rt imn.w, .ii'i.v k, iDiD THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE FOUR The Evening Herald BIRD-EYEING THE WILLARD-DEMPSEY FIGHT ARENA AND REFEREE E. J. M V It It A V EDITOR '' JP ,; if m iifc ii TTrHi Ti r s v J" i s iW 'WbIbI "I insist Will I I I A .SBsaPV .BBBBBBBHtliBiBiBiBiBiBr"BaBJMIjUKV4BBBBBMBBB,miBUB-'- Vk .UBBBHBW Published il-jlly except Similar t 8To Herald Publishing Compuiit n KUmnth Falls, at Ufi Fourth strvol Rntrtred nt the pottolHre nt Klntn th Falls, Ore . for tnitumlsslon tliri th malls as second-class matter Subscription terms bv mall to an ddress In the United States: Oae year 16 00 Oae month . SO Member of the AiuuM-laied lret The Associated Prens Is eieluslvel jsitttled to the use (or republication 11 P&- C mil news dispatches credited to tl sjr aot otherwise credited In this pa Vr, and aia local news published All rights ot republication of spe- dlspatches herein are also re- hihTi; SS5 f Jffdtaa-?'5KS.i,?lli slSL. . height of about a thousand f.et. .howl the won .t . """ w" "" I? f1 Une .1 a inserted photograph Is of Ollle Perorri nrriri.i rV .1 . .V 5, . p"1"' vl ,,,p lu"n,""e siruiiure The ejected to officiate in the big sera ol ,he Tol aexia Commission. bo was TUESDAY, JVIiY 8, t10. IS IT XOW OR NEVER? of their affair, when It Is; then It will be up to them to keep still and jtake their medicine when It will lw . i too inte to mnko a change. j With an active Commercial Club some solution of the problems that have to be solved can be found. A A final effort Is to be made tonior- Commercjal Club will not grow of tow nlEhf to put over the reorganl itself. You, Mr. Ituslne.ss Mnn, Sir jation of the Commercial Club, and Property Owner, Mr WorMngmnn lor that purpose there is to be held Mr General Public, will have to put In .the council chamber at S o'clock it Into existence and keep It there. a meeting at which everyone inter- It must come from a united "effort nested in getting the new organiza- and be kept going by continued sup- tlon under way is asked to be prvs- port, or it will never be of an ini ent. Benjamin S Worsley, of As- portance to the community toria, who is known throughout the rtate because of his work in behalf ol horticulture and agriculture. Is WILL ASK KERN in the city, and it is. for the pur-' TO RE-SUBMIT poso of giving the people of this city and county an opportunity of hear ing him that the meeting- is called.' (Continued from Pane 1) He will talk of the advantages of a progressive commercial organization This same power can be deliviroil and as he is a forceful talker it will from lJu h rn , ,.wer n,aiu .,,. ., , "be a privilege to hear him. Investment of ro. to otceM $12.. i". The necessity for an active Com- a savin of over 1 00,000 would tliH mercial Club is so apparent to every b. made ty :..uting the pi ml ntai one that it hardly needs discussion, or Klam.ith Fall Also all stj e vi-1 Any business man or property own- water taxes would be paid into the "t recognizes the need of one, but State of Oregon Instead of into Cali- when It comes right down to going fornla. as it is at present under the to a meeting or putting forth any, operation of the California, Oregon Bort ,he immediately joins the "let Power company. You will note by the George do it" class That is why foregoing that the city, first, by eli thls city Is lumbering along with-1 minating the community value which out one, and why it will continue tO is rightly hers, and second, by locat ed so unless something is done now'ing its plant nearer home will have to get one actually under way. direct saving of approximately Klamath Falls needs a Commer- $160,000.00. cial Club now as it never needed one, You will note under Item 14 of the THIS IS KIM AtiAIX. PfflKSlSM"" "J? ."SWSJWSSWUBWt. ?,. J HimMlmHmSKKmutli BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsl ' I .ILILILILILH v w H t A' SBSBXS bE ' 'IsBBBBBBBBani - KflB) T-':i itaBBBBBBBvK . BBBB rVllV 'BBBBBBBBBBV l BBBbT VSiBJBr SBw'BBBBBBBBBFji'i 3BBBb1 BBBTnZ BbIBbBBBI iasbbVhbbbbbjbbbbbbbvbbbbbbbhbbbbbbbbbI u tggBflBaBMBHBBBVBBBBBBBBlBWH Oregon Power compr.nv tlie cl Miuld have over 112.000 a Mtr to itppl tnwiird the reliifiint of thi lond niul fS-000 udditlociil If the t'lt f.iruslud the pounr (oi tint u npitig plants TI.K l.itm.!tt ns publNhed at the time the origin al p'oi isitmn wdK made to the i'1'y by tin Ker:i llrutltcrs It Is ii lderMuoil tl-..t ! ti' '-din rlT Wi'l he tn-ci li to !