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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1919)
THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAOIi FIVK ,M lV..)tn 7.HHH. w pEl ERSONAL MENTION ,,.,.,. I HlliM.miM- Mini, IMI ITMSIIv '.,,..,! Mil. I'llOl'l h It I' Mill. (l'l AMI VIM SIM ' .... .. IM;d ill I. ill l. Mil. KM ( , - i ii .,.. Admirnlft in Commiin dof Allantic and Pacific Fleets and Retiring Commander hi ntlo'j to tj-'r vl'1,11 4!i' ir iKi-i' . r 'i,in i, in' lor '. ! .-'-.II ' v-jr::. l)!-l f ir to ' n..k.n -. Inir ' rim'l" a, i i '. i ,' i.i-cti.u: mtahhsu.l i,rvi:s llvr-M "" i ' .,, .ml Mf J i t ilt mi Dovi'V nun " ' lirnMiiii The Mr. n" '"" ,.,,,. I'alirorii- inr ,i Mm I r"i Mr "..., Mr. r c ..l .i. nnu I " .. ... , rr M nrloviir.ll Murk win ill 1,M.; nl.V I" '""' H'Ill J"" " Cr' . ....... u. r Hnn , f iioi'il nnu " ' " . .a.niiii- tin' country, lfd,y... - I.v ,. o lrn'l'l'"1' """ ' K il.9il"I- are I" ' " """ VMnln-tu". " '' Ple in KUniuih ian ilro. , .. H . Aiipli'tim mi.i "' "' l KU". "'!" '.' VT .. .,, Mr mid M' " ' '"" " u, returned from ' '..iw..w.. I .'inland an" "f"' u """ Ur and Mr- A J Vnw P0tn Bif , ' ., Whclmf Creek pK-nlflOB -11" rriUfD-il " l',, '" "v"n,nB ,h, Nt "o !" on ,n, mnrrlmf. irvn tr h - i In U ...-... I.... .1.1. hum Mt-rt AtilfW I"'"0 "" " lilting ti tit) Mr Mlllr will i-i tin n 1 1 1 1 iiimIiii ii bUHlim- tilp in Wi'i'il MInn I mii llriiliiini iciurtii'il In.) night mi Mi" tmiii from Itui'liv I'niii' Vlllri Nil" llllH hl'MII ll-Hllllg III" vcek mill (imili'.i I'lrlrli mill finiillv nn Inn t from their Miiniincr homo mi llerren tliin Creek wllli ii film I'lili'li 1 1 f fluli n allow for tlmlr Hum npnnl there A illviiM'" cum. him been flli-il uiih Hih (Murk nf the Circuit Ciniri, Hlelt inl Hi'liuiiln vnrtiiiH I'vu Hi'lnii'1,1 Miller Hill rnmiiiimll y relehrntcil tin H3rd iiutilvermiry or our Itnl" lldfil'U 'iv a lIliillNliir plenlr, lii-lil hi 'ho homo if Charles I'lilii'li'tier 'I'lli'rn W"i S," i"iiil lit tln I'olml" tnr nilirli nt iln Hum. net fur i't ft!lvltlM. wllli i III r Ihii.I("1n nil, t wlllt "Vnry l III hi; linui;liiitlii, tlmi in I'olilil i( nl a plrjili'. Tin. in.-iii.iM-woio rntirnliicil ilurlnn 1 1 il n rftp of oviry ilonriiptl.Hi. Mti'i' ' Same Whllw tli miitiy iipIrIiI. m ' iimo btin-r flitm'nttil wiiii i 'tbf Jffntioit It(i1llp no-t nf th.- M ' I 'ii rln "'vm. " . ! I 'mh "' i' i 'n.iiii i I.' tury of ihi M i.loc v,n ,. I) PrfofflBii. ho li h""n.ii ii Ki'iiritn" Wlillo lwri lif ii. Iser IHIHR v'r" '' taru'T 'or U'H"""' M cti '-ant,iln O (' A" ;il.tgii for t'i writing i.f a rri-nurl" , nf ihf Vmto'- War Mr. finit Mn It K Kmllh ur Imhv Vrreman il't'in "'"'" ''"" ' "" ' ( itiK Tuon.lny In tlixlr rnr for an Point and cli" I '' 1'",'l"l,,0ui!!iM trip thru tlm sliHi. nf flroRon ' o-r Klamaili rminty ' ( -Mil liilo Wnsliliiu'tnii Tin-)- will r1lt Mauil Ilartfonl, Jnlm llnrryimiro'Bj j g,,,,),,,,,,, until n.iut tlm flrn' ..f IfaJlBK laily. Ii ,",', '" ""' '"yj AUKUni, Mrs. Criinhii will tn with , for lo wrtk 'i ll vacation with jj,Hm hi fur a tlm Dnllcn, wlioro h J w h ' ' f II M.U'.H STI lVlVf( Vt'JHIS';. lit '.'I ' fu.; 7 ..Tra'r n it t: mi nurKlriK lo 'ie ncidlr"! I i r'i i i li-'il'-'n lrl who, lit 'i.:n ii n- tn',i-i i i 'ir,ng h iib tli" li-n-'-flt ii' i' .