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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1919)
tObiW- m PAGE FOUR The Evening Herald THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON J. M I? It It A V EDITOR Shoe Styles Every, Stitch Yank m Published dally eicept Sunilay h The Hernld Publishing Company of Klamath Kails, at 115 Fourth street Entered at the postofflce at Klam Ui Falls, Ore., for transmission thru ike mails as second-class matter Subscription terms by mall to any ddreaa In the United States: One year 6-0 One month .. ... 5 Member of the Annotated lre" The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication ot all news dispatches credited to It wt not otherwise credited In this pa Kr, and also local news published' Mreln. All rights ot republication of spe-, tal dispatches herein are also re- Ted. FRIDAY, JULY II, 1010. LWJUT-nnn njTjii ulTii - --- j At the Theatres 0t m0"' - t George Walib. the popular star will be seen at the Liberty Theatre tonight in his latest picture. "I'll Say So." Those who admire the George Walsh brand of dash and ginger will not be disappointed in this new pro dnctlon of his. for it is ever present in new and startling surplrs-es .. "I'll Say So" is the story of a jn France With no Idea in uilml thai young American, who wanted a f!er jnan hunting license as soon as he heard that the United States had de li ? TBTt ' t Mmmk .W i t ys'-sv ii ji its FBI 5f BASKS J!! iIh-v do lure. Hlumld bo led ii-n-.d-Ihi' -pi nf lli" new Hliillrnli 1EIE ! nf II 111. I n . ' , n Milled thill tin" n"nti" i in which IwMil.tni! ginitm . t.'i! Stiiti. t.nmt llilttti'i i.l .Iniu.n .ire l lllllki- to tin' ritiiiw. .iri.v ii, imti Foreign Afuli'N iiIiik tu.ii iihiiH mill for tli' i;i in r ili'vi'lniuni'iit of tlii- oi.iini, n.M'ti Aiu'rH'iiti I" mi p.ltO In tin lonti Mi anil Mi t h ! IIN Fl PIIIMm i In nui-ittliK-ltt lirolml.h mil n i.iiiUIK (.i.lin.rii'ii m. nil r lib'iSiuM '"" " ,",,o,, ,o '"' ,m'1 '" ,! "":,,","1m ,,f K IILLI Ul! Hall (our n.tiillmt'tilf of V::. r.M'.l In lomi UVdn.-H,!,, v One lesson tnat me war laugoi America wi mm wr nr i.m depending upon Europe one half as much for style Ideas as was popu larly supposed. The new summer and fall shoes have proved this out, because, while .Paris style loaders were trying to shove the Cuban heel down our throats, American women are going their merry way. with the graceful high heel In pump and shoe that Is 100 per cent Yank. Milady Is here shown hanging out a line ot seasonable hoe but It's not a wash instead the newest In woven transparent pat terns and a few embroidered styles. dared war,. He had flat feet however, and as the Germans were fast Hin ders, Uncle Sam turned him down, "because he needed men who could Seep up with them. George may have been too slow for the army but he certainly was 3iot too slow for a number of German 'agents who'were desperately engaged in stliring up a bush league war with Villa . A Mexican raid staged with all the elaborateness of a serious drama is but a mere incident to form a background' tor the rapid fire action ' ol the herd? Tn "Rags." the story of a tori's Jise from the lowest strata of life to ' position of'social import two, thru "which she finds it possible 10 marrv Xhe man she loves, Mary Pickford, ror whom the story was tspoelaiK "written by Edith Barnard Uelnuo. palatable foods will be offered. Lad- t would be post war propaganda. :,r fg tThavo "K Emen-on and Miss Loos. nul. nils art)riPS nf tno detlgnntcd place enrly spectacular production, and thoir !-, Saturday forenoon, suits have been commented on Ir :i TOMO, Juh 11 Kltfl i"l' i'n i I iinn"M In ik' In ot.' n'ltcl j n sutdlen o 'or lic niipo-oi rl i.i.-Mng ii ii.i'i t'i Ultinn u .t n t I.' ).' the i. t'l'i 'ii iiiki lo'tr po vr tliMiiiclal "i.nii H '- n.i no in ! thut th Yik.i". i nr. I'l.llr Vil! repre-ottt 'llO liilill'I.H' n II diClltl" 111 COJIll,l"llll1t MTOtllltlDllK vlth t' cvmllciile of the thtce i.lher power"! the United State, C.'. 