Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1919) itu.w. m'a , nm, rAoi? Kioirr ei.i: I.MISIIX MAIllMKS I Elbowing With Near-Great at National Capital KLAMATH 1'AI.I.M (Jllll 7 HE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON e k1bF! vbb1I WbW I "'a tnrwvs'Tj SHORTAGE OF 'SMOKES' ACUTE IN BERLIN UIIUI.IN Tho Illicit trail. In rig nn-l'iM lins gnwn to ill. !i piiipuriioti In Herlln that tlic imthnrl.'l' - i cutis .Serins ii nimpaUli .iiMlttit pinfi lof wlin soil Ihi'iii fm iloiilili iniil tulili their vnliu I'lg.irntti's now li'iif Iiih'iiiiii' 'ii ic;irci lluil unf of urit'u r qii.illtv rend I h phiiiiii milt IB rruts mill, uhllt' tlu prlri l pl.ilu. ly iiinrKoil mi rni'li rljsau,tt. the are ilally sold In llu streets b peddli'in for much higher pi Ice vi:i:ir i niuiti: sr.M.Mi:it in ui:xi:v. CHWEVA. .Inly f.. Tlili city Iiiik become ii Hf.vl null Hit to the rhllilirll li i I ninrli Iiiih a! lu"l ili'.iorti'il llio rnlil i "'IiikIo lili'KHi'ilni'iH." fur Unit of munled lillys " Though Ole fiii'inN mo ii'iuly to Ih'IImi' im.wliltig of lidii thu illil not I'M'i'it liliii to K" Hilltn mi fur 'li. uning luil v iiiliiitlni: lir fit turn to Mr. Lumen In Ml Carnl l.wni ii Kliti-r of Mrs, Mont Hamuli r lm l writ known lii'ii' Tin' groom ti'is roiitlnrli-il ii silioi' lepulr itltnp In Kliiniiith Pulls for ii Komi nniu veiir mill If ln ii'IhiIm tlio illffnri'iici'.i thai obstruct tin- life of ii inurrli'il mini ni iltftl iii lit' Iiiih the hIioi'h of tir liiilf llio population of this oily. hi, will Im ii Ioiik niul tuippy life Tin. yoniiK pi'iiplo wore married "C ZSSBB5S - POT V MAmitlcVUtV Visitors t the national capital who dote on c!oe-up of leaders In affairs or tho day have busy ho urn once they turn Into Psnnsylvania-av because It is here that one rubs elbows with the men who are making history. Witness this group of new snapshots just rcteived Left to right. Senator Boise Pen rose of Pa.. Republican leader and chairman of the Senate finance committee. Senator N U. Dial. Inns; term senator to succeed the late Senator Tlllmin of S C . Prank Vanderlip. retired president or the National City Bank. New York. Dr Charles E. Monroe. exploste expert. U S. Bureau of Mines, now nt work on Bolshevik bomb outrages. -Senator Htrtsler' Ball of Delaware, succeeding Senator Saulsbury. Vice President Tom Marshall and Democratic leader. Senator Martin nt Vlrrluln- r.f Wnlim. uul Invited tluni .ill to HU'ti mm if" " " ..r.--pas.isom" w; k' o( tl.o N'miMcr iit;r mon was ovir. mir kIvIiik n hlnl Tlu llrst group of 2 fit) ctillilri'ii li;ivej"f tllr ilillniitlon. arrlrnl. Among th llttlp Kiic'ts iirci th children of officer anil Milliters , An. vou iruttlnK ready? Why. tlon't U. killed In defending tlio celelinited ,you know thnt the KikH nr coming fori r.xnuvu will nnv nil .. .....w.. Otl AllgllSt 14. IS unil 16. NOW gut. WOOD (Ircoii mIiiIih urn "rlpv or. iliT 1 1 1 1 r wlntci' hiiii' I'm' lllork wuoil foi vn,lr roiikur, It In iilwnyn kooJ. I'loiiipl m'i'Vli'i' unil i inn d. on tri'iitnii'iil, nt onr nlni nimnt 0. PEYTON "WimmI to Hum" r,oi Muin I'ltonn 112ri. connocled with the sohemo. I busy MN E TO CUB LOS A.NOKI.KS ("KIKK OK I'OLH'K nELIEVKS XATIOXAL POLICK FORCE SOLl'TlOX OF R.DICAI.. LSM I'.NRER IDEAL CONTROL pie in this city and iiuiIIpiI In the Klamath Kails postofflce required on ly one cent. This Is wrong. All drop letters, or those mulled to people In Klamath Kails, require two cents po tage, just the same as If they were mailed to someone outside of t!." city. The reason for this Is that two cents postage Is required In all dtle javliie canler service. It Is r.o new regulation. It has always been so. N sr IN Are you getting reailv? Why. don't you know that the Elks are I'umltut on August 14, 15 and 16? Now get bti"' GOOD FARM LANDS NN T lllfi (iKOWTH IX HALF CEXTl'RV. ALL FOR ITALY AT PEACE LOS ANOELES. July ."