The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 12, 1919, Image 1

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&l2 IgtgntJtg Iterati
cou.i i
Thirteenth Year-No. 3,671
Price, Five Cento
I'uvIiik prt'llmlnurlt'M Iiuvm Imm-u
ul h rlM( liv I tut Wn rrM I Sin !..
I lion company, on Fourth, Fifth.
Hlxlli. HitvciUh ntul Pine mrr.'tti urul
the work U advancing am speedily iih
poiulblo toward prnparlng for tint
final coutltiK of asphalt. Before any
rul imvlng work run bit Nturted,
however, nil newer mum be ilmr. tin, PORTLAND, July 12 A consid
er. .U nf telephone company munt movn tlmlr r",'l' urn-age of ryu that wu In-
Comei t futures buck unil water mulint w lit lntl-tl for threshing bus been cut
, fflltPb
Railroad Bend Affair
hum to b lulit. Curbing must nlan for buy on urcount of front dumuge
be built. They liuvii bi'iin finished In Oregon, iirrniilliig lo tln weekly
on Fourth street, but the wooden 'rop miniimiry of thu weather hurcuu
ATTORNEY NOW HERE .forms lire Just Mug put In on tint here Hurwst of r... hurley iind
1 other streets, winter wheat In In progress In many
. Kin inn th Falls presents n lorn-lip purl of lln state Winter wheal
1'idrr the rnrtl'l'"" "' " """".npin'ttruncii In iery direction Just Ih promising In the Willamette Vnl
., Agreement Hubert K. Htm- now and will for some Hum to rami- ,.y nnd In the principal wheat coun-
Mttrr I In l'-y Tlmt H Tl,,' mul" '"''chlnery for bundling the ties there In much Reed wheat des-
. .. i, n.- ! iiki I Pvliiic .uatcrlul will bo located at pile the limn drought Spring wheat
it-Hi Vmv iliir1iMli of Hie ?rf,iw"il , , ,
"'" "' tho pnvlnic plant iiear tint depot. wry poor In some sections, but
IfHdllemrnt l .Mdc. or Half Iho TnU , Wl M,ccll,a jy , com. , ,,,,. w kt, (,
puny yeterday t'orn Iiuh made, good growth In
HprltiK ulrect lit nearlng coinplo- Southern Oregon hut needs rain:
Hon and the only dimcutty Contract, Irrigated corn In'Mnlheur county In
'or flnrrntt Ih facing li tho slowness excellent; elehcro wannnr weath-
wllli which I lie crushed ruck li'bo or Ih needed
lug delivered Hut thin will onlyj Thu pant week wiih one of varlu-
hold him up at hi work at odd blc temperature, the weather bureau
Temperatures ubove 90 de-
green were recorded In some of the
.Interior t alleys, while frost was re
ported from eastern elevated locali
ties on July 7, dolliK no damage. A
few light showers occurred along
J-dfmit If HO -- I-"""-
Mkt ipettur ollJ. ,,f ,,u' I"4"1
I tbtrt li arislnK lo confront the city
litheri and the city attorney the old
...l lliHl Hlll Altttflt1 llttll lift'
""'"' "'" .inlurvnU i.k.I 1 1... fii.vli. ..Ill I,.. I.. ,......
ntlil K (.iilnr '
Frank Ira White Is i familiar fig
ure on tho streets of Klamath Falls
nnco more, after an absence of more
than a year. One can tell by the
beaming countenance he presents to
tho public that he Is telling the truth
:i.KH TAKK IMtKCKIIKNCK .whn he says the place hasn't go..
OVIJIl IIL'HINKHH I nca """n"e 7" a" e .,Mr-
eu ll would, om inai iih; comrar
has happened and the town has pro
gressed. He learned that storv that
Portland gained during the war, that
your trig pay rolls are the things thnt
count In the long run and jnaktr th
trade of a city a steady and lysting
Mr White ill be here for only a
few days teJore returning in I'crt
l.i m1. where he Is connj:t1 wi'Sj 'he
newe oepartment of rallroIi and fi
nance, on the Oregonlan.
Friends of Mrs. 'White will be
pleased to hear that she Is slowly
recovering from a serious Illness
which resulted from effects of the In-
a n
I ... ... !-(!.