-ir tmln ijb ami fwtfli oili er M.iliiti KlrN f the pnr' '-f tnir mi; 'ir holnrnhlpti rccoiulv I'Bt'ib I) ,ii il by the TuhnrculOHlH OoninilK sldti of Hi" AiniT'ran K:t! f'roM h'TC ICIrlinrd lif-atly Mellon, a i'lttlmn;li tmiiki'T. linn fliiiinrud tliri;.' chil-iT ships anil tin- KlrlH will oon Iparc to iHiilertak" their training. m i .?& :. w r jts M. O, -JN, ''3 igprn tisrypr-, ,-5A A'f "TM nrr-Z , W. ',! H im t ti fsr s' i 1 1 IwJSt mm, rf , V&J Rl-fJ "MJ tiTtJtiiV.Si 74 T Q9MFi?WP . 1 I K' h ; a A.lllllnil IL-riM II. WIIhi.ii (t.'fl); It .'ii.,lnin, ,.r, 'f. Mil).) (iluht) lluuli It 11(11111111 (In iJri-li') htr sranilpari'iim Tli.-y mil mm raornlnK for Now York, wln'ru Ml llirttonl ha an iMiKaKi'inont to till xneOti In vlitll (or a whlli Mm Jimiff. Pi'Moti ami xUlur Mr Coclii'll of I'nrt Klniimth ur In III" Mr, ami Mm l'r"l f'nfr ri'iiirn-, r,y ,,nK umr nl rnirnlay In IliWr far trout Cwll-i MrH A . Marlmll In In town from fornli Mr. Cofi-r'n mtitlmr . ,r imii... In (Hon.. for n nhnrt vlatt father. Mr ami Mr ltoli-rt Mount- .r,. tr, eami- wllli Ih.'in for a Unit hro J ,,, xurtn'r and hU kIhIit. Irln ro Thu Cofom arc utail to h awy(r rrom .mccui. Cnllforulii Th.-y Kur til.- it tunc ii fiiiti.,1 Slnti-it ha two a.liuiriiln lli-ury II Wilnon, In rumm ii .1 of thu ,tlanti: lU-oi, and lltiKh Itoilman. In ronnnnutl of thrt ;r-ntly Inermai'il pacific ilnei Thl photOKraph bIiowk Admiral Wll-' S"etloii Hoard and later will become win an. i AHintrm uenry I. .Mayo on memlier of tin) Uenural Hoard of hoard the latter's lliiKHlilp, tji bal- thu navy in .Mit vi:it i.- limits. from Ihf heat they I'ticnuntured on their tour A 01 W'onlon ami ilaiiKhter Mar- tint left I'arly SutiiUy iiioriilitK on v.. Te Imtli I'.lur-ii t .-.I In tlm public mid hlith "flioiili. of thU city, Mob In litisv linklttt: handn wllli old frleudx nn thlK In hi" flrnt vlnll Imrn iilnru !iln i fiihlnic trip In Hie Ki-no dllrlrt.,,rlmrK fr(MI, ,, ,ir,y. Aitber wtrrf ilrliliiR tiloiiK the road ,r p , (j,i,rii lnn uiVt the t btic dwr pran; over a feiif" anil ...., r,).B by llm I'tto nn tr- tlm roml noi forty fvt lnTlintiiriN Urake, and In havlnc the four from of Ihi' marlilne I room remodeled and fitted tin with Mr. ami Mr Ira Orm held a pit- ,Hr ),,.,, .,irii euulpment sic for frlvnda anil relntlvi'H on tholr Mr. nml Mm W K Van Cinnti and rmth h0M.) lawn .Stimlay . - will accompany l)r nnd Mrs. lln J (' llrntlmi rec.iM.,1 word I .ittan of iho Klamath AKenc.v. to iht her father. (li'tirKu V. Oioy of Us Atntflen, uinilil ho here tonlKhl fo r vUlt llli hr Mr. ami Mr Itay llunnki'r and JIU Ktiih I.lmlii'v r.-iurni'd l-'rlilnv !),(,.,, c(ii k li ('ruler Lake over the week end I'red II. Mill him returned from Mndfonl where he attended the lieiir- v on the courthoiiHi) ciiHe, before tvnilni; In their car from Oakland California, where tlu have been lililnj for a month Mr. ami Mr 11 II linilcllff came In on last nlKhfn train from littler Mulco. Mru, Itailcllff um Miss lttith Ball before her timrrliiKe Mr. Itml tllff, who wn cnnneeiPil with thu Indian Service nt Hie Klamath Ariiii- V before KoinK to Dulro. will lake P hl old work Imre MIhb Florence IJuI-'niilt was a Ktteil ill llm tliiKUe raurh on the Kiino road Saturday. A. Iv HetiHltiRer wan In from liW Kwun l.a'ko home purchiiHliiK nupplliH for till.' CoiullIK week. N J. Chapman. Justice of tlm Pence ha been III for thu paitl two or lltnm tluyH. MIhh Veva and Dortha Martin re ttirnud .MMierdny from Ashland, .wlieru limy have been vIhIUuk tholr splendid torn..