Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1919)
SGi .AT T !,jKr ourati .UNI'"."" "'"""' THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON lAB HKVEJI roAfK SWIMMERS TO CRACN.J.V IN VICTORIA MEET lui t'r. I. ! tlti t v,noiii n ' ,i ,,nnn'r i. M , fn. """' , l-n.lfl '"'V , -I NW"W;lt.r ....... .. "'" In i""1 7 ,,..,,, , Hi,. linn : "l""""m ',.,, lull I'' HIKlnr thM 0, ,.,cio.. ( , .iDlcr "' "" . p. .nit ,1 jUhlrtl' """" S,.TI I" ni,. hnliler ro i,. mkIk " ."I"'" . i .. tin III II MP''"r' . ,!,.... will I- !W'J,:...f.h.M.n,.. " " " ...... IMrlliii.d. Or- I'' nih All..."1' toMcrnf tt.r nut..-.' il ilivliiK riiiiiiin- '"l .-I..I.H. I.- ni'iil cord ,h.. at ! lw"lw tt,ml,",r,, l""', .III rcpr .I.-Or-Ko" '.. Hi, I., .he. t r- n;i-" ,....ll S.M.k....- ".l '" ' '""'N- nptnbtM) ill nirw.iil.Ml Hiiiin.r will '''" I'll from VWurr Imi ''""" ,,""r, MJ N- " ,,,r Tt,V.rU.r.... IK' ""' "" ,","," .ouro.uen- . " "''''" w,, Allho'iK" ''" r "' I III. II . ... ... .. II, Hi' llll. .. Ill" ' III III' llll.-. Hi' cir'i ' ll.i for lli in.'" i , l hiiltt In "" ,n ii i uoriliw ' nil li lon.'it lit r ii. ilfft a r tin t..r nu'dn Rml' 1MK.IB " r.l '. I I HONOR R01J. SOON TO BE COMPLETED I'lrmw an.l lt' '' ' ' ' ','1 i .jnlr i. H i ' " r" ' ' inruimirrxiilirlv "' "" li r r'l imi! pwpari'l b .i'"1 ",,iii il ' .ill mm in Hi .i( " "' ,r ,,": Irora till imt)' nil !" .it i" i'" ' within a f'.nti.i!' ' ..rdlnii A r Uilor ttlm .i ii ii"' f fit work I w criiiin ili" ' i ll '" i rrnllt to 111.' mit1 " 'i l." ' r .1 the itrvlce Irnm m' i'd Mr UtP'r IVitir. .. r , mi. Mi COME Oil IM FOR SALE on ,.,K' ,ny ner "lt '""'"' Wl,n.1. "' trim nnviT ham .T,T,'"ly ,,,"" "' r. Hr?m ani1 llfffford IIiiIIh llt tlm Z $ A,k fur Jh" Co"''. nV lm" ""rl""' 0w,,ur FALE or I-'tfh...,,... ,-.... ..... Si I Will iMaSVtw-Ani: ruviri ;kj $H jbkUp BlCUSSIFIED COLUMNS Seep" hay lumhr " PHr,, V i in F0U UKNT rooms for HI etchatnro i... .,.. ""' !"., iiiiriiiniiniil ui'iillmniin. llnlli. nliiitiii. k.1.1 --"o IIJI II II It lit I I r It nm '" "It nt ,1.1.. in . ",;". .' "" . S40 ll-F-U. Cech0d' u"llrn,,,, 50. Hon! "n'pil ' tW" c,,ttH '" . ''"' feist. tD. WhS?i "n Klnmnth Full.,' " box n, " Phnnn in nm m t .,, , u. 28tf I 'Mrw lule hav t .Calif, proporty. Roo W. V. Soulo, 1 0I coiidiiinn . ."" '"vor- ?0'iood ,Ti?' Woul1 ''''o 5 or. and 1" iimun; "r J,,j : L". . - " linn rmiri n .. v,vo, .., . wain ri'.u to axcnnnirn nrnnu now SA'.E-.s S2 ffitf iw bai.ii ...... rr Jfobit. vlAKV1 1)1,l".m nl r, p n ",Vl,ona'y h.KiW Reed ath Pnii. A"""' t"PPinK' lfni'hnlA t '. Pin "' "ri'Kon 7-3t ; 8ALE-4 L,'w truclrf 1 ?creB Kood land I 'nill. 20 ,lnK"''i m,' trom il co,, Scr!L8 '"" bo IrrlKated -7-rJt- saagur'sst .. '-i UK In tm taJr.i'.C1 loo- r. ., !'lol -5!!? An ten K0 I,0lKl--m. Fnir- ii- for Vood-.ii2U .'in Ii il.iv mill my m.iI ( n rrcilHlHK IK'I'lllllll.l'.l' .ll,i, linn will li Ki'.'i. if h.)i.i. uiii i,h. inn llm t.iiiii.'ii i.f .int "lui Inn i limiii iivorltmli I In i.iiiUiiik ...i Hi. Iiimi.r IIM Til. I