KtewassjEWKfrwH s.vti:hiav,.h'i,v u nnn. THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON !AGK EIGHT -CHICK" EVANS AND HIS TITLED CADDY. i I' V v it'W'fcr is 1 aljHBlHvlfllvPKHHK hMhBB I flrer of tho hondnunrtcra of tho west, lorn department, room 601 Sunlit Ko building, Second and Market otreots, Sail Francisco, who makes tho fol- i 1 lowing announcement ? j "Word hits Just boon received from Washington that tho'llurean of War Hlttk Insunuuv Is ready to accept ap plications for conerslon of tho War lllsk Insurance carried by tho sol dier while In tho service. Many mon who bnvo dropped tholr go em inent Insurance have also Inquired how thoy can continue their lunlir nnce. I'pon discharge they did not reallre tho benefits and privileges of tho government Insurance, and only upon their return home, nn they understood the object ly did they realize the folly of drop pins Insurance. ! I "The government policies aro very A llliAHnl ...t Ikn wn.ni n ! TIM- iiuuiui, mum tilt? luirn uiu iu i if, 4ip cause a man was In the military vice of the. United States tho prl lege of carrying government Insu t ? t T t T r t & Our First Anniversary and when V thorough-i f I & nnco Is given him. o very A Be. 1 '. IMP. X 4?i Ivl- X ur- V M T DULL AFTER WAR Jss&'kjaoSWi.vi"Jai?s.'t.vr NKAIUiV ALL SOCIAL KIXTUltKM MISSING THIS YKAIt CAUOKN PARTY TAKKS PIjACK OK PRES- 51 i t f T A KXTATIOX OF DKnUDAXTES AT PAI-U'K Sir Thomai Talt (at left) and "Chick" Kans. "s - . 2 - 2f$),T 4 LONDON. July 12. Tho first sum mer of the after-the war era Is p.isv Inc as a mere ghost of the old Lon- Orfdtes who advise golfers prop- E. Sawyer represented the West and don pocu ,,,, which formerlv for rly about a new course and keep an Oswald Klrby and Gardiner White tnreo ,0ts aftl,r Kaster trnnsfo-in-agle eye on the ball are a rarity, the East. They played at Hamilton, e(J Helgrnvla and Mayfalr Into n Sere Is a caddy of the type and he Toronto. 6tawa. Montreal and St. 8pt.rtaclo by day and night, lefnses to play. He Is Sir Thomas Andrews-by- the- sea. The eastern" n other years, before tho vur Talt, who caddied for Charles (Chick) pair won three matches, the western wrought Its changes, the early wccKo Evans when Evans and three other two and three were square. Sir 0f summer saw the great London et America's best amateurs made a Thomas caddied for Evans at St. An- houses thrown open for entortulniiu, ireek's tour of Canada to aid the iJrews-by.flte-SeJ: Earle II. Eaton on a scale which no other European Cn.dtan Red Cross. Evans and D. arranged the golfers' trip. capital knew. Their blazing windows ? f T 'A t On July. 16th this Bank will 'be one year old and our resources at that date .will total $350,000.00 And it is with sincere appreciation of the liberal pat ronage accorded us. that we make this announcement to our many friends and customers who have made this success possible. Wishing you all kinds of success and prosperity dur ing the coming year, we are Yours tally W I L BUILD UT N . - - at night told of reception1 and r!i;n- t months will be needed for their erec- ces on a grand scale. Court was 'iod tlon at IHtckinghom palace with an array Provision for the purchase abroad ;ot uniforms and Jewels making an In- Sof a Zeppelin type airship at a cost(srpassable show. Ily day the entlro not to exceed $2,500,000 is made in West End was packed with cars and the naval bill, and the construction .carriages taking the women of society . ilwillt rt tint i nitld olul ctttfitititiirr ? t t Jylamath jtate fjank SiOO,000 AUK TO BE SPENT TO modei -HOUSE FliYINU 3I.t.'lS Vt in this countrv of a similar machine al)"llt for tllclr calls am shopping. at a cost of S 1.500 000. It is prob- Thero navo been four ''lll"k 'c"" able that the machine purchased frol 1915 to 19ls a ow "0Rt . ,..ni i, nt the nrttuh n.m i"o esiHiiiisumenis ot uie uucai anu I ! THE DAYLIGHT BANK" Corner Sixth and Main although larger. It proba-. blv will be flown to this country by ZEPPELIN T1TE WILL COVEP. an AmerIcan crew the only other at-, ONE SQUARE nLE ternatlve being to attempt to tow it. by cables -'ijdi fast 'o u snip. Ne- WASHINGTON. July 12.-Acting gotlations looking to the purchase 03tlfylnB to the devastation of .., . ..,. , I,, i,h.. i,oo n..r,i .n.n wiih '"rtunes thru war taxation or the new naval appropriation bill, the foreign nations. favy Department soon will start con- After experiments with tho foreign itruction on two of the lars.m dir- craft the construction of an improv- old landed families who were tho pillars of the declining regime aro closed, or their lives are ordered to a quiet and subdued tone. Not a few, bear tho sign "For Sale" or "To Let," old the retirement of families in mourning. Nearly all of the uncial fixtures nrt. missing this year. No courts are being ........ at ::jmkm$m:K"X held at the palace for that presenta tion to royalty of debutantes and Ie hanfirars in the world. Rear ed American-built machine will bo wJ.fA1 T1.1am J Tl1. LnnA etnctnil I 'T1'3 la'u' uuu """" ucuu;' """" , , ,,.,.... others which gave them the forivhl of the Bureaus ot Construction and Secretary Daniels said tonight that , , om .,.. ,... -VUI Ul UlllVUIUUIIh UIU PUI.IUII L'lCUl. One .big garden party Is to take the Hepatrs and Yards and Docks, re- he had no further statement to make' tpeedvely, today had Instructions to regarding the rumored trans-Pacific speed np tho preparation of the flight. Iaval officers believe, how- irorfcfnff plans, as an expenditure of ever, that such a flight will be at' about $3,500 000 for the two hang- tempted shortly after the navy comes ars Xeppelli L ... . . , ... ,i i inej-wm oe locaiea on me seauoara, . 