1 t'tuln tin I i'' in' TM rnn(ir((in of Amorlrnn, French. British and Japanese lian!t crs vi ns organized In Paris In Muy last at u meeting over which Thonms W. I.amont, of New York presided. npreielHiHc of the ko-ciilled "Itlir Klght" Invi-Ktors lit Chltiu com prising the firms of Mltoil, .MlHiili lnhl. Okurn, Kuhurii. Pnrul.iiwa South Manchuria Railway. Slno-Jap-nnese Trading Co , and the Eastern Ahla luil'iitilnl lotiipiinlen )i.ivi sjIi niltted a lolnt tiitmi"it to the Min ister of riinnr and the Minister foi Foreign Aff.ilr tunlns tluil l ii '! Invtmvnts by the new Mvn.'l.ate Ahotlld lie limited tn the lon-triu'tmn of railroads, the opening of iin'cm ment highways, and works on i Ivors and canals All other undertakings, IRISH REPUBLIC'S PRESIDENT IS HERE eiiih oxer. I period of veiirs Tile pro expect to sp.'lHl two nk reeds of the loan. It bus heeil Stilted, ' .il iilld Mrs HiigelNlelii "lilert,,, 1 riniiune 1 'Ihln,. 1 imriici Mr. I mil , nt Tlicj Uiliirj most flattering manner from all quarters, particularly by govnniucnt officials. VlN.KK."iPKClAL 11 2 I FORD MOTOR CO. ZZ: . UNDERGOES CHANGE RUM'S DEATH MEANS i FAREWELL TO TIPS i Detroit. July u neorgnniza- SAYS HOTEL PREXY tlon of the Ford Motor Car company was being completed today whereby CHICAGO, July 10. Vith the go- Edsel D. Ford, twenty-flve-years-old Ing out of intoxicating liquor, the president of the company, becomes country Is also likely to go on the the sole partner of his father, except "tlpless" basis, according to A. C. for one other stockholdeV. The pur Stephens, president of the Ohio Ho-' chase of the minority stock was be tel Association, who is In Chicago, lieved to have involved close to one arranging tor the convention ot his hundred million dollars. Ford fam association to be held In connection lly now holds eighty-nine percent of with the Hotel Show here during the total stock in the Ford Motor the week of August fourth. Car Company. "I think that the day of tips is "" over." said Mr. Stephens. "With WIVNKK'S KIM-VIAL 11-3 the European source of supply pi tically cut off. it is hard to get wait- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY ers. 1 i r -mm SK tn mti Power and Beauty The multi-powered motor delivers a con tinuous stream of smooth, flexible power which carries you through every kind of road grief. It's economical, well-built, and the car is a beauty. CROW-ELKHART NEVER BEFORE A CUSTOM-BUILT CAR AT THIS PRICE. $1300 Here IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Let us give you n demonstration at soon as possible. Charles Donart 230 MAIN ST, So thf hotels hnvG Iiggii Tiioro i m,'ttm 'H'AVTfH A fn ntto i .i o i t rMti m j- ten iiK-: iivii at t.j Milk Depot. I'hone 2?CJ ll-3t r finds a charmingly effective char- acterization. This original photoplay, and more carefully considering me- s-Klarrinir the world-beloved "little chanlcal devices to take the place of - Mary," will be seen for the llrst time servants. 'FOUND A gentle nans gold watch n t tlio TomntB Thpntrp hpelnninc to- "i lc oi.mrlalne- In nnto how manv Finder can have same by proving -cight really good hotels have cafeterias. I predict that more of Klamath Falls. ll-3t It may have been for the women them will do so. The cafeteria, as - ot the country to, take the positions ' y0U know, is a strictly tlpless insti- J1 SALE By owned. Two modem --.... . vii .u i ... v bungalowH. j rooms each, nt a ' held by the men while they --erved tiition. Even in 'nlnB rooms where bargain; easy terms Come and see n the Great War and helped make there is service, the movement to- them before you buv elsewhere. Call , ' the world safe to live in. but it is all war(i doing away with waiters is evenings after 3 o'clock. 1135 Lin- vrnrtr fnr than. An VoPn fhaaf lini- 1.I- . ,.1.1A TUnm ora all COln St. ll-fit """b " v..... . ...? ....-w , umiiliJK lauiu bhiuco .,.vy , nrniwm- anff novlnp 1ir tVilc nil Mr. instnlled E R r.lllette. Pel ilav Lumber Co'. IUU ncl A tour of the United States by President Eamonn Dc Vulera of the new Irish republic, to help put across the bond loan tov his country. Is urged bv supporters here. De Valera still refuses to tell how he got Into the United States. Three million dollars Is the quota expected from support ers In this country. '.....K--H"----l-)"H"--K"K-":"-"l"H" WHY DOES SOCIETY PUNISH A FAITHLESS WIFE MORE SEVERELY THAN A FAITHLESS HUSBAND? This perplexing question of the double standard of morality is discussed and answered in AUGUSTUS THOMAS' Famous American Success "AS A MAN THINKS" Starring LEAH BAIRD Presented by Harry Raver Directed by Geo. Irving LIBERTY THEATRE SUNDAY & MONDAY Matinees Each Day. tions when their heroes come back S0Tt8 0f mechanical devices for this Fon SALE Baby Grand Piano. Ex- home. purpose. A mechanical system for ccllent condition Bargain 120 So firmly did they believe jr. tlioxe checking hats and wraps has