lllllllt ill Ii" I, lint i. IiiiiiiiiI prlnliil mi .i rui' iiiiill of i,tir full "H',i .inn nut. iilnlni; tlui pli'liiD'H of flfii.i ii ur inori mil illnrH i.iii'i.i' mi iillm unit, iuh'.i'm On III). lllHllllll IHK III I'lll'll lilt II ulinil liUlory of cm Ii until, u llliiit Kiti'ily wln.i lie illil il.nii.i: tin. v, h NO SMIIKIMI! "I'lll," Ih till. nmtoil nf li llilffnlii I'liui.'li. iiml lii'fur" hnl.lliiK IiIh nri'H .'III poiilll'ill II" Will II Hire. I i,r run diiclnt Illn (milieu nf wit urn ill. runted iiml l( I'tijuy.'il li tin' ('illKI''Kllllilll "I'Ht" iiri'H.'lili'il tlm rnlli.rtliiii hut lo ii "plllnr of tin. rli.ircl." nn ! In,:, mnl on fNlilm: niil hiiiiii. iIiiim;',i' friiin IiIn .t iiii'K'l, win rn li Iiml clipped II for .'nnviiiili'ii.'ii. tli mini nnntlil to llr.lil two 'Utiint 'I'm' IhiiikmI titer mnl In tin limit oIiiim nf 11.11111, mill "Hmnkli.' In Hi" Din,, r.'iir mmta only " Ar ymi Kfiiliir t ftl " 'A In .'nut von I iiimv ihni Iln- I'llii ur.' .'iiiiini; on Aui;uit It. I'i mill IC Now (:( bun) I 1 1' mm i ii NCURALGfA GONE ur. James Hu.ulaclio Powders f,ivc iniitiiiit relief Cost (Inr.o u, i),icluiu. .'.'.Itr-Uikll'. ,llUll.' fir .lull. tliiii,i.ilt hi ail j, I, r j it 1,1 iii )ul ii ftw Ilinlllt-llU til l)f. .Ihiuivi' llrihirhr I'iiw lir xliltli rtit (inly III -riU a park nfp al ,ih j i,Uj, tii,.. f. t,r ,Uck. rt. lin.t hi nhirlif irllrf In thr Mlioln WHIM Ihitl'l Killfi-r' llif t.' mnl ,Iltir mm' imi ran Millinna nf turn ami t,ii..i hutc fi'iin.l that lirmaclir and intirnl;i mitxiy I nrrillr... (ict hl Jim .tik In' HELP WANTED m STOPS UI IUI IL, LJHE AD'S V. WAN'Ti-M) I irl I'houo U17 W. or IlKlit IiiiuhcvmkK Ctf. WANTKD- Wniiuin roolc or mull nnd wlfn to work on run eh. I'liuuu !?. C3t WANTKI) Kxpurlimcvd womnti or Klrl for Kiitiurnl houHcuork. I'linno 297. Kit FOR RENT .... ww.4 '. " Walnut St. 2-tf KOlt UKNT contlemen. FurnlHlied rooms Cull 741 Walnut. for r-3t FOR UKNT d roomed house, nt BhlppltiRlon. For particulars cull at 3T.0 Ninth SI. 7-lt MISCELLANEOUS " ...v......' !.,. .,-,., ,,. ... ,,,,. r..iiiiAjwr. iviniuiun runs nrniuiriy 1111 u limner tniiiu lor W i.. on west f.uio. Monday, thus WodnoBdny. 7-2 i.sdny 7-2t .... : : : : lilKh grndo piano for n good second I hand nutomobllo. I it. Phono 12C. Call at 733 Main 20-7 DON'T forgot VAN'S AUTO HXQUR- BiwiM ,iq Aiamatn not upringa. join the crowd and havo a jolly time. For particulars, call VAN'S AUTO SER VICE. Phone S98-W. 7-tf K8TRAV I.oft my place noar Mlllor 111)1 one. one two yoar old rod Btoer lirandod OK on loft hip, crop off loft oar. Up-ped-and lower slip on-right onr. Ho ward for return or information of whereabouts. William L. Tlngloy MAY INHURANOK. Wo had a niimbor of lossos Inst yoar, but nil of them woro paid promptly nnd In full. Wo roprosent only STANDARD companies with ox eollimt Iobs paying rocords. Onll at (133 Mnln St., or phono CG. Chllcnto & Smith. 