a & .jwcKaxstt. m.ti mv. .It I j , THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAOM TWO 1 it. Ml , si I -- AUGUSTUS THOMAS' j ffl aaalaaaaWt&SfiSiw Famous American Success B I SSbKpJSIC in a m si ati H I -"i-SPL "AN A V ffiN I I (Of ' THINKS"" iiiiiMlTH i I TplaMaP Starring Jfy LEAHBAIRD I ' W The Picture Girl Beautiful S I Since the world began woman Directed by GEO. IRVING I has been entrusted with the pur- ' ity of the race and has been I I denied the liberty accorded to I I 'As a Man Thinks" answers L 1 D,G F t V 1 DCduC I1 the perplexing question ot tne , m "Double Standard" of Morality. SUNDAY AND. MONDAY I A great play embodying a Matinee Everv Dav I great moral message. waunte L.eij uaj. "oj ui n i n i cii! -inn :i c ii w ii. icu uuua viuwus t ucui i lunncr iuu iiuc; ruruicr nuruii c f " l . 1 mmmJMirytimmaM4m t iOyDrv-r ' 1 .t5S.?aPaMfr,VK'' ; "'.?: - Us -rwk wsar a ?':jv- . -wsr,Ti" ra , ifv- c : v '.. v i Cnbot Sifts tho bottle iivit ln liontl nii.l ir up- ii liwn "" "" t'l'ii" ' -tii 1 ih nil ilii "iriUKiii m umm i I Tli.- Mii H"" 'Ii. mi ninn ni'l ' ii"" ""'HI1 m i ii - li ii Imt iniir nipturi'il nflir mmi'i r stiriiK f Kin f" " I'"1' " ' ' Ailunitilo MihIro Kenno.lN will .' IirIii Ii. i lili; li ill follow IHK U'i Ii.T cci-)t i ! liilllliinl pi'ff.i. in ill' ' 'i Tin- Klnnloin f Youth." !' i' " v est Colihw-i riciuro. whti'li ii -f hi tin- ''tnr Tin-litre Iii'kIiihIiik mii l.i Kuth H"Hi (Mnilm- Ki'iini'ilvi nml liir IiuhIuiiuI. .Ilmmv. Iiululpn n an i-iirlv morn nn ijumrol. ilto iIihIi'mu him n Mi 'oo frii'inlly mIHi Mi' ' ''' Htco nml ho romeiiKtnttlni: vlt'i lc r for rcfiiilm; to ll uIbo the 'omimiIi ct ft letter sho hns written to ( mint llt-nrl Dnv.l J mint. Ii-iim's tho tunisi' Sho (loot, too nml kook to ili. .to i. to bonnl tho Count's jacht. Sho Jmli It Is out In tlu litirlinr nml KetH it. mi ii skiff to row nut Wlillo in.'itii'tiv. r Ihk Rh" li""1 hi'1' footltiK iiti-1 fiill Into tho wati-r In this ir'iurl "i" -tuntlou sho lsons all tho h ipm-h ItiKs of tho past Tho Mii't pnno-ntiiii hi -" ' in. -'an of Tho Kineilotii of v .11 h her I ittl with tho nrliom'na Mr 'i'. who anils to win Jlmniv 1 low pl ii- -s ih" Count for her pum-ow iml In" triumph In Mioultm I 'i"W 'ho paltitfil Intorloppr as nho ioii'Iv Hut tt l roHpui'il from iho 'I -r 'V Ilinm with the eoiiut st.i'iilt IB '' he i? t ikon to liore ti'llnoior Is hroiiKht Into plav nml nfler ,-i"'i 1 la rostoroil to rcini'lousneH ' n ' JImy nro klspltiR nmt resol 'n m t to let Jealousy mnr tholr linppln". A man does as ho plmmr" ' ' thinks nothlnc ot It. When i n . . 1 1 does ns alio pleases, oven Mioi-1 'i bo less than tho man ilhl. m. I'.lnki n creat ilenl of It. Tho wrnnu 'n t can bo created by Just n thi'iO in tho mind of a mrn Is tho lilen hh 1 il the fascinating utorv of ' . v u Thinks." In which I.onh Halt 1 l f a-Mli-oil nt. thi Liberty Thntr S11ml.1v nml Montlny. Written by AuKiistiis ' Imr. .1 . f ' r tho 8tnee. this dean of An 11 nlevwHphts has woven a l-'t 1 ml powerful tnlo nbout tho miiijeit of a double .standard of mor.'h l' ill: Clayton, stnld business man 1 id "on.l linutnml. was vIsIMtk .n I ir is and "doing" the arth's eolon 'I taw no harm In his llttt flirt itlnn with Mlml, (he model, tho.u'' t v is nnxIniiR that hl wlfo Hhoi'i not know nbout It. , When a Jtnlous susplrlon if his I wife crosses his mlml. Instead of ie- 1 memherltiB bis Inttlo affair. h i.e- ciiKCS her of Infidelity. It In tho dn'i- hle Htundnrd of morals demoriBtrated 11 standnrd liinde neceHsnry beoaiisn in tii virtue of women rets tlie vkjI- furo of tho world. WOOD ipassengers " and Baggage ANtunriti: in tiik nv yncK M.uun: III S(tS ui.r IUTI H i'iie.m: ix7 Western Transfer Co. CONTRACTING IN CONCRETE (Vinent Work of nit Kinds nml Uoollnc Let Me Make You an Estimate W. D. MILLER Contrncto' diet II nIuIih 111. dei' your wlnti 1 Tho llloek wood cooker! It In n' I'rom it nervier (ills treatment iniiiid Or- V otir KOOil. Mirti.. 