x naamssaemssa.. V TAOK SIX THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON AT THE CHURCHES 1..:-. x -"rr TRAOE MARK i The City of 'J 5 GOODRICH j The Goodrich Square Standard Measure of Tires The one sure way to tell what a tire is worttfaa it stands in the store of a dealer, is to divide its price in dollars and cents by. the miles of the adjustment that backs it up. Then square it on the GOODRICH SQUARE, Standard Measure of True Tire Value. Square its price against Goodrich List Prices on the short branch of THE SQUARE. Square its mileage ad justment against the Goodrich More-Mileage Adjustment on the long branch of THE SQUARE-6,000 miles for Fabrics; 8,000 for Silvertawn Cords. If you pay more than the Goodrich List Prices always the sameto you, and every one else everywhere the tire overcharges you. If you take less than the Goodrich MORE -MILEAGE Adjustment, you short -mileage yourself. Buy Goodrich Tire from a Dealer ADJUSTMENT Fabrics 6,000 miles Cords 8,000 miles rirt Hiiptlst dumb, comer Win'u HiBtott ami Eighth. J. 11. lirimth, p.xstor. Sumltiy school at 10 a. in.. C. It. Del.np. superintendent. Preachlns nt eleven, by llev. .1. It, : riff tli nml alau In the menliiK t elsht o'clock. I'raer .erv.ee Wednesday at s I'. M. Kvery ecoiul and fourth Wednesday evening will be devoted to missionary w ork Sacred Heart Churcn. corner Sth ami H'kU streets, llev. Hiifih J. Mar shall, pastor. 1st M:is at 0.00 A. M. 2- i Ma-ss and Benediction 10.30 Ke. Kr l.: Vaaseur, Hector. Methodist EnUcopai Cnurch. Tenth and HIrIi. Kev. Simpson Ilaiurlrk, pastor, lit" Kas' street. Phone i7V Junior l.eisue at '.'.CO A. M. Sund.iv - ti.icl at le.dn A M. Morning Worship at 11.00 A. M. i Regular services Sunday morn lnR. The subject for the morning service will be "The Greatest Need A Conscience." I The union service will be held at the Presbyterian shurch. Brother NORMAN ROSS WINS SWIMMING RACES AT OVERSEAS GAMES SAN KltANVISn), July 12 The excellent showing ninde by Norman - Koss, the Pacific coast swimmer and former ninmber of the Olympic club of this city. III the allied guinea held In Kiauce, did not surprise his friends who freely had predicted ho would maintain his reputation. I! I SAGE TEA INTO GW M i ikht.i. iiiT('iu:s xot n,i:.. I.oniion, July II. The Kitchen if 1 oiuliin's hotels mid roiauianln ir' Mi many rimes flllti place, n'. cording l Joseph A. Oualn Hecrelar i of the hotel, club and reliuiranl ec turn of the British WorKi'tV Inlnn. SA'I'I ItllAV, .11 IV I'.', I'm. Ho miy Unit In Ills I . ul epil'leilre, he Iiiih licM'i' tnfj liiHpeclor III iiMiolel 1, "U'allelH of'rn carrv abuU In (heir norUels. ti them pioporly, lull Jusl irinr ilnd imtlliiK them bail, ., , atserls. r iln mm liln, hem In DAKKKNS III "At TIIVI.I. .1X11 KK- STOHKS ITS NATlltAI. COLOR aj.aj.as.ss.s......aaaaj A.M l.lSTIti: ATONt'l" 1 i Common garden sage Urewed Into u lieav tea, with sulphur and alcohol addeil. will turn gray. streaUed amhj. The fact that he won every swim-, tiling event In which he was entered Is held as additional proof by these', urlans. friends that their claim that Hoss hlosoinc An easier way Is to Kct the' Is one of the greatest and most vor-lphur teelpe at hoino, though, Is trou-i J satlle swimmers of all that Is not , ready to use preparation Improved by i faded hair beautifully dark and lux- MUIiik the Sane Tea and Sul-' . T ;nstltig about SO cents a large bottle,; at drug storoi, known na "Wyeili'sl" Sage and Sulphur Compound," tbiis, without merit. While swimmers like Duke Kahanamoku and others haw been world bent era In a 'fe.w events In which they havo specullz- ed as. torttiNtunce. the snrliils. Ross' "voiding a lot of muss has nrnviwl hiniKeif n mi.ir .vim. While Rrtiy. fadod hair Is not sin- mer in practically all the