27-10t I I'M. Ml I li.r, i i, (I,, III, 'I'll III l.i i m 'iinil ii llnl-i, In i ,, in. fr. hh imh in, , r.iinl iinv Mini () ii. i n,i,v I,, iii. r li .,r I, II VI" wjl , "III' Hill I'llllllil II, IM III H , I. I., .' Inr .,1,1 net II 'Hh. U II f w I I' 'I s sol m r i U,i; i oit ituis. ll In 111' tin. iiiiiiii, nf (hi. Ciiitiily niirt lii (nnnlrmi it urn ri'(i flour m tin MiiiiiiiiI Truliilng l.i'ii.irlm.'iil "f III.' Kliiiniitli ( i. uiily lllcli H( limit until floor to hi, im hy 3:, r.'i.) mid file t lilt h Im luilltii' i, ,h tiiiriuii (niiiri'tf floor lo lie I i"til 7 mnl for ioi roiu 1 mnl 1 ul n mil for tiinili' oiiiriuiofH .in- In fiinilith all mii .rlnl llnli. iiri lo ln to f'oiinly ("oim Hldit will In- oii'lH'il lit ' I' M July I2lh Tin. iinirl r.'X.'ivi'H tli.' rirlil to ri'lfit ntiy mnl nil hlilt 1-1 l't lly (JnliT of Ctiuiity Court - inns nTi:ii, i'iii.i I IiIm will hi- n,ii.i'il PI tlm nfflif of tti.' Ciiiitily Court of Klmn nlli Ci.uiilv Klamntli I'iiIIh, Or.'Kiiri, Until Inly 1 2th !i'i for iln- ion Hlril'llo.i of hrlilfi' iitml tnt'iit k at M'T. rill Ori'roa Thr iihuiini'iitH r-ii I r tli" "lrurmliiir of apiiroxlmm.'ly 1 to 'illili MinU o! iiiiiI.tIiiI nnillih 'iirth nii'l .In. til n tin' nf miiiroxliiii.t.'lv I 10 Mthl- nU of ronrri'ti' llliln will In' r Kiiri'tl lor tiiui'ri'lii or lnn.' iii.m- itlC 'itii in t. I" nhlrpHU C H .... I. rk or C T Imrli ot Klnmnth I'n I In ''! I mi ( i unt ..iMl.'.l c li hi-1, A" ''onni "t i ' Nnllii' To lllilil.'i.. It li..r itliiill hiIiiiH .roinnln for 'iniipl"' til worV n oulll'ifl In p.iiiih uinl fpf 'IfloiiUiisi. lnliil- I. I . 1 I.I CIIOUN I IMI I iiU'U'''i noil Siiim-mii- Offl .'.IT Main St. I'ln :. Offlif, IIIO. Hi-. ttrJM. int. w. m. hi.kytiiim;, SPECIALIST in nisi:si:s nf nn. iu:.itr and MIHVOl 'i SVHTI3M. Cnniiultatlon In uur own lioinu without ctiarKi' HfHldftict) Offlct" llll ami Main M. I'lionr 71 House Movers We are prepared to move your building promptly and reasonably. Old houses bought Smith Bros. Phone 1)3 V N GLASS riiont' inn and I como and glo ou n price that will bum.' you money ("urM'iilfr mill Calilnrt Work. K. V. STl'l'KV. IIIO Main. riinnc :t l-'. Coe' Jitney Service Day I'honn IflH IiAWKKNCK'S ClflAK STORE Klamath Falls, Ore. Physicians, Prescriptions Our Specialty Drug Stores nro really neigh borhood department stores In which various lines nro feat ured. One druggUt may push patented preparations, an other tollot goods, cameras, optical sorvlco, the fountain or othor department which nets him good financial re turns. Our specialty has always been tho filling of Physi cians' Prescriptions, and as result our store has be come a prescription center. We 'carry' an exceptional stock of prescription drugs, and our laboratory equip ment is up-to-date. We em ploy only experienced grad uate pharmacists. AU of year Prescrln. Uoas Md Redplea r Important and deserre the special care which we are able to fire them. 15",' KLAHATH TALLS OREGON ir7?w (Jlderwood Pharmacy ti?sl KLAMATH TALLS OREGON lrtf In.' Hi. f.iriilliltic rf iili trin f '-rl It 1 ii I. pi iiptiH.i J mil 'I