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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1919)
3MkWi i , I'lilDAY, ! I'l.v ii. mm, 1HE rvrNiisir. HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON rAOK EIGHT Silence, iiiiiplril ulih ..l,rn df i:pei Irm-o N m I II 1 il I y lil.ll.r-. lis Iil'ltl'l- llllnl t,, ,,, nlll- I'li-llllUliiM Willi, nt 'i.lrli'i I a k ' iiihiuilHt, 7-YEAR-OLD COW CHAMPION MILK PRODUCER 1 ll Mill "'' jL WliaL- , ,"l' 1 BR" SoiUte H w. "Tmni.rr t..i.i' m ivV flteaflBPBfLJII I EVt 1 Mil liiiJUJIi "rfs l 1 I m M K A til A MY-jrer-old cow welglimi iup.ku -- champion Milk producer of the world She Is RPkeI a Ale III HoUteln-rreltl.n cow. owned by Npa State HosplUl In CMon' 8be Ii shown here being led by Governor William Stephen o. Cali fornia. Her official recoVd for 11 to 10.41 J3 ?3 $ lOSt pounds of bntter She also broke the eren-d jr. t h I rty-dii y na Juty-Xv W. 9 recordi. with tlO.I. J78S.1 and I7 7 poandi re JVeetlrelr ' Tl wm SYMBOLICAL BRONZE MEDAL DEDICATED TO YANK AIR FORCE WITH ISH IPS t ITAMAX NAVY ITIH.ISHi:S commkrciai niuioip.i.r. sr.uv ice for visitino romi:. pro. ceeds given to those ms abt,et ix war ROME. July 11. American tour ists may hereafter visit Roman ruli' the Coliseum, forma. P-wtheor. Cnracella baths aiui the basilica nf Constantine. St. Peter's ami oth.-r Rome gems, hereafter, not In anr quated horse-drawn carriages hut in airships. The Italian navy ha es tablished a commercial dirigible ser vice for visiting Rome and it envir ons from the air. The venture as met with complete suco--s. for lulv the aircraft are filled to capacitv. "The correspondent of The Assoc' , ated Press viewed Rome from the Italian Navy's dirigible I'-l On , Iioard were diplomatic repreenta-1 lives of all the allied countries oi the number of 34, the canacln- of the craft. The United States repro-1 sentative was Colonel Buckey. mili trry attache here. Those In the party of long resid ence here stated that looking at Rome from thf! diriBihle. hrouch nut features of it which went unt.wn-elv-ed to the observer below. Histo.-i" Wo man landmarks viewed from Hie nil gave the eye an entirely different -n-pect of their beauty and fonr.. The riches of Rome in hidden gardens could only be appreciated from above It was agreed. Looking at the Collbeufti from. the ground, It appears to be a circular mass of ruined grandeur.. From th air. the elliptical proportions of the second greatest acumulation of mas onry in history "are pronounced. The proceeds from the dlrJRil.lo service are given to the Italian funds for those disabled In the war. Tea Is served In raid-air and letters accept ed for postage. P.OMF. July H Oora Oulfsen, designer of the Anjac medal, has produced in her Rome studio, u new medal dedicated to the American air force. The face side consists of the head of an American aviator, the mo del for which had served in the Am erican air-force operating on Italy's fronts, surrounded by an allegorical design s.kmbolical of America's will and power. The'reverse side of the medal is symbolical of the task America ac complished in transporting her fight ing forces across the seas and bear ing an inscription taken from Presi dent Wilson's message to Congress , which reads : i "There is therefore hut one re-, hpon-e possible from us- Force, force to the utmost- force without stint or Unit. th righteous aud triumphant ' force whlfh shall "make Hsht t'-" '" -of th" world, and cast .