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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1919)
RvrniK 0i.n u. in. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE BKVEH John Barleycorn Being Lnicl Awy With Due Honors by New York Saloon Keeper El SANTA ANITA wIlMI ll WIIH 2 I JI'ltrH Old lie Willi II lliMt prize ul t li I'd n ii nm Pacific lli'i rn.-ittotial KxpoHltlon ul K 11 ii l' i.itiri i n ii m UfLLL L m i ft i it V ,""' i""""' w'tH iii ii" noifd mil- I ii t ! 1 1 1 II nlll'HI ""ll ",l" '"' """ ,i",,,,l With hlM i uuuuu (Kblll n,1K ,,oIl)H rt,.onM ,! ,ni,pl,;H MnsT I Willi s i iv; IMiltSi: wrapped iiIhiiiI him. hi' a Itiuill ul Knnlii Anltii wiih In Id on KllllchO, Ihj. IN i W.IIOKMX HIsToitV IHCH ,, ,. t. )y f (JrliiiNlKnil another V. Ni;.ll Mis c;i;u;s I'ltllii; Ml" I.ATI; "l.t i l" BALDWIN I.OH ANUCI.KH Inly 11 Iti-y i:i (In ii I ii Anltii. king of tin- t tit r . Ilic iiiii! fumoilH riirliiK horn" In Cull- of i hi- well know llioroUKlihn-ilH of "l.ticky" Baldwin. home aj"i Kit i,m.v; absence After nil aliHiMice from Kl.'iinnt li liiiNln hl.ry tin, i-rld.. of tin, KaM ()f K,.v,.)n, III0tlttlH. .InrliiK In K J "l.ucky" Halilwln, died r- w,,., llnic tluiy visited several of miHtln hi Ll I.. I.. t I '...., ... .... .. m.lir.KI. near ,,, M,(my ,,, v,.r l)l0 C0lnlry iiitp, iiiii niriii'ir iiiiiik' or i.ucKy. Ion t Ir. In I hi' iliiyn when liorMi'lli'Mh r'U:n"il mipicme was a winner of llii Alni'ilriiii derby mid of roimt hh rac thiotighoul tlii roiiniry, and Mr Baldwin estimated thnt Hey El won iiiiirn llinn JS&u.oiio In purses during hi life II won tin- American derby nt WaohlnRlon Park. Chicago, In I ho Ihtrn fnl time of 2 Ifi. winning :i lur of n,?5' In 100.'. Boy Kl won tli" Broadway nttikm In New York nnd oihi-r honor during the iianin j.-ar in Kt IxjuIa ami Mttle Itoelt. In lSn? h was lonaud hy Hlrhnrd t'rachr. who took him to England, hT h attracted world wide atten tion both an a ran- home and a fa. inoiiM lrv After attending to lau rel already won ho wuh brought buck to America and finally to his Hn. ii uiioeraiili linen I n on. Wl arrlvu In Kliim- I'-rni ..j. .-uni.i -wniu iiui.ino I Milinn pr rl i'h KtilN on ."loinlm Inly :. fro n "' " "" yarn. Hey Kl. though I'lirtlnnil She will l 'gill an nil da growing ol.l lie held nii own riingiiin- Mr and Mr .1 I Saturliss return i'il to Klamath Falls yesterday. They motori'd mi the YoHiniiltii Vulli-v. nwy Ni. iih iim wim i.imuiariy j ,),,. 'j'un( known from tin- I'ltrllle to the At- v....,.,!,. now orriiiili'd by IiIh iIiiiikIU'T. Mi-h Anita lliililwln, ,. & n, r cu. nit. : m. iti.nvTiii.vr;. SPECIALIST In niKi:.m:s of tin: niiil .i:itvous SVSTKM. Coimnltntloti In your own Iioiihj without rhnrKO. HesIUonce Office lt!i mill IjiIii st. I'liime 71 VurK uloon thu "lni I. John H.iti- "' " '"' "ly ln 7 tranro anil mk. n fir u short Unio lfnri hi i"l '"" " ""' "r' of ',ox eir In" ' "' N,'," Wmp "ii It lil'H cienlfil ,"1"' (llOWl "II' " ' tor tur i"f ii v( l1' "" ,,",' I"'1" AllBclifd i ii iii" irnliu: 'i l '! 