!n hllliuun run- ". - befor ..,..,,
llrolbr, the firm f I'otnl buyers j .
tbtt olteml tludr m-nlce as lerfnl
xulilei for tho proper direction of till
alfjn Irnillnx up In the tlireu hillldri il
tbouunt! dollar bond tne fur ,i
Municipal lUllroud This rnniri r'
rrorldttl that If Keeler Ilroth
SMijI.t 'll' li(incl llicrit w l.lld en
nft rhnrf fir the work that w is diin
lint If they ere mil the sucrt -fil
t!ddnp, then the clt) woijjd lme
lo pay Ihcm K'Oi) A further piol
!on called fur iSOO In rui? the onri.l'i
nffe conleatetl In the Hupreine r.virt
7b bnmh worn nevr fenteue-l ft
th rourti, no ll left the only oiild-
'rnl'on Inrultrd in Hie ense .it Jj.'oo
Whtn the lilils were op-ued Keel.
r Ilrothcrs hid par for the i,o.- .,
tot tacked on to ttiMr hid was u
Ttorlilun callhiK for the paymeii' f,vorllod In order that every ex-sol- been completed except In tho more
the coast. In the Wllli.iue.tte Valley
ami In nnrthi'uMem countbt Dry.
northwesterly winds were u fen turn
In other purls of tho stnte. Water
for Irrigation Is hcarco In Viino '-
.mi:miii:us or mmai, rorvcn, nous
OF AMKItK'A.V I.KtilON TKI.F,. Hiking of cherries Is progressing
ClItAI'll ;oVKHXMi:T TO IIOM) rapldlv. approaching completion In
H'l.i: I.A.MI I'Olt Tlli:M some pans of Oregon. the suminury
says A large crop of Loganberries
The fart thnt but fifteen uii'iiibeis Is being gathered In the Willamette
til tended liut night's meeting pre. 'r.,y and coast counties. Karly ap.
vented carrying out of the full pro- pies, peaches and apricots are ripen
gram thai (buy had outlined. Ano- lug In Oouglns, Jackson, I'liuitllla
titer meeting will be held within tho mid Malheur counties,
next two we-jks and will bo fully ad Cutting of first crop of alfalfa has
As the days tint drawing nearer to
tlw dates of the big state convention
of the VAUn, scheduled for Klamath
I'h Us on August M, 1.'. and ll',, local
"It'lls" aro gathering new" worries
iimI I'diiltlonat burdens.
' How ap. they going to -ind
feed the i;rcat crowd that will be
here In August"? That Is tin o'ie
'iiievllcn thai Invariably Is iiskcl
wh"h I ue convention Is mentioned.
And the big assembly of Klks Is per
haps the most talked of affair In
Klamath Fulls today.
"We'll put them somewhere," said fluenza. She Is with her sister Ethel.
Austin Hayden, secretary of the. loc- j n Vancouver, Washington, during
al council when asked concerning uc-,ior husbands absence
comodnllnns. "Klks hnvo n way of
sending things over we've never in t Kvnrv wearer of the antler
'- ' . I
anil Ills fumlly will Have place to Btnv
and three meals it tiny. It will take
no end of work, but It can ho done."
"I.'veryililiig takes a second to the
Kills' doings." snld C. II. Fnderwood,
F.xtilted Ruler of the local council.
"I'v. n business cares will ha"5 to
ride u little If stre.s of the conven
tion Interferes. This Is tho biggest
thing we hnve ever undertaken
dent Wilson was bnsy considering;
various hills today and nla'l hit
veto on two Important 'one
He vetoed the Agricultural Bill be
cause of the pi o vision repealing the
Daylight Saving Lav.- Wlilcji has been
discussed pro and con In !otn th
Senate and House. "Recause ut cer
tain Items in the bill which wera to
he likely of a most serious .ort.o
quence." wag the President' r?adn
in vetoelng the Sundry Civil -Jill, a.-.-cordlng
to a statement he Issuei'. to
the Associated Press Correspoiilent-
rON'STANTINOI'LK, July 12 mi-;
ver Pasha. Talaat Hey, and DJennl '
Pasha, leaders of the Turkish gov- !
we erniuent during the wnr. were con-
must put II over with n hung. A e demned to death by a Turkish emir'- .
d tho co-oporatlon of not only nil martial, that Is investigating tho eon-1
tho Flks but every mnn, woman and duct of the Turkish government dar-
chlld In Klnmath Falls. It will mean ing the war. Knver and his two n3so-
ourrlflces but It will be worth while elates In the young Turkish Govern-
$11,000 ai conimMnii fur thet:- act
io' u fiscal sucnls This mnd. It so
1it thli firm caught the city "Agoln'
xnd "comln'," Their bid, of course.
dler may bo there to it Id In the work elevated central counties, where It
of perfecting the organization and will b" begun soen: the crop was
securing tho tults lands. considerably reduced by frost In
m May unci June in elevated districts;
I'M rejNteil, and tliwi (In cniinill MONUMKNT TO 1 to I IT. V.U'till.V. the second erop of alfalfa will soon
itditi that It did mil fully approve
ot the various actions of this ci
ccrn and at a result refusal m re
comlte the contract iiut this ie
fmil brouaht up anolher rnmrlit'i--tlon.