he .i omti.illlc'l Ii. ii urllfli.l elii.fV iiiiiiiiiiiIIiii; If, ", i"r lent of tin- lotnl hlil mnl ni)iitili. to tli.. court of Kin ma Hi County hb a i:i.iiiiiti'c that tin ifHin- ..I fill HOIIIiti'lv li i ll.' hiiIIk- finiory (ontriii'l, mnl IiohiIh lr tli. fiiiihful n il.iiii mi. i- of the wink im ri'iiiiP'l hv tin tiiinii' mnl hi i Ifli.ttloiiN for uniil iiii.lrii''tlon, 'Mi- tiroiMifiil miiKt I iirk i I'ro .o I , iilH'MMiii of Merrill lirlilK'i nbiitmcnt," mid nililrrx.i) t, Klnmnth o nit v i OHM l hniiiitli I'ulln On'- coii Tin. nmiii' o' llif hlililt-r xlioiilil In' wrlllt'li on Hi.' I'livi'loiH i-iir IomIiii; "" propnwil l-10t AOMivisriiA'f oii-s notici; or I'I UNO I'lNAIi ACtxWST. In On. County Court of tin' Sum of Ori'K'in lor Klamuth County In tin- Matter of llm HHttito of Noah I: Arnold, di'KUKi'd Noiiin Ik licri'tiy nlvon that I liavo fllid my final nrcount rnd rop(.-t an Adinlniitrntor of the KMat of Nooh K Arnold, deci'imed, an.l tlnj a,ovi t'titlll. .1 court linn fixed upon 2 30 oVlofk In the afternoon of July l'llh, 191 'i. a Htho time and 'he 'ounty Court loom In the Court ho'is-i of Klmiiath County, Oregon In the, City of Klamath Knlln, In naid Count oh th" pliue., when and wli mo any .er mm tuny prenent any oh'e.'tlo: or x .'(.p.ioti to aiiMhlni; contulne.l thure iii or to nnythliiK done by him na Ad mlnlHtrntor .and that a miKh time nrnl pliite tlm ftrilrl rntirt will finally pam inoii and neitlu fulil nrcount und ru port It i: SMITH, AdmlnlBirn'or of the I : of Nonh 13 Arnold, ! reugeil 10. K. 21. I. R. If. HKsoi.rrio.N. Tlm City HiiKlnour purtunnt to re. tnluikn nf tin' Common ( ouu -il lior toforn adopivd, h.tvlnc on tho '.t tnlny of M.iv l'.M'.i, filed plunx. spc ''IflMitloim and r-mliniiten of tlio roil of linprovlui; IIIkIi Streets from Stli Striel weitlirly to IM Struct. Includ ing InlerBcolloim and lht. 2nd. 4 tli. Itli OHi. and 7lli Streets from IIIkIi Street Miutlierly to I'lnc, In liiilliu: InterHcrilotm, and the Coun cil lialnK taken tin Htro" under ad vliement and findliiK the plain', spe flfluillonH and cstlmntCH to In: patls factory. iii3 it nnitrCiiY nnsoi.vKD. That the plann. specifications and es timates for tho Improvement of IIIkIi Street from 8th Street westerly to 1st Street. Including Intersections and 1st. 2nd. 4th. r.tli. Gth nnd 7th Sts. from HIrIi Street southerly to Pine, Street. Inrludlnt; Intersection be nn.' tho same, nro hereby npproved and, hi: it FPirniKn nnsoi.vnn, Thnt tlm Common Council hereby do clnres Its Intention to Improve said portions of Illch Street nnd 1st. 2nd. Ith, Mh. fith and 7th Streets In ac cordance with said plans, specifica tions nnd estlrnatov snld Imnrovo-, ment to consist of paving said por tions of said Etroets with oil maca dam pavement at nn estimated cost. InrludltiK cement side walks, con crete curbing nnd Kradlnp. of $.3. 