'n-Joor i ''" 1- ' priuiii- h(i tf "riHalll I' i i'iji'1 " Hill 'I Mil' "bird (tuff .STATIC I'lSUMIlCVr W.i. I". I . I'M ISIT. tfB "M,lp jj Hli'i'lll. late jires lilvnl of thii .Womnn'a Clirlmlan Tern- r GLASS . I'lH! ill in .!n ii in the follow In c 'lay. Luncheon will ho served i ill" ihuuli Tin' irli:riiin for IV I t II In litllillnheil Inlet I " tt 1 iii nilril ()l four ji'iirn ao. V I'lionn mo and I caino nnd kIvc you a jirU'u thai will savu vou money. ('ill peillrr anil Ciililnrt Wolk. i:. c. stick v. II III .Main. I'lionc:iin-W. COME OnilibTHEAD'S EMMwr mm rss?K-A..j?a iHkirw,?j An Inside Bath Makes You Look and Feel Fresh Coe's Jitney Service Day I'lioiu; 1(18 IjAwiiknck's cioaic STonn Klamath Falls, Ore. Gaya a rjlatt cf hot water with photphate before breakfait v keep lllncit away. Thli excellent, eommon-eenje health mesiure belnj adopted by millions. ID K im RED COLUMNS FOR SALE KOim For Mil. , Hon Auto 1 I, , Main St. FOK SAI r I1E0 on. . 10-3P FOn SAl.i lninKa, v WTU1I) , 'b(l feci Vfrirn ro!n Si FOK i a , cell.-j i f r ' 'll ', n 'It'iiji-a 'HIT, lor r i rt 'HO f ii lilK I'l-M r Ewy l.m t-Ct Wit SAI houso. fi, "Ood ten:- F0n 8Ai i , ,?n West , a.l Mil irru i1 South II,. 'ntnath Talln Fon sai.u t. i lliuiil e-indi-Servkn I'o "3 10-Ct FOR SALE I'.ood II l'liyilcl:m tho world over ri-com- jini'iiil the Inside hiith. rlnliiilm; this Is of vnstly moro ityimrtnni'e thnn out ilile rlf.'iiilliiL'ge, bcraiiso tho slcln pores do not nbrorb liupurltlca Into the blood cntiKlui; ill health, while the lioren In tho ten jnrd of bowels do. Men mid women are urged to drink mch irioriiliiK. buforo breakfast, a i:'.as.i of hot water with a tenspootiful of llmestouo phosphato In It, ns n liiiruileHi menus of hulplliK to wiiah from the tlomarli. 11 cr. kidneys nnd iiiweln the previous day's Indigestible material, poisons, sour bile mid tox in, thus cluaiiRlnR, sweetcnitiG nnd purifying the entire nilmentnry canal r liofoio puttltiK moro food Into tho 'omneh. JtiHt as soup nnd hot wnter clennso hind and freshen thu skin, so hoi water ruh't lourlnn ear. ini'iiiuaton Store. I'UIt HAI.i: 40 mres ror tiuek funning -,, mile from mill nuicstntiu phosphnto net on the city limits. 20 ru-rwi ran bo Irrluntnl . . , nrcas 01 smnll eo.t I'rlro $C0. Write X - o''"""lvo nrB118' nt Horhltl OKIco. 7-5f TJioflo who got up with n br.d brenth , eoimnl tongue, uat lasto or bavo a PilQNl? I'KVroN for Wood- lisn Uutl, aehliis 1iehd, sallow comptolon. ' " - '..i.) g'omoUi; utlicik who me siilij.-ct 1 .FOR RENT " hlliwua atlieks or eonttl;iatlon, ' 'out tflad tru, --v -. " 'iiliHHlii obtain a iu,irter pound of lime ifawties qtt' fob iipsr i"K l. Two modem i'i' ftve. nt a I ti. qu't'P 0 I in FOR RENT Purnlihi ! room i for H4f Wtt- '' 0Mrflltimtl rfamlemeii Bath, rt'iotie. 