletic exhibition held In tho Nation al Stadium. Athletes from all ovc- bltaly participated. In a grand puiade fit all the athletes in tho stadium be fore King Victor Emmanuel, Zara had the place of honor and vns re ceived with tumultuous enthusiasm. HAVE ROSY CHEEKS AND FEEL FRESH AS A DAISY TRY THIS! 8ay glass of hot water with phosphate befors breakfast washes out poisons. N W TOKIO. July 14 - The prohibition movement In the Pulled 8tnt-n li been followed In Japan by th launching of a proect to stop th mnniifuctiire of sake. Julian s iiullnn- If middy twill Is tho () IlIroh))c t,rllki whlch H ,iiMtille from rice. Tho end of tho war has brought no check to tho steady Increase In the prlro of the necessities of life 'anel tho snaring cost of rice, which Ms tho staplu food of tho Japunraa peoplu. Is Incoming a grave prob lem for tho government Lnnt ear the high price of rice led to seri ous riots throughout the Empire The Japan Teiiporanco Society ht 8AVB EXCESS OK HYIIUCI1IX)IUC presented a memorial to tho govern- AC1II IS CAUSE OF INDIGESTION mvM llrKnK tn prohibition of male Ing of sake. The organization points A well-known authority states that olU thnt ,,. "6,000,000 bushels stomach troubl.) and Indigestion aro' f rco aro conHllm,., ypnry its nearly always duo to eldUy-cld ,.,., Wlth tho populutlon ?tomach-and nu. as most folk. b..,of lncr,.ttR,nK ttl ,ho rt of 1 love from a ck of digest ve JuIcol! ,, r)c. I1U OlUttM (IMI i til tavtnn ut 11 ui wvss' i m 1a IHIIJIIK " t-OMIll Ul l fin v- of rice landM throiiRh civic T D I crop I creaw lorlc acid In the Momach retards dl- pnuflnn anil 4tnrtn fiitnl fi mnntntlon then our taeoU sour like arbago ln!an, Industrial expansion, the organ a can, fomln, acrid fluid and gaseil1-'0-- h,,t tne normou. which lnfl.V.e tho ulomach Ilko a toy 'luantlty of rice used In distilling balloon. Wo then get that heavy, fmo might bo turned to a better lumpy feeling In the chest, wo oruc- uso In distributing It as food for ths tato eour food, belch gas, or have people, heartburn, flatulence, watorbrasb or Emperor Yoshlhlto Is said to be : ht To see the tinge of healthy bloom In your face, to 4-o your skin get clearer and clearer, to wako up with out a headache, backache, coated tongue or a nasty breath, In fact, to feel your best, day In and day out, Just try. Inside bathing every morning for one week. Before breakfast each day, drink a glass of real hot water with a tea spoonful of limestone ptfosphate In it as a harmless means of washing from the stomach.ltver, kidneys and bowels the previous day's Indigestible waste, bour bile and toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary canal before putting ,mor food Into the stomach. The action ot hot water and limestone phosphate on an empty stomach ls wonderfully In vigorating. It cleans out all the sour fermentations, gases and acidity and gives one a splendid appetite for breakfast. A quarter pound of limestone phos phate will cost very little at (be A" rug store but is sufficient to demonstrate that Just as soap and- hot water cleanses, sweetens and freshens the skin, so hot water and limestone phos phate act on the blood and Internal or gans. Those who are subject to con atlpatlon.blllous attacks, acid stomach rheumatic twinges, also those whose sain is sallow and complexion pallid, are assured that one week of Inside bathing 'will have them both looking and feeling better in every way. Ad. nausea. Ho tells us to lay aside all dices tlve aids and Instead, get from any pharmacy four ounces of J ad Salts and take a tablespoonful In a glasA deeply concerned over tho living con ditions among his people, Through his lord chamberlain ho recently or dered the governors of tho different provinces to Investigate tho changes of water before breakfast whllo It lsl,n tho tho,1Kt 0f tho masses, tho con effervescing, and furthermore, to contlnuo this for ono weok. While rollof follows the first doso, It Is im portant to neutralize the acidity, re move tho gas-making mass, start the liver, stimulate the kidneys tho kid neys and thus promote a frco flow of pure digestive juices. Jad Salts Is tnexpenslvb and ls mado from the acid of grapes and lr-roon juice, combined with llthia and aodlum phosphate. This harmless salts ls used by thousands of people for stomach trouble with excellent re sults. Adv. sumption of food for tho middle mid labor classes and thn general Indus trial situation throughout tho Em pire. The discontent of tho masses of tho people Is seriously occupying tho government, which Is trying to devlso means of relolving tho situation. Tho tim is getting shorter every day for you to do what should bo dono beforo tho Elks get hero on August 14, 15 and 16. What aro you doing? 6000 8000 Miles This is the new mileage adjustment you get with Goodrich Tires From 23 MAIN ST. JUDD LOW PHONE 22-M A XZjJZj!- Egg Mash, Growing Mash, Fattening Mash To Your Chickens Murphey's Feed & Seed Store 126 South Sixth St Phono 87 ?7-agT?7afe,'Tg