distances long and short . The career of Ross has been rath- iyit V er an unusual onu for the reason that he sprang Into fame practical ly with ouo plunge into tho water. FinS till, liei.tl aiV'tliimtnt. tn mtn. Wilson of Emmanual Baptist church , . , . , , . ... . . tlmo nnd while experts conceded i will preach the sermon. ,, . , ,. , , i "o had thelnarklngs of n champion, ' First Christian Church, corner, for ono roason or n,tbor ho never Ninth and Pine streets. C. P. Trim- j seemed able to make any more than ' ble. pastor. j a meillcore showing. Ono or two 'Sunday School at 10. ot hs nijmirers. who still had faith 'Sermon 11. . ., , ,,,. ... Praver meetlne Wednesday even-,"1 hU "blllty to make good, prevail ing at S p. m. Presbyterian Church, Pine street, n near second, uev. t.. r. Lawrence rastor. ' MoipIm service at 11 J?'.' t'!ilt.an Spirit of Portcitosi. fill, we all desire to retain our youth ful appearance and attractiveness. By, ' darkening your hair with Wycth's Sage ami. Sulphur Compound, no one can tell, because It Is done so natur; nlly, so evenly. You Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with It ami draw this through your hair, taking onu small strand at a time; by morning all gray hairs have disappeared. At-1 ter another application or two your hair becomes dark, glossy, soft, and' luxuriant, and you appear years younger. ; i. ed On the OlVllinlc Chill tn m.ml him I Th limn la rnlllnp ahm-tor nti.rv to some Eastern chamnlonshlns Jdny for you to do what should be i nore What are you TO THE BUSY BUSINESS MAN THE JEWEL CAFE OFFERS AN AVENUE TO SAVE MOMENTS EVERY DAY You may be too busy to go to your homo at noon. In assortment of foods, their preparation and the serving, The Jewel lias no parallel outside the larger cities. Most certainly The Jewel merits your noon-day patronage. THE JEWEL CAFE Jete Bailey, Prop. Phone 185 y 610 Main St . . .. uinnn nnmrn inn tMirs wtt nnrn nn .asi cnanco as it were. Tho con-r.-",,. -,,,--,, -i" ." "..r" sent was grudgingly Klvon. Thol.iinn. was grudgingly given. a. m. gu;.. subsequent career of lloss as a swim GOODiCrJ j TIRES "BEST IN THE I LONG RUN" J Cla I B a jf Tf J ? JhFjI MMSj BBWytAil wifMfiM i m HkFHHhkBbF Nvfc t.irula v i ool i.l lo a. in. In 'In " ' tile Union .-ervio-will be our :hu ih the mi sau ' wilt be given by Rev. W. 1.. Wilson, pastor of the Emmanuel Baptist Church. Last Sunday night the Chris tian Church was full and wo expect a large audience at this service. There will be rousing congregational .singing. Come and bring your friends 1 and help to make these union serv i Ices of large' inspirational value. The Christian Endeavor Meeting will be held at 7 P. M. In our church. The topic will be -What Our denomina tion stands for". Representatives of the different denominations will -speak. Rev. E. P. Lawrence will be the lender. Emanuel Baptist Church. Eleventh and High streets. W. L. Wilson, pas tor. Sunday School 10 A M. Mr. C W ' Murphy, Supt. Preaching at 11 A. M. and S P. M Prayer meetings Wednesday at 8. , Merrill Adventists: Heglnning Sunday July 6th, lectures will be giv en in the large tent in Merrill every Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday evenings at S P. M. by Pastors T. I.. Tneumler and It. A. Smlthwlck. A cordial Invitation is ex tended to the public to attend this series ot lectures. The subject for Sundav will be "The old Book that , withstood the test.-' This subject will form the thread of all ot the lectures. Tho Christian Science Society of Klamath Falls holds services at 113 , Fourth street every Sunday morning at 11 o"clock and every Wednesday evening at 7:30. All are welcome. The subject of lesson for Sunday, "Sacrament" The Sunday school session Is from 1 9:45 to 10:45 every Sunday morning. The, free reading room and free1 .lending library is open from 2:30 to ,4:30 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. I.u'heran services will be held at 1 the Baptist Church Cor. Eighth and Washington St., at 7:30 P. M, I Serjnon by the Pastor. All are most ; cordially Invited to worship with us. i i Rev. M. Rossman. 