,ritMW. I PAOR 8LT THE EVENING ""'" KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON riiritHUAV, .ii'iiV 111, nun Slie PLATE , LOCATED OM SCOTCH ESTATE v emniu no. July n tattered silver pinto dating luck to tluit I Jti"t hail to Rhi' up mnl ro to lo.l i.nd I Mued there for u' w eeks "l "llmill made up my mind to Klu Tanlac n trial, ami It certainly proved to bo u IioiImmuI to me, for 1 am now a woll. luvuty man. ami can do a1" much haul work an I eor did I newr hae that pain In my i.ick. ami my klilut'' don't t;io mo a pnttlrle of trouble any more I ho headache hao loft uu too. ami I linn cuiiioil a lot In wclelit ami V hoard of sIpnKth ,, , fcot Ka u the FEW FOLKS IK SHORTER HOURS FOR LONDON NEWS WRITERS i iiiu'ccist says laiues LONDON. Jl 10 All tho roRU lar ed mis xporlal wrltem ami n purloin of tho Time. l)all Mall ami I i:onliiR Nowk are to ha two mm ...... '.ini.li ,M.k for tost or recreation tin- ,ur. m morl William l.or. Ill uini.itmu h lo hao ti woikliiR "lay of nix limn for all IiIh tlioiiMiiiulH of -mploi. and ho ha '' tl ' " r"m' hour d.. posHlblllly of Ihf f luro ssl 'jMIAT HULLS III V time I can hardly real wo uiai no lonR je.irs of sufforliiR ... I ... .11.. .. I .t IIMil I.I..-.. ... .. I --. I 1 .. ....Illillll I I1IIH till' ! vsim: .,...,: or s.u,: ti,.- ;, ,10. mt.o ,;; Vr'Z ANHSn.HllIt dm-luR In hli uospapor p.oportlos l0,',,,,,,,,,, , r ii whh to soo J Tho urltliiK starts of tho Times ,,, nu ohatiRO hoforo niUs i aro Hair that loses Its color ami lustre and P.i.lv Mall alroady haw, l,m io- ,,,.! ovor Mil... "..r.l uf ( or when It fades, uirtis rmj. dull uud organized on this basis and tho bs- u;l; rol,,,,y Assessor . . . . . ... ! . . . . 1... 1 .. it... V....U . I f. oss. caused u a lick 01 sui- low is to no omuiuh-u i ' -i. n New City Laundry K (HJAIIANTKIJ (II It M))lK HIlIrK mill CoIIiim LaiiiidiriNl Wo 11N0 wind nIIK, wiiol ,! nrinl kimhIi wry oarofiill) irr onto niul ho convinced Our jtrlroa aro rlulil. I'hono in I. 127 Fourth Street I link of l'lrt Niitlmml I ltnk . . . ... 1. n . l.jn flit I tt.l ml ine lOUrill CCIIIUIJ no.-, m-i-.. ln..t,..in the estate near hero of the Hrltlxh . omJi nml t llw so , , tlle lla(r 0ur gr.tmliiiothers.Tho same svstom Is to ho arranRod ForctRn Minister. A J llalfour It ,ul,,,y ou,r wj,,,t Tanlac has done m,de up a mixture of Siiro Tea nml in tho near futuio for all others on Is described as one of the most ro- foj. me ,hat j jgt wnnt the world mlpliur to keep her locka dark nndl,,H pupors. lurliiilliiK all mombors run 1 111 U Vl.l) inrkable archcolORical dlscrverlos , aimut It 1 nowr lose any botutlful. and thousands of women frcr made In Northern Europe Mr Op1,orlunit t0 boost Tanlac every- nd men who value that even color, li.irmir had acreed with the oca- ... , " ., , ..- .,T,,..t i 1,0 '.hat beautiful dark shade of hair '"""" - IVlll'lt- 1 f... ".... ..v... . -, -- Tators that all finds should become whout It as onK as i Hvo tho property of the nation, ami mo sllrer vessels have been transferred to tho Queen Street museum in this eity. Th silver is said to be excep tionally pure. The site of the discovery is known as Traprain Law It was once a fortified area, which covers sixty aeros and elves eldenco of occupa tion at Intervals during the first four centuries of the Christain era. It is believed to have been at one time the site of a Celtic settlement under Roman rule It latest inhabitants are thought to have been Saxon pir- tes tn iiinh fmm the sv.stpm the nrevl Excavators for the Queen Street . fermentat,ona museum struck a small pit which pojonoU3 ,oxlns before ,t ,, ab. was filled' to tho brim with battered lnto blooU Just fts Q01ll silver vessels and a few coins of the wheQ u burns ,e(U03 behlnd a certain 1 UU BWM HOT WATE1 HF TOIJ PESME A KOS COMPLEMON 8ay we cant help but look better and feel better after an Inelde bath. To look one's best and teel one's best i Is to enjoy an Inside bath each morn- which Is so attractive, uso only this idd-tlme recipe. Nowadays we Ret this famous mix ture. Improved by the addition of oth er InRredlents by askliiR at any drug itorn for a 30-cent bottle of "Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Compound." which darkens the hair so naturally, eo ovenly, that nobod can possibly tell It has been applied. You Just damp en a sponge or soft brush with It ana draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. Uy morn. Inp the gray hair