..A nnt'on- al police force, operated a a spir-1 ate and distinctive branch of the Fed-; erat government pos-sesed with , funds sufficient to prosecute the . most relentless invetigatlins ar.d re-1 moved from the rer.!m of polit'r. is' the ideal agency by which t'.io United . States can combat radicalism. In the opinion of John L. Cutler. Chief of Police of Los Angeles who hn l";t returned from a conference of Paclfi1 Coast chiefs of police at San Fran cisco, where the looming tn-nace of inarchy was diseased. PARIS. Ji'l- ." . statistician "'io had made a study of the growth of the population of ParN c',in'" that the city, within Its present limits .;!! have 6.000.000 inhabitants in .rotlicr h-Uf c '111110 and that tin "" ''n of tho re'iartmwrt of the heme. i litrii ii? thinks n'n n n - a part of the capital, will have in creased to 14.300.U00. He bases his figures on the actual development of the city since 1S00 and on the progressive density of ,the population which went from S". "This national police department nhould be strong enough numerica" 3cr-' in lfll to cope with any situation. i'ji r with a sufficient appropriation to undertake a determined campaign against destructlonists ar.d should lie vmpowered by national legislation to call upon, and if necessary to dire"!,' the activities of any local outhorltv, ' Jeclare"s Chief Butler. "The national police force, vhlch the best-informed police officials now , favor, should Iip directed bv esp"r'-l en-'ei. detectives not pollticiars. " , should never be used for political, purpr.v nor for or against labor or i to the acre in 1S61 to 14C to the In 1961 ho anticipates HflK SITE T!) BE READY SODN Iron Is Important for the blood If .lour system lacks Iron, luxe Nitx M'one, the powerful tonic and strength-builder. $1.00 the large bottle. To prevent disease and to pre- servo health and strength, the blood must lie kept rich and pure TECTOXS TRYIXC; TO GAIX HACK and the digestion in proper work- PRE-WAR TRADE AXI CLAIM ing order. Nux-l-Totui. the iwwer- THEY COI'LI) HAVE SECCRED ful ,onlc. contnlnliiK Iron mid Nux omica, in romliluiitloii with llevf and Wine, is a viiltiiibli. uhl In kiin. TA1H.I2 lug the general health In good con- dltlon. $i.iii) the large bottle. C-lt x...,. .. . . (iOOD FARM la.NDS. nOML. -Already German infill- Dandy 40a tract, mostly la alfnl- ence has been exercising Itself In It- fa, suven miles from Kails, fair nly in an endenvur to win hack its bouse, excellent drainage. Price $3.- pre-war trade, which annually had 0U" , T,'n"s , , , One of the best Irrigated 30-urre amounted to nearly two hundred trac, , tho K:im!1,h allty It s million doll irs --t'io't puports on good road, near school, and only Interviews have recently been pub- "'V";'08 'lom K'1""' A larK.ilu at .. . , , .... , , $6,000 Terms lished In Italian papers which en- LarK. .,.,,.,,, tracts I0 uU ,.. deavor to establish the idea In the chaser; also stock ranches in all Italian mind thai, i:d ( .; iniij lnei parts of the county consulted in the matter of Italian n IIOl'SES AND LOTS. Calms at the Peace Conference. ,,. J"" ,;v:!:;:i::-r!; ""J aly would hr.e secured nil that had sower In. Only jiiiHi. been asked. Tills has been Inter- A good lot on llth St. pavement, preted by many prominent Itallanr, at r,u- And a better one at $530, as purely a subtle bid for Italian pat- $6?.0, ""'' $G5I)- . ... , ' 1 (.nnd in r.rnnii limtui mini 1Hi1i somc ronage anticipating the resuscitation Sc100i j.rIc IJnl.. t1u0o. with Iinmedlatu possession. tween Italy and Germany. Men four-room house and small ., , , .. i . , barn, one block from Main St at $1,- Chlef among the Interviews ap- 150 Kasy torlllH i.08st..ssOI, SOOI1. pearlng In Italy were those of Prlnco Good live-room furnished house In Von Iluelow nnd Count Von Hern- Kod location, lnrgo lot, garuge. Prlcw storff The former was married to 2.l,). -'ay lerniK an Italian and maintains In Italy one Z &!i& of the most elaborate villas. Italians St., at $2,000, on easy terms. contend that it u.m hi- iliject t.- m. Rl'SIXESS PROPERTY. licit Italian favor when he said: Largo lot on Klamath Ave., pave ment nt leuu Minn i.e. timt ., & miiii; 1.