A provision of the contract wrs
that the 125(10 should ho paid eu: of
tke proceed of the bonds. If tho
-- w -old and all of Mie fundn
-- In tho ennatructlou of Ih i roniV
doubly so In the long run." ment fled Torn Turl.ev several
Mayor (ieorge L. Baker, of Port- months ago. Their whereabouts is un- J
hind, will In nil probability be the certain. Other officials of the govern-
first speaker on the program If pres- ment were sentenced to lo years lu-
ent plana materialize. He Is a very prlsonment. i
active member of the Portland lodge " j
and Is an excellent speaker. Some of FF.MI.MXK PltOMOTKIt IN"
the best speakers In Oregon are list- - l S. TO STACK HOXIXC. ItOCT.
ed to talk before tho assembled dele
gales during the three day session.
--then the latter was turneil n er,w'"H known to
t Mr. 8trahorn, why tho city would ."Undo Hob."
F-w nothlnir to moot
I.. be ready to cut In southern Oregon.
(SUKAT FALLS, Montana, July 12. Wild hay Is generally below normal.
Plowing of tho Ilrst furrow lu this The lower ranges are drying rapid
vicinity U to bo commemorated on ly and In some localities feed Is
next Monday by tho dedication, at scarce; high ranges are good'. Pas
Vaughnu, nour hotv, of a monument turage In the western counties Is et
to Itohurt Vuughuii, said to ha celleul
been tho mnn who guided tho plow Stock Is doing well In most sec
wlth which It was made. thins hut In a few places Is Wgln
Vaughan, believed to have been nlng to show tho effect of short feed,
the Ilrst farmer In Sun ltlver valley, Karly potatoes are being market-
Cascade county as ed In Increasing iiuantltles. Over
His homestead still considerable anins lu centrul Oregon
Is under cultivation. The county tho potato crop will ho light owing
furm bureau will be In charge of to frost and drought; elsewhero
LOS ANGELES, July 12. Mrs.
'nowy" Baker, wife of the Austral-
n boxing promoter, has come to the
FOREST FIRE LOSS 'Tnlted States to represent her hus-
LESSENED BY CARE ,mml ln ll,s effor,s tn s,age ln Aus"
tralln the next contest for the world'j
'heavyweight championship, so she
COLl'MBL'S. Mont.. July 12 Con
grructiou work on a drrlnage system,
that, will drain the lanes of th I.aie
Basin cot.ntrj" In northern Ptillwat
ei county has liwi om'ncni-e-l nniT
'".tiii $"70,000 and S'i-.'-O'! win
h. spent on the ;uf.'
More than 10,000 acres or IS
3ri ( miles ot lai .1 wil " re ,?!m
"(i l m expected. More than SO,
( rule-, will be involved in th- 'at
atlon to cover the construction oT the
drain at a rate of about 7 or S cents
an acre, addition to the xu'imergod
land which will coat approximately
$1.00 an acre for its reclamation to
Its owners.
The drainage of the Big lake, Shor
ey lake. Rice lako and Ualf-Breed
lake will spoil among the ;ine3: lu"k
hunting grounds in th. state Most
of these lakes hnv-j bea loa.ed for
years by un clubs of Hillings aud
Columbus and the fall shooting, nev
er failed to wield big uill-i for the
hunters. '
announced here. '
Even before the Wlllard-Dempsey
If all tourists and campers will
continue to exercise extreme care In
me matter oi putting out ..., a few t,avs after she arrivpfi
small camping tire before they leave. t bepan he work on behB,t
tlie rorest nro proventiou,. of her hugbam, ,,y telegraphing to
tho men as to their willingness to
fight In Australia. In case of a vic-
wlll show more beneficial
this year thun the record
of last
year, according to advices sent out
tory. Sho said her husband was es-
by tho U. S. Department ot Agrlcul- pc",ally ,iesirous to promote the next
tho dedication ceremony.
the outlook Is fair to good. Gar
dens generally need rain,
'looking well.