-very -elfish dominion down in the dust." ' Miss Ohlfsen Is an Australian. STEAMER TRAFFIC VERY HEAVY TOKIO. June 12 So difficult is It to obtain passage on any steamer for the United States or Canada that advertisements are beginning to ap pear in the newspapers offering a premium for cabins or berths al ready reserved The overcrowding is due to the fact that a large num ber of Japanese are visiting tho United States and Europe and that many foreign residents are visiting 1 their home lands. I WIXXKIO SPECIAL f-2 CHILD RfiRX TO MRS. ROKKRTSO.Y. Frinds of Mre. W. H. Robertson, formerly Louise Denson of Klam ath Falls, will bepleosed to hrvr or tho birth of a baby daughter that arrived on July S. at her home In Salem, Oregon. The child has been , named Janet Ruth Robertson. FORT HALL TRADING i POST FOR INDIANS WINNER'S SPECIAL- IX-2 STUFFY HASNT MADE ERROR THIS YEARv , POCATELLO, Idaho. July li ed for pastage tello. is the trading post fir tl rce tribes of Indians Hanno'-k I W and Shoshones. There are 2.S00 of the three tribes on the tract : ill embraces many thousands or -s. not all cultivated. Some live almg the bottoms, in wickiups and mo rn tents, and follow up the old -. -m of the "blanket" Indians. Other- u' tivate. Every Saturday they aprear M historic trading post whera they a given their allotment unuer m-s .--i- ' crvision of Major H. H. Miller, su-' perintendent of the post. In early days Capt, Bonneville stopped at ho ' site for several days, and Generals Custer and Fremont -went through this -way. ' Today a different condition exists, ( and while some of the older tribes men llvo In tho primitive way. tho major portion furnish supplies along the more active line, are actlvo stockmen and farmers, and some are wealthy. Ono of tho braves who died recently left his heirs $50,000. He had residence property close to IJluckfoot, owned farm land, and knew the details of a bank account. He was a Dannock Indian. One of the "braves," an educated and prosperous farmer, drives ono of the highest powered cars In Idaho, and takes keen delight in clipping seventy miles an hour off the state road that waa built thru the sand of the reservation. it""'" $i$$Z'th An .nMrlrmi fl..liilPe teHSOD hOT, bsn tie ir-MOt el "oat all base SMll ,'.aycr. "Smfly" Mclnnls. Ant bsMxiau of io Boston Red Bos, nut be hvlng such vUlona Bow because ao far this aeaeon he ha3 played a perfect game. In 38 games be handled the Jball 421 times for 401 putouta and r 29 asslita for .1000 percentage.' LEST YOU FORGET FOR THE CAMPING TRIP. VACATION OR YOUR SUNDAY OUTlNp. Th B.ut, of Your Kodak Piclur.. depend, largely on lh. w.y &St3i5& convenience ,o I.ur. Perfect Wtd prinu lh.t you will be proud end ple.-d to .how. COME IN AND LET US TALK KODAKS WITH YOU. Headquarters for KODAKS and Accessories z T " .1 40c Ribbons 35c Pretty Taffeta Ribbons In various" floral designs with stripe border. All light shades 5-lnches wide. IWo Plain Color IUlr Row Rltiltons - 23c The Woman's Store .AN EVENT OF EXTRAORDINARY AND MOMENTOUS IMPORTANCE--OUR UKfcAi Handkerchief 20c. All-Llnon Initial Hand kerchliifri that roprtiwnt uu unuMiul value at this prlw Colorwl t'rpr t'Wnc llamlkrrrlilrra .. '-V. Julv Clearance Sale Offers in the Face of Critical Market Conditions, Desirable Summer Merchandise in Broken Lines at Radical Price Concessions -Ut the ..E OOOJM r radical are cne reaucuo. ... .- "r" Ma?iv equaHy good values arc not auveiubuu. ly arrived. ;he reductions made on merchandise throiignou n - advertised. Look to Summer requirements now. Many eqiu.. goon iliv pHB Vf4.Cir--cs5s-Sl pl I. 'M bwrvUIv kit Trririi it aJ' hhw $16.50 Chiffon Taffeta Dre sses, Special $14.95 Popjin Silk Dresses, $12.50 Think of Buying $8.50 to $20 Voile Dresses at$7.50 --Our firm announcement hroiiKhl a huaity res .oiih and ua n result but few of these pro ty ursHe remain. ToihohciWh valuo Bhould clean out the lot. Of pretty Vollm. In KlKured and Plaid .loalKim. atlrnctludy Ulmnifd in various way All !.. Artiwl ljtH..