707 no, or concrete pavement nt nn , estimated cost. Including cement side walks, concrete curbing nnd Rradlntr "f $G0 131 00; or bllhullthlc pavement at nn estimated cost. In cludltiR cement sldo walks, concrete curblnR and RrndlnR, of $00,247.00; snld Improvement In either event to Include RrndlnR rnlllnR. curblnR and concrete side walks 4 feet wide, on both sides of snld streets and. I1I-3 IT Fl'I.THKK UESOIA'Pn. ny the Common Council that the proper ty hereinafter described be. nnd hero bv Is. declared to bo benefited by snld Improvement I Lots 1. ?. 3. nnd 4, nio-'k 42 nnd , southerly H of Illock 41, N'lchols Ad dition to tho City of Klnmnth Fall.s. Oregon; Lots 3. 4. 5. 0, 7 and 8 of Illock 11: l Lots 1, 2. 3, 4, r, G, 7 and S of block 10; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, S, G, 7, nnd S, In Illock 9; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, and S, ot Illock 8; Lots 1, 2, 5, G. 7, and S of niock 7; Lots 3, 4, Ii, 6, 7, nnd S of Illock fi: i Lots 1. 2. 3. 4, .1. G, 7. and S of Illock Lots 1. 2. 7. nnd S of Illock 4. ori ginal town of Klnmnth Falls Oregen: i Tho southerly 220 feet of Illock 51; ' The southerly 250 feet of the prem ises occnpled by the Klnmnth Coun ty High School, said property lying ' between High, 5th, Gth nnd Washing ton, formerly Canal Street; Lots 6, 7, S. !, and 10. of Illock 50; 1 Lots 6. 7. S. 9, nnd 10 of TUocV. 43. 1st Addition to Klnmnth Falls, Ore gon; Lots 1, 2, 3. 4. nnd 5 of niock C; , Lots 1, 2. 3, 4, nnd 5 of Block 5; I I Lots 1 nnd 2 of Illock 4. Ewnunn i .Heights Addition to tho City of Kln- I math Falls, Oregon, and thnt said I property abovo described is hereby declared to bo the proporty nssessod for tho expanse ot said Improvement and, RE3 IT FURTHER RESOLVED. Thnt Monday, tho 14th day of July ID ID, at tho hour or 8 o'clock, P. M. at the council chamber In the city hall, bo fixed as the time and place for the hearing or objections and re monstrances against the said propos ed Improvement and the police Judge bo, and Hereby Is, directed to cause notice of said hearing to be published as by Charter provided. State of Oregon, County of Klamath, City of Klamath Falls ss: I, A. h. Leavltt, Police Judge of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a fluly enrolled, copy of v resolu tion adopted by the Common Council on the 16th day ot July, 1919 declar ing its intention to improve High Strooet from 8th Street westerly to 1st Street, Including intersections. nnd 1st. 2nd. 4th, 5th, 6th, nnd 7th Streots from High Street southerly to I Pine stroet, including Intorsoctlons i nnd npprovlng tho plana, specifica tions nnd estlmntes of tho cost sub mlttod hy tho City Englnoor. A. L. LEAVITT, Police Judgo. 18-lOt Feed and Stable Sales Auto Service Quick Service Day or Night Klamath Stable Iinc Tilpt Our Sort laity It.nionnhli' 1 tales H' Klmiiatli Ax:. S.SVrf. VNWWVVV Sfinlte Jnr .Molto Sal Isf aft Ion Our Guarantee. Kandy & Hartman Painting, Kalsomining Paper Hanging . City and Country Johs Kollcltcl Make Your Ilonn Attrartlvo Phone 414 ADDKES.S 1 1011 I'liif St., Klmiiatli I'.ilN, Ore. .hS i COZY RESTAURANT NOW OPEN TUO M.iln Street Meals served from C a in to 9 p m. GOOD COI TKI3 AM) IIKAL CKKAM -:-: Your Home Laundry llainp Wash, id 7.1c riMSIIKU WOIIK KI.AT WOIIK HOCGII imv Put Your Duds In Our Suds" PIIONK 421 ("nrner Main And CtiiiRer uHuaMAHMUMauMHHMUMMHHMH"M-.M. .VV.V.. ............ ..". HARLEY-DAVIDSON Service Station We handle tho Harley-Davldson Motorcycles and lllcycles Exclus ively. Also buy, sell and exchange all other Makes Pennsylvania and Diamond Tires and Tubes. C. E. BISMARK IIS S. Otli St. Klamath Falls KLAMATH AUTO SPRING WORKS We Do All KlntLs of Spring Repair ing New Ones Made to Order Axle Straightening and Illncksmithing ALli WORK GUARANTEED Phone S50-Y 017 Klamath Ave. 0 ' FOR AXY KINU OF FURNITURE Seo Andy Mauritsch At Xo. 10 Main Strwt. TRY ME PHONE 176-J Plioiu :tid-.i 11 22 Main M. O. K. Lunch Ice Cream and Confectionary. Home Made Pies and Cakes. SEE ME For Carpentering, Furniture Re-I pairing, Linoleum Laid. HENRY SMITH "The Handy Man" IM MAIN ST. CONVENIENT HOSPITAL ROOMS DR. A. A, SOULE X-Ray Surgery Medicine Phoae 1S1J 480 Main ATTORNEY AT LAW 111-14 W11UU Bldg. Klamath Fall : Oregon AAAMrAAAArrrAr,r'V'Ar,NV Tvivciy, riioiie hid E. L. ELLIOTT 1 PROFESSIONA), CARDS PRIVATE HOSPITAL Now Open for Mat. roll y Cn.i-.i 301 HiBh St Phone 455 5 THM I'AIIISIAV KI31I'TV SHOP I'ndiil MiixtiiKlni;. Itlincliln and racial I'nrkn Manlritrini:, Hhumiioolnir Hcalp Trontmefit mil Main I'lionc 300 .Ywwvv CM"X-":-X-5""H"M-M- H. C. SCHLEEF t KATHERINE SCHLEEF I'lijahlnnn anil Suri;eona Offlu-, Willie llldK. -K'-:."Cm-!":.mxmx DR. G. A. MASSEY Hiirr-ior to Dr. Trunx Suit 2lfl, I. O. O. P. niclg Ollltv phoni' (l.l I ten I'lione 80. M DR. CARTER I1I3.VTIST WIIITI3 HUM. DING rno.M3 :w. .WsiV!", If DENTISTS E. G. Wisecarver IMIO.VI3 3.11 Dr. Dr. P. M. Noel I'IIO.N'13 4 Umlerivotxl's. Sctcntli und Main Streets 'C ','l,,)swvl' FRED WESTERFELD DENT1HT Loonihs HIilj;., Klamath Folia l DR. C. A. RAMDO Dentist I. O. O. F. Building I'HONE 01 CITV AXI) COUNTY AHHTRACT COJIFAXY R17 Main ARTHUR R. WILSON Manager DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Pbysiclnn ttargeut. Suite 211, 1. 0. O. V. Tempi (over K K. Ii. Store) Phone U-21 . . (The only Osteopathic Parti clan and Surgeon In KlaaUK Falls ) SAW MILL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION' CO. Designer and builders ot mod ern Saw Mills, Plunlug Mills, Box Plants. Complete plants contract ed. and reports made. Dredging. Wo contract lo build any clans nf a building uud install machinery of any kind. Drafting of any kind done. Blue Prints made. I'HONE 140 J Olllce in K. D. Building WELL DRILLING Tochatzer Bros. A HUbzuba Merrill. Oregon Or McDonald Pool'IWoas Klamath Fails, Oregon RECKARD'S RENT SERVICE K. F., Bend Stage Phone 276-W &yiw'' SHANGHAI RESTAURANT CHOP STJEY AND NOODLE j, jiwcin 4 Short Order Mmil. Ht-rrnl. . 73 Main Street j KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. t 307 I. O. O. F. BUM. vxw':)--::", h I i.L VA ! 4 ll . ! If- l ?! M M .ig