1 (1 111. 0. PEYTON "Wood to Hum ' r.fll Main l'b. i:n. I!, it km) iii:ii.i.i) i iw ' Y8 The Thrifty Housewife has for her motto "One Hundud ( for Every Dollar Expended." She believes in a full return outlay. (! nts (IT She is not light-fisted. She know that the cheapest materials are oftfi (he most expensive in the end. She has an Account Book which shows what becomes of the money she spends, and a Bank Book which s-hows what becomes of the money she sa es. Her funds receive absolute protection (tea eo Kloro -Wio 7,11 SedrdJers HeadvT Tho time Is ROttinc shorter everv dny for you to do what Hliould liei dono before the Klks cet. here on , August II, 15 and 10. What aro you doing? First State & Savings Bank KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON V-M? v nsi Tied Bobs wheat, a new variety ,sil 5s "xpectsJ to add millions of it straw v.hica tnaL'es it to defy any evolved by Sealer Wre'der, the rcres to the whea Krowintt lands of but the mot oestrmtive hail utorms wheat wizard of Canada, ir- ir J Canada. Scaler Whetlcr. internntionallv to push the frontiers of to-1 m.sUt', Iir early rip"ninK quality renders famous, as a wheat gro-Acr, farms Canadian wheat belt 100 miic far- 1' 'nmun- from any frost but those only a "seleeted" farm of 1C0 acres ther north. Red Bohs se i has been ti a, may 'hance in some freak sea- in ihj fine mixed fnrmini; country widely distributed th.-ourho.it tie son. it i., renders 't practically tiient: the Canadian National line prairie provinces by the land depart-1 immune from black rust, that annual near tosthtrn, Sa. ' utehewan, He ment of the I'nited Grain Gr..v.ors plairua of the wheat fields. IJuat has wpa five championships at inter- ithe jjreat co-opcrativo fartners' or- makes its appearance in Canada ie rational exhib tions .-.th his wlteat jrannaiion cnu m nc Riven vu u,&, late juiy o' -any Ati'ur. j; tr 3 and nua the woiic. . vv.leat proau.;- Y WA rx-w-g 4 il txiS A1. real te t th.s year. time, Red Bobs will 'io bo near roa- -:r.i' rc.i rii v.itlt ti,;hl two bushi's Marquis wheat, whi'h is irenera!lj- turity as to escape damage. to th? ll'ib. Hij fir t big pri.e was triKwn throuRhout trie Canadian! Itid Bol-s- wi produced by Mr. the S1.000 in Bold offered at tha Ni-v West. "?; lao tho invtnt.r-n of Jtr Whst'.c from carefully ck-cted! -rk Land tbuw in .91 1 for tl e 1 eat Vhte!r 6lle ovo! eti it from Rc rti'-prained hiat's if Wbite i.ofcs an bushi 1 of wheat jfrcvn on me tonti Fifc. It was a heavier yielding- exuimely earij, beardless wheat or- rttnt. His prize buche! was of Mar vluat aid n,enerl a weak earlier.' oinnnly of white crams. White iSebs quia whaat thot yielded sewr(ty-flo Marquis wheat carwed th- wheat was the result of a croa between I bushel to the ar. ar.d weiirhed area luo miles firther north thui , Auetrahan white wheat and Nepaul sixty-two ond a half pounds to tb Red Fife h"d ever iro vn Red Uobs' Uiley Red Bob has not only a f ull , luaflfil, which wna two and 0 half anpens a week ctrttar 'v M r' mi 1 . iid ben v but rw.Mrknbfej'tTeni.'th pounds mora than standard weight - . 1 . , j f, jJutn mltmfTSm I ' iAaaMia'M mwmi ,out, and the Mayor wants Ale to 03 j his pit t )ainr. Mary Fblby. u ilrv j mufcer. is the mijst Impoitant ,orri 1 an In town She Jove Avje, but he ia WwwW.W.WyW ... . l0t , . t J.JV BUeBrjrJO 10 J -! . t .I'll li ' lev&f.e vuA Anita, f.sn' i ,... ,.," ... r -""f. Smart, taa .richest mun (n ur- LUiiie'j .w, ioo WOtUvm WIS" .- . , ., u y, At the Theatres 1 WrtfTTW"" r.val confirnitntr tho headisarters ' W ting's suspicion that the rivl leader i "d 1 me to ttt bnule. js Oentleman Jfm" Ctthot, a former w ptiiflt ftid henl nf he hom Ktnir ' lr. Smart, tha .richest mun (n xiiiprf.achen the opnrMne- loadnr to'X f iiutn i Iavab Xa9V adl il hint tin .!.... .i 1 .n ri , 1. , x lireMtd befor u l8r9 nidi t.e. '.. ' ......