8,on consequently has jrobahly In New Jersey, and possi- MEN URGED TO KEEP 'fierce then heretofore. aiy on tne same site. , ,.,., ,,., n . ,, To the straneer London mnv seem thuslusm after four years of sporU famine. Tho Thnmes from London to Oxford and beyond Is a long wind ing pageant of pleasuro craft wltn whlto flannelled young boatmen ami rainbow-tinted dresses everywhere. The hundreds of young Amnrlcam Oxford and Cambridge are lenru- llng a university life new to them, 'iwhoro students come to do every thing but study In term time, and leave their books for acatloiis. !::...... :......,........ place .of these, Tho shepherding of tho exclusive world into tho royil "'enclosure at the Ascot races tins been almost the only semi-official gather AVIXXKK'S SPECIAL 1 1- 2 Don't forget jtho Elks will have a to house flying machines of the Into possession of its first cruising. . of Mee nn(, pre8gure upon tho convention here August 14. is and t!ln type has been authorized, dirigible. Lord Chamberlain's office for ndmls-1 " G?t bU3 ' been more i Ground area necessary for the con jtraetton of a double hangar will be about one square mile. Each hang- WAR INSURANCE lively and even gay, but It Is a res 'taurant and theatergoing llvcllne-ji HUNS AND AUSTRIANS ATTEMPT TO ESCAPE SAN FRANCISCO, July 11 Many nhe the customarv life of New York r Trill be. about 800 feet long, 250 discharged soldiers are making the atuj Paris. The war profiteers ai 3oet -wide and from 150 to 200 feet inquiry, "How do I convert my gov-:gppn(inK recklessly In their way, but Ucb. It Is probable that all steel eminent Insurance?" This question among old fashioned people thero I construction will be used and officials will be answered and any other in- a general sentiment that display ty estimate that from six to eight formation given by the Insurance of- not In harmony with the tlmei, nnrl -..-- for manv It would be impossible If they deslmd It. .: Kven the restaurant life Is much curtailed Suppers have been ellmln : atad and there are hardly a ilmni places in this largest metropolis of :: GOWK- I We Like to Sell You NEW SHOES but can save you a lot of money by having your old ones repaired .in our repair de partment. You will be pleased with the neatness of our work and, besides, you will be helping to cut down the high cost of shoes, which is advancing every'day. - , - SYli.VKV nivalin, .Iu! II. Sovorr.l hundred flrrnian tvI ,is trlans muil-j un attempt to ei'Mpe by tunnelling from the Holdsworthy con ccntratlon camp here recently In or der to foil tho purpose of tho Aus tralian authorities o send them back to Germany and Austria. Tho military authorities had pre viously notified tho Interned Teu tons that they were soon to bo ro- tho world found open later than t'-n l,,,,"J" l" me" ,",uc '..'. ovinr-k. Tim midniL'ht. wnvf..rr ,hh Shortly beforo thoy were to bo taken JUST ARRIVED WWWWWH - V , ' -fcr m:kkkkk::kkkk Bradley Shoe Store 727 Main St. M4WiH11Hi ;'omwi In evening dress with men In) Ounrds uniform or formal black buy-i Mjf coffee and sandwltches nt n ' sl(Jowalk coffee stall elbow to elbow ' 'with a crowd of soldiers, cabmen nnd i j. miscollaneous night wanderers, a plo-i furo undreamable for the old) London. f Still, with Its lifo war-shorn of much that was almost acres to Its ' ancient aristocracy, England could J. never he otherwlso than plcturcsqno aud fascinating. Tho Derby camo In- ito ua own again as tne greatest pop ular Biiurimif even o lie worm, us Ascot Is the most patrician In Its at mosphere. The Guards regiment Pr- A.iormea me nistoric ceremony ot J I trooping tho colors In Hyde .Park, on the King's birthday, although In dull f j khaki Instead of the old array ot ocanei ana oiue. ine coacn wiiii ine sleek four-ln-hand starts from I'ln cadllly for Richmond with the stir ring flourish of the horn altho there has been none on the Brighton road since Alfred Vanderbllt drovo that course. Poa'inc, crocket, tennis and p.V.t have bt;tst forth with renewed en- out ot tho Internment camp, the au thorities discovered a tunnel 150 feet long which ed from ono of tho bar racks underneath tho fence enclosing tho camp and thenoo to tho surfni'o outside. The tunnel was the work m about 150 men and apparently wns begun as soon as tho prisoners re ceived warning of Intention to send thorn home. They had planned to break free from the camp on tho night before tho sailing of tho steam er for England, Earth removed from the tunnol had been so disturbed around the camp that It was not noticed UMtll the tunnola was almost completed. When the tunnel was discovered the Germans made a hostile demonstra tion but the guards suppressed It, The prisoners watched with chagrin the filling in of the tunnel, The time is getting shorter ovcry day for you to ' do what should be done before the Elks get here on August 14, 15 and 16. What aro you doing? , WIXXEK'S SPECIAL 11-2 One More Carload o the . FAMOUS Chevrolet $M4H$M$H$4t4t4tt0 Central Garagi 420 Klamath Avenue. Phone 106. T ? t t T t X 4 X X t X I- I t I 44444fi WMiS T"?EEgyr !T