- l.incli near the rim i of lh" iti.'.r and upent a very en-1 joyable da mnk'n the trip to the la he On the rfturn trip the company made a stop at I ole Creek lirldKe for a picnic Miupvr ami were there favor eil with an addronK by .Mr. Kredurlca A Maker The dn a pronotiticed by all ii.i one ot the most enjoyed of ihcilr llvcn Chief credit for the nucchss of the online due Mr Walter (i. Went, nupervlor. who wan the prime mover ill the exuit A regrettable ii'-eldeiit occurred to Mr Shelby if Klamath 1'alln. who w a fcuwt for Iho dav. In maklni: u Special Convocation Klamath detour from Ihe trail he .., w.,1, & ' Work -n ?SM hoini' "iiiv ami Kii down tne rocny numbers requested to bo present. MKXICO CITV -Carlos Santona well known In Mexico as an ariato recently established a record for the republic In HiiHtalned i.orlnl fllKht remalni'i In the air I .I hnur end l. ti'l!Mi!e VIm fllsht was ilesli;iijil an a ;-t foi a new 130 horse power motor which his beau built In Mexico XUTICi: UOVAI. AP.CII MASONS rid" of Ihe hill a cnntilderable dis tance, lirtilliic him ipilte badly and reinlerlni; hlr.i unconncloun for Mime time II" wan taken to tlm Klamath Asenc at once and this mornliiK Is reported to be dolne, very well. M'AI.I-' Itl.flliNS IMIO.M KltA.N'CK. Mlis Ilo KIlRore and MIk I.etha hrlacoll came over from Ashland on i;ratidmother jmeraaya huri, wliern they havo! Vmapendlni! the week end ' KI.A.M.1TII .UiK.VCV I'AltTY 'y Merrill U In from his aline I ' I'V.inVS iil'TI.VC at LAki:. rnch, In Uncoil Valley, on hUHlneHS. J Mr. and Mm. .1 V llibl.ert left for, Ten inn loaded with ,-. ieinmeu: an irancUcn thin uioriiliiK. Tlmy empIo.M'i from the Klamath A;eu.'y tertcn in,! ii...... i .. ..... . .... ; me iieatu or sir. til'' i'. trip lo C"lnr l,.u.e oier in.. wrt a father. A.m.i i'...,.u r,,,i ,, ii, i.'.nirtii of Mr. and Mrs ('hurii.a u inn,,. i ,..i.. .... , i i .... . ' "....i-i mm. i ,i . . I III, lllllll .iin ill H",M .,'.,,. I.HM, y drove tn Jenny Creek yemer- for ho early In ihe h.i:ihiiii nnd all car ri and made camp Mr Miller and , inadu the trip without a iiiIhIiiiii TIk 'children wliutnv f, , .. - ' " "i .....'mi majority in ino iiariy enjuj.-.i . UBERTY THEATRE "TIIK l'ICK OP TIIK I'ICTUIIKH" H. W. Poole, Ow ner Matinee Lverv Lay iiaaaatpVVVWaaial TONIGHT FRANK KEENAN IN "THE SILVER GIRL" A Story of the Mines Pathe Review "HANDLING BIG TIMBER" An Interesting Logging Picture umberrri7iThG i0VG l)icture is of special interest to ",,v tuggers. DOORS OPEN AT 7 P .M. After more than a year' service ovemeiiR with the 11.. Ammunition train, which was attached to the Sun Milim division. I'tivate Kltt elans Hubert K Scalf of Weed. California arrived In Klamath Kalis last even ItiK where he will visit his sister, Mrs A. C (.enter calf Is a lirother-lti-luw of A C l.enter. who Is In charKe of preparing the honor roll of Klamath County. COOI) PAIIM LANDS. Dandy -10-u tract, mostly in alfal fa, seven miles from Kails, fair Sealf had hoped to be home by lant ),0so, exeollent drainage. Price $3, Chtlstmas In fact, ho had written his 000. Terms. mother. Mrs C A. Scalf. to havo ,i One of the best Irrigated 30-ncre , , ., , , , .... tracts In the Klamath valley. It s turkey prepared for the I.Ik feast day m Kom rouU ,;,. 