-- y , -,.,.,lu b rp'mdh, of Bib nsd Vor4 p cWuive hi ,, the . t - ly L T till' ' " I ''ft t0 mv to f1' ' S 1-oufce liult, apo'rwi moM 'fr -d7sW'' J-ot'" HIT1?' itUal ft not "" y rapatlacut, e the cr.,arltt tUt, f trnja" ,' '"TT "i0t ' VM1 '" ' Ut 0nlV uliUe eom-'y Production. ' , ort. ? ?"" ub for, tho floor. I I vuwb. j-ow ib we hto aw" row j nr0ry chnlr. foW... mJrrbr and r;ie rtpr of 'Ob. "Son Women-" Abo hap PvPr met vi ho falls An- WnMbJ. ,.,BP(I , rtmltori,a , ttl0 i-ito wjt rte rrobbrn of wlat nnl, porately in love with her. M ,hp propri(for B PllII)IoyeH Uoh,folr 'to to when he return ; havinrr left overythln,: at tho mercy homo from the wcr and find women r nht , moUm , f f,,n rmtm in t!lnIr tma . V , . , , .?', 1 . .ductlona-are not uncommon, but for leafety, A pcoro or more of pollco rn- 1 feroclonsrieKs and damago wrought, pervefl aro peen perambllnr; into tho it is doubtful If there ever wua onellmttlo pit. Ono of them uples Cabot comparable with that in "Honor's ''Caufco," a Selerart prodluction to bo been tonight at the Liberty Theatre. Abe is tho pride of Fremont's "con- I The combdt takes place In a sal Kress," an aggregation of old chaps . oon danco hall used as headquartero that meets in Hobart's grocery stoieibya gang of gunmen. While a cabar- ) discuss political problems Just a few years ago the City of Klamath Falls wns "Up against it." Perhaps there wasn't one poit-on in five hundred knew it, but, nevertheless, it was a fact. , The situation was critical, the future of the City hung in the balance. Few realized, busy in their everyday affairs, that the Queen City of Southern Oregon, standing a"s she does on the banks of a great river and touching with her boundaries , two givv. lakes, was famished for water. j There was "Water, water everywhere, but not a drop 1.. drink; it was starvation in a land of plenty, tor thp water of the be slown his Job. Abraham Lincoln I, iJones Is a young I1I7.1 11 of Fremont who return)) from the fighting from and finds It difficult to get establish- d in his homo town. Joe et show Is at its height, tho leader ot Hush, the Mayor is a Civil War vet- an opposing band appears, followed cran whose office Abe used to sweep by a number of his cronies, their ar- tlio leader, nnd rushes to rnpturo him. Then follows a fight nlmost as furious ns tho ono tho pollro rnmn to quell. Wearied by his previous work against the opposing gunmen, Cabot is about to surrender when ho Rples a whiskey bottle on the floor and rushes to grab It. Before tho policeman can got away, big lakes and in the river was tule soaked and germ contained. The only available supply was being pumped from an opt n hpring into ditiibuting reservoirs, but ,11)0 quality was questioned and the supply inadequate. Something had to be done'; something was done ! Awl today the City of Klamath Falls is possessed of an abundant sup ply of the purest artesian water in the world. Three 12-inch wells were driled through hard rock, one to a depth of 78 feet, one to .SO feet and one to 1G0 feet, from which pure, cold, clear water gushed. These wells were cased, capped used in the City today is being pumped water free from con tamination of any kind, for it does not see the light of day until and sealed, and it is from these rock covered strata that the water it pours into the reservoir, and then only until it again runs away into the mains to serve you at the faucet. California-Oregon Power Company t t f $ V f f y t t T T T ! i mJm FEED, Egg Mash, Growing Mash, Fattening Mash To Your Chickens Murphey's Feed & Seed Store 126 South Sixth St Phone 87' TS ""Tct r -