-. uu iiauu.i tii. u mm iriisi. easy terms. SOME ONE HAS SAID THIS WAS THE "GAR. DEN OF EDEN," and it is yet, if one is to judge by kindness. The people of Klamath Falls have done all in their pow er to make this place a success, and we thank you. If your affairs need adjusting please come to 1027 Main or call 3S2. Agnes H. Eskelson rano win cover iy,.iiio acres, prac tically the entire territory of the De partment of the Seine and communes of the Department of of friendly commercial relations be- $250 cash Seine et Oije. r nni. .i.i capit.T and should never become in- FREE OROl'XDS OX THE SHORE go to Italy. All Its Inhabitants are lllg lot " on Klamath, pavement. OF LAKE TAHOE OPEX TO THE Italian except a small minority. Kv- near the heart of the city, at ?l2f. PL'RLIC OX JULY lit EVERY ervthlnir In Plume l itniinn tn ti Pr ftont foot, on easy terms CONVENIENCE TO HE ARRANG- most Hungarians living in Flume ED CAMPING PERIOD GOV vciveu in tneir aittprences. tip or-1 ganization should be one to which, i eould be reported for proper Inqiil-v , any suspicious acts of nersons, com-' ing to the rotice o' city, county o state authorities, civic organisations . or individuals; in other words, it, should be a centralized ERXED BY DEMAND SACRAMENTO. Calif. A free clearing camping ground on the shore of Lake nouse .or uaia lor me proiecuon ox Tahoe ,n ,he Serra Neva(Ia Inoun. our people and Industries against tafn8j belng prepared by tho Btate anarchy or radlcaHsm." w,n be readjr for u'e by the puI),c ,..- .. -. I before July 13 It was announced to- UKdll .IIAIU XllilJ RFQUIRKS TWO CENTS "a' b' Georfe,NeaIe' " "sh an1 Germany is ready to forget the past Price.. KhQUTRhS TWO CENTS. coran,l8f,oner for the Northern Pll(,, We have a 120x130 ft. apartment hoiiho situ that would bo hard tn are more favorable to Italian than heat Price Is $10,000, on terms. to Jugo-Slav rule." We aro sure thu location will please. r, . ,. ti , , . , Non-resident owner offers for sale Count Von H,rnstorff seeks In his a ono.8lory ,lrck hMMnK , cxcpI. Interview Intended for the Italian lent location; 3fi ft. front, at $1G,. people to forgive Italy for allying her COO, on easy tonus. It Is about tho self with Germany's enemies. He beht "ulc ''"ll'Hng In tho city, admits that had the ancient German crZl TS despotic rule won, Italy would hint excellent Income. U'h among the never been forgiven but that the new cream of Main St. Ask us about the Clillcote & Smith, 0!!3 Main. 41(1. PROGRESSIVE PHARMACY l-l--l"H-r-l-r-l-l-l-H"l-l-l"l-l"l-l-l-l--l--l-l-l-l-l-r1"l"IH-l--l- Wonderful progress is being made in medic al science and new remedies are constantly being discovered. This creates new prob lems for the pharmacist and makes it imper ative that your PRESCRIPTIONS be Hilled by those who are wholly competent and who have these newer remedies on hand Your physician will be pleased if we fill the prescriptions which he writes, because he knows that we have everything prescribed and that our compounding is done with skill and care. Let Us Fill Your Next Prescription nnrjerwoods mm WV KLAMATH FALLS OREGON THn? 1 tz I "WTXH WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY TMCIR DRUGS m lACCVRftCftJ A large number of the businessmen and residents of this city are laboring i , under the impression that when the government reduced letter postage from three cents to two cents. It also meant that letters addr9ssed to peo-, TO THE PUBLIC. It gives us pleasure to announce District of California. Camping sites that will accomodate eightv ilii0" parties at one time, have been laid ' i out on the site of the old stat'i fl-li ' hatchery, a short distance from Ta hoe City. ' Drinking fountains have been In- j stalled and water will lie accessible to each lot for cooking purposes. He- tl.of ... !,,. ,,.,,,,! M, oo.-lcu nf lu,c ""-" OUHIIIICJ II1U CIIIIIIIIISBIUU limb maiq awui:, i rav , ,.t.o ... , Mr. Frank Robinson to take charge hope? to have shower baths Install of our Photo Department. eu io; Ja cciivonlenco of the camp- Next to our immense Drug and e a complete sewage system and Prescription business, we consider),, ' ... ,..., .. , . , , the Kodak Department tl . ma-. p..n - 3 -"'"'rator have been In of our business, the grow '1 in 'his i ---1 s,-""e ' I partment having been so phr-iomei al' TIu- tr ct of thirteen acres owned that we have been compelled to pro-,i,y the state has a frontage on the! X cTir Mr. ZZVl'l ? T T "" Paral,e,8' Druggist with a wide experience in,tne ,,ack llno of tho Property. The photographic