1I.I S40 Walnut St. 2-lf 't ,v: ' . Hri.p WANT t tlHrW , WWyWr MW a. !- w Physicians' Prescriptions Our Specialty DniB Sloros am really neigh borhood department stores ln which various lines nro feat ured. One druggist may push patented preparations, an other toilet goods, cameras, optlcnl service, tho fountain or other department which nets him good financial ro turns. Our Bpeclnlty has nlwnys been tho filling of Physi cians' Prescriptions, anil as a result our store hns be come n prescription conter. Wo carry an exceptional atock of prescription drugs, and our laboratory equip ment Is up-to-date We em ploy only experienced grad uuto pharmacists. All of jour Prescrip tions mill Iteclplet are liupoitmit ami ili--ere the xM'cl:il cure which we an; nhle to hi llieui. iB" t , VA.NTHi- ,Mttu "i ihih'Ji , ,,n (filtasliil do reirul'ir f.nn w. ',' ' v 1 -Sifift" U'.0l4 WtOK. Applj Uei " - . WwrJ-. --4 - a.''lft WIU $ O.'lUli in.'' .Z- .. c,f"M" eoTton livK'l m Herald In, ii,1, w- uliiiu. plniHi'l ale at the drug s-lore "lh m'.I .,'8t verv lltt'e, lii"ls sultl iiei.t to demonstrate tb value of In- 'ii,. Iia1tnn 'I'hiiBe who cgjiilnue It' "nh motnlDK aie if- ured of pio-, hi iiuiftl rcimlU. hjth In record St tenl'h and ftppn.iraino.-.Adv I trf,tt,Jtfrtt Pi'ipi ' 'w: tj I.FGAL NOTICES N'OTI li K-l! I"n Lively, Feed and Sales Stable An, . tu S ervice Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable faille Trlpx Our Spiiliilly ItcaMiiijilile Itafi'H I'lioiie IIIII H'J'J Kl.illiiilli Ae. PROFESSIONAL CARDS PRIVATE HOSPITAL Noir Open for Maternity Ciwi-m 301 HiSh SL Phone 455 hAaiv',W'tKAiA Tin: i'Aimsia.v iii:ai'tv hiiop I'm Inl Masmiirini;, llieui hing anil Kiirinl I'ntliH MnnlrurliiK, Hhiunpoolng Scalp Tieatment r.ifi Main Phono 300 N.' Iioe and nullified vlu Ituiio, Seivlc Our Motto Sat Isf net Ion Our (I'linrantec Kandy & Hartman Painting, Kalsomining Paper Hanging City and Country Jobs Solicited Muko otir Home AHractnu Phone 414 ADDUKSS 1 10!) I'lne St., Kliin.-ali l".ill, Ore. x-M-'X"'X"-xx:-X":--' II. C. SCHLEEF KATIIERINE SCHLEEF X .'. ... . . . A :'liii Intm mil) Surgeorw 2 Offlte, While Ulilg. X x-::-"C:"X-'x-x-X":"X"X-'X' DR. G. A. MASSEY HurrcHior to Dr. Trims Suit 200, I. O. O. I Ilhlg Olllce phone KO.I IU-m I'honc HUM COZY RESTAURANT NOW OPEN Till) Mn'ln Street Meals served from C a. m. to 9 p. in. GOOD COI'FKK AM) KKAIj CIIHAM DR. CARTER DKNTIHT WIHTK HUII.DINO I'lio.NK :tttr, ' 1 Vrfl"S NMSVrftki 4 ;r. DENTISTS E. G. Wisecarver phe.m: :j.-i Dr. P. M. PHO.NK Noel t Your Home Laundry Damp Wnoli, - I.h". "'"c KIN'ISIIKI) WOUIC 1-I.AT WOltK ItOl'KH 1IKY "Put Vour Puds In Our Suds" PIIONX 421 Corner Main And ConRcr i Oicr Undent ooil'i Seiciith nnd Main Streets .vs FRED WESTERFELD DKNT1ST Loom Is lildg., Klamath Falls N".