already Washington. H'2 XTincIples that they made a photo- WIN NEK'S SPECIAL 1 1-2 .ti.i.i-'t''t-t'-y GARICH'S GROCERY NEWS "With the going out of liquor and been devised and. I am sure, will play based on that theme, wnfeh lias soon come fnt0 generai use. I been released by Famous t'Iayer3 lasky Corporation as one if their special Paramount productliris, un der the title, "Oh, You Women." rvhich will be shown at the Stir Theatre tonight. Ernest Truce, the celebrated comedian, and Louis. Huff are the principals of the cast. The subject i one of the nont ab sorbing that has come as the result -1 the recent war, and is partictila-iy , . .. , ' .. . . The ladl t the 8acn1 Heirt timely, because of the recent return cauTcb wIu h..Vl, :l rooked food sale of the warriors who served bo well Hf.xt Saturday afternoon in tho mom occunled by the Citv Transfer Com- F e ny. The usual line of homn cooked, WANTED Clean cotton rags. T, cents per pound. Herald Office, lltf VOLUME I. KLAMATH FALLS, OKKflON, FlllDAV, JULY II, lfl. 5UMHEH aa Will rav T. ibtifu nor nmirwl fnr the curtalllng.of tips In consequence cMn c(tUot) raf,H a, Herad office. of this, waiters will be abking a inf. wage scale two or three times as great as the present one, and tne hotel men simply can't afford to pay it." Jm-JmJm-JmJJm! COOKED FOOD SALE. HUGGJNS DELIVERS- &s& Litt on uornsi Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezone costs only a few cents. liaiiiiiiivHPT "ivx 'iaiiiiiiiB lkkW ! 4 6Wiw: Miller Hugglns. diminutive manager of the New York Yanks, Is living up to hi repuUtlon as a lighter for pennants and has bis team up there In the American League race Hugglns proved his class at St. Louis, although be did not win a flag with the Cardinals. Willi your fingers! Vol run lift off any hard corn, soft corn, or corn be tween the toes, and tho hard bUii ;Wr Iui'ch ftcn bottom of feet. A tiny bottle of "Frcizon )" iosIs ,lltt!-j at any drup store; apply n few drvpa upon the corn or callus In stantly it stops hurting, tt-en iliortiy you life ttjat bothersome corn or i al ia i off, root and all. willivit oii3 Mt of pain or sor.jiii us. 1'rj v1 No humbug! H OUST ON' Metropolitan Amusements s EDITORIAL. HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DANCING Wednesday & Saturday Night. JAZZ MUSIC. STAR THEATER TODAY & TOMORROW Paramount In.ent LOUISE HUFF "OH, You Women" "OH, YOU WOMEN" Also Reason Ilro. Illg Vaudeville Show People 0 In Singing, dancing, Trained Anlnuils and Music. SPECIALS For Ranchers I Klamath Creamery Butter, Now that the haying and per Roll $1.10 Crater Lake Flour $3.25 TEMPLE THEATER TODAY & TOMORROW JeHAe L. Lanky lreRcntH MARY PICKFORD In "RAGS" Also Another of Eddie Polio's Wetitom Stories AdmlMlon 10 A IBjeeaU Matinee 2.80. ETeniaff 7sSO A O. The fruit situation was never be fore so serious. The supply Is fan short of the demand. I went to the I Rogue niver yalley confldont that I could make arrangements for all of appointed and to come home with harvestinc; season is at hand, the warning to the people of Klamath demanding large purchases: I county:: Buy your fruit wherevor , - , ,. .. wr innnnapo T iironf nn n ' you can, anu ouy u now. ji you pui uj miinitio, x nuin uii uj-, it off expecting that you can got It nnrfl.n;i,. a m,ra w:rU vm,' hater, you win find it is not to bo Portunity to ligure witn you Anchor Flour $3.00 had. Loganberries, raspberries and for your business. I Can I cherries are practically a thing ot i tho past. Blackberries, peaches and make you attractive ipnces Bulk Coffee 40c apricots are about the only fruits to I be had, and these are very scarce. ,On everything yOU buy, es-j ' That is why I say buy your fruit pecially On COOds in Ca8e,Cane Sugar 100-IbS. $H.7 wherever you can get it. Otherwise '"' you win find your fruit closet emp- lots. The best evidence that1 ty this winter. . .,,.,, , I am still getting my fruit every "V PCeS are right IS the in evenlng and have It ready for thecrease jn my business and I first delivery the following morning. I " The same is true about vegetables, ( knOW that if yOU buy from thus enabling you to get your fruit and the trees and garden. That is whv I lust ask von to give me a chance to fig- ,ure on your next bill. MERRILL OPERA HOUSE MOTION PICTURE TUEBDAYH AND HATURDAY8 Merrill, OrcROD SZrJZrS IZ me once, you will buy again. Bayo Beans, 10-Ibs for $1.00 xKKK MORE BUSINESS FIRST CLASS GOODS BETTER SERVICE B3T ,--"- t rjf? y-w