SPOKANE, July 11 Llfo lu tho
Isolated places of Idaho is not Irk
Homo lo Mrs. Ada Tlnglny, of Hot
Springs, Owyhee county, Idaho
federal government erndlcnloi'
I Hit fnl At
The Important of this probl. m caus-
& Ihe council to heslinlo. and then
Mr. Strahorn came to the rescue to
ure a rcleaao of tho bond. The
"ihers ot the council and the may-
"were called toRothor. not In n r,v
" meeting, but In a prlvnln str-
'-. ml tho (luestlnn was Ihivshed
. After a tlioroiigh under.ili'ndlng
""" rMcllf'l n "gentlenmir- i.gre
Wmt" i ,i.
- - .....wn up tlie ii-f,v,s.)ns , ,"'. ' ' . I
' hlch wern il, m mm a..., "federal government erndlcnlor of
turlher rIvos niisurniiri he w'll ,ro'm,or' '" 'MB- Tlngley
Wy one-half nf mi., c bonrs tho distinction of being mob-
... -i ""in. iiiil njr '(mi- .leru un iiie uuuiiui wimi-ninni ,,,
" -m, mch the city may vilun- u,,l' tM" 0,"- w"111"" Pniressioii.u tho 8(M.,,ty, boBlnnlng twxt Wednes
itirKoo,'r I,rn"",M. or In il,ehl",,nr ot "viirmlnlii" lit government Iay ,,. conforonco w,u contlnuo
f i., "l ,nfl ' ihoulil tinsiircMi,.!B,nv,C1'' Hn" 1M " crarK nuo 8,"u' for four days. Ono of the principal
Last yeur's loss considered
romarkably small In view of the dan
gerous conditions caused by drought
and periods of high wind. Over
Hops are S95.000 acres of national forest lands
Iwure burned In 191S. and caused a
heavyweight championship bout in
Australia If Dempsey won.
-.vitli tha q, inn. snlrlt that has
loss to tho government amounting marked hcr atrlotism throuifhout
to $683,000 In timber, forago and thj p(ir0(, ,n BUUMriWnB t0 tile
young growth. There were- r.,573 , Llherv Loan and war fund
hires In tho national forests. All but
drives. Klnmath Falls citizens buli-
ltlLLlNGS. Montana, July 12.
Hundreds ot delegates representing
Epworth league organization of
Montana niv expected to gather
hnro for the annual convention of
2.457. set by lightning, were caused jJCrlbod tUer full uota 0f $2300, for
hv human agencies. itnllroaus
started OIS tires, and catvlessness ot
campers was responsible for 043.
Oregon, California and Arkansas had
within their borders the majoiitv of
tho Salvation Army Fund.
The untiring efforts of U. C. Cnn-i
beck and William Hagelsteln. chi-lr-mnns
of tho local campaign, were in
i measure responsible for
SANTA BABBARA. Cal., July 11.
"Official Lion Hunter of the Santx
Barbara National Forest" will be the
title of "Jerky" Johnson, a well
known hunter aud trapper of the Te
Jon mountain district, near here. xvUt
bear when he starts out iu a fev
days to rid the reserve of pumas and
bob-cats which have been creating
terror ln the hearts of ranchers
around here.
For several months ranchers have
reported that their stock had been
aftached by the beasts and travellers
In the forest told of thrilling fights
and narrow escapes from attacks.
It was not until, however, one ot
the animals paid a visit to' the Canet
ranch, less than two miles from th
center of this city, that anyone took
the various and diversified tale3
seriously. But now. It's different and
Forest Ranger Jacinto Reyes and
Game Warden Frank Barnett lll
confer with "Jerky" Johnson to pro
pare a campaign against the dangci
ous marauders.
reported last year.
mo. Mr Strnhorn will,""'- ,lor 'l,n,-," firt"v r "ro,,n,0,'' speakers will bo ltov. Or Hoy Smith
ItAt- ss.L...
V.',.;"11 " """ illilRnm.Mll IM
the city." my 8c(,,lro nBn,n'"
,,??' ft w" known attorney
-' Portland, ami ,i,.. ..... .