-."-.-.-."." HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station Wo handle the Harley-Davidson Motorcycles nnd Bicycles Exclus ively. Also buy, sell and exchange all other Makes. Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes. C. E. BISMAIIK 115 S. 9th St. Klamath Falls 1)11. C. A. RAMBO Dentist I. O. O. F. Building PHONE 01 AsAAA CITY AM) COUNTY ABSTKAOT COMPANY r 17 Main ARTliyU Ii. WII-SON Manager KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS Yc Do All Kinds of Spring Repair ing ew Ones Made to Order Ale Strainlitenlin; and BlnckMiilthln AMj WOiiK GUAKAXTKED Phone 23II-Y (117 Klamath Ave. DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic l'liyslclan A Surgeoa Suite 213, I. 0. O. F. Tempi . (over K. K. K. Store) Phone S21 . . (The only Osteopathic Physi cian and Surgeon In Klamttk Falls ) FOK WY KIM) or riUMTl'Iti: See . Andy Mauritsch At No. to Main stieet. TRY MR PHONE 17(KI " ' ' ' "! ' -?- SAW .Mild, KNGlNElCRING & COXSTRUCTIOX CO. Designer and imililei of mod ern Saw Mills, IMiiiilnj; .Mills, ,Upi I'hints. Coinnlete nlaiils enntract- I ed. AppraNnls nml reports 'liimlc. Dicilinn. Wo eiutli'iirr to hiliWi mi 1 1. iv of a buildiu ami Install iiKuhtncry of aji Kind, llrnftin of an) Kind done. Iliac Prln,t niiicle. PHO-MS lioi OfUif in K. I. UuUilfft in li ', h i' lw Kxrr P111 tj. Ill m .M.HM. . M.BHH. S k K h. ntlpn, fcoultt : LU1 AWU -FOUND W Titi"" 'i'rfyif''yMl'v''vj''' KlWS' ' ,lt,Mnfty to .WfUV-rA jioiitUiiioiul KoM wulih. t 'o., tmr Cftf JPtUtlfir tan Hurts anuje by previa; ' ) lll'onmt.v Bud payJn for Oil ad. Mm. -ft n.' !iiietti. pij l l.uuiliKr (' 11-!lt I. i mom modern Klnmutli rails. ii. fruit lines. - - rsoo Bt. 8-fit MIQPn'l AMrVOlIQ IMItVUUUI M IL, VVU "r, nloo homo v,wi'i.'n a r,.. ,iin i..u i im never, Mllli Dimnl Plimin !Mlilil ' n.:ii "ere fruit " 'oKia nothing. ,. " or i o. iio i 7-r.t WANTKD- Clean cotton nign. S fonts jlor pound. ITorald Office, lltf "lily head of Dur-' AhSI'..',S.Mi:.T ItOI.I.S HIUDV. i nam nmi i, . '""" " wur- .in.- "i ?" L '"!" '"-I nllH at tho' M2t" lm"' Hrlnn, Ownor. rnndy 8ALB Tho AWH'Ktitneiit rollH nro now nmily. for tho liiHpectlou of tiixpnyorii Those who want to hoo what their nssesmnnnt Ih or who wish to boo Bn.i . bxt',l!")Ko. One. "Clonn nbout nny chango hoforo rolls aro 'lleith' ' loni'"r. Prlco 100. tiirned ovor to tho Hoard of Kiiuull lth tif .. 1 , for nno milch cow isntlon, cnti' do bo until August 1. .""'atslilo. Phono ll-P-ll. ill'lli. J, P. I.KB, County Assessor. rrr I fl-20t Tear, ohl ,.i l0,mm Mttr. '1 wchanU "'roln' PrlCQ UCO. M llili for two cwb In calf. rr-Hi c-i2t. i wnm r ! "I'o to show ESTHAV I.oft tny pluco near Mlllor Hill otto, ono two year old red stowr hrnndod OK on left hip, crop off loft pur. I'P J. " "IB 111 nlmur ,n.. it i i,ii iiiii mi,, iii,, i,i4 ,i,v i',, -,.