137 First St. mer is Internationally known, but only a few know how nearly ho niiss.l ed the opportunity of ever becoming wi..i:ksspi:ciai. i a factor In swimming. the annals of American i suiiscitiiii: roit mi; in:ii.w.t. I Don't ferget: tho Elks will have n convention here August 1.4, 13 and 16. (let busv! Mil Highest cash prices paid for fine OKKt'ON I.VIIMX IMI'KS AM) OTHKIt ItKI.ICS Postoffice Box 26fi KLAMATH FALLS, ORK. 5 yl ? w&m '4f2f aeZs SUNDAY EXCURSION on Upper Klamath Lake The launches "Spray" and "Oak land" will run excursions every Sunday, leaving the mail boat lnnrllniv n, Q n rr n l!n,t,f r ,- tttra hours at Jtocky Point. Faro $1.50 j from landing for round trip. Bus ) leaves Western Transfer oftlco at j 7:30 a. m. Calkins & Hamilton j IMAMWMMMM Jus' Remember this. The dates for the Elks' Convention are August 14, 15 and 16 Get ready. Phone 460 Ice Cream 729 Main St. Candles PASTIME Jack Monroiv, Prop. Cigars, Tobacco, Soft Drink, s Peel anil Billiards Barber Shop In oCnncctlon OUH MOTTO "Courtesy nnd Service" W""Xi:K'S SPECIAL 1 1-2 Gee Whiz! "The darn tiling's busted again!" You don't say that It we do your work. We do It right, and It doesn't "buck." Hoagland & McColIum 221 Main St. Phone 282-W. AtVVWW AWV New City Laundry WK CUAItANTEE OUK WORK Shirts and Collars Laundered We also wash silk, wool and col. ored goods very carefully. Try uh once and be convinced, Our prices re right. Phone 154. 127 Fourth Street Btick of First National Dank High Grade Ladies' & Men's Clothes MADE TO ORDER FINEST MATERIALS BEST OF WOnKMANHIP. LATEST STYLES i.yJ'V' PERFECT FIT 'GUARANTEED Prices are very reasonable Your Inspection Invited Chas. J. Cizek MERCHANT TAILOR SU Mala St. IT'S A POOR DOCTOR Who Won't Take His Own Medicine '''44.4--4-44-44'44.'g4-4....l. THAT'S WHY WE ARE USING THIS SPACE TO TELL YOU WHAT JOLLY LITTLE BUSINESS STIMULATORS HERALD ' WANT ADS ARE AND WHY THEY GET RESULTS THERE IS NO GUESSWORK about a Herald W,-int Ad. They do the business. We know they pay. Our customers have told us so time and again. We have used them ourselves and they have never failed to get results. They are the short cut to a quick turn-over the modem method of merchandising on a small scale, where the value of the article to be sold or the importance of the want to be filled will not justify a heavy outlay. If you had something to sell, trade or give away and went out on the street and told each person you met about what you wanted to do, you might get results but the people you talked to would be very likely to say : "That poor fish has bats in his belf ry." If, on the other hand, you used a Want Ad, you would talk to the whole county at once, instead of only one person, and do it in a businesslike manner. The same rule applies to hiring help, renting a house, looking for a job, or any one of the important little incidents of life. where you must call in the assistance of someone outside your immediate family. You MIGHT get results by telling your troubles to the neighbors but the certain, quick and economical way is to use a little classified ad. Do you want to buy, sell or trade, want to hire help or find work; do you want to find a room, a house to rent, or to rent the same to someone else ; do you want to call attention to some new feature of your business, seek information on some subject; or have you any little unfilled want? USE HERALD WANT ADS THEY DELIVER THE GqODS AND ARE ALWAYS WORKING m t 4- WAwwwywwwww