I-aundrv ,. '" 'iirioiis ami
ta.Vi. . p nctlnM' t,mt np-
,oK,r,"roc''''KnlnBt tho City
K Umath F .,. and thfl obect
4h.euPe,1 "'at I""IPmy to
ftifSf d"Uch ol,,B-an-d fur
If iL .. 0rdB t0 " oct.
t0rti wher.ttn,!Wflr '" the fe(,ore''
..,, 1" w' not have tho
t-mki I .'0M Clt" Attomoy
ke'-iMhrum .- that
- -nru with $2500.
annual is Biicu tnni sno is noio to mHU)1. ()f tl(, S(i Pnu, ,,,,-cu nl Chl
cinim u pincu nmoug tuo luauing
Many thousands of dollurs' worth
of llvo stock Is destroyed each yonr
by wild animals In Idaho, and to
the 257 Incendiary fires that were raj8jnB tho money. "People wen? a
hit wearied under the ninny drives
' mul It was difficult to gain ' the
'rtuota," said C. II. Vnderwood, Ecrlt-
'ed Utilor of Tho Elks Lodge, wlilcli
Mi:.Min:i;s iiovoit piti'smEx-i1
I Tho dally sessions aro to bo occu
pied with study periods, nnd In tho
evenings open meetings aro to ho
hold. Social affairs nro being plan
Tho members ot tho Prosperity He- j had full charge of raising the ntuount
bokah Lodge Nf. 104. wore guests needed. "Additional credit,. should go
nt a bnnquot. Thursday ovenlng, gtv-jto Mr. Oroesbeck and Mr. Hag.Msteln
nn iiv the officers, in honor of tholrifor that reason.
ollmlnnto this tho govornmont set UC(, f()1. , vlt,K delegatus Hko-
ashlo last your $32,0tiu. At tun emt
of tho yonr It was found that $15,000
had been returned through bounties
paid for tho hides of thu destroyed
animals. ....
Last year Mn. Tlngley averaged Among tho Interesting tourists
16 predatory animals a month, whllo'ho have visited Klnmuth county so
her husband, who Is In charge of tho , h's summer. Is Miss Alice- Losllo
hunters In Idaho, averaged less than Walker and her party from Athens
ono animal bettor than sho. Last Qrocco. Miss Walker Is connected
'.. .n .i..,i..i.nvi Nn. ,.... ..a
Will. II." lliwiv ,... w .
leal Study nnd Archeology.
Upon hor arrival In tho city yes
torday sho callod to soo Captain O,
cVApplogate, who Is n friend of Miss
Walker's grandfather. Tho party Is
hero to study Crator I.ako and tho
Lavu Bedss Thoy nro anxious to
have Captain Applegate assist them
with his knowledge of the history ot
this country.
August sho accounted for
40 anl-
PAHIS, July 12, -ltulliin dolegntos
sent a note to tho Peace Conforonco
today asking that their govornmont
be given a concession at Tien Tstn,
China, Indications nro that their wish
will be granted.
retiring Noble flrand, Mrs. C. H.
Cleudenlng, Mrs. Clendenlng intends
leaving with her fumlly for California
to resldo In tho near future.
The evening was spent In a very
enjoyable manner and the apprecia
tion of tho fuithful work of Mm.
j Clendenliig. during hor tfrm ot oC
. flco. wus deeply expressed by the
jucuiuurs .ruBuui,
nATTLE CREEK, Ark., July 12.
liloutonant T. J. Lonohan. of San
Francisco and Chaplain A. H. O'Dowd
of Brdoklyn; were accidentally killed
' today when n plane piloted by Lon
,'gan was struck by another alropluno,
j The second machine also tell to the
ground but the occupaut was unin
sured. 1
They worked hard
for a, worthy cause."
Portland, with a quota of $125,0011
failed to raise over $f"o0.000 In their
campaign. It Is doubtful whether or
not many of the valley towns were
able to subscribe the full amount
given to them.
Jack Kimball has added a fine new
forest fire truck to his ranger's
equipment. Many people Inspected
the truck this morning as It was
being driven about town by Hal
Oglo, Compartments foe. a cook
stove and provisions, places for
axes, saws, shovels and other forest
fire equipment are included. The
truck can be taken anywhere by the
ranger. It is habitable as well as
being of big value in fighting fires.
HARDIN, Mont., July 12. Four
giant tractors, made to pull artillery
equipment on the western battlefront
In Europe, have been received here
and assigned, to the relatively proslac
task of pulling plows anil harrows
on the ranch ot the Montana Farm
ing corporation. With the aid of thesa
ibig tractors and a number of smaller
ones, the company Is now plowing,
rolling and harrowing as high as 1.
000 acres dally. All three operations
are performed at the same time.
The company now has under crop
15,000 acres in spring and winter
wheat and 10,000 acres In flax. The
company, which has heavy leases oa
the Crow Indian Reserve, estimates
that it lias spent for far for farming
activities In Montnlna over $700,
000. Next year it expects to have
100,000 acres under cultivation, It la
declared. The company' has a' total
of 59 tractor outfits of various makes
running. It has built 14 miles of.nsw
roads d about 125 miles of good
e,lC0' .. . .. I... L i 4