disappears; but what delights the ladles with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound Is that, besides beautifully diykeniR the hair after a fow applications it also brings back tho gloss and Imtre and gives it an appearance of abundance. . If you get one of those seamless,. of the business starts. I no priniiiiK nml mechanical forces This Is not possible nt piosenl on account of tho scarcity of skilled hihor I Lord No'rthcllffo's view Is that nil men. especially those engaged In binln work, attain their highest ef ficiency by this division of work nml locrontlon, and by a complete, change at these regular and frequent Intor- VII Is ' Tho chief rival of Lord Northcllffo, tn adherence to tho theory of short hours nnd bettor work Is the grvat soap magnate. Lord Lovorhulmo, for- You Save Money While Enjoying the Finest Flavored Tea inthe land when you buy TREE TEA Emperors alens ami i.raw.ui. ... amount of Incombustible material in ,,,,,, WP,i,inir rings at Haven . . . . " - . ,,, . . x.. Tessels were crushed and disfigured th(j fQrm of asLog were regaruea , so food and drink .ports, everybody will bo happy. No taken each day leaves in the allmen- divorces. ot tary orRans a certain amount of indi' indicatlne that they us booty and intended for the melt . . . u.. I. " I ing pot. They inciuue naguns.-iu" pehllble material, which if not elimlnat- f vwwwwWWiWW' Gee Whiz! "The darn tiling's hinted nRnln!" You don't say that If wo do your work. Wo do It right, and It doesn't "buck." ices, platters, bowls and spoons On cd fofm ,03:lns anJ pois0ns which aro them can be deciphered Christian t,)en s,uc.keil lnto tue bi00j through the symbols, such as Chi-Uho. Alpha. orj. duU3 which aie intended to suck Omega and Iesvs Christvs Scenes m on)y nourishment to sustain tho lortrayed in relief are mainly from body Bible history If jou want to see the plow or healthy ' The gem of the collection is a bloom in our cheeks, to see jour skin richly decorated flusk, be.'Utn.illy pot clearer and clearer, you are told to embossed and bearing the inscrip- drink-' ex ery morning upon arfslng. n tfon, "Prymiacoelsiapi." .vhlch ha,iaaa of hot water with a teaspoouful not yet been translated. rclico1 v0f limestone phosphate in it, which is a cists" hae not been ablo to say harmless means of washing the. waste n-hoiher the vessels were spoils ta- material nnd toxins from the btom'ach. en from one single church or from iier, kidnejs and bowels, thus cleans-1 a number of different places some mg, sweetening and purirymg itie en of the silver Is Rilded, some enamel- lire alimentary tract, before putting and some inlaid with gold more rood into tue stomacn. . .. Men and women with sallow skins. liver spots, pimples or palld complex ion, also those who wake up with a coated tongue, bad taste, nastv breath, others who are bothered with head aches, bilious spells, acid stomach or constipation should begin this phos- f M Hil lln! II I I I pbated hot water drinking, and are as sured of very pronounced results In V 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HI III one or two w eens. Phone 4C0 Ice Cro. 729 Main St Cnnillrs PASTIME .link .Monrow, Prop. Clears, Tobacin, Soft Drlnk.s Peel nml ltlllluriN llnrbor Shop in oCnnectlon OIK MOTTO Tiiurte-j nml Son Ice" Hoagland & McCollum 22 Main St. Phono 2S2-W. HPKVj 49 A Pound 16 oz. Full Weight Half Pound 8 or, O J-, Full Weight V YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU DONT LIKE IT If You Liko BLACK TEA A.lc for CEYLON If You Like GREEN TEA Ak for JAPAN KLAMATH CASH GROCERY "QUALITY STORE" WE SELL FOR LESS Phone 420 717 MAIN STREET llimiHIIIIIIlliailBII IKBCUlSIKRKiaiBHilHIlllg JM ed P0RIL10 MN HAS ilD 21 POUNDS i A quarter pound f limestone phos phate co3ts very little at the drug store' ' but U sufficient to demonstrate that I CONTRACTING IN CONCRETE Cement Work of all Kinds anil Hoofing Let Me Make You an Estimate W. D. MILLER Contracts hkndehso.v viVNTIIF WOULD iUbt as soap and hot water cIeanaes- HOW TANLAC K.l- purlfies and freshens the skin on tne , ' divorces. 8-3t ate. u.S. TO kmih " . ... ,.' outside, so hot water and limestone i ED XIXKTKK.V BA11S TllOV pllMpIlBte act on lIie lMlde 0rBans I ULK We must always consider that internal Sanitation is vastly moro Important There is no doubt in my mind than out.