8Cho) ,, onI. However, he was delalned for nioiillis sU ,lllk,s from Kalls A bargain at along wlih several other boys In his f 6.000. Terms, oriiaiiizatlon He was on the linen' i.argu irngateu tracts to sua pur for nearly thirty nix hours at one time near .Nancy anil was In range of shell fire. Scalf will return to Weed within a few days. TJiB frl' of M,i Tvtclll" Mnndi p'1, inntrietf.r of I nirlloh In tho Klamath Polln HikU Kchool durlnR t'ic pat four years, are Interested lo lenm Ibot he han acepted ti p isitlon In" of lh. High School? of Bcuttl'!- flui'-ntui are KrHd that In lor.In;; Mills MarnhuII. Klamath Countv 1 losing n most eomput"nt ind nopulnr teacher. Hur many friend", althouRh itorry lo log.j her, are h-ppy over her election lo a raor-. lucrative position. DIDN'T ENJOY TAXI RIDE IN NIGHTGOWN V.HTH.W Corn" to rny place 22r2 Vino Ave-. Klamath Falls, one dark Jersey cof nnd two -weeks old calf, branded S -r It on l"ft hip and I 1 1 M on rU'ht side. ownr may have same by paying cofcts. IV. E. Moore C-St H ;.r the July records at Shep hrrds 7-1 .ti i ' v "ifAi i - ' I' VHhS&a. v4b- ID SinSfHIUK r'OIt THJ HKHAT.D x'r -y llenh,i Pennsylvania, while she was at anchor In the Hudson Just befor.' Admiral Mayo liirneil over his com luani) Admiral .Mayo, now a rear becomes the head of the Mrs llc'en C Wit-rman of Brooklyn don l like tlie caveman l.nlght-hold Btuff Anyhow she accuses John C Carev of Manhat tan wealth manufacturer of brcalElng into her apartment at niFhi recently and carrylnt; tiei off In j taxi tnd without allow ing etK'i linn- to change from uightcbvn to propel appnrel BASEBALL BEING PLAYED IN MEXICO DALLAS. Texas, July 5. Baseball is bidding for favor In parts of Mex-i ico and may supplant hull fighting' and other distinctly native pastimes. according 'to a Dallas sporting goods concern, which has just matte a, large shipment of baseball equip-, menta to Monterey, N'orthern Mevteo. ' This concern recently sent a sales man through the Northern part of .Mexico and he reported that baseball was rapidly gaining favor and pre dicted it soon would become a na tional pastime in that country FOUNTAIN PENS FOR TRAVELERS Vacation time is the foun t;. n p"n season A good founta-n pen is an Import ant traveling efuipment. The notes and cards you "end to friends can be writ ten on tho train, or at odd momenta your correspond ence attended to without en croaching on precious time. Step in today and select a fountain pen. We have com plete lines of several ot the most satisfactory makes on the market. Lever fillers, in styles for both men and women. The point that best suits your hand is assured. $2.00 TO $15.00. Frank M. Upp JEWELER Gil Main St. Official S. P. Watch. Inspector. : y"- :2aiu-2iau-jU3iuaa-titijtxttXi tssis' Tlie