(l to VltllH's lit '"'" A Drastic Disposal of Many Summer Suits - The styles and mnterlalH leave nothltiK to ho desired Thrifty women will buy ttio.n now for nresent wear, for Kail and even next year. Tho U,?! cluden Jerneys. Klnu French ' Novelty materials All Hlzm In the lot but not at each sale price. $45 Suits, $32.50 $35 Suits, $27.50 $30 Suits, $ZZ.5U $30 and $32.50 Suits, Ex Sp'l, $23.50 Waists 98c Values to $2.00 In a h pedal BroiiPlnK nrv th""' tlfhlnihlf Wash WnlittB Some r sllKhtly iiuissimI or soiled, but a tub liliiK will brliiK Ihem out fr"h uml new The suvIiiks ar unusual llu' now for thy tuluru. PONGEE WAISTS $3. -A Waist worth Urn lrlci of the unrut material of whlrh I hoy are muile In strictly tailored style Convertible Collar $32.50 Suits $24.90. HOUSE WRAPPERS, $2.50. Just ii few of these loft, but thu value Is extraordinary Of fine quality Pur rule. I.lKlit and Dark dray, Plain an'' Figured. Piped In contrast BUNGALOW APRONS, 98c In Hint) and Tan Striped Percales -full cut and well madea regular !.' value. Hosiery and Underwear SPECIALS I.ines In broken sizes and small lots that havo been plven cleanaway prices Wo mention AVoinnii's rilne Hose SI. OH neKular $1.25 values, In White and Light Gray only. All sizes. Women's I-'ilirc Hose 7"c A Kood $1 value. , In Hlack and Whlto only. All slze3. Women's Cotton Hose ; 40c Regular GOc quality. - Wack and White, broken lino of sizes. Children's Hose 20c 35c grade, Four-thread heel and toe, Black only, AH sizes. Women's nibbed .Vests 10c Actual 2Gc value, small sizes. Women's Union Suits OOc Tight and loose knee. All sizes. Children's Union Suits 45c Several styles. Not all sizes. 64x76 Cotton Blankets An Unusual Special at $3.25 In Gray, tan nnd White Staple Cotton, with Striped Pink and Mluo Ilordors liny these Hlankets now-you will save much over tho price you will pay this 1 all. FULL SIZED COMFORTERS....:.'. $4 Vnother HeddliiK Special of Unusual Importance. PlnU and Hluu (lowered, Sllkollnii Covered, with wldu IloVders In Solid Color An KMro Special. 69c TURKISH TOWELS AT 50c An extra heavy ribbed towel. Full 21 by 10 ttlzo. A very fortunate purchaso mmlu months ngi enables us to offer them at this speflnl price. Hotel and rooming house keepers should buy thorn by tho dozen. 35c HUCK TOWELS AT 25c Like tho above this itom Is thu result of a big quan tity purchase. These towols uru oxtra quality, largo size, 18x38-liiches. Hed Ilordors. An Kxtra Special at this sale price. $1.25 Skirts 98c $1.25 Bloomers, 98c Of splendid grade Mus- Of Whlto Cotton Crono lin, with attractlvoly em- and Plnlc Jorsoy. This liroldered 9-Inch flounces, special the result of small AH sizes. Actual J1.2C quantity. All sizes. Spo- values at 08c clal at c I tilI i tf A & . . ,-- REDUCTIONS ON REMNANTS: U n u s u a 1 opportunities await those who can find use for short lengths. In cluded are most every material. The Re pricings are almost Half. Special Prices on Dress Materials Kxtru Values that will mako Sat urday a busy day In our Ynrd Goods section. Wo mention but a few of thu unusual Items Cotton Foulard -9c Regular Itr.c and 4(!c quality. Flor al and other patturns. 27-ln. wldo. PiiiufoVo (JliiKliaiiis U5o tlegulnr 3Ro goods, In Stripes uml Plaids, Many putterus. 23c Percales 10c Ill Stripes, Polka-dots and small figures. Ited, Uluo, Tan and Ulack on Whlto ground, 32-ln, -wldo. ISffv HIcarhiMl Muslin 18c Hope Muslin, Hpoclnl aOc ilOr Muslin, Kpeclul aac H. N..MOE WINNER'S SPECIAL 112 mi ii; i SBKBHBwaraaBaMBgawa