(je cleanliness, because the about Tanlac being a real mpdicine, Mn pores d0 not absorb Impurities for it has ended my eighteen years of nto tbe blood, while the bowels pores suffering, and beside gaining twen- do. Ad. ty pounds in weight. I am enjoying . perfect health again." said W. C jf of those geam,csgi Tfenderson, a well-known carpenter hana made we,uing rings at Uaven- .. ii-co :it 1240 Mlnneoia aw , ports, everyuouy win oe nappy. ,u Portland, tho other day. -During all those years." he con-, tinued, "my kidne& were in very TKid condition, and I had tried so wanv treatments and meUlclnes that did me no good, that I had about reached the conclusion that I never would get any relief from my suffer ing. I had a dull, heavy pain in the small of my back all the time, and -.riwin I sat down for a few minutes 7 was hardly able to get up. I fin illy got In hiich bad condition that I it-js not ablo to turn over In bed. rhe mlser I went thru on account f these troubles pulled me down fro that I had to lo.se a lot of time from my work. I suffered a lot from headachestoo Why, there v. as ona fme when I don't honestly believe my head quit aching for about six Moni.Y& time anJ it Just nearly nr m crazy I got so bail off last fall Oassengers and Baggage AXYWIIKKE IN THE CITY QUICK SEUV1CE REASONABLE HATES PHONE 187 WesternTransferCo. BUCKHECHT ARMY pat orr. Ves .this is the shoe that givcj you "Extra service every step com fort every minute." Why? Because it b ft 't r 4 ' to rare u . h ! Cr first consiilera'ion has s'va been to put into ffi'iy Bui'KHfHT Army 'Shee: best mater tali, wholehearted workmanship and liating value. BLACK QUNMETAUMAHOC ANY CALF OR INDIAN TAN CALF It is significant that the Buck hecmt Army Shoe is worn by thous ands of men in all walks ot life. They have come to ap preciate its yield ing comfort, its velvety feci, Its wear-resisting qualities. And so will j ou once you treat your feet tO BUCKH ICIIT Army Shoes. SQUEEZED TO DEATH When the body begins, to stiffen i ad movement becomes' painful it as osuaUy an indication that the ladneys are out of order. Keep I these organs healthy by talcing COLD MEDAL K. K Tor Sale nt K. Store, llnidley Shoe Store Mnnufactureri BUCKINGHAM & HECHT San rrnrio 0nB4' mm SCJ if-imniiM The world's standard remedy for kidney, firer, bladder and uric acid troubles. Vtnoous since 1096. Take regularly and Step in good health. In three sizes, all drogKista, Guaranteed as represented. tntk tor the uai tMi Mdl m twtrr bos Reclaim That Tide Land One season's crop will pay the cost. Let us make you a price for reclaiming your tule land. The cost will be so low it will surprise you. Reasonable terms can be arranged. Land taken in part payment. SAWMILL ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Phone 149-J K. D. Building IT'S A POOR DOCTOR Who Won't Take His Own Medicine THAT'S WHY WE ARE USING THIS SPACE TO TELL YOU WHAT JOLLY LITTLE BUSINESS STIMULATORS HERALD WANT ADS ARE AND WHY THEY GET RESULTS THERE IS NO GUESSWORK about a Herald Want Ad. They do the business. We know they pay. Our customers have told us so time and again. We have used them ourselves and they have never failed to get results. They are the short cut to a quick turn-over the modern method of merchandising on a small scale, where the value of the article to be sold or the importance of the want to be filled will not justify a heavy outlay. If you had something tosell, trade or give away and went out on the street and told each person you met about what you wanted to do, you might get results but the people you talked to would be veiy likely to say : "That poor fish has bats in his belfry." If, on the other hand, you used a Want Ad, you would talk to the whole county at once, instead of only one person, and do it in a businesslike manner. The same rale applies to hiring help, renting a house, looking for a job, or any one of the important little incidents of life where you must call in the assistance of someone outside your immediate family. You MIGHT get results by telling your troubles to the neighbors but the certain, quick and economical way is to uso a little classified ad. Do you want to buy, sell or trade, want to hire help or find work ; do you want to find a room, a house to rent, or to rent the same to someone else ; do you want to, call attention to some new feature of your business, seek information on some subject, or have you any little unfilled want? USE HERALD WANT ADS THEY DELIVER THE GOODS AND ARE ALWAYS WORKING 1 J immmwmtssmrima. -firr