work, especially X-Ray number of camping sites will bo mov-l and Micro-photography and ho will ed to a new site purchased by the IKfBvuuny uevmoii uuu iinni yourB,nfo Tll,Q ,. ,,, . ,, , ,, Through Thick and Thin films, and will give the same skill! and care to them that he does to his X-Ray and Microscopical work. If you are not getting the results with your films that you ought to get, come In and see Mr. Robinson; he will be glad to meet you and to give you the benefit of his experience. YOU OUGHT TO GET GOOD PICTURES. There Is no reason' why you should not, so if you are 'not, come In and see us. We want you to mako your- aell at homo in this store, and to feel that wo will do anything that lies In our power to help you to ob tain better pictures, and what Is more, we will give you the best work that can be done in this city, at no more cost to;you than you would pay oisewnere. ' EASTMAN KODAK HEADQUARTERS STAR DRUG CO. Southern--Oregon's Most Complete Drug Store. free camping ground on tho lake shore. Whllo automobile owners are expected to patronize the camp in large numbers, the commission has emphasized that the camp will be open to all who desire to use It. A superintendent will be In charge to make assignments to camp sites. Among the rules and regula tions is a provision that the time of the camping period will be gov erned by the demand. It will be limited to fourteen days or at the discretion of the superintendent the regulations say. given to the Glornale d' Italia re cently has been treated In the saint ::: light as that of Prince Von Duolow, wrlle Italians aro saying of It, "we prefer to trust in victory than alter natives." Count Ilernstorff fnlled to arouse any great enthusiasm among the Italians for the proffered forgiveness. But tho Germans have not been asleep In Italy. Already Gorman goods are finding their way Into tho thick and thin . Italian markets. A Milan newspa per recently announced that a large HE S YOUR MAN. shipment of Gorman Jewelry hart For fifteen years Diamond Tires been received at tho frontier, destln- i,aVo seen other tires como and go, ed for all parts of Italy. German m through thick and thin printing products, tourists guide books and stationery have been on display in shop windows for weeks. Some of them were pre-war stock, but by far the greater part is new. Tlio man who has the grit and tenacity to stick to his Job, no mat ter what the difficulties, through PHvHlHHi ll ttUfBBIl WlWWrtWVWWWWWWlW TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Experienced woman or girl for general housework. Phono 297. 5tf Just Remember this. The dates tor the Elks' Convention are August 14, day for you' to do what should be llntld lial.A ilia H11r.s a tin.... mm August 14, IS and 16, What are you 'FOR KENT Furnished rooms for uoingj gentlemen, 7ti wainut sc. t-n BUSINESS FOR SALE--Less thart $1000.00 will buy good paying bu siness In Klamath Falls, Place to live cheap rent for premises wife cvn run business while man works out Inquire Moral 1 office. 5-"" COOK WAITED Wtman, or man and wife', Man for outside wortc. William h. Tlngley, R. F D, No. 1. -2t WANTED- Girl .'or light housowork. Phone 317 W. 6-tf. SQVEEGEEmWWar TIRES the tires with tho red sido walls havo demonstrated their grit and te nacity, tho qualities of service and economy wanted by every motorist, that have given them the reputation of holding their customers year after year. M you want a tiro that will make you .come back for more, buy one I uiamona. DIAMOND TIRE & VUL CANIZING CO. 120 S. 6th St squeeoeWWHTtires need tieW mmmk ( Wf) ''' -& Your razor is v9Wi-S$M$ no better than W ifW'tj r i 3 ji. fa I f M Tho strong, keen-cutting convex edges of Gem Damaskccnc Blades removes the toughest stubble and tendcrest growth with velvet-like smoothness. The life of each blade is remark ably long. To know the luxury of velvet-like, mooth self-shaving, you must shave with Gem Damaskccnc Blades. They leave your face with that smooth, comforublc feeling. Wc sell a sefof seven Gem Damaskeenc Blades for 50 cents. Our store is shavers' headquarter. Baldwin Hardware Company 'The House of Quality" i Tan .KiwnmryPMMMK rfyf ,- "JJ-Wr-! " " ?Vmr ' " " "