- Jefi"Mo homo In Kiln' J,h0,Jn,0,"t I)0(1 nd lower bIId on right enr. He 55? "I8 lst I y Pin'lmSlh ""iiwiml for ralum or Information of " box 07, 5 r,,ono 27, or nd- .whereabouts. William, h. Tlngloy 28tt c-lOt. LISTEN. YOU ALL! TlilB day, uud every day from now on i' .irc.tiolnff to havti hied o 3 Mil in j WIICi Southern Style I mid rlilcUen rrt'iini giavy Lots more with delicious Pies and Cakes. If you want wmietlilnK special, or rooked special, wo will do it right Cor you. Wo ain't much for stylo, but for cats, Oh I iniui! DIXIE RESTAURANT Coiner Slain nml Ninth Streets. To XII ' ii 'JiMdti-. Ir'i "nti"" al " . AMessuient 'ayow f Tho KImw ,' wh liH'intiot )lhlCt, N Yru and ench of you ro horeby aotifloil 1'ii't reiiuvt lv wi for the 'nxeluplon of lauds from tho Klamnth .Irrigation District, or for th' us , nonslon of pavroent on any portion of ., your lands from D'titrlet chirKs, nui he filed with th S(cr"(prv of the Pffitrlct, in the District Office. V. R. nnclmiiRtlon nulldUijt, Klamnth Falls Oregon, not later than July lti. 1010 In ordor that the of Directors of tho District mnv luive ninpln tlmd to view the Inniii In auostton prior to making up iho as isessment roll for tho present year ' (Sen!) ' A. T.. W1S1IAUD, 1 Pecrelnry for (ho Board n of Directors of the Klam nth Irrigation District, I I 21,2S.n.J2 , . 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In tho County Court of tho Stnto of Oregon, For tho County of Klum- i nth ' In.tho Mnttor of tho Estate of Thom as Drako, Docensod. Persons having claims against the nhovo estate, aro roqulrcd to present samp, with proper vouchors, within six months from dnto hereof, to, the undersigned, at tho law offlco of O. F. Stone. First Stnto nnd Savings nnnk Building, Klamnth Falls, Ore- , gon. 1 Dntod Juno 19, 1910, i ntinT Tr T.-n IVIJ III I'lUHvrj, Rxocutrlx of said Estate. Sl.ST.Il.lK Plione .tJll-l 1122 Main M. O. K. Lnnch AMI (OXETIOXEBV, , Formerly at 4" Matn St. rtMtie-M.iili' Pus nml OnkHJ. KI Slentu & l.unch Gootl. ' Ice Cream aud Fruiti. j. r. tiranoax Chil Knp nnxr 4td urwjUir . Ofru i7 jlftlo ft. :" ' WiMie, bid, tete ties. ittaM. SEE ME For Carpentering, Furniture Ro- pairing, Ltnoloum Laid HENRY SMITH "Tlio Handy Mnu" 100 JI.UX ST. WELL DRILLING Voehatzcr llrob. c Klaiuuba Merrill, Oregon Or McDonnld Peel Room Klamath Faljs, Oregon CONVENIENT HOSPITAL ROOMS DIl. A. A. SOU1.E X-Ray Surgery M.ediclne Phono 1B1-J 420 Main E. L. ELLIOTT ATTORNEY AT LAW 111-14 W111IU Bldg. Klamath FaUa Oregon RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE ' K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W vVVVVWVVvVWVSiSVvVVVkVXAl'VVVVVVVS ;-JmJ;m5"X;;; t;.:; a SHANGHAI RESTAURANT V i ' CHOP SUEV AND NOODK. ' HOUSE Short Order Meals HtirvetL 73 Main Street KltAMATH FAliUi, ORE, . j v'j-x-x-x-i-X'W-X":'1-':'''