( ,; rn, iiiunlrnt o i t!i Kern Hint hers mil lime them r' siib.ult ttu-lt projionl .' ii ,t 'In Mcvt nicMltii: nt the ioui. cll us t Is tin' mt. ntliin ' the iln'i to lynwd Ho (imstlnii to .in tiiiuo II ate ss.ie ,AMFK;CA? FINDS THE , TALKING MONKEY before and the .least those who want one can do Is to come out to the meeting tomorrow night. It must i expense account that there will be a considerable P"lnp on trnnsmi"ion expenses which is only natural Also. Ollic record I "te remembered that the time is atj under item 20 the city would not band when something must be done about the location of factories in Jhis city The Herald has warned! have to pay some $3300, to maintain an office in San Francisco, as Is now done by the California, Oregon Poiv- ebont this time and time again. Itjer company Chas told the people of Klamathj In regard to the Income account 1 Falls that the site for another town believe It is self-explanatory. There has been purchased and it tells U no doubt that "my estimate of in 4hem now that unless something is come is very low. In fact I do not done three mills are going to be lo-i doubt that within two years from the cated there. That much is piac- time ot the acquisition of this proper tically settled. There is also a pos- ty, that the income from city 3crvlc 'nihility of two, and perhaps three, will be fully twice the amount I spe ' other mills joining with them. Nowjcify. My estimate was based on the 'iT the business- men of Klamath' load at the beginning of 1917. This Falls can sit quietly by and see this has increasedw by a large percen Ihing happen without the slightest tnge by now. effort to stop It, when It can be' I might say that In regard to the stopped; if the property owners of income cf the present property of the city think that the mills have the Keno Power company, which Is to come here, when they don't have not Included in the accompanying to; if the working man who has statement, that we have a connected lis home here and wants to take rumpim load of over 400 horse pow Midvantage of the schools thinks it er which brings us $20.00 per horse -will not affect him, when it will; power year. This Income will place if the people In general think that the riant as It stands on a self sup thlB matter of a new town is none porting basis. In conclusion I might add that by the nc'iulpitlon of the Keno PovfJ Company property the City of Kin math Falls will come Into pos-e.;Io'i of a water power that will meet "im nedB of the city for mnnv years 'o come We have 'i potential power' hero r.f between thirty and forty thousand home po-er Hoping that. thin information i ill be of Interest tc ycu I remain, ' Very ti ily yours, J. W. KKP.NS Tho statement referred to in the opening statement hud to do. in a comparative way, with the expenses and incomo of the plant of the Cali fornia, Oregon Power Company and a municipal plant, showing that opo lating under the same conditions as that prevailing for the California, jmiIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbLI I rBBBBIIAfTTBBBBBBBBBBBBBl k "BBT STT''fPlBBBBBBBBBBBBB) VXV fV Vn r rBBbtBBBV JrlBBwifci- liifi&BBtE&W'l BBBBBBBBRBBBBBBl!BBBBBBBBBa Professor Robert L. Oarner. the American naturalist, has Just returned from, a three-year so journ in the heart of Africa where be discovered "the talking mon key" claiming they have a Ian-' gnage all "their own. He brought back the body of one-of the spe cies for the 8mlthoaUn' Institute at Washington, D. C. SmiLES, TEARS AND CHEERS FOR .CHAMPION YANK FLYERS' H0MEC0M1NC BIBIBIBIBIbHbPV eBaBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBHBSlBlBlBlBlBlBKViBBlBlB LiBiBiBiBiBiBBk j7 s EiRtiFmkmlk B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1bHL . BBBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBbBBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBK9a!ilalBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlH bIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIbIb&.4'j- KUIB&J AITVHIbIbIbIbH LlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBMfv' IliBaBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlV''BtllBH'' LH jaAkvaM.. '' ' H OUSTON' Metropolitan Aasmiesls- s IMPOItTANT MKKTINti OK IMrill,i:.IK.T CM'IJ. HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DAXCINfJ Wednt-Hilny A Kiiturday MkIiIh. JAZZ MUSIC. STAR THEATER TODAY Paramount 1'rwcnt 1 WALLACE ItEin In "THE HOUKE ifV SILEXCK" Other Feature, on Tho Program tirf A Mack Bennett Comedy starring The Mack Scnnett liathing tJirlt In "The Village Cheat" , She's happy. -And you'd be happy, too, if your husband had com manded the first teaplane to fly the Atlantic ocean, and had Just ar rived home. It is Mrs. Albert C. Read, wife of Lieut. Com. Bead of the U. S. Navy seaplane NC4, as she greeted her husband, on the transport off Now York harbor upon his arrival. Wives and mothers of the flyers went down New York Bay to welcome the homecoming history makers. TEMPLE THEATER TODAY Vltagraph Presents OOIUNE GRIFFITH In "MIS8 AMniTIOX" Abto A Sidney Drew Comedy "Unlucky Lou" Admission 10 ft IS cent Matinee 2.80. Evenings 7:80 ft 0. An Itnpoitant mcztlng of tli.i Won en'ii Improvement club will n' Ik Id in tti' council chambers of the rlt hull tomorrow afternoon et 2 10 o'clock Every .member of the club is urged to be'prtsfiit, for two mat ters of great intercut to the organi zation will' be up for conhldo-ation The importance of this club to tho city Ik becoming more mu-ilfcht and the program for future work, which will bu up for consideration nt thu meeting tomorrow afternoon, Is Huro to brJng It and the mamb-irs tnoro rnd more Into tho limelight of public opinion, as well as approval , A flno lino of diamonds -loose and mounted just received nt right pricefe at Davcnportc 8-3t i .Tlist Dnmrimliiip llllc Tlin il.lna frt - ........uu. .,,.. . u ,H.n iui. tho Elks' Con'-ention aro August 14,1 15 and ie. Get ready. i Keep The Old Customer This is more than a mere slogan it's :t solution, so far as we are concerned. We are tryiner to conduct this business on a basis' that will brine; old customers back for more and old customers help a lot toward bringing in new ones. Of course, a good salesman can sell even a poor make of tires once. That's "putting one over" but we would rather sell a good make of tires please the people, 'and depend on the recog nized merits of DIAMOND TIRES to keep the business going. f vou are looking for good tires- not risks-'coinc in and see us; we are in business for steady customers. DIAMOND TIRE & VULCANIZING COMPANY. 120 S. Sixth St. TV V-r-V-v We Have a Better Grain Binder for You The next lime you are in town, come in and look over the John Deere Binder. It's a machine that will give you extra years of ser vice at less cost for repairs, End will do better work under abnormal field and weather conditions than other binders. We went to thow you many points about this ma chine not found in other binders that you will rec ocnizc as extra value. Stronger wheels, heavier frame, reinforced platform, self-aligned bearings, roller bearings, thrco packers in stead of two, liardcnct! wearing burfoces on knotter parts, ground and polished packer shaft bearing nnd quick turn tongue truck are a few of tho many points about this binder that make it serviceable, ight draft and economical to operate. You will appreciate what binder satisfaction truly It when you get n John Deere into your harvest fields. Come In and See this Better Binder BALDWIN HARDWARE CO. 'The House of Quality" MERRILL OPERA HOUSE ' MOTION PICTURES TUESDAYS AND 8ATUKDAYB Iderrlll, Oregon PHONE 41 PHONE 290 FURNITURE Both' New and Second Hand PERKINS FURNITURE HOUSE 120-126 N. 6th St. nt "The Furnisher of Happy Homes" Klamath Falls, Oregon CHEHSiEEEEaKBXHI I I Amuill' tywf(IWt'TifV'ysWT,rajeaayi'OTTair-).-