HALLMARK Store ni:oitci: walton. h. p i:oi, isii school rou waiti.hs. LONDON. July 7. Tlm dearth of rood t-'nr.llih waiters has prompted the l..y:il llrltlsh 5 'its' and Chef .' .. le'v te open a sihoul for tha li.illiiiu: nf i'i: t .,. trade. App'l cents will ee admitted to classes where the will hear lectures bv famous rooks, and where they will bo educated In languages nnd deport ment. During tin war, waiters worn largelv cltsjil.iictl by women who thru llie'r .t'!vnctieness and strict " GOOD FARM LANDS GIVES UP TO POLICE chaser: also stock ranches parts of llm county. HOUSES AND LOTS. One of tho best corner lots in Hot Springs Add'n, with sidewalks and uuwur in. Only $500. A good lot on 11th St., pavement, nt $4G0. And a better one at $550, ACTCD Wll I IVr. r.lDI $C00 and $650. nl - "'v r-" v Good four-room house near High .,... o School. Prico only $1,000, with LOS AN(!LLLS, July ,. Henry h. ?25o cash. Immediate possession. Now wnlked into the l'ollco station jmico four-room house and small early today and said ho wanted to barn, one block from Main St nt $1, Klvo himself up for murder. Ho tookj"0.' Busy terms. Possession soon. hitii i.iinn ..i q00,j fivo-room furnished house in tho officers to nn outomohllo stand- .g00(, ,ocntIo1( iarge jot, garage. Prico lug outsldo and showed them tho ,2,ioo, on eaBy terms. i hotly of Frledn J. Lessor, 21, whom hoi Fivo-room houso and 78x100 ft. said ho had Bhot outBldo tlto city 'lot, only threo blocks from Main all thmSSj Hclt-s appetite 'i, s T Warn atK" 'l-!est''n' g 0 WM Thres flavors. g H JSLl O not enough to make m St., at $2,000, on easy terms. Ut'SINESS 1'ItOl'EIlTV. LarKO lot on Klamath Ave., nave- him. Now told tho police ho was tho ment at less than $50 per foot, on . ... .... M nn nf Senator Now. of Indiana, son-.""By terms. x.ook ni mis. r VW. - ,...... ... . -.! A. whllo they woro on a rldo eftor n quarrel over her refusal to marry ntqr Now, howover, rofusod to dls- cuss tho matter wnon quonea in Washington whothor or not tho man charged with murder was his son, "Clonr wator wins," road a recent headline In tho Sacromonto Union nftor tho passago of Sacriimonto's big bond Issuo to Insuro a clear municipal water supply. "Clenr Wator" ought to contlnuo u winner all over tho country If tho prohibitionists triio to form. Dig lot on Klamath, pavement, near the heart of the city, at $125 por front foot, on easy terms. ' We have a 120x130 ft. apartment house site that would be hard to beat. Price Is $10,000, on terms. We are sure the location will please. Non-resident owner offers for sale a one-story brick building In excel lent location; 35 ft. front, at $15, 600, on easy terms. It is about tho best little building In tho city. I And then wo havo a one-story con-i croto building with 78 ft, front, with "" oxc-ollont in co mo, It's among tho croam of Main St. Ask us about tho price.. Clillcoto &, Smith, (I'M Main. Phono Oil, WRIGLEYS good, we must KEEP it good until you get it. Hence the sealed package impurity-proof -guarding, preserving the delicious con tentsthe beneficial goody. The Flavor Lasts